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Post bread that you've baked, or bread that you'd like to bake, or questions about baking bread.

I made a light rye loaf last night, this is my second attempt at it and my first time successfully kneading by hand, up until now I've just been doing overnight no knead stuff. The dough really can smell fear.
And the crumb
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I've done the king Arthur baking no knead which is essentially the same dough except after the first rise let it ferment in the fridge up to a week before forming, it gives it a very nice sourdough tang. Love simple peasant bread like that, it's just great.
I had a similar issue, so i'd just make a double batch of dough and bake one first, then leave the other to sit for a week.
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epi baguette with garlic, black pepper and rosemary
Looks great! I’d like a toasted slice of that with a little butter please
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it was a low hydration 60% dough with butter mixed in because i initially was making burger buns
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a lot more oven spring then expected, it almost looks like a braid
i'm reying it again tonight with a 80% hydration but i think thats to high because it kinda blopped after i cut it
jesus that looks beautiful
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Every time I tell myself it'll be worth the extra effort, and then it never is.
Yea but you can flex on this guy
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Old potato quality pic but that is homemade half wholemeal bread with homemade spicy lentil, tomato, blackbean and carrot coup. It was very tasty. I like the bread culture of Germany. French bread is too insubstantial for my taste.
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had it with some chicken mushroom tortellini soup
my bread is always burnt on the outside and raw on the inside
maybe lower the temp and add steam to protect the crust
What temperature are you baking it at? And for how long?
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The last time I ever baked bread. It went... poorly.
More like ebin baguette, amirite? Hon hon hon
Keep at it, I've made some fuckin stinkers and I'm sure that I will make more. Few things can go quite as wrong, with so little warning, as a loaf of bread.
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How convenient, came to this board to talk bread. I made a bread last night in my multicooker, whole wheat with sunflower seeds, did the kneading by hand. It was a bit dense but very tasty. What can I do to get it more fluffy? More kneeding?

Here's a pic of the tail of it.

400gr whole meal
300ml water
packet of yeast
pinch of salt
two tablespoons olive oil
kneaded in seeds before second rise.
.... what do you mean by multicooker? Because bread is usually made in an oven.
Also known as an instant pot, the convenience in this case is that it has a proofing setting, so it'll maintain 35°C.
That's pretty cool, but you should probably bake it in the oven, part what makes bread rise is the initial shock of heat to make the yeast go crazy and produce a bunch of gasses before the exterior solidifies into its final shape. I don't know what your instant pot is like but I can't imagine it has the thermal mass to maintain a ton of heat while you place the bread inside. That's also why a lot of recipes will tell you to preheat the oven high, then lower the temp as soon as the loaf is inside.

Another big factor in getting rise while baking is forming, you need to make sure the gluten strands are positioned vertically so that as the gas expands the bubbles go "upwards" making the whole thing rise. This is usually done through making tension across the top of the dough before final proofing. I've made loafs that look similar to yours and the problem was my forming.
Great info, thanks anon, I'll keep trying things.
Made a bread with fig and walnut recently, the shape wasn't great but it tasted good. No pic sadly

Is that all rye flour?
It's a little over 1/3rd rye flour, the rest is bread flour. The recipe I was following called for light/medium but all I could find was dark.
I did just that with breakfast this morning and it was fucking fantastic.
would eat
What do you mean with "making tensions on the top"? Be more specific, please.

this guy is obviously making a long baguette, and his exact method wouldn't work with a large loaf, but I think it gets the point across.

Usually for a loaf you accomplish this by making a rectangle about the width you want your loaf to be, then fold it lengthwise and pinch the seam together, then flip it over so that seam is on the bottom.
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Excellent layout, my fren.
I can tell you respect your knives.
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You might wanna give John Kirkwood's channel a look.
It's like listening to a Bong Winnie the pooh, but he KNOWS his shit.
Good looking breads...
Bakers percentages are a game changer.
I love No-Knead as well, and I say that as one who has kneaded my dough for over 20 years,(I started out as a child)
Ever do a 4 strand braid?
It's easier than you think.
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Shit looks great anon.
Apologies, that is a fucking awful description, just watch this silent lady do it because I am bad at explaining. I think it also pretty clearly shows creating tension.

