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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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What food should we take to mars?
Cockmeat sandwiches and roach milk
Same food we took to the Arctic.
Peanut butter
All high-calorie foods
Mars bars
vegan bros...
>gabagool in space
Is there any eyetalian astronaut?
Well we had better get it back. There's no telling what the Martians could do with that kind of nougat!
How would they deal with lack of vitamin c and constipation?
Mars bars
Probably by having a strong constitution unlike your feeble self
Me? I would take crab legs
I'm actually very interested in food science and military food. MREs and space foods are really cool, it's amazing how long they can make food that's calorie dense but still last years
Tell me some things that i can do at home to preserve food. My father basically started the tradition of buying a lot of oniion in the peak season when it's cheap as hell, and then chopping it in slices and sun drying it so that we can get to eat it all around the year. It's a very effective method, the water evaporates and we can store a few months worth of onion in a single jar

You guys have any such stories or intresting ways to preserve foods?
Food for robots lmao
Humans arent going to Mars, ever
Emergen-C and cum enemas, gotta pass the time somehow.
>vitamin c and constipation?
i have the cure for both of those
I'm sure we'll get there, I'm just not sure if we'll make it to the surface alive.
horse semen
cockroach milk
gutter oil
fly eggs
this thread really isn't far off from what it will actually be if you think about it. Elon will certainly ration out his semen to the youth.
tomato soup
ayy lmao
We ain't gonna be trecking across miles of desert, we're gonna be in shitty lil bases. I imagine loads of freaze dried stuff and seeds to grow.
Took me 2 days to get it lmao
grape cigarillos and steel reserve 40oz
OP's ass
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a pill? It's not the fucking 1600s anymore anon
Potatoes, ze bugz, and chickens. Ve feed ze bugz ze leftover potato scraps and ze chicken vill eat ze bugs. Ve vill be happy.
no idea about this stuff but I assume pickling or salting would be the way to go
The same that's proven to work with each ethnicity on Earth. Will take time to adapt to Martian conditions for both the humans and their food.
Wouldn't those just be "bars" up there?
water, they already grok it
microgreens and food pellets probably
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Return to tradition. Return to pemmican.
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Need to keep your energy up.
Two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
>men and dogs
All you need!
Stargazey pie
I have a feeling getting drunk on mars would have some unforeseen consequences
How do we get enough cows to Mars that they don’t get inbred
I want cheeseburgers on Mars eventually
me and the boys did some brainstorming and it spiraled into a legit research paper
If I remember when I get home, I'll repost it
basically, you have 3 main options to get nutrition (besides importing importing Crisco and beef jerky from Earth)

1) aquaponics
fish poo fertilizes water -> plants clean water -> we eat plants and fish
rice and beans mostly, due to highest nutritional yield, but any veggie is possible

2) bioreactors
various types of algae (some are ideal for oil, some are for protein)
mycoprotein (mycelium has very similar texture as meat)
I'm not convinced cultivated meat is at the stage where you can rely on it, but in 20 years, it could be

3) chemical reactors
you can make basic edible chemicals 100% synthetically from CO2 and water (although whether you would be healthy in long term is questionable)
oil is very simple - Germans were making synthetic fat back in WWII using coal flue gas as feedstock
the only reason why margarine isn't made from tar today is that sneed oils are even cheaper
sugar, vitamins and amino acids for supplements would be also doable
Are they going to use nuclear power on Mars? Seems to be the only viable power source as Mars solar is too weak for supporting humans and required infrastructure. I ask because I've looked into aquaponics for my own use and energy inputs makes it of questionable value here on Earth, at least in temperate zones.
Gonna need to maintain that bone strength.
>um ackshually milk doesn't-
That sounds like lactose intolerant talk to me.
the main trouble I see is, nobody has reactor for sale that could fill the niche perfectly, that you could buy and launch tomorrow.
you have NASA with piddly 1kW reactor, you have (terrestrial) commercial "small" modular reactors that are around 500+ tons and you have some startups that may or may not exist tomorrow
meanwhile, PVs are completely off-the-shelf solution that's infinitely scalable

>Seems to be the only viable power source as Mars solar is too weak for supporting humans and required infrastructure.
Not at all. If you do the math, solar is as good or even better than nuclear reactors, if you compare the weight to electric power ratio, even if you take into account extra batteries and lower solar flux.
The main value nuclear power brings is waste heat you can use to melt ice and things like that. And of course, being a steady source of power.

