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>I would like buy this overpriced tasteless vegetable now but wait a week until it's edible and then have a 50/50 chance of it being rotten anyway, please
skill issue
That's a fruit
right just like a tomato.... piss off pedant

or buy one ripe in the store which is 130% always bruised
yes like a tomato, how is that pedantry
because for all intents and purposes, a tomato is a vegetable. only a pedant would suggest otherwise, how about you look up the fucking definition of the word so youre as familiar with it as you are with the minutiae of plant classifications
>for all intents and purposes, a tomato is a vegetable
what intents and purposes would those be?
>how about you look up
How about you look up
>a tomato is a vegetable
>t. Very Stupid Man
let me guess, because it's green and you're an american
$2 for seven where I live. Bought a bag. Made wack-a-mole.
Aren't those the sweet ones? If you think they've no taste, idk what to tell you. The sweet ones are often disgustingly sweet so they're only good for smoothies, imo.
Bet they'd be good on coconut sticky rice instead of the more traditional mango, too.
Anyone here remember 2010 /ck/ when it was flyovers complaining about "this new avocado fad" and getting butthurt over limes existing?
You are not very smart.
Culinary speaking they are vegetables, just as culinary speaking fish isn't meat. Go to a biology board or something if you want to talk about biological definitions.
It is overpriced but not tasteless.
Maybe you should try using salt next time.
No wonder blacks say whites don’t season their food.
>Culinary speaking
(a-voh-KAH-doh) – The avocado used to be called alligator pear. It is a tropical fruit native to Central America. Today, this fruit is grown in Southern California. Avocados do not ripen on the tree and are rarely found ripe in the markets.
The Aztec word for them is testicle. Yall eating nature nuts.
funny that testicle would be a word in the Aztec language, and that it would mean avocado. False cognates make for very interesting coincidences sometimes.
>culinary speaking fish isn't meat
Yes it fucking is, retard. Religiously speaking, fish isn't meat, not culinarily. Way to blow up your own point, mouthbreather
the midwit king graces us with his presence again
explain to me what requirements must be met to change a culinary fruit into a culinary vegetable
Imagine getting your heart yanked out and the last thing you see is some old shamas painted avocados hanging out his skirt.
>Anyone here remember 2010 /ck/ when it was flyovers complaining about "this new avocado fad
Its true. Americans are strangely fond of the advocado. People eat them everywhere but they seem to hold a high spot in the American psyche. Possibly due to socio-political issues with Meh-heh-co?
OP, either you live in scandinavia and it is traveling all the way from Mexico, refrigerated and never properly ripening naturally (no flavor), or you're cutting it too soon. They are not ready to eat the moment you buy them unless it's Cinco de Mayo and the store preplanned it that way.
you are just a newb who hasn't figured out how to shop and cook well. You cut into a unripe avocado and it won't have much more than a grassy flavor, but it's still flavor. Also, they label some as slim-cado's now with a sticker, and these are simply varietals not meant for creamy guacamole, which are more watery and less buttery than a Hass varietal. Use them to stuff with salad like shrimp, or thanks to their firmer style, cubed in a salad without mush. I have a Hass tree, but I used to have literally giant ones, and I liked them almost as much. I usually tossed them in lime juice and vidalia slices and served them as a side to a latin dinner. It's good on beans n rice too, as if it were salsa, with a bit of hot pepper.
All fruits are vegetables, but not all vegetables are fruit.
You're citing something that is talking about the biology of avocado.
Then why do restaurant menus have own sections for fish and meat, retard?
I don't know, it seems that it was settled a long time ago with little controversy.
We also have pescetarians that will eat fish but not eat meat.
>I don't know, it seems that it was settled a long time ago with little controversy.
so were the bioligical classification of fruit vs vegetable, are you saying for some reason that fruits dont belong in dishes that arent dessert? thats your big brained culinary jargon argument?
