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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Could be an experience, a person, etc.
Well I wanted food and me mum was too lazy to ever make food except for dinner so I made it myself.
I was hungry and the first thing I made for myself wasn't very appetizing.
ck did... kinda.
koufuku graffiti fucking sucked btw
Take too expensive, so I started making things I would order at take out at home
>be me
>my mother has me help in the kitchen as a small child and teaches me as I help her
>I eventually start making stuff on my own
>it actually tastes pretty good
>develop a love for cooking/baking and learning new recipes
I prefer baking over cooking, but cooking is also pretty fun. Especially since it's easier to tweak recipes to your taste.
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hell's kitchen, and TRIPLE D
also stop making threads you insufferable weeb, this is a slow board
This is my first thread in months, I believe you're referring to someone else.
It did, but the food looked pretty good at least.
same as what sparked my interest in the bread of life
that's literally mfw I Food & Cooking
My grandma could really throw down in the kitchen, she was just a baker in Germany and later at an Albertsons in Florida after the war, but later in life when I worked in professional kitchens, I saw a lot of stuff like mise en place that my grandma did when she was cooking. I liked helping her because she let me play with knives and of course I always got to lick the spoon whenever she baked something. She got me interested in it at a personal, hobbyist level, and then when I got my first job, a retirement home, even though it was simple in relation to the stuff I've done since, I really fell in love with the work too.
Door Dash got to expansive but i wanted to eat so I started cocking, but I hate it i only like eating
honestly I don't really remember a specific event. I just started trying to cook out of random cookbooks when I was like 16 out of boredom, and it snowballed into a passion.
mom cooked at home, mom asked for help cooking

took home ec in school too

it's just cheaper and simpler to make a huge amount of meat and pasta than buy prepared foods
As a teenager, my father was deployed to Iraq for 8 months and myself and my siblings were left with my mother's cooking. We realized our dad's cooking reigned supreme and so we all got into cooking. Our mother is a good baker though, and to this day still makes the best desserts.
I liked it
Watching Food Network, namely Good Eats and DDD
Parents were almost always cooking good food (not necessarily complex, but for example there was always a starter and a main course). When I became a student, my housemates tended to just throw some frozen things in the oven and call it a day, and often ate the same things for days. Since I like eating good and varied food, I had to do it myself.
Watching Iron Chef and then Ratatouille as a kid inspired me
i like eating
food network for sure
similar experience, my parents were both working so if I wanted something hot to eat I had to make it. I had a period of trial and error where things were gross. Over time I learned what worked and what didn't. Trial and error when I was young made me enjoy cooking and when somebody really likes what I made it gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
Been cooking with my mom since I was able to reach the countertops. The creative process and experimentability in general really piqued my interests, on top of being able to help my mom out since she worked multiple jobs on top of raising 3 brats.
When I was 17 my mom started working second shift and my dad couldn't cook for shit so I had to learn how, lest I eat mickey d's every night.
My mum was an artist (pottery), travelled a lot, and loved food so she had a great idea of good food and always kept the kitchen well stocked with weird exotic shit and whole foods.
But she was also a chronic alcoholic and liked to get "artistic" when she had had a drink. And it wasnt very good. She would spend an hour or two making spaghetti bog and then put chunks of orange peel in the sauce, shit like that. It was like her drunk-attempt at high end dininh or something.
Anyway, I had had more than enough of her horseshit by the time I could reach the stove and quickly learnt to cook my own slop.
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this, they sucked at cooking
>apply for job as a busser
>realize I hate interacting with people
>try like five other jobs
>working as a line cook is the least intolerable
>drunken dude at a party offers me a job after I save his beer from spilling on the couch
>its 60k a year fly in fly out work as a kitchen hand doing cafeteria-style prep for 400 people
> Old gay baker in his sixties decides to train me because I have basic knowledge of literature and music so he can actually have a conversation about things he likes besides pastries.
>spend a year and a half just grinding out twelve hour days while this old dude teaches me all the basics of cooking from the ground up, he apprenticed under some dude who was head chef for the President of France in the 80s, so he's an absolute master in the kitchen
>he gets fired because someone rats him out for drinking wine from his water bottle at the staff meetings
>quit that job because I'm burnt out
>I now know how to cook
>It's also my only marketable skill
>Just double down
>Enjoy it because I'm good at it.
Based bakers, I’m lovin dat oven