its funny you posted tiger bread, I have been wanting to make it since a Aussie posted a sub thread a few days ago
i will check him out
I tried to make some of that dark, rich pumpernickel rye (not marbled) a few times a long while back, but it never had that super deep carroway flavor and the color is always extremely light. It was alright with a bit of butter, but nowhere near what I was going for.
Any recipes you have successfully made would be greatly appreciated. I don't have a bread maker and I'm pretty decent at most types of cooking, but fuck me, baking is either super easy or impossible for me. Black rye bread has kicked my ass.
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Just finished a 5 pound bag of flour in one afternoon made 14 hours baguettes 48 hour milk powder pizza dough frozen gyoza wrappers and flour tortillas about to finish the night with dried macaroni and ravioli sheets i also read tarots on /x/ in the meantime
Hi! I want to bake cakes and bread and even start a business, the thing is that my apartament is small and we have 3 cats, it's that bad to cook/bake with em in the ap? I'm worried about hygiene and their fur, of course I will be cleaning up deep before and after cooking/baking, pls some info? I really want to bake a cake
Thumbnail looks like a woman laying on her stomach with a nice ass
Can I just replace the water in a recipe with milk?
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bread baker here

if you want to sell them, you kinda need to have your kitchen certified by the local food safety authority, you likely probably find it pretty hard to get approval if your cats are allowed in the kitchen, I'm sure you could probably find a bread bakery around or commercial kitchen that would let you use their ovens in exchange for some money considerin you'd be using their energy and space
you can get dark malt extracts that will add a nice colour to your bread, otherwise molasses is a commonly used ingredient to kinda add a bitta colour and a nice rich flavour, you might potentially be underproofing your bread too, that can be a cause for poor colour after baking, underbaking is a possibility too, doughs like rye typically need a lotta water and you need to bake that out, like your problem is either gonna be in your ingredients or in your methods, by the way do you steam the dough in the oven? Steam at the start of baking seals the crust and can allow for nicer colour and a nice shine on the surface of the bread
please help improve my tapoica flour cheese puffs


they are too gooey in the center
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more bread
start off high temp for a short time, then bake low n slow, obviously preheat oven, try that and see how u go
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you need a choux pastry
if you get it right the center will be hollow
chef john makes one thats cheddar bacon jalapeno but his are fried. you can definitely make then im the oven though
I sorta tried that - 425 then 375
didnt work

I hate that its just shitty premade candy
if you made like your own fudge in gourmet flavors and used THAT to top the donuts mmmmf
im making choux pastry lol
this is just with tapioca starch instead of wheat flour
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nice, we doing desert in this bread thread?
here are some inside out chocolate cookies
when ever a recipe calls for 1 tsp baking soda i also add about 1/4tsp of baking powder. It helps prevent them from flattening out too much
How do I get cookies that look like that?
Sort of looks like brownies but as cookies I guess.
you could try leaving them in a warm (off) oven to dry out over time without scorching the outside
idk i never played around with tapioca starch
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its a fuckn garnish mate, for visual effect, the rest of the doughnut is made in house, like what, you want me to pick and grind my own wheat to make flour next?

Like let me ask you, do you think a bakery running with only two bakers on that have to make the bread, donuts, pie meat and get shit cleaned before the boss comes in to make pastry and fill the pies, has time to make gourmet fudge every day just for a single days batch of donuts? Your local bakery probably runs on a skeleton crew and all to feed your fat ungrateful picky ass, shove your brazillian dickcheese balls up your ass mate

fuck yeh we are, yeasted donuts are technically bread tho but fuck it post your sweets mate, lets see em
they are exactly like a brownie cookie
here's the recipe i used plus a additional 1/4tsp baking powder and strong coffee instead of milk
the baking powder stops them from being to dense but also it has cream of tartar in it which prevents sugar crystallization so you always get a chewy cookie

kinda hard to get the bake time right so maybe only bake one or two cookies at a time until you figure out whats right for you oven
unfortunately my family is super autistic against soft baked cookies and would never eat this
thanks though

does anyone know a good recipey for cakey NON GOOEY brownies to satisfy my autistic shitty family?
honestly they aren't overly gooey, if you just backed off on the added milk/coffee and they'd probably be just what you're looking for.
Maybe bump it up to a 1/2tsp baking powder to get more puff so it'd be cakier
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are flour tortillas considered bread
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the most recent bread i made, and possibly my favorite. it's "elven" bread as the recipe is from a fantasy themed cookbook.
no I just really like homemade candy, especially in sour flavors and it would be nice to have that with a doughnut

