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Fry Bread is the best shit I've ever had. There are some foods like it but good fucking god none of them come close to how good this shit. I don't understand how something so simplistic can be so good.
The reason Native Americans are fat is because they buy chips and pop and hot dogs and Chef Boyardee by the caseload.
I live in a town that is 45% Injuns. On cheque day you can go to the Wal-Mart or Superstore near close and see which parts of the store are completely barren from being swarmed by every welfare queen and junkie in town getting a chunk of cash. They mostly don't eat vegetables at all. I cater for a living, and the only green of any sort two thirds of them will touch is Caesar salad. Their diet consist of processed meat, soda, alcohol, bread, marble cheese, and potato chips.
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>Their diet consist of processed meat, soda, alcohol, bread, marble cheese, and potato chips.
lol it's the disease ridden blankets all over again!
good thing you didn't say city otherwise that'd be me lol
except i don't eat bread and i have a caffeine addiction instead of alcoholism
i can't afford both
One thing I miss about AZ. It was pretty easy to find places that sold fry bread with taco toppings (they usually called them Navajo tacos) for fundraisers and shit, they're so good.
i used to babysit for a native family. their house was fucking filthy and the shit they fed the kid? kraft dinner, rice krispies with sugar, and other garbage. it actually made me sad, feeding their little one actual trash
why be happy of their misery?
So it's bread?
>rice krispies with sugar
That's disgusting in my house we make them with vinegar
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I'm just a positive guy, and I try to see the best in every situation
It’s just a ghetto doughnut. Yes it’s good and you shouldn’t eat it
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How dare you. According to Wikipedia, in 2024 the correct revisionist interpretation is that frybread, whose ingredients came from US Govt welfare, was introduced by the white man to cause nutritional problems. More like "die bread", amirite? (Yes, there is a "native" journalist whose entire career is based on this bumper sticker slogan.)
>white man kills you off like any invading indian tribe would do
>white man goes soft, instead gives you flour, sugar, salt and lard to help survive on generous reservation
As for me, I prefer eating fried bread (a worldwide culinary phenomenon) without the political dialectic.
Fried bread is a British dish not Native American you silly yank.
how about some fry salad, you fat fuck
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fat + simple carbs is an extremely dangerous combination.
I'm a redskin indian and I'm not fat, but I'm also not a plains jew injun (and I tend to not eat "marble cheese"). There's different races of feather-not-dot indians, which offends certain types because they're plains jew injun and thus scum. Either way, most full-blooded redskins are fucking mongoloid abhumans and ugