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>created in Italy
>improved in America
>perfected in Sweden
>perfected in Sweden
that's just vile
>>perfected in Sweden
Where is my pineapple/banana/curry powder pizza!?
I would try that
>pommes på pizza
det blir ju bara en mos av massa stärkelse i munnen. dra åt helvete, jontelicious

>pompussyfoot on pee
it become of course only one shoal mush from strongelse in mouthen. drag to wholewheat, iontealicious
ew, there's mold on it
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>det blir ju bara en mos av massa stärkelse i munnen. dra åt helvete, jontelicious
t. elsker banan på pizza (t. loves banana on pizza)
>t. elsker banan på pizza
nej, det gör jag inte. men det är helt okej
om man raljerar mot frukt på pizza så är man ett meninglöst mansbarn med infantila smaklökar;
"EEEEEEEWWWW PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA" jaaa hahaha så JÄVLA FUCKING KUL med reddit-safe hot takes dylika "i hate the french XDXDDXDFDX" skaffa ett FUCKING LIV dit pinsamma avskräde. NIGGER.
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Dra åt helvete din ouppfostrade skithög
ja men hur jävla många pizzor ska man behöva äta för att bli mätt då? lite jävla protein behövs ju, mer sås bara
räcker med en pizza fettus
finns för fan ingen protein i potatis, eller va?
haha mena kolhydrater. sen är jag inte tjock men pizzorna krymper ju nu för tiden
Må innrømme at det er jævlig god pizza i Sverige. Liker den der kålsalaten som man alltid får.
Italian pizza is actually relatively healthy and light. American pizza is when you want to feel like shit for 12 hours straight. Swedish pizza is for when you hate yourself. Then there's Korean pizza when you just want to see the world burn.
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de få gånger jag käkat pommespizza har jag ätit vardera var för sig. du kan ha rätt i att den torra mosigheten kan mitigeras med 2 liter extra sås, men för mig är det bildrel helt enkelt
>Liker den der kålsalaten som man alltid får
aa visst är det gottis
tror det är lätt syrad vitkål + vinägrett + oregano
>decimated in Lithuania
>gräs på pizza
ditt bice är kletigt och din röv blöder ;_;
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>mer sås bara
>shaving the kiwis
Not a true Kiwi 'za
Let me guess, you've never actually stepped outside your own country's borders?
In Italy, French fries on pizza is extremely common and popular. Same goes with pineapple.
Did sweden reinvent the taco into a pizza?
Do Swedes really call chips "pommes" like Frenchmen?
No we call them "potatispinnar" potato sticks
The one on the left is a European take on American pizza. Before Americans invented Pizza italian "pizza" was literally just bread and some herbs on it until Americans showed them stuff like sauce and cheese.
i work south of lecce in italy as a chef at some resort and i tell you every 15-25 over here eats pizza like this
The Germans do so as well. Everyone is appropriating our culture.
I don't want to hear a single eurofag ever make fun of American pizza again after learning about the abomination that is Swedish pizza.
Swedish Food is an abomination unto all of creation. Europe and Europeans deserve everything that is happening to them.
I hate when pizza is so loaded down with bullshit you can't even eat it like fucking pizza.
jag bugar
Friendly reminder that Swedish families don't allow people who are not an immediate part of the household to be present while they eat. This includes young children who may not have any way to procure food for themselves if needed, and as such are often made to go hungry for hours at a time.

Just an FYI, you know. Think of it the next time you see a Swede claiming that they are nothing but hospitable to all these "damned refugees ruining their country".
Ät en Gyttorp Kal 12 ditt mongo
Ingen förstår vad du menar.
That pizza is indescribably depressing.
Jeg forstod det.
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>visit estonia
>they put pickles in pizza
>leave estonia
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Here's a pizza that'll put some hair on your chest
Is there potato on it?
If there isn't, i don't see the problem.
Lose the onion and I’m golden
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>it's real
Grow up.
Can anyone from Sweden confirm or deny this? Pretty sure withholding food from a child while everyone else eats would be considered the inofficial eighth deadly sin in most cultures.
It was true in Norway when I grew up
>Friendly reminder that Swedish families don't allow people who are not an immediate part of the household to be present while they eat.
correct. I've been at extended family gatherings where each household brought their own meat and ate that

>This includes young children who may not have any way to procure food for themselves if needed,
its their parents responsibility to feed them.