I realize its a ton of work
I eat donuts rarely
Baker anon ive never made choux before

Whats a good recipe using choux?
what's the hydratation there? When I try to do something like that my dough is way too sticky
Bakeries are a business, they dont have nearly enough time to be making handmade candy for donut garnishes, also I dunno about you but I dont think sour flavours are gonna go all too well with a donut unless its like a lemon custard or something like that
Not a baker, but https://www.seriouseats.com/choux-pastry works for me.
I really like passion fruit truffles. That's a nice sour contrast. I would pay 75c extra - per donut - for a handmade sour candy garnish
most donuts are just all sugar

I grew up making the gougeres recipe by mark bittman over and over
its basically making them in a food processor
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also just to add on, its not just a ton of work, its a pretty brutal line of work, I'm pretty fit and tough and I mean I still struggle sometimes, for the past year or so I've been struggling a ton with a bad back, like its fucked man, like right now I'm on two heavy ass painkillers and it still hurts, like right now im on lyrica and palexia and im feeling absolutely mangled still

passionfruit is nice yeah but it needs to be paired with the right topping and not many things go with it all too well I feel, also, 75 cents??? mate you're fucked in the head if you feel 75c is fair for handmade candy, shit man donuts should already be more expensive by default, bakers dont get paid nearly enough and donuts are a fair bit of fukn work for how little profit they really generate considering the extra equipment, ingredient and energy cost considerin you need fryers, gotta have em running for a good while to get up to heat and also fryer oil, diff ingredients for donuts etc etc etc, the risk of injury from oil splashing and splattering too alone would justify a higher price.

Like for real mate, you want handmade candy but you only want to pay 75c extra for it? Get fucked
>injure back
>continue doing what injured back
You're retarded.
you able to fry? these are really good and real easy to get right
Uh, Berliner.
But it is not bread, my friend.
need money to live mate, I'm not living with my parents like you so my living expenses are a bit higher ay, in any case, I've taken time off/sick leave and been takin it easy at work and making things easier for myself in various ways, at the end of the day, the damage is done, it was kinda inevitable considering the problems/issues my family generally with joints, connective tissue and the spine, I'm not entirely keen on goin under the knife either cause I've heard a lot about spinal surgeries making shit worse so yeah.

Also, I dunno about you but I like my job, I kinda can't see myself doing anything apart from baking really, I do what I do because I like doing it, despite the pain, I dunno what you do apart from being a faggot cunt on 4chan but I can only imagine you're a miserable cunt and want to blow your brains out every second of the day when you're at your shithouse job, then when you finish you go home eagerly to suck on your dads fat smegma encrusted dick, the only joy in your life is that cheesy chunky cum swirling around in your mouth as it blasts out of his cock and the taste of his salty dark yellow piss to wash it down, fukn eat a dick faggot

A yeasted donut is bread based, its most similar to a brioche
No no no, monsieur. It's a Berliner and I know them. It's not bread like.

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Today I made my first bread. It really went like a ciabatta bread. I like it.
this guy ruined his body making cupcakes
for like a little tiny slice of passion fruit truffle or a special sour sauce on top? yeah
the great thing about bread is it really doesn't matter if you achieve what you set out to make as long as the end result is edible it will be good
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It's not at all bread, but sure here's some cookies I've made.
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Will reading stories to my bread after i tuck it in make it grow bigger in the oven?
Sir may I marry your bread? She's beautiful

I only make 200g loaves at a time so i don't really need to do the shaping and final proof step right? Since I'll be baking in the same container that i used for bulk fermentation
>i don't really need to do the shaping and final proof step right?
it will affect the final crumb since you're not putting that last stretch on the gluten and there won't be any tension on the crumb.
I don't really know how it will turn out, maybe really light and airy if you get good oven spring
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Shaping and folding is everything
This one loaf on the right i dropped it thats why its ugly
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u can have unconsensual sex with it if u want even
I make bread, still, I'm fitter than you though mate, at least I didnt destroy my body eating cheetos and mcchickens
Hello bread frens
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weekly bake for bread, nothing special but i like it.
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Just took this out, can't fucking wait to slice off a heel and eat it with a couple pieces of chocolate.
>bread machine
you didn't beat the game.
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Tastes like bread to me
that's what she said about my balls
Who said?
la creatura
your mom
No clue, she doesn't mention, if your dough is too sticky to handle it probably needs more kneading or flour.
So how do I start with making bread? No breadmaker or nothing just my own two hands and ingredients, any resources on the topic?
What do you mean? That loaf looks nearly perfect dawg, I'd eat the hell out of that; I mean I would straight up eat the entire loaf just by itself.
see https://www.seriouseats.com/bread-baking-the-simplest-white-bread-recipe-ever for exemple.
Bread requires only 3 ingredients:
- flour
- water
- leavening agent (yeast or sourdough starter)
(Though without salt it will taste very bad, so add salt, but it's not (I think?) required for structure)
When you have flour in water, some component of the flour (gluten) will link with each other to form a relatively solid network, either by kneading the dough, or simply by itself.
The goal of yeast or sourdough starter is to fill this network with gas bubbles that they generate by eating the sugar in the flour (and they also require some water to live).
Once you have a dough with relatively strong bubbles of gluten with gas inside, apply heat which expands the gases and/or vaporise some of the water, as well as solidify the dough.

That's the basics, your first goal is to manage the dough so that the gluten network forms and yeast lives and generate gas. As both will happen on their own once you mix the ingredients, it's relatively easy to get a basic bread. But there's a lot of parameters (temperature, time, ingredient ratios, type of flour, kneading, shaping, etc.) you can change if you want something better.


These are two (almost the same, but not quite) incredibly simple and easy to make recipes, they don't require kneading, they need 4 ingredients 3 of which you almost certainly already have, and they're fucking delicious. Pick one, give it a try, if you fuck up come here and ask questions, they're a great starting point, then maybe move onto something kneaded by hand, or with more mix ins.

If you'd like something more comprehensive I recently borrowed the America's test kitchen bread book, it's a fantastic guide starting from the basic definitions and purpose of steps (what leavener means, different kinds, what kneading actually does, ratios, etc) and has nearly a hundred different recipes, it's a great guide if you're into that.
>(Though without salt it will taste very bad, so add salt, but it's not (I think?) required for structure)
No but it does help to inhibit the yeast so it doesn't overproof to readily.
thank you very much anons, I'm going to the store to get some yeast and tomorrow I will bake some bread
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Been testing out the new bread machine
Got a copycat of the Arbys market fresh bread that I just pulled out, gonna be hard to wait a couple hours to cut into this
Here you go.
pine nuts?
Of all recipes you could possibly look for you choose Arbys bread?
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Their market fresh bread is some of the best tasting bread I've ever had back in the day before they changed it a bit. What's the problem with trying to recreate it?
Turned out fucking amazing btw, will be making this on a weekly basis
These loaf shapes are so fucking funny
too hot to bake, maybe once the weather cools
>it will happen when the weather cools
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salt is kinda required if you want a strong gluten structure that will actually rise in the oven and not collapse when you score the dough and yeah it also retards the yeast, if you have no salt in the bread or not enough it'll often turn out rather flat, I've had days in the bakery where I've accidentally forgotten salt cause I didn't sleep or something and man, those days sucked absolute fucking balls

btw, if you're going to do plain white bread with just regular yeast, pick up some amylase bread improver, either that or you can do a pane di casa style bread, here's a couple recipes for you, they're in bakers percentages so you calculate based off flour weight.

pane di casa
100% flour
2% salt
69% water
1% oil
0.2% brick yeast (use less if using dried yeast)

plain white bread
100% flour
1% amylase bread improver
2% salt
60% water
1% oil
2% brick yeast

100% flour
50% sourdough mother
3% salt
(optional ingredient) 1.5% diastatic malt powder
69% water

mix doughs until they pass the window test, the window test is where you stretch a piece of dough until it creates a film of dough you can see light through
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oh yeah to add on to that, salt also helps the bread get its colour and crust in the oven and not to mention, it helps give the bread some flavour, your bread will turn out pretty shitty tasting and rather pale, flat and sad looking without salt
can you over knead dough?
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Baker anon, can you make baguettes with all purpose flour? I made baguettes with bread flour on right they came out decent and then i made it with all purpose flour next on left and it was absolute dogshit
How important is flour and how do i get gluten development in all purpose flour?
Also i had a hard time trying to fold and shape all purpose baguette dough
Can you just not cook baguettes with all purpose flour? Ap flour is just cookie and brownie flour?
Looks fake and gay. Use real natural ingredients, dude.
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This is a recipe out of "Homemade bread in 5 minutes a day". Me and my girl make it probably 3 days a week. Just yeast, salt, and flour recipe
AP flour typically isnt great for regular ass bread, less protein means less and weaker gluten network, which leads to less gas retention, which leads to less rise and denser texture.