Nice, you ever think of doing your own place or too much hassle?
Restaurants are a sucker bet unless you have enough money to buy the space you are using. My current boss works 75+ hours a week to make his business profitable. My previous was working 70 before he hired me and was able to step back to 50, but it took him eight years of 70 hour weeks to get there.

I'm not interested in working that hard, frankly. Especially when even a successful restaurant can be destroyed arbitrarily by the whims of the economy, a bad business partner, a fire, etc.
was tired of my mom's cooking so I took culinary arts in high school
Bad breakup. Wanted to distract myself and learn how to prepare some of the meals we enjoyed together.
>prepare some of the meals we enjoyed together.
self-pity is a hell of a drug. Did you break out some Gotye or Adele for that sweet ironic "laughing through the tears" vibe?
asking for a friend.
Moved out of mom's house
Needed to eat
Simple as.
This is /ck/ ma'am. It's full of pathetic weebs who think instant ramen is gourmet, fast food 'connoisseurs', rubes who've never left their state who shriek at the sight of something different, 'people' who go on and on about Ramsay and grilled cheese and bait merchants who post utter dogshit dishes and ask us all to imagine eating "this good". Nobody here cooks, so it seems.
Oh and cunts who scream "newwwwfagggggg" at you like a 12 year old girl.
Same here. Feminism has destroyed many childhoods.
Lurk moar.
I should clarify this isn't because I want my mom to make me food whenever I want, but because I grew up on the shittiest and saddest slop because she wanted to work an office job so that she feels "accomplished" and can spend her entire salary on shitty dresses and purses while my dad was actually busting his ass off to sustain the family despite the work stress piled on to the stress of having a soulless wife that doesn't care about anything other than herself. The only few times at all my mom even cooked anything for us was fucking nuggets so it was no different from what we kept eating anyways. No wonder I always got sick.
To put it simply: flavor.
To put it in more defined terms: there's 100's if not 1000's of variations and different ways to prep and create a simple dish ranging from just adding a extra herb or spice to just cooking it a bit longer and more obviously just adding different meats. Give 100 people the task of making a meatloaf and you're going to get 100 different versions of the same dish. It fascinates me to no end and I personally desire to taste and try what I can before my time in this world comes to an end.
Going to /fit/ got me to start cooking for myself, but food-based anime/mango and pepin made me want to actually cook good stuff I could share and cured my aversion to using enough fats.
My best friends mom. First thing I remember was her making baked Mac and cheese, before that I was sure Mac and cheese only came in boxes. She always cooked dinner, mostly scratch, and it was so much better than home. My mother was always bitching about how expensive it was to eat out. She rarely cooked, if she did it was overcooked and under seasoned. So I took it up myself, saved money and the food was decent.
My mother who studied and taught French and Italian.
My uncle who ran a renowned restaurant near Venice, Italy.
A high school friend who became a chef on the world's 50 best list.
Alain Chapel's cookbook.
I needed to eat???
Needing to eat in order to live.
I had to learn to cook as a teen so I could stop being a fat piece of shit like the rest of my family.
Chud meme response but its actually half the reason: I didnt want to eat fast food anymore after noticing that literally 95% of fast food workers in my area were indians.

Also, wanting to be healthier and have more money.
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eating raw plant and animals start to get old so me invent fire and wow food taste good again
Watching Alton Brown’s show Good Eats is what got me into cooking
Any Good Eats fans?
nah never heard of it
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For the last 10 months or so I just got in the habit of if I needed something (like bread, sauces, etc.) or craving something I'd just learn to make it myself.

