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>smells like literal horse shit
What is the use case for this substance?
>What is the use case for this substance?
learn english dipshit
Chinaman food.
>Steamed ground pork with tofu
>Soy sauce, white pepper, ginger, salted egg, corn starch, rice wine
>Mix it up
Easy mea
>white people find white pepper smells like animals, manure, farms, etc
I hear this pretty often. What’s the actual cause behind it?
An Indian made this thread
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Pretty sure it's the star of the show in this Singaporean brand bak kut teh soup mix. Tastes like there's a shit load of white pepper but it's fucking delicious.

It's just a pork rib soup cooked low and slow with light and dark soy sauce, and a fuck load of garlic.

East Asian food is better than south Asian food sir
It's much better than black pepper with potatoes or eggs. Pure fact.
it's skinned black pepper. it doesn't have anything black pepper doesn't.

my night shits often smell like horse shit because i eat so clean and have short transit times, and don't touch garlic/onions for secret reasons
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>teo chew style
Nah man. Give that brown shit. Make sure it tastes like medicine. I want my neighbours to know what I’m eating. I want to be pulling cloves of garlic out of my teeth.
>t. Singaporean
White pepper is fermented so does genuinely contain some of the same aroma compounds as manure, but it's more prominent in lower quality pre-ground white pepper.
>Fermented powder
You've never heard this.
It smells like pepper.
It's powdered after the peppercorns are fermented you dumbo.
White pepper is actually used in a lot of traditional european cooking too. Unsurprising since there's record of it being used as far back as the Romans. Then over time it's become used only when people want to be french faggots and hide their pepper in mashed potatoes or whatever but it's actually a very solid spice in its own right. As a rule of thumb the more traditional and plain the food the better white pepper is to use with it.
>What is the use case for this substance?
Do you mean "best" use?
White pepper is from the inside of the same peppercorn. it is used often in chinese food, where suspicious eaters might be scared by black bits of black pepper in their food or soup, worried it might not be pepper. //fact

There are some people who put it in mac n cheese, for the same reason, you can't see a secret ingredient. Pepper and mustard powder, both, adds some extra pungency to improve the milder, less aged, lower cost cheddar you made it with. There are crappy recipes everywhere, including people who add egg to their mac, to make it seem thicker (in lieu of more cheese). You absolutely don't need to buy it nor use it ever.
There is none. Always grind your pepper manually.
>t. never had Penja
oh, I forgot...back in the70s, 80s and 90s and not until 2005
Sichuan pepper was banned from import, and so needed a substitute they could put into your food in higher quantity. It is heat treated today, upon import, to kill bacteria.
Its great in soups and sauces. That fine powder disperses it really nicely when compared to using a pepper mill and getting a more coarse grind. I use it pretty much anywhere you would use black pepper except for when I want that coarser stuff.
>You've never heard this.
NTA, but my Vietnamese immigrant family used to hear this a lot in our Vietnamese pho restaurant, until we figured out what was going on and made some adjustments.
>don’t worry, my parents still use it for most Asian customers.
>white ppl think pepper smells like poop
I've noticed over the past few years there's been a lot of bizarre made-up stereotypes about whites. You guys just throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks?
Makes mashed potatoes better.
what is with the epidemic on this board of non-native speakers telling others to learn?
no native speaker has used that phrase in 50 years
Zigger thread. Abandon.
The only thing it’s good for is french omelettes and Chinese style noodles like chow mein along with other Chinese soups like egg drop or hot and sour.
get over it grandpa everything that was yours will either be forgotten or coopted by the youth

If it smells like horse shit, that means you have old white pepper. It goes bad pretty quickly imo, <1 mo. Buy a new jar and you should find that it doesn't have any off odours.
You can go over to /g/ and find 100 posts right now, "what's the use case for this" is a local meme. Better would be to accuse op of being a computer faggot Tech guy which is likely, but he's probably under age 35.
Yeah but it enraged a bunch of Karens:
Screaming like menopausal women. It was funny to watch them maxing out their 75 IQ on the sentence.
you have hemorrhoids
You got me. You can celebrate with your church group, over a slice of pumpkin pie. It'll be a riot!
go apply your ointment shit ass hemorrhoid bitch
>75 IQ
I was overestimating. Goodbye Karen. Remember your HRT
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>What is the use case for this substance?
youre getting blood on the chair hemorrhoid boy
That one smells like a Chinese version of heaven. I've had it both ways and love both, apples and oranges. But the teo chew way hits different IMO. Hearty, garlicky, and peppery porky perfection. A bowl of that with a honk of rice in it and drowned with that soup is one of the best things to come home to after a long day.
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good morning Changs

