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How often do restaurants actually change the oil in the fryer?
they just pour it in a funnel to feed the american in the basement
Depends on use. Fryer oil is used up both by the fryer being on and by things being put in it. When I worked at a bar, we would use oil for three days. First day for fries, second day for chicken strips and such, third day for wings. We had three fryers so we would just rotate through, putting fresh oil in one per day, and filtering and cleaning the other two.

When I worked Japanese, we would change it once per week, but we had much lower volume and our fryer items didn't fuck up the oil like wings and dry ribs do. We'd change it while it was still completely transparent because otherwise, it would throw off the tempura, which was very finicky.

Generally speaking, if the oil smells burnt or foams its been used too long already. While it depends on the products being fried and the quality of the establishment, I was taught that for most things, once the oil darkens enough you can't see the bottom of a fryer basket when you submerge it, it needs to be changed.

There's no specific timeline, however, as sales volume and product type vary.
after every single batch of fries
Back when i worked in a restaurant we cleaned about every week / if it got dirty enough.
Though there were only about 2 or 3 trays of things that needed to be deep fried every week.
what should I do with the oil that's in my fryer right now.
I've used it for like 10 batches of fries and it doesn't look good anymore
>inb4 notmyproblem.jpg
seriously, where do I throw it?
It's 3 litres.
This was my experience.
I'm sure it's at least a month now due to this shit:
So, in addition to having your Simplotâ„¢ french fries being cooked in "FRESH" deodorized rancid seed oil, now you get to enjoy progressively worse inflammation and hormonal disregulation as you continue to eat at you dollar-saving favorite chain eatery.
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ALWAYS save the container it came in. Then just pour it back in and throw it out with the trash when it's spent.
This isn't illegal.
If you already DID throw the original containers out like a fucking RETARD, get a funnel and pour it onto two 2-liter bottles from the recycling,(or your neighbor's) and then throw out.
Down the drain
i did throw them (it was three bottles of 1 litre each)
Fair enough, I will get a funnel and throw it in the trash
lesson learnt anon, thanks for the tip
i wouldnt do that, this is my house
Good man.(Same anon)
We ALL have our moments or 'Tardation.
I DO hope you are using peanut oil.
I don't know if restaurants have higher quality but my food truck swapped it every 2-3 days
>I DO hope you are using peanut oil.
yes sir
Been working in fast food for about 30 years and from my experience it was generally once a week across most of my jobs. Sometimes a week and a half, rarely more than that. Shit gets real bad after a week but it's expensive and there isn't much incentive to do it since customers don't generally come back complaining so it's usually the last thing that gets done.
Chef at Wendy's here. We change the oil when it gets too dark. It's not on a schedule we just change it when it stinks too bad.
frying a ton of fish? change out every night. only making french fries? could likely get away with 3-4 days, even at high volume, so long as it's filtered and each night and you aren't blasting the heat to make up for too small of a fryer or something stupid like that.
Everyone shut up, this dorks been working in fast food for the past 30 years of his life.
>Planet is covered with people who have never worked a day in their lives, because they're trust fund kids, people who have given up, people with chronic mental issues, the list goes on
>Waste trips on a guy who busts his ass for 30 years like a good citizen

Seriously? I mean, I get that fast food isn't what most people would consider a glamorous job, but he's had steady work for 30 years. He's earned simple respect as much as anyone else, really. What a waste of good trips.
Not that poster, but being a cook at any place, even a 3 star isn't glamorous. At least on a normal line the cooks are expected to have some sort of perspective and judgement, though. Fast food is structured so the only input a cook has is which item to assemble first and how to wash their hands. Almost everything is measured already (amounts - squeeze one trigger for this sauce, 2 pickle slices, whatever, time - electronically clocked and alarmed). All the rest is basic economy of motion that any laborer should have. It's not the kind of job one has to bust ass at. Just being somewhat efficient is enough. There's a reason it used to be relegated as a first timer job for high school kids.
>He's earned simple respect as much as anyone else
No, he really hasn't. He's respectable enough that I wouldn't just insult him outright to his face out of nowhere, but insisting that someone who spent several decades doing dead-end unskilled labor is *as* deserving of respect as the typical people who did it for a couple years as a kid before moving on to a real job is ridiculous. The vast majority of people who hear you say "I worked in fast food for 30 years" will very rightfully assume that you're too incompetent in general to hold down any job that expects basic functioning from you (fast food does not). If you aren't brain-dead, you move to a less strenuous job that pays better than fast food as soon as possible. The only reason you don't do that is if you can't manage basic competency in literally any field, and that's not respectable.