I like to saute avocadoes. you get less avocadoy flavor but a very complementary nutty potatoiness
your mom loves my nutty potatoenis
>are you saying for some reason that fruits dont belong in dishes that arent dessert?
I didn't say anything like that. Pineapple with pork is great for example. I just that in culinary context we say that tomato is a vegetable. Just like cashew is in a culinary context a nut, even though it's technically a legume.
I get lucky 6 out of 10 times and find them ripe or just a day or two away at thr store. It isn't that hard.
Damn, where? I'm lucky to get them <$1/each where I live
>I just that in culinary context we say that tomato is a vegetable
yeah but why, you dont have to do that
culinary ones.
fruits are sweet. vegetables are savory.
That's how it is. don't (You) me.
you are a retard my friend
Because home cooks are retards that’s why.
>thing isn’t sweet? It must be a vegetable!
I told you not to (You) me.
Go eat your avocado and tomato and jalapeno and zucchini and olive and bell pepper and pea and eggplant """FRUIT SALAD""".
Ripe tomatoes are sweet, retard.
I had like 2 trees full of them but had to cut them down because people illegally entered my property to steal them and even broke my fucking shed trying to steal the tools inside.
Is pumpkin a fruit or a “vegetable” according to you?
all squashes are fruits botanically, but none of them are fruits culinarily.
And if you want to get really pedantic about it, vegetable just refers to any edible plant matter. That inclues fruits, tubers, stems, roots, seeds, nuts, grains. etcetera, etcetera.
but that's not how we use those words in daily life. vegetable and fruit have distinct meanings.
fruits are sweet. vegetables aren't. that's the main difference, and the only one that matters in the kitchen.
They were a thing in the '70s, then the fad died out.
They were a thing in the late '80s-early'90s, then the fad dried out.
Then these sweaty, greasy globes returned in the '10s.
And brunch was invented for 43 yo milfs who felt the need to giggle like a schoolgirl once a week. With a glass or 3 of garbage Cava. And so they stayed.
They're still shit. Guacamole is still rubbish.
>fruits are sweet
you talk like you think youre hot shit lmao, you being a weird cynical schizo isnt making you any less of a tastelet
how can one midwit be so confident
because I'm right
He certainly is
they don't fit the schizophrenic narrative, so they must be fungus (culinarily)
He's higher iq than you though.
>who will eat fish but not eat other meat
Today, I learned that chicken isn't meat because it has its own section of the menu separate from the steaks. : )
>midwit king's bootlicker
strange post
I pay £1.80 (google it amerifags) for 2. Fucking hate England
Avocado is absolutely a fruit. In fact, some avocados I've had like pic related is positively sweet, and not very buttery at all. These varieties would be more at home in a pie or fruit salad than in a savory guacamole.
Try making a banana and avocado smoothie with a dash of cinnamon. You'll see their potential as more than just a culinary vegetable.
Or, how the Brazilians use avocado, they make a sweet crema to be served with biscuits, they blend avocado flesh with lime and sweetened condensed milk.
weird schizo rambling.
>it was flyovers complaining about "this new avocado fad"
you're acting like they stopped. flyovers seethe over anything green.
>had a single tree in front of my house
>most likely it was a seed thrown there by storm or shat by a gigantic bird.
>grows huge in a decade
>gives several sacks worth of yummy cadoes every year.
I feel bad to see yuro/goblinos buying these
I feel bad for you living in Mexico
>retard shart thinks all of mexico is a lawless wasteland run by cartels
good, please keep thinking that
Not her, but my mum did her PhD work in Mexico. She was a botanist. Now she's a dead.
She used to tell me about how her time in Mexico doesn't remotely line up with American media's portrayal of Mexico. But then, she was there forever ago and things can change.
We're Swiss and she was surprised by the Swiss influence in Mexican cuisine. Anything "suiza" was safe for her lily-white Alpine tastebuds.
Lol coasties are all limp waisted, cuckolded gay trans niggers. Are you seriously identifying with this group? Lmao faggot
One of the most overrated foods out there. To think people say three bucks per fruit here, it’s an absolute joke. Just have some butter on your bread ffs, it’s far better for you
>Are you seriously identifying with this group?
no but you clearly want me to be since i obviously made you that upset lmao. don't get all worked up now over words on a screen cleetus, the doctor said it's not good for your blood pressure
>doesn't remotely line up with American media's portrayal of Mexico.
which is just reflective of how awful their education and exposure to other parts of the world is.
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>Culinary speaking
Hi Culinary, I'm John
Are you telling me that enchiladas suizas were actually influenced by swiss cuisine?
I guess? idk
I've never been to Mexico and there aren't many Mexican restaurants in Europe. My exposure to Mexican food is extremely limited and the only word of mouth information I have on the stuff is from my mum saying that there's Swiss influence in Mexican cuisine. Not related to food, but she even met some farmers somewhere in Mexico who spoke Swiss German, but with weird accents.
Even now that I live in America, I've never gone out for Mexican food much. I don't even know what enchiladas suizas is other than "Swiss-style enchiladas." I don't know what makes it Swiss-style specifically. They're not likely to be putting parfait, cenovis or cervelat in there, are they?
What the fuck are you talking about? Avocados are a ubiquitous staple, often sold three or four for a dollar. They're coming as dirt and everyone and their grandma has been eating them for as long as anyone remembers. Fad? Huh? Do words just not mean anything anymore?
I lulzed
The "sales" I saw in two different American grocery stores yesterday were 2/$3 or a bag of 4 for $5. Really depends where you live in the states but this is pricey
holy esl search query
I live in Delaware and it's currently $2.50 for 7 but I have a Just4U digital coupon for 50¢ off that. I'm >>20683764
Be a fucking retard
People buy avocados because they taste like genitals
Lol. Sometimes I buy small ones and on a stack they don't soften over a month later I just have to throw them out.
Hass are so good on sandwiches, a must have ingredient
I had toasted shredded chicken, pepper jack, tomato, avocado, and lettuce yesterday, today was just turkey pepper jack avocado.
see my IQ is north of room temperature so i get one that is very soft for immediate use then a couple with some firmness for later on in the week. Always avoid the rock hard or super mushy. Some people just suck at buying fruit, which is why you should pay more for the precut and processed. Leave the fresh stuff for people who can at least trial and error to success. Also, you currently live in the information age with access to something that can connect to the internet, proven by the thread, where you can literally ask a machine how to tell if a certain fruit is ripe or not. This can be done while in motion, say, at the store in front of the fruit/veggie in question. This is likely a topic youll want to fetch your normal caretaker to help review with you. Also if you dislike a food, considering it overpriced and tasteless, this is a good indication to buy something else, another topic to review with your normal caretakers, as funds could be diverted into foods both easier to understand, and with better "flavor".
Not fully convinced that this horrid berry is meant for human consumption.
I wouldn't quite say "horrid" but definitely underwhelming.
which means it's a vegetable since it's also edible. edible fruits are a subset of vegetables
Can I make guac with parsley instead of cilantro?
If I fagbashed you unconscious, you'd go from a fruit to a vegetable. Still in the produce section, but in the gay part between the kumquats and butternuts.
Try mashing them up in a cup with sugar, literal godfood
guac doesn't use either of those
what does avocado taste like.. Ive never wanted to go and buy some because of the price
you wouldn't like it, an Indian friend told me it was tasteless, which is true, but I love it since is like eating butter
>from a fruit to a vegetable
again, not mutually exclusive. you'll get it one day, big guy
>t. butternut kumquat
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This is nuts
No that's a squirrel
Tomatoes are sweet retard
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youre eating avocado paste, midwit. know the difference, it could save your life.
i have one red squirrel around here and fuck is he fast!
I get frozen diced 'cado and have no worries

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