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Chinese buffets were good a decade and a half ago.
I dont remember the polar bear, only the penguin
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Chili Mac was discontinued in 2023, I miss it so much. Reminded me of lunch at my buddy's house as a kid. Guy's a total scumbag with at least 3 DUIs now.
McD hot cherry pies, a cousin and I would sometimes meet up after school and would get these cherry pies, we would each count the cherries as we ate them and whoever got the most was winner for the day. If that's not nosalgic then I don't what is.
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Fish and Candy
Cut my lips on both the foil and the top so many times.
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even the drink inside was terrible, as I recall.
I never got to try the super bar, but theres so much of old wendy's I miss. Starting to agree with yellow wendy's being the best time for wendy's
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I got one of these a few weeks ago at the aquarium lol
Based elaine eating a big salad.
My local wendys still has their sunroom despite getting remodeled twice
Ooh I remember this, although I'm a zoomer and the branding was different in 2002
My mom never bought those for us, because we had dry unseasoned chicken, canned vegetables, and box mashed potatoes instead.
your mom loved you
I wish she loved herself more, cause she had to eat the same shit she cooked for us. I would never bake chicken breasts unsalted for 30 minutes at 425°F for myself.
>be me
>have Kid Cuisine as a child in the 2000s
>become an adult
>see it in the store and purchase one for nostalgia reasons
>make it for myself when I get home
>it tastes fucking awful
I remember it being the best thing ever as a kid, did it always taste like shit?
>did it always taste like shit
Yes, you just didn't have a real meal, outside of what momma mad, to compare it to.
Boy I sure love brownies with corn in them
It's because children mentally handicapped and easily fall for colorful/playful marketing. Honestly advertising towards kids has to be low effort as fuck, it doesn't take much to impress them
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It's borderline illegal to buy these as an adult if you don't have a kid in tow.
Thats why god invented amazon
I remember they had soda machines at my school just outside every building.
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I got the Tyson dinos and they are so greasy for some reason.
>Healthy kids entrée
Does the tomato in the sauce legally make the entire thing a vegetable?
Apparently anything according to the stupid American government is good for all, "do as we say, not as we do"
Is he gay? I wanna fuck him. I wanna fuck his butt.
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I just found this on wegmans, was looking for other stuff and looked for chili mac, there it is.
What did the funpak consist of?
crisco, condoms, and cucumbers. The triple C that all homos know.
Nah I always remember thinking that lunchables tasted like shit (especially the pizza one) and preferred being packed sandwiches
That doesn't sound so bad. I'll look for it whenever there's a sale.
We experimented a lot but I don't think he's gay.
My dad used to yell at me when I made this because the dinosaurs were still visible and he thought it was undercooked
No matter how much your retarded father mentally/physically abused you, just know it wasn't enough.
This used to be a proper country. Shame.
Got a 50 pack of these for like $3 last year and they were so so bad. Just not enjoyable at all, I'd just take them in one drink but probably 20 of them stayed in my fridge for months before I threw them out.
how many do you remember getting in them?
soda consumption peaked in the late 90s.
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life was better then
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Yeah I still buy these and have no intention of stopping.
they brought this back, saw it at the store recently.
The state actually banned sodas in school in the mid-2000s.
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i remember it
That's awesome Mickey Rooney took part in an advertisement for a small business.
One specific brand of these had a pina colada flavor I loved. They went to a different brand and I haven't seen it since.
I ordered my groceries via delivery some months back and the lady replaced a can of diced tomatoes with 10 cans of spaghettios.
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Seems like a decent deal, you should check the receipt and bank account to make sure that you weren't over billed.
I don't know it was a long time ago, maybe 12-15 cherries
It was likely 8 or so cherrys, when as a little kid just after school I wasn't counting too accurate.
makes me think of the old mcbolans commercial where they made the 3rd generation Chinese American guy affect a stereotypicar a ching chong accent and and he ate le chicken mcbugget with the chopsticks
You can find wegmans in all major NY cities/towns. Hell, even fucking Elmira has one. If you didn't have to deal with locals the one in Ithaca would be so much better.
Last Wings game I went to they RAPED the Mets but I was too late to get a sundae hat and I was mad as FUCK
“ The FDA revoked the standards of identity and quality for frozen cherry pies in April 2024. The agency deemed the regulations, "...no longer necessary to promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers."”

