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File: Honey.-Maple-Ham-Steak2.jpg (112 KB, 1200x801)
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Where? Is it under that weird pink piece of paper?
I'd rather have a fried ham steak than a beef steak
You must be from bongland
>Oil frying a ham steak
It's a really fatty cut that benefits from having lots of air touch it. Put it on the grill or a cut bake sheet.
You gotta use canola oil to fry it because it will leak out the stickiest juices you can imagine.
You want to catch that in a wide over safe pan that you've been baking soft veggies in like eggplants or broccoli.
Then you can save the gravy and the rest of a literal kilo of meat and mix a really good rice dish the next day.
That's an idea. Or you can also do what I do which is fry bread in the juices like bacon and sausage. It's really good and a good way to get rid of bread you may have. But yeah, frying it in vegetables and things too is good I guess. I just don't bother the messy and time taking process of getting it out of the pan.
I just put it on top of vegetables and bake them in the oven, tossing the vegetables when I turn the steak.
Then when I serve it up I use a slotted spoon to leave as much dripping behind to add a little bit of cornflour to make it into a gravy.

Fuck I love pork.

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