Gluten development will happen on its own over time without much real input (kneading is a meme) from you. Mix your bread, let it rest 15-30 min and then fold it 8 times in all directions. after that no amount of folding or kneading is gonna give you 'bonus gluten' structure beyond whats possible. the dough is likely already maxed out based on the protein content of the flour after another 30 mins of resting/proofing.
no water?
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i'm dumb as a box of rocks but i like me some bread.

how do i make one with an actual crust an a doughy inside if i only have the most basic shit?

i can make something like pic related just fine.

also, people seem to recommend high hydration, like 75%+ but i could barely manage something like 65% and even then i struggled to get all the water in there.
is it a flour problem or is there a technique to mix the dough?
you can do yudane/tangzhong. Combine about 30% of the total flour with 100% of the total water as boiling. Let your hot gelatinous blob of flour cool down, then combine it with whatever else goes into your bread. It'll be slightly stickyer, and will feel like there's less gluten, but that's just the surface. When it finishes baking it will retain a lot more moisture than standard bread, and be significantly softer inside. It'll also stay softer for longer if you don't refrigerate it.

For extreme hydration you can just let the dough mix slowly, mix initially, let it rest a few mins, and then mix/fold again, repeat a few times giving longer rests each time. gluten will build up on its own and make it slightly easier to work with each time. You can wet your hands slightly when working with sticky dough and it will keep the dough from tearing too much when you handle it.
>how do i make one with an actual crust an a doughy inside if i only have the most basic shit?
As I understand, you need steam for a nice crust
If you have a dutch oven, cook the bread inside (usually something like the first half of the baking with the lid, and the rest without)
If you don't have one, you can basically throw water inside your oven to make it steamy, it should work since I saw it recommended but never tried it personally.
cheers, i'll go with the multiple mix technique and i'll add a bowl of water in the oven.

also, forgot to ask, what do i gotta do after making the dough but before it goes in the oven?

>rest about one hour/roughly doubles in size
>make it in the shape you want
>let it rest again? not sure
yeah that's right, you let it rest in 'final shape' about 30m to an hour before putting it in the oven. If you're letting it cold ferment you'd final shape it, do the same 30m to an hour rest, then refrigerate, then bake directly from the fridge on the next day. Basically you just dont want the dough to still be tight from being handled, you're just letting it relax so that when you blast it with heat it will not resist the rise.
alright, i'll give it a try tomorrow and post results
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looks good i think, now to let it rest.

i should have started by adding the activated yeast first tho instead of the water, i squirted some of the yeast into my apron.
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thanks for the help guys, it turned out great.

maybe the temperature was a bit too high, but in my defense, my oven's dial faded completely so i had to wing it
seeds in before first proving or after?
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actually got some air in there brothers
I'm the instant pot guy btw. I picked up a mixer today for easy kneading.
I fucking fucked up fucking my bread shit fuck

Either I'm gonna have some nice bread tomorrow morning or I just fucked up a batch of dough
*my fucking bread
not fucking my bread, I did not fuck my bread
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Why not? The breadussy calls...
I had some dough that I though were completely fucked up turn out OK in the end, don't lose hope
is that raw, wet dough in an otherwise baked loaf? how?
also do not post lust provoking images
we'll see tomorrow
No it's fully cooked, it's just not super dry inside the crust.
All purpose flour doesn't have enough gluten for bread and it has baking soda in it by default usually, if you wanna use AP flour you are gonna want to reduce hydration or add in extra gluten, the breads probably still gonna turn out shit though ngl