sounds about right, effective governance ftw
Pretty crazy that 2 steak pies were cheaper than a salad bar trip
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i havent seen a Roy Rogers around since the 90s when I was a little kid (tho apparently theres still around here and there) i miss that fixins bar!
Drive the New Jersey turnpike.
Do they still have them? The parkway did for ages but finally got rid of them. Now it’s all burger kings and shake shacks
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Roy Rogers Gold Rush sandwich is a 10/10 menu item. I make it a point to grab one whenever I see a Roy Rogers sign along the highway.
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90s Wendy's Pita
Fuck that looks so gross. I hope Roy goes 100% bankrupt as soon as possible
fuck these were good, best thing in my lifetime they ever had on the Wendys menu, these were what got me hooked on chicken caesar pits or wraps as a kid. i still try to replicate my own that comes out pretty good but not quite as good as the Wendys one. i microwave a small naan pita for like 15 seconds and use my own grilled chicken i barbecued then add the shredded parmesan cheese sticks like they had, some romaine and carrot sticks and use this brand of caesar dressing (ive heard this is what they used on them back in the day) comes out pretty damn close
you can also order a chicken caesar salad from wendys and then dump it onto the heated pita at home
Those always sucked
Missed the sundaes? Hopefully you at least got beers
lol 420 weed dude tripping out at the salad bar
holy piss this just gave me a blast to the past when i was young and my mom and i actually got along. she'd take me to the wendy while w e ran errands and she'd get one of these and id always get a chicken sandwich meal and put that chili sauce on the fries
Just remember that you only get one mom and she pumped you out
Did you and you cousin ever...you know...?
Hell no, my cousin younger by like one year was a total hottie, that would be crossing a line. She did have some really hot friends.
That's the kind of line that once crossed can never be uncrossed.
I still had soda machines in my high school in through the mid 2010s. They sold coke and water
Hell we never had any machines in my high school, we could go in and out whenever we wanted.
That seems kind of weird like michelle obama bullshit
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>nothing but sugar, carbs and grease
No wonder millennials grew up so fucked up
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That's kinky looking and remindes of these good humor ice cream trucks
Fuck the pepsi, I'll go for the cheetos
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I'm a zoomer, and pic related is the Kid Cuisine I have nostalgia for.
It's on their website, they have all the ingredients in store, but they do me dirty
Howard Johnson's Fried Clams
NJ also
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>grilled chicken i barbecued
The coating on this and the banquet fried chicken dinners (i think it started as a breast and a wing, or a thigh and a leg, but eventually became two thighs?) as amazing if you microwaved it long enough.
i haven't seen bone in banquet chicken dinners in a while
i mean i grilled it on the barbecue lol sorry my english not so good because i from new jersey
I know this was the OP image for the last thread but I'm still thinking about these mini pizzas, rip
in canada, pizza comes in bags
When was the last time that you got dredged up from the pine barrens in NJ?
Jesus christ
That's grim, the only that saves you is that you Canadians have some really hot chicks.
>mtn dew
>diet mtn dew
>diet peepsi
>canada dry
where's the fucking fruitopia you machine
Right with my Welches Grape, just ask your mom and sister, they'll know.
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Does anyone else remember when the paint on the walls would flake off into big crunchy pieces? They tasted really sweet, like the candy coating on m&ms.
The ones in my house tasted like Zinfandel.
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The chicken has become rubbery as well. I used to like them until a year ago. Sucks, cause they were affordable and yummy.
i ate this and miss this
Ignore all other responses. These products had their recipes and ingredients changes to be cheaper to produce, causing the destruction of any quality they once had while the cost of purchasing skyrocketed.
malt o meal blueberry muffin toasters cereal. it was my favorite cereal for 10+ years until it disappeared one day. i've been told this is still around but it isn't available anywhere near me in the two states I've lived in the past several years. it was brought back last year but i never saw it and i can't confirm if it's still available.
Are rochesterites just devoid of anything nice? Why would you hold any pride over a "local" fuck-me-in-the-ass-with-prices grocery store? Wegmans is where you go when you want to spend way more on shit you could get at a savealot, quality markets, hell even the local shur-fine general store for way less money.
Never saw that flavor. Incidentally, at least locally, their honey nut cheerios equivalent completely disappeared. It's also a shame that the entire brand only maintains its role as the nice and cheap cereal option because its ridiculously overpriced $5.76/bag price on everything but the puffed rice stuff is cheaper than the $6 12 ounce boxes of cheerios.