>I ask because I've looked into aquaponics for my own use and energy inputs makes it of questionable value here on Earth
Yeah, I mean growing rice in Thailand will always be cheaper than growing rice In East End London.
but if you have no arable land, aqua/hydroponics is the only real option.
I've been there and it's fucking cold. Grazing on dried chillies really helped keeping the temp manageable
Solar is massively intermittent, has huge dispatchability problems, and needs huge subsidies here on earth. Its not going to beat nuclear on Mars with half the solar flux on a good day and even less when dust storms are raging for months at a time.
steel reserve
When billions are being spent on the Mars mission, no one will give a single fuck about accommodating veganism. Nutrition and calories and efficient storage and preparation will be the priorities, veganism or vegetarianism will add needless challenge and complexity and make it harder to keep astronauts in shape and prevent their muscles from atrophying.
If any vegans ever live on Mars, they will be native-born Martians in the relatively far future
Lab grown meat or human cattle. Man burgers.

This is the way to go (at least at first) as there is plenty of water (ice) but no viable soil on Mars and making it will be difficult.

>the main trouble I see is, nobody has reactor

See pic related.
Wrong. Vegan food will be more easily accessible and made by the time we have the technology to colonize mars. We likely won't even be raising livestock at this point. Lab meat will be the norm, 99% of the world will be vegan by then. Only crazy ludite cannibals who will be bountied as kill on site will eat meat. The modern omnivore will be the equivalent untouched tribes. Barbarians who deserve to die.
>by the time we have the technology to colonize mars
But not during the first few exploratory trips in the next couple decades.
And I'm not sure lab grown/cultured meat will be considered vegan, since it's still grown from real animal muscle cells. Milk and eggs are taken from animals without killing them, but are not considered vegan
Diet Pepsi and Polish Stuffed Cabbage.
This post made me think of sucking on the huge tids of an anthro cockroach and calling her mommy and gave me a stiffy. Frick you.
>When billions are being spent on the Mars mission, no one will give a single fuck about accommodating veganism.
Yes and no. Nobody will worry about it, but if it turns out to be the most efficient method then that's what will ship. What it's very unlikely to be is steaks all day every day.
There's still a lot of physical work to do. It's more than just an office job.
In what way?
submarine reactors are a lot heavier than you think, weighing between 1000-2000 tons
the only reactors under 100 tons are either incomplete paper projects or are being made in Russia/China
Westinghouse AstroVinci and USNC Pylon look promising though
that's not that big of an issue
plants had to live with having no lights at night for some time now
couple tons of batteries can solve the rest
A bottle of lemon juice
hopefully, i mean they probably taught the galaxy how to eat
Booba juice
Whay does this tread get to stay up but my thread about what to feed my horse get deleted??
>called a cannery
>just wraps things in wax paper
what the fuck
>what food should we take to Mars?

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Food per person per launch window is such a small percentage of total Starship lift mass that you can probably eat whatever you want, as long as it can be dried or frozen. Maybe no eggs for a while. Eventually the bulk of calories will be manufactured with air mining and electricity
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Jiggs dinner is perfect.
>veggies can be grown locally
>salt beef can be shipped in bulk and it lasts forever
>delicious and easy to make
>high calorie and nutritious
It's the perfect dish for martians.
Were you asking if it was OK to feed your horse a 72oz steak from the Big Texan Steak Ranch? If he eats it all in one hour or less, the meal is FREE!
wtf this is a great idea
>submarine reactors are a lot heavier than you think, weighing between 1000-2000 tons
They most definitely weight even more than that if you consider the rest of the power plant of a pwr design. Even if you use water from Mars the size of the condensers, steam generators, and turbines are all much larger than a higher temperature reactor design.
DoD is currently funding a handful of startups making a micro reactor that fits inside a shipping container and the most promising one cycles helium instead of water. This is no longer related to food and cooking
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Mars is a land of colossal days-long sandstorms you utter retard
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Based newfie bro.
potato chips and pocari sweat
>the methane byproduct can be used as fuel
NASA needs you, Anon.
Pop Tarts actually
Crickets and cockroaches would be the most efficient source of protein for space travelers.
Beat me to it. But on second thoughts you should've said Snickers for a more subtle joke
Are you really going to Mars OP?
Yup. this is about what I take bike packing.
Except peanut butter. It usually comes in glass jars and I don't want to carry the extra weight.
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Powering a Mars colony isn't a big problem, a transportable nuke reactor is perfectly feasible, the issue is growing food there because there is no SOIL on Mars, it's just sterile sand with no biomass or organisms needed for plants to grow, the soil would need to be "manufactured" on Mars by the colonists (though that is doable also).

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