You're fake and gay mate, those hot cross buns are more natural than your ugly fuckn face, your mum probably got you plastic surgery as a baby cause you were just that hideous, I can only imagine its still just as bad, fuck it must suck having a face so ugly that not even your mother could love it
You can definitely still make bread with AP flower, it works fine.
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how the fuck can I bake bread if my oven fucking broke during preheating

yeah last week was far too nice so something had to go wrong
guess I just go fuck myself
I want to make carb-lowered bread. Never made bread before. I bought whole wheat flour, but i also bought raw almonds and unpitted sunflower seeds. want to give it a go with sunflower seeds first, using a blender to make it into flour-like substance. Would this work? i have a dutch oven, and a regular oven.
>Would this work?
Depends on what you mean by "work". Without flour (or more precisely, without gluten) you will get something resembling cake.

Which makes me wonder, could you take any non-wheat flour and just add gluten to it to make bread?
yeah wouldn't want cake. That's why i want to use a mixture of whole grain fluor and sunflower flour. I looked up the ingredient list for one carb-low bread in the store and they used flax seed, but buying sunflower seeds here is cheaper €3.50 per kg. I figure if i can make a bread for just as cheap and without all the weird addatives, then it's a win-win
am i the only one who thinks raw bread dough always looks tastier than actual bread
I never score my dutch oven / pan loaves. Just let it burst naturally
Nice looking 'nuts, any chance I can get a recipe? Been trying to add em to my bakery lineup but the few recipes I've tried have been pretty mediocre. Best success so far is cronuts with leftover laminated dough but we actually got sent a C&D from some faggotron lawyers saying that we can't call them cronuts.
gluttonous maybe for a midget lool

hope you enjoyed it :)
Don't salt the salmon
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Those profiteroles are Perfection, anon.
I love it when mine do that.
i used to pipe 2" pre-bake and then pull the web after a 5/6ths cut and fill with chicken it salmon salad.I really think Choux paste is under-utilized
What, did you fill them with?
EVer do multiple flavor interior coats in a savory? like, a stiff cream and herb gelee, followed by a complementary aspic, then the seasoned meat?
Kinda like a bong pork pie, but with a sauce kicker on the outermost layer.
i'm still trying to figure out how someone invented chocolate chip cookie dough and said "hey lets makes this worse by cooking it"
>with chicken *OR* salmon salad
(polite sag--err..not add to bump limit...err)
>pipe 2"
Biting into a golf ball size blob of cream cheese isn't appetizing to me so i make mine tiny because i want the filling to pastry ratio on the lean side especially for powerful flavors like bacon/jalapeno/cream cheese or mozzarella/pepperoni
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SHOW IT"S ASSHOLE... no really, no disrespect, you are making your own bread which is 80percentile tier...but that mixing paddle...
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Humidity FIRST...then HOT and DRY
High HydraTION hEPLS
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nICE and SmOoove...
YGMI anon.
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this is very reserved gluttony.. The healthiest I've ever...
Smoked sel de mer would be ok.
>.gif unrelated...modstly
I see your point, but I said NOTHING about cream cheese.
ANd the chix salad I'd add(or salm.) always had a heavy ½dice lettuce component.
Ever heard of anyone doing BBQ beef profiteroles? I haven't...
but that doesn't mean much.
a bit too smooth actually >>20691147 but hey, it tasted good.
there's a crust for sure but it's very uniform,
how do you get the kind of ragged crust in your pic?
Take a basic brioche roll recipe and adjust it so the dough is firm (add more sugar and reduce hydration), then fry it, I think at like 180c-190c, the topping on those is just a simple ganache type icing, one of them has caramel custard, the other two have whipped ganache in them.

Yeasted doughnuts are basically just a simple sweetbread with a lotta fat in it, one thing you could do right, is take some of the dough you laminate for crossiants (before you laminate it) and fry it, you may need to backmix in some more sugar and butter or something but yeah, experiment a lil and see what you can do, doughnuts can be a cunt of a thing to get totally right, one other thing, doughnuts don't need to have a ton of water, the fats in the dough should be enough to allow the gluten structure to stretch enough, also, dry proof them on a generously oiled tray, if you put them in the prover only do it for like 5 minutes or something, like I've seen other people try do it in the prover for long periods of time and it normally ends in them getting splattered with boiling hot oil or the doughnuts stick to the tray and tear when they try drop em in the oil
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The most recent bread I baked. I added mustard seeds and a bit of asaphoetida as an experiment, it was nice. Asaphoetida made it smell a bit oniony but mustard was unnoticeable. Next time I should add more mustard seeds.
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Here's onion bread I made earlier. It's burnt a little. I was drunk when I was mixing the dough and accidentally added too much water, had to add more flour, and onions ended up being barely noticeable. The bread was good though
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My regular loaf. I like to coat the dough in coarse oatmeal flour when I put it in the towel for final proofing, because coarse oatmeal doesn't dissolve into the dough.
This was my first time showing my bakes on ck. Rate please
First attempt, think i used too much water because it was sticky as hell while kneading. Had to use water on my hands continuously and add flour to make it less sticky.

