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not sure who will win
I will keep you updated tho
Alright sweet. Looks like your bing bing wahoo device is improperly docked by the way.
oh shit, you are right, let me tell my son
doesn't it keep boring when every dish is either a taco or a tortilla?
I think I watched this once, don't they cuss a ton? I remember it being funny but maybe it wasn't masterchef
not really
>Switch disk case meaning you pay $70 a disk
>Not having 512gb of games downloaded for free
she is Rossana from veracruz and is gonna make a salsa with habanaero and mango
The brown guy with black hair is gonna win. Count on it
They're cartridges not discs
That's my cousin's name. :3
first dish was pekin duck in habanero sauce with mango
secon dish were mushrooms tamales
third dish were ant eggs with snails in wine with tortilla
main dish about to come up
I will take pictures now
Rossana just explain it has parmesan cheese and crab hands int he Rizzotto
jawy made an adobo with octopus, peanut sauce
Ferca made crab covered in pumpkin seed and bean sauce
I'd eat Rosanna's muff if you catch my drift
>tiled floor
Are you watching this in your kitchen?
Rossana won
see you tomorrow
You are not very smart
Prove it
Poor people have tile in their living rooms a lot of times. Since I’m guessing OP is Mexican, it’s a good bet he’s poor as shit and thus has tile floors in his living room.
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that tiny chinese tv, the garbage 10 dollar combo tv table, the cheapest version of an old gen console with 1 or 2 games at most either smash pokemon or fifa, the cold uncomfortable cheap dirty tiled floor and the poorly plastered plain walls, the spic dream house never changes

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