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it wasn't. you were just young and not beaten down by life yet.
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Not him, but all these foods people are posting were made with something resembling quality ingredients. It's no secret these companies are cutting costs and adding substitute ingredients that taste worse.
Meant for >>20687069
Schools can sell diet sodas now I believe, at least in my state. I only graduated highschool a few years ago and they had diet sodas in the vending machines outside the cafeteria.
Which ones? lol
I don't know why but our (white) women are manly looking and masculine as fuck.
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I live in NJ and I'm nowhere near a Wegmans, it sucks
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roy rogers, huh, didnt know that was a thing
>i miss kenny rogers roasters

they have them in asia
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Mickeybros...those were the days
I'll have a couple ground royales and some beers
Stephanie McMahon wasn't the only underage girl getting THE MACHO MAN'S sweet white stuff down her throat OH YEAH
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Salad is gay so it cost more lmao.

Funnily enough Georgie Pie was founded by a 2nd generation Chinese-New Zealander. He even lived most of his childhood back in China. I never doubted that Chinese people were racist, but surprisingly it's towards themselves too.
I decided to try them for the first time after seeing so many memes and so much talking about dino nuggies, and... They suck. They're bland and rubbery and taste worse than the nuggets at my school lunch. Unironically Banquet chicken nuggets are better because at least the breading has a bit of flavor and pepper.
nuggets are just a vessel to maneuver sauces into your mouth, a paintbrush to your palette if you will.
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wow nearly identical to my jr high lunch room. I can smell this picture.
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holy shit is this real?
did they have spicy chicken sandwiches back then?
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Campbell's Chunky line specifically always smells like dog food when you open it.
Are you anons spastic?
This looks great
It's ok once aired out
what did you expect, its corn syrup water with articial colouring and flavouring
we call those noggers here
yeah. it's only right as it opens. still pits me off the stuff.
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A taste worth standing in line for!
Georgie Pie was. New Zealand's native fast food chain. Then McDonalds bought them and replaced all locations with McDonalds. Fuck I hate McDonalds so much.
i want to forget my childhood, i consider it a dark time.
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Ain't that the pasta that makes you gay?
not thats pozz e fagioli
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what the FUCK was kr*ger thinking removing this? they were some of the best chips on their generic lineup
>ay boss the masses want more sour cream n onion, more generic cheddar flavors!
america has no steak flavored chips. why?
I moved away right when they were still in stores but I loved them. No surprise they didn't keep them around.
Where do you get those? I never see them anywhere.
You're allowed to spell kroger, you dont some stuipd ass assterisk in there
it did used to be that sure. not its watered down corn syrup water. you can see through the barrels now because its so watered down.
Wegmans is down to north Carolina now.
I miss the old bbq sauce from Carl's Jr, it was thick and kind of had a kick to it, the sweet shit they give you today just doesn't do it.
The fucking commercial for these gave me a vore fetish. https://youtu.be/fHCK04ti_aM
Walmart, fred meyer, safeway, they have them anywhere. I think my costco even has a big box of them
So you can buy these cups, they come from a restaurant supplier called Carlisle. About 3 usd per each, last forever.
sorry, i don't like kr*ger. it's all overpriced goods, sans the private select sloppa.
with these gone and the red baron pizza boat recipe being changed i no longer buy any form of mini pizza
I'll eat this slop anytime it goes on sale, I'll admit to that. But the most annoying thing is that it turns into a 4th of July celebration when you microwave it which sucks if you're using it for a work lunch. Pretty much all canned chili does that because of the beef fat I assume. Still annoying to try and cover it securely while it heats.
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Any of you actually try this shit? Just looked gross to me.
Kid cuisine is inedible. Hated having dinner at a friends house as a kid and getting one of these and feeling rude for not eating it.
I think a lot of kids had the same experience where they begged their parents to buy it and when they did you only used it once because it made the food very unappetizing.
I remember the color looking not nearly as vibrant as it did in the ads, much more grey which made it look even grosser.
Same here. Everyone I've ever heard mention it says the same.
I'm sure it's less rare than I think but it still always trips me out to randomly stumble onto local cities mentioned on quiet 4chan boards.
I’m going to have a healthy drink and get a fruitopia
You know not every parent has their kids with them when shopping and no one can tell who’s eating the groceries you’re buying
>Jr high
This thread is filled with trash.
Of corshe
I know there's still some left but nowhere near me anymore
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why are Wendy's commercials so kino?