But well before that I learned to make dongpo pork because of a touhou doujin and that's what clued me into the fact restaurant dishes aren't actually that hard to do yourself if have the tools.
Don't even mention those names. The betrayal of trust, watching a favorite 90s Food Network guy become a libtard Twitter cringelord, is just too depressing.
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When I was young, I would watch a lot of Food Network when I went to my grandmother's house 2-3 days a week (the choices were gameboy (lost the fight to my older brother most times), reading (burned through the box of pulp books in her basement pretty quick), or watch TV (we didn't have Food Network at home)). I watched a lot of Emeril and Good Eats. My parents didn't let me cook for the most part. Eventually I got a girlfriend and I would cook over her house since I had pretty free reign there and a surprising amount of what I had seen translated well to cooking IRL.
same, both my parents worked; my mom aleays got home sorta laremmte, and my dad worked nights a lot
There's two Chinese places near by and both suck ass. Like, their beef and broccoli doesn't even have sauce, it just stews in the steam that forms in the take-out tray while it's closed and being transported from the restaurant to my house. This was unacceptable to me because I grew up in a heavily Asian part of Calgary and already had my taste buds spoiled by them.
I do think he went kooky but I still appreciate his show. The way he films and directs his shows is very unique for a cooking show.
Being poor
Partly moving to a cabin in the woods near a tiny town of 500 people with the nearest real grocery store being an hour away, and very few options for eating out. I found myself eating the same shit over and over for years and finally to break the monotony and pass the time I started getting more adventurous with cooking.
Partly /ck/. I started coming here because /tv/ got too cancerous and filled with bait and /ck/ is one of those boards where the interest is both accessible and requires some level of skill (lol), and most people here are actually very helpful and have a sense of humor. I have learned a lot and found some cool recipes here.
I was a latchkey kid and grew up in the middle of nowhere. I wasn't allowed to cook anything while mom and dad were gone, but one day I was like "they never said I couldn't grill..." and I was off to the races. They never noticed I was grilling, even if I would burn myself or someshit I would just write it off on being a dumbass at school.

Worked out pretty well. Ate mostly protein growing up.
Just being broke primarily, of course my mom couldn't cook for shit but that wasn't really any kind of inspiration. I had to cook to live and the way I lived was to buy whatever was on sale or marked down with that about to expire discount sticker so I got good by living every day of my life like it's Chopped for about 10 years straight. I also always loved food shows, iron chef and alton brown etc, and I worked in restaurants a few times although while that helped my skills it damaged the joy of cooking for me pretty badly.
For me, it's
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My grandma
Survival. It was either eat charcoal briquettes that were formerly hamburgers, or learn to cook my own shit. TV dinners and freezer food saved my ass in the early years as I learned how to make shit. Neither parent could cook, nor could the grandparents. So I learned my ass how to cook to live.

It was a real shock to find out people actually could miss home cooked food.
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First it was out of necessity, then out of liking my food that tastes good.
I was 13 and decided this would be my personality.
Mom and dad got divorced.
Dad got custody but didn't want to lift a finger.
He taught me to cook and clean.
I was making dinner mostly unsupervised by about ten or eleven.
fuck that song
local classic radio plays that shit 6+times a day and it’s so fucking annoying
It's truly awful which is what makes indulging in it so much more sickening and masochistic
got a bf
making food for myself is not motivation enough to spend more than five minutes on a meal, but i'm less willing to feed the same low-effort slop to him
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I moved out to university and I wanted home cooked meals. At some point I grew to enjoy cooking. These days food is one of my biggest interests, not even eating it but the history of it, and the process of making it.
You look like a tranny
depression, low income and a lot of free time
The primal and intrinsic need to sustain myself. I might as well try to make it as enjoyable as I can.
By the time I moved out of college dorms I was very tired of eating garbage out of a microwave so I taught myself some basic cooking skills.
But I didn't really care about food and cooking until I started waiting tables at a decent Italian restaurant that introduced me to the cuisine beyond the Americanized suff like spaghetti and meatballs.
ck memes about knorr stockpots
Being poor as shit in my 20s and wanting to still eat decent food.
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when i started dating, i felt the ambition to offer something interesting and tasty for the girl to eat. when i cook a meal, i strongly prefer when i can share it with someone
another point was when my grandmother died. it occurred to me that if i want to taste the pastry from my childhood again, i have to learn to make it myself. and it felt like accepting and preserving the heritage
fast food (and any kind of pre-made supermarket food) becoming increasingly shit and expensive
wagies mess up my order and it's my fault for complaining because they're underpaid and overworked or whatever the fuck
fuck them, get better jobs retards
Eating out is expensive
>get first job washing dishes at a decent restaurant
>get staff meal
>"wow food can actually taste good"
>mind blown
starvation at the age of 14
My dad is really into cooking and forced me to help out and learn a lot, my mom's OK too and taught me some techniques my dad wasn't into (breading and frying stuff in particular), and then I grew up and wanted to eat decent stuff and couldn't afford to go to restaurants all the time so I started cooking on my own.