initially used:

116 gram of sunflower "flour"
282 gram of whole wheat flour
12 gram of softened butter
4 gram of sugar
7 gram of yeast
300ml of water
6 gram of salt

i took a wrong assumption that with the sunflower flour i would need more water. Hope it still all works out.
I'm no expert but I'd eat the shit out of all of these.
oatmeal? are you crazy?
not him but why not?
I'm finna make some sandwich buns, like burger buns this week
Might even finna do brioche
What's a good bun recipe
I bought another 2 cookbooks
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Second sourdough I’ve made. It’s nice but the starter is a lot of fucking effort
Once it's mature, you can just put it in the fridge when you're not using it for bread and refresh it once or twice before using it.
It's a lot of effort and burns a shitton of flour too if you aren't careful and accidentally make a starter that's way too big for your purposes.
Both real, I do 50g flour 50g water refreshes with 5g carryover and keep it in the fridge except for 2 or 3 days a week in order to mitigate the damage
it's just a stupid little quote whose soundbyte popped into my head, don't worry about it.
That looks really good, what breadmaker do you have and would you recommend it for a baker who normally does no-kneads and more simple loaves?
that's a lot of fucking around for "no-knead" buns.
No knead is always retarded meme recipes targeted at idiots who are terminally afraid of effort, best avoided
To be fair his kneaded version is also stupid complicated.
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besides the fact that the crust is rock hard (the dough had to sit in the fridge for three days because my oven broke) it's quite good
now the doors have opened to infinite possibilities
I will bake many more breads
>(the dough had to sit in the fridge for three days because my oven broke)
Fermentation time is a good thing, and if you cover it with plastic wrap the dough will stay hydrated. but a good first start.
>if you cover it with plastic wrap
yeah I didn't do that unfortunately
any idea on why the soft part right under the crust is much wetter than the rest of it?
to improve from what I can see I need to:
use more dough for the loaf
form it with more verticality
([{don't forget the salt in the next batch so I don't have to add it mid proof like an absolute buffoon}])
>the soft part right under the crust is much wetter
on second inspection it's not that it's wet it's kinda rubbery? chewy? compared to the rest
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Baked this sandwich loaf Friday night. ~1000g of leftover pizza dough that I fortified with ~30g of butter. Hadn't scored dough in a while so I ended up snagging it. Still came out pretty good nonetheless.
If the humidity of the oven is high enough can all bread me made with a soft crust? I want something homey and nostalgic for sandwiches, which means it needs to be soft, cakey bread
i have no luck scoring bread unless i do it before the final rise/after shaping, if i try right before it goes into the oven it always snags and deflates the bread.

I have brand new double edge razors, a crazy sharp and very thin slicer and tried a victorinox fillet knife but nothing works
Gotta be quick and confident about it. I was rusty so I forgot to keep my movements swift and fluid. Just keep practicing regularly. You'll get it.
looks like mine
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first sourdough loaf ever. i bought dehydrated starter from etsy that claimed to be from the 1850s san francisco gold rush.
i tend to keep it simple because im a little retarded and i feel like less is more with bread making/you have to feel it out....i fermented for 24 hours in the fridge, shaped the loaf and let it sit at room temp for 2 hours then baked at 450 for 40ish mins in a dutch oven. best one so far,.
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same person as above. my camera sucks. bonus sourdough discard crackers that were pretty good. also cut retardedly because im new.
How do I stop myself from pulling the loaf out too early? Outside looks perfect, inside is still a little doughy, pisses me off
There's got to be a way to check it, but I use Pullman loaf pans
Stick an instant read thermometer in, when it says 200°F put the load back in for a few minutes.
tap the bottom, it sounds hollow if its ready
Very nice
If anon's don't post me a really good brioche recipe, i'm going to kick a puppy in minecraft
I hate dogs, stomp that little fucker and then I'll post recipe
Any anons have and recommendations for protein bread recipes? I'd like to make a loaf that is about 1500-2000 calories and has about 125-150 grams of protein.
*any recommendations
2 burger buns and 6 250g patties
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Made for French dips, I'm waiting on the roast to cool now so I can slice it up nice and thin.
Scoring and shaping is better than previous attempts but I've still got a ways to go. (The background loaf is worse in both regards lol)
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Did a mixed seed boule a few days ago and was quite pleased with it. Don't fancy sourdough all of the time and it's an easy enough recipe for sandwiches and toast and that.