lets get a job today
Am I the only one who thinks it smells like band aids?
but thats not ground garlic
Stop larping as a 'wampeer' or whatever you call them
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What's it like living in Singapore? I only ever saw pictures of that cool looking green airport you guys have. Got my passport recently and trying to choose a travel destination.
kinda.. used ones that are getting a bit stanky?
Basically it's great for cream of X type soups where you might not want the black bits of pepper to be present. Also good for bisques too. Basically any soup really.
Less of the ebonics, Tommy. You know your mother dislikes it.
>smells like literal horse shit
what the fuck? I use this stuff all the time in Chinese cooking and it smells fine.
It absolutely does. Like a dirty band aid you finally take off after a few days. I never really used it until I started making French omelets.
It's a /g/ meme based off a GNOME developer who looks kind of soy and also responds to every feature request with this dismissal. >>20695028
>What is the use case for this substance?
Easier than getting a literal horse into the kitchen to shit on your steaks.
Mashed potato or pumpkin pie in particular if you don't want specs from Black pepper.
Unlike your own.
>black peppercorn
>white peppercorn
>green peppercorn
>pink "not-a-peppercorn peppercorn"

>He fell for the McCormick meme
That stuff sits in a warehouse for who knows how long, and then sits on a store shelf for weeks or months before you buy it.

Don't buy your spices at the supermarket. You're getting ripped off. Buy bulk whole spices as much as possible, and grind them yourself. If you have to buy pre-ground, look for a market that sells a store brand and has high turnover (ideally a place that grinds it in-house).

White pepper should not smell anything like horseshit. I should know, since I've spent my whole life around horses and I also use white pepper pretty frequently.

As for use case, I mostly use it in sauces where I don't want black flecks, or where I want a more delicate pungency as opposed to the more assertive pungency of black pepper.
when i worked at a burger joint our fry seasoning was just like 3/4 salt 1/4 white pepper, it was pretty nice
/ck/is an entry level board especially for newfags
i bought white pepper recently hoping it had a unique taste like you people say but it literally tastes identical to black pepper
Black pepper is stronger and more complex. Also they develop different flavors when cooked. You probably won't notice a difference unless you're using fresh-ground, though.
It's not a meme you dipshit, it's a coding thing.
Fuck you, go do the actual meme of "learn to code".
I am actually pissed off that you keep posting "it's a meme thing" because you clearly have no idea what the fuck english is anymore.
>I don't know what that phrase is therefore you're shit at English

If you don't know what a fucking use case is, then you're a fucking halfwit. Then you get all bitchy about YOUR ignorance. What a dick
it doesnt smell like horseshit but it smells disgusting
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Welcome to the /KoolKidsKlub/.
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It stinks to high heaven raw but cooked it's fine and tastes great.

When I lived in Taiwan they use white pepper in tons of dishes. One of my faves is their fried popcorn chicken with tons of white pepper and Thai basil.

It's also used a lot in French cuisine, particularly for making sauces. They use white pepper instead of black pepper so as not to "discolor" the sauce.
If you think white pepper smells bad then you've clearly never encountered asafoetida.
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Good old Fetid Asshole. Had to keep it in it's original container, inside of a zip lock bag, inside of a Mason jar sealed with a vacuum sealer so it wouldn't stink up my entire kitchen.
stop eating so much hay, anon, it isn't good for you
>when the cancer becomes aggressive
>ass a feet a titta
Smell goot to me desu.
sometimes you need a hint of shit in your food
They don't call it "devil's dung" for nothing.
yeah, i find that it stinks like ass as soon as it hits hot food but mellows out very quickly, particuarly when its the crappy preground stuff
i have a small pepper grinder that i use just for white pepper, its nice to have on hand
yt pepper be racist an sheeit
w-why are you going around smelling horse shit?
Step outside the big city once in a while.
Go to a rodeo, ride a horse, get off your e-girl gaming chair and live like a man.
i dont cook with disgusting thirdie ingredients
Sure it smells like horese manure but mixed with food it gives you a pepper spice that lasts longer on the tongue. Worth it.
it's not the 1800s anymore, retard. the whole cowboy thing is for faggots now.

i was surprised how much better the pepper mix was than the generic black pepper

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