How is preparing and serving food not a real job? And he's right, they're countless welfare niggers who do nothing all day but you have an issue with simple food workers. You're a snobbish faggot. What even is your job?
>Implying you need to have perspective and judgement for a job to be a job
I've seen warehouse workers, padlock pinners, part fetchers working at automotive shops and a whole lot of other jobs that a very intelligent monkey could perform, it doesn't mean I wouldn't consider any of that a job. You and
this anon are both right that fast food for 30 years isn't indicative of a whole bunch of ambition or critical thinking, but the man still busted his ass for three decades making an honest living. Give him a break, yeah?
That really all depends on what he's been doing for the past 30 years, has he at least gotten to store manager status? Supervisor? Franchise owner? Or has he been nothing but a simple fry cook the entire time he's been there? I worked at fast food for 4 years and the supervisor there had a really nice house with a nice car, a wife he met while working at the same restaurant with which he had 5 kids with, seems like he's doing good for himself.
>the man still busted his ass for three decades making an honest living. Give him a break, yeah?
I don't have any problem at all with >>20692968. Like I said, I would never just outright insult him for no reason like >>20693444 did. I have a problem with >>20693502 for claiming that he's as respectable as people who managed to muster up any amount of useful ability so they could leave the fast food industry. He's still a human being and I'm sure he has his reasons for his direction in life, but it's completely ridiculous to say that there's no difference in respectability between him and the people who actually made something of themselves.
>they're countless welfare niggers who do nothing all day
The fact that there are people who take even worse directions in life does not change the fact that his direction was not very good.
I'm not the one busting his balls. I'm busting your balls for saying he busts his ass simply because he's worked fast food for 30 years, which is a retarded statement. Even if he moves inhumanly fast and efficiently, he could be using those skills in a more demanding environment that MIGHT be worthy of claiming to bust one's ass at. Fast food ain't it. Some jobs are fucking easy be their very nature.
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I'm a manager at Panda Express and make more than someone with a college degree
europoors always OBSESSED
This is a cooking forum buddy
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not your problem
For me, I have a sealed 5 gallon compost bucket that I dump usually one countertop deep fryer's worth of oil into per bucket before taking it to my compost pile with my other vegetable scraps/compostables. The veggies usually soak up the oil, and due to how large my sheet composting section is it doesn't get overly oiled. Plus, the oil helps out the worms from my understanding. Just don't over saturate your compost with oil. That's all.
Anyone else find it ironic that people bitch all day every day about how bad fast food is prepared and their orders are never right but at the same time mock anyone who might actually have enough experience to make their food correctly?
They want fast food jobs to be a revolving door of unexperienced retards because somehow that makes them feel better about their own lives but at the same time they get mad that there are only unexperienced retards serving them.
Kek, this. My dad used to run a Sonic and he'd make 90k+. I would been on track to also become a GM, but I'm an abhorrent alcoholic who keeps sabotaging my life.
I've been saying for years that everybody should vr mandated to work fast-food as a teen for at least 6 months so they can understand it and not be a dick.