Shrek's ketchup is green because he has green skin.
Why is Fiona's red?
Dave was a simple man dedicated to providing a quality product, and he instilled that into this company. That doesn't exist today, in wendy's or the world for that matter.
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That kinda speaks for itself.
You don't even know how good things used to be
Red hair, dumbass.
You could get four bags of chips or two candy bars for a dollar. You could get twenty peppermint balls for that same price. When a Snickers cost 60c, that was the beginning of the end.
Fuck Hannaford for getting rid of this.
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Dinty Moore is a funny thing to say
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I thought that was a pile of molars at first.
Holy shit this nigga OLD
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I've thought about driving three hours to visit a surviving one, but I think it would just make me sad.
>using K-On! to represent
Rochester is a shithole, noted.
Name a cereal mascot that could defeat him
I always wanted kid cuisine as a kid and my parents never got it for me. Only cheap ass banquet meals because they were cheapos. Sure kid cuisine is just banquet in a different box, but I will eat one someday.
it's clearly crossed over. Can't you see they've even written PEPSI underneath
I remember enjoying the green ketchup and thinking it was cool, and we also tried the purple. We only bought them each once because the novelty wore off pretty quick. I wouldn't say it tasted bad, just tasted like ketchup with food coloring. It wasn't gray or discolored like >>20690934 described though, maybe he had some old bottles or something because the colors were very vibrant.
I want the kosh ball
Just remembered these.
That judgy bitch is probably dead by now
I'm autistic so I kept asking my parents to buy purple until they discontinued it.
Deep sea one with submarines and sunken treasure chests was better.
The nuggies were better back then too. Wendy's along with everyone else has had a huge drop in quality.
No wendys and mc donalds nuggies used to be better. Sauces like these are to make the current shit palpable to children and normies. RIP popeyes Delta Sauce we hardly knew ye
Battery acid
Too sweet
Literal dog vomit
Fat ass
>muh gaudy corporate lighting
>muh fruit juice
go eat an orange the way god intended lardo
also dog vomit
They still sell these and they're fucking awful, literally empty carbs, soulless food, do millennials really?
dog vomit times three
these weren't bad
Literal who "restaurant"
Goy slop in a bag, how amiable of them.
All garbage, not even gonna bother with the rest because it's all going to be the same goyslop as before, boomerlennials once again proving to the rest of the world how utterly devoid of substance and personality they are that they reminisce over fucking fast food lmao only in Ohio bro
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I don't know what the big block of cheese they had at the salad bar was but I've never had anything like it. Asked the waitress but she gave some bullshit name. It was probably just bulk cheddar but it didn't taste like cheddar.
>mass reply
nobody cares kys
Why the hell did my parents let me get this shit and why did i want it
Because it was advertised on tv and because they wanted you to shut up for 5 minutes
Pretty fuckin Sexy ngl
Blue raspberry was a top-tier choice.
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Meant for >>20700820
Have another pic.
Ate at one of these in the midst of a 14 hour road trip in upstate NY and almost shit myself to death
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The ones around now are pretty much the same in flavor honestly
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These were great.
Well nobody knows how chingy and chongy they are like a member of their own race. Plus most of the Asians hate each other and even other members of there own immediate Asian sub-group
The nostalgic part is the vending machines didn't used to have bars, but now all the coons have the satan possessing their blood and you can't have shit here.
Nah, she's probably alive, she passes judgement on you, but forgets literally the second you're out of view from the dementia.
>holy shit is this real?
It was glorious. It had pizza & pasta on it, tacos, and everything imaginable to go on a salad. I remember going there once when I was like 10 or something and making a salad so huge my mom made me bring it home and finish it.
No prob mom. Thing was at least an 1/8 lb. of ham cubes, sunflower seeds and croutons.
Yep. Now everyone is a closet alcoholic.
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Sweet Jesus take me back
Mine had em when I left school in 2012. I remember the Dew-mocracy promotions from mountain dew and my school was the first place I saw that would get the new ones. I can still remember what typhoon and distortion tasted like
I forgot about these, I always used to try and get the the grated cheetos
Damn, where I grew up we had a place called Ponderosa. Which was like a buffet but delicious, I think you could order food too. Wonder if they are like the same
>battery acid
Poser exposed. >>20677008 were extremely watery and had hardly any flavor at all. You’re just making shit up. Entire post discarded
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fucking devastated i never tried this

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