300g strong white, 75g wholemeal & 75g wholemeal rye. Great with a bit of Cheshire cheese and chutney on it.
No. Needs to be all bread. No meat. Looking to make something for abstinence from meat on Fridays.
Just eat beaver, capybara or alligator
I want to do just bread. Like bread and water. Not looking for a meat alternative, but a hearty protein bread
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I bake bread for friends birthdays
I would love to bake bread today, but there's nothing around me to make a fire with. Camping in the desert. When I do stovetop bread, it always comes out a little too dense. Any recommendations for getting better bread in a pan?
I like this thread, nice pics and good convo
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Always wanted to do this, did you do anything special to make the loaves more soup friendly? Or just form them into balls and let em go?
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oh yes the second one is much better and it actually resembles bread
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it would've been even better if I had uploaded a non blurry photo
>abstinence from meat on Fridays
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Made dough for the first time last night, let it sit in the fridge overnight and made it into pizza. Very happy with how it came out.
crust looks a bit too thick for my taste but otherwise very nice
any reason as to why you used whole wheat flour?
As the low fat cheeses would imply, I'm trying for a healthier option (>pizza >healthy I know, I only ate 2 slices after not eating much else today and I exercise). The reason the crust looks so thick is because it's stuffed.
I see
>The reason the crust looks so thick is because it's stuffed.
oh yeah you even said it in the picture
>bro has never practiced mortification
That's from "Spring"
when I pull it into a ball on the parchment, I take a razor blade and give it a ¼'' deep slice before I dump it in the dutch oven.
I tried doing the leaf thing on my last batch as in >>20683004 but i think the ball needs to be tightened more before the scoring for it to work. Either that or it needs to be scored after a longer second rise.
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Looks great. Would smash with almost runny scrambled eggs and butter.
Washed down with a nice darkroast with sugar and cream.
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That looks good anon.
At least you caught it before you fell asleep..
t. drunk baking and I are NOT strangers.
And the best part is, here are all these anons who are not only eating Cheaper and healthier, they will also carry this traditional food preparation to the end of their days, and also pass it on to their progeny.
I don't even trust most supermarket "Bakeries" anymore, since they just get frozen shipments of pre-fab dough with conditioners and other "Additives" already in them.
Nice spread, very inviting.
Whole wheat flour is a nice pizza crust for home oven baked pizzas. gives a nice hearty, nutty flavor.
3½C water to 2C flour seems backwards though.
not my choices for toppings either, but it looked like it turned out well.
Using a cast iron dutch oven? use brickets on the lid if you weren't already.
I already do that, but with coals. Like I said though, I don't have anything to make a good fire where I'm camping. Best I can do is stovetop atm.
yeah it needs a longer proof time mate, super sharp blade helps too, try using one of those double edge razor blades for it
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I made a single one for testing purposes first, IIRC they are a bit lower hydration, somewhere around 65%. All strong white wheat flour only. This is with sourdough so each dough has been folded several times and put into a round banneton and then cold fermented to the next day. What made the most difference is probably the final shaping and making sure it increases 50% in final size, a good score and a steamy oven. You want a good ovenspring height.

Ultimately nothing really special was needed. I like to bake them pretty hard but if the soup stays or not is more about how carefully you scoop out the insides.

Unrelated picture which is more like cake but its base is wheat sourdough so it's bread adjacent.
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Keto schizo who's missing his beloved rye bread.
I've been making this walnut-flaxseed substitute for months now, and it taste 95% like rye minus the sourness.
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