One time my shitty boss only scheduled me and a girl that reqlly only worked front, in the morning. Breakdast rush cokes and we're getting railed. A lady in thr store was piercing daggers with her eyes, watching us try to keep up, and bitched me out, wanted corporates number. Wtf???
For some reason people are just hateful when it comes to food. Aside from sex food is the most universally important thing to most people. Our lives revolve around it, we will literally die without it. Yet people also want to shit on anyone involved in the food business and then wonder why no one good is in the food business and their food always sucks. Humans are petty, spiteful creatures, you get the sloppy mcmayo you deserve.
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mcdonalds has fancy fryers that automatically filter the oil every 30 minutes and they squeeze a week out of each vat. at least, if they're managed properly.

but every bar i ever worked at changed it every 2 weeks and never filtered it. and they only changed like.. one fryer. out of three. so you're talking month old rank ass oil and nobody really ever questions it.
>it's expensive
cooking oil is like $1/liter, it's not expensive at all, they are selling a tiny ration of fries for $15. small restaurant workers are just lazy, don't give a fuck and cannot be trusted to do the bare minimum.
Don't mutts have oil deposits where you can return used cooking oil?
Monday change, Tuesday and Wednesday filter, Thursday change, Friday filter, Saturday change, Sunday filter. This is how we do it every morning.
We have one big thing out back for used cooking oil, and two smaller ones for shit from grease traps.
I worked at a nice reasturant and they would change it every night. I also worked at Jack in the Box and they changed it every month
I used to open at Burger King and we were supposed to change it every day. It's extremely messy and tedious work as you can imagine, so it might be something that gets "forgotten."
rent free
Turn it into biodiesel and illegally sell it. Become the Breaking Bad of the environment.
Your mom is also used up by things being put in it.
Once a week.
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Twice a week at least, dependent on customer volume.
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Never been a prep cook ,eh?
Someone needs to portion all that stuff.
More often if it's fast food I believe. I worked at whataburger and the oil was changed often, but I always felt bad for the manager because he sighed and looked like he hated doing it. Not sure how often but it seemed like every other day.
There are times when I eat deep-fried food without issue, but also times when 30min after eating I just start getting stomach cramps and I get a 1x diarrhea event where it just seems like I am shitting out the deep-fried food I just ate. Is it save to assume this happens because the oil wasn't good of whatever place I ate at earlier?
I think it's just fast food in general. When I ate a full fast food diet my shits were massive or I would have diarrhea. Old oil isn't necessarily unhealthy, it just affects the taste in ways but also can enhance the taste after it becomes 'seasoned' with other foods.
depends on the place, when I worked at a steakhouse it was 2-3 times a week. Work in a bar kitchen now and we fry a lot so we replace it atleast 4 times a week
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There are no "Prep cooks" at fast food "restaurants" everything comes out of bags, boxes and cans. I mean, unless you count 20 minutes of working on the tomato slicer/wedger as "a par sheet"
Lotta wasted trips ITT...
>Old oil isn't necessarily unhealthy
It absolutely is, anon. When you consider that the onionsbean or Rapeola oil is "rancid" right out of the factory,(It undergoes multiple industrial steps to bleach and deodorize it,) the highly oxidized shit in the fryers is considerably worse as an inflammatory.
might give you an idea why.
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I love the idea that someone filled up his fryer with not though whatsoever that he'd eventually need to empty it out again
Doesn't matter, it's already toxic in its fresh state.
Actually your body adapts based on whatever you eat the most. Sure for a healthy vegan or someone who eats mostly whole foods some nasty fryer oil will probably be bad for them. But for someone who regularly eats fried foods your bodies systems have adapted to that and can use it as functional fuel without any detriment to your system.
>healthy vegan
no such thing
the moment you become vegan the countdown on nutrient deficiencies starts ticking down and you will inevitably suffer brain damage and other organ damage, hence the deathcamp swag
being real, the burny bits of old french fries floating around in the oil after being used for a month is what makes shit taste so good
No, you're thinking of beef tallow. The burnt bits actually make your food taste worse and they cause each subsequent batch to cook poorly.
brb gonna ingest uranium until my body builds a resistance, just in case of a nuclear fall out.

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