A couple of notable extra factors were spending time in Japan and getting into some Japanese foods that either suck at most places in the US or aren't widely available at all (even basic stuff like katsu), and then the combo of covid and inflation making restaurants even less of an option than they used to be.
My ex was very high maintenance and looking back, a bit of a schitzo. She had a petrifying fear of microwaves and anything cooked inside them because she was afraid they would give her cancer. We didn't have one. Also she wouldn't eat red meat or poultry because she saw some documentary about farming once and it made her cry (she knew nothing about farming). She would bitch about every single place we went out to because she never liked any of their vegetarian options, and I couldn't just buy those frozen vegan Amy's meals since they take forever to cook in an oven.

I got sick of her always being pissed off so I learned how to cook vegetarian/ pescatarian food well out of necessity thinking it would appease her. She enjoyed my food thoroughly, but alas, I was a young man in love, idealistic and foolish. It was never enough. I had to prep meals beforehand because if she was hungry and didn't eat in less than 30 minutes, she'd completely melt down. She wanted me to cook with "organic" ingredients so I spent more on groceries. Then the ingredients weren't "local" enough so I learned to garden. And fish.

Eventually she started looking at "homesteading" shit which admittedly is very cool, but would get upset that I didn't have enough money to buy property somewhere in Oregon (had to be in an expensive blue state with high taxes). Or would get legit upset with me when I told her that even if I did, I didn't know how to build a fucking entire house from scratch by myself and that doing so would take years of experience and financial planning rather than a manic 2AM spree of saving pinterest info-graphics and youtube videos.

It wasn't until my thirties that I realized nothing I did would make this type of person content and she would always have some petty complaint about some bullshit. However I now have a lot of great hobbies and skills from attempting to rise up to the challenge of someone totally unreasonable who hated doing anything for me in return.
christ and I thought my ex was needy
this. my mother stopped cooking and started drinking once the divorce was finalized, so I had to cook or it was fast food 24/7. She`s a great cook too, so it sucks she got like that.
I started liking cooking at like 11 in boyscouts out innawoods and was naturally good at making breakfast, so over the years I expanded my repertoire to baking, then regular food, then grilling. Im decent now and food is so expensive to buy out it helps (and my autism enjoys the bite of validation when i make good food and people compliment it so that helps too ;;;))))
I'm amazed you put up with that for as long as you did
Paul Prudhomme and Jacques Pepin on PBS

My mom parked two-year-old me in front of the TV and I watched these two guys cook awesome things
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>move out on my own
>know cooking myself is cheaper, healthier and tastier than pre-made food most of the time
Do Americans really not cook?
Originally wanted to do it as a kid but parents didn't think I was responsible. Then a couple years ago I decided to make it a New Year's resolution to cook at least 1 meal for the family a month. It would quickly become a more regularly biweekly thing and then evolved to become weekly as I picked up recipes on the net and in cookbooks while practicing new cooking styles and buying new tools to cook with.

Now I'm looking around for recipes from parts of the world I've never tried before to see how different the food culture can be or what the original from the American variants taste like in comparison.
parents starved me
I got hungry and I needed to satiate my hunger. Wtf kind of question is this? Just wanted to post anime characters? Ok.

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