>Think of it the next time you see a Swede claiming that they are nothing but hospitable to all these "damned refugees ruining their country".
they should be extremely grateful to be lucky enough to live in a first world country, in any other case they're more than welcome to fuck off back to their thirdy dump
>its their parents responsibility to feed them.
Yeah, that duty is usually fulfilled when you send a kid to another family's house and expect that they would put another fucking scoop of lasagna on a plate, but that's assuming the house isn't full of psychopathic snow-monkeys
Is hospitality a foreign concept in Sweden, lmao what the fuck.
>people should just magically know if their kids have friends over when they buy and prepare food
My mother always prepared extra of whatever she was making, expecting friends to drop by. Which happened about 3 or 4 times a week. We never locked our back door, friends, neighbors, cousins would just walk in and say "hi!".
Once my cousins from California showed up while we were out doing something, we got back home and they were just sitting around the kitchen table hanging out with the wine they'd brought over.
>This includes young children who may not have any way to procure food for themselves if needed
no, you fucking retard. go home, your family is expecting you to eat with them. too young/ too far to walk home? your parents already decided at which house you're gonna eat.
t. swede
>made to go hungry for hours at a time.
What if you actually don't die on the spot if you skip one meal? It's genuinely okay even for young children to have this experience and it may be beneficial in a personal sense, in terms of knowing what it feels like to be hungry and to have the fortitude of mind to make it through. I understand americans think that it's an "eating disorder" to not be continually moving food into your face at every waking moment but that is not factual.
Why can't the guest just eat with the rest of the people there? There's a reason that's considered a given thing in the rest of the world, what's up with this vile treatment of guests, especially children?

Cool it with the purple prose, children don't need to starve to learn important life lessons. They are growing and should get all the food they need to do so.

>What if you actually don't die on the spot if you skip one meal?

You don't die on the spot if someone stabs you in the leg either, guessing that's also something you do to children in Sweden? Important life lesson and all that?
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Three toping rule.
I was always invited for dinner and my friends ate dinner at our place when I was a kid. It's just a meme.
Friendly reminder that those young children in turdmerica don't get free lunch in all schools
Indeed, and roughly 50% of us are trying to fix that.

To any American citizen reading this, remember to vote Biden, even if you think he's too old or otherwise seems incapable. He's the only hope we have to stop a far greater evil.

Look up Swedengate. Did "just a meme" turn all of the internet against you guys? Did "just a meme" tear down centuries of carefully crafted international PR overnight just a little more than two years ago?
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Do you honestly need more?
plebeian suedis are a deeply sick fake statist feminist doctrine people
exactly the PR you mention is called sverigebilden transl. "the sweden picture" and suedis even have a dedicated government agency dedicated to this propaganda
Might depend on where in Sweden you live, I got to join for dinner at my normal friends place, as well as treated a massive plate of snacks at my fat friends place, which was awesome and made me realize why everyone in his family was fat.
Italian pizza is a flat dough with things on top of it to compliment it. The dough is central and non-negotiable
American pizza is a bunch of pm“toppings” being held by some carbohydrate. Pizza is an architectural concept, things like cauliflower crust are permissible and “pizza flavor” is possible, crust can be discarded after finishing the toppings
Every other country’s pizza is them trying to one-up Americans by just throwing more shit at it. The dough is just an edible plate
You are missing out dude. It's good stuff.
bump rape
having expectations of your child's friends parents and respecting them enough to assume they can feed their offspring is a privilege of a highly developed society
Trvth nvke
Pls close this before some leaf comes along and puts brown gravy on it.

Let's be real, it has nothing to do with respecting others. In pretty much every other first world country we do just fine sharing what we have without implying others can't afford basic expenditures for their families.

Know what I think is going on? Swedes tend to skirt the line for weird nazi shit all the timr and this is just another way to shun "outsiders". The rest is mental gymnastics to explain it away as a cultural trait.
>created in Italy
Wrong. That shit was made in America
America is only a few hundred years old.
Everything had already been done by the time we were founded.
Pizza is younger than America
>Everything had already been done
That must have been why we had to invent national parks, conservation, electricity, and the car. Just to name a few on our long list.
Untrue, everyone fed their kids friends if they were cisiting during my childhood.
This. It's pretty insane how much some people on here hate the US, almost feels like Reddit at times.
Even things not invented in America are usually perfected by us once we give it a shot, it's actually fucking crazy.
Not to mention most things they use America invented. google, youtube, twitter, even this site is American made.
The source code is Japanese, lifted direct from 2chan.
Lurk moar you fucking newfag.
The concept of national parks was invented by Henry VIII.
You're replying to a Russian, newfag.
you pour water on them and they spin, and that's why they're called spinna in swedish
This was literally in a hey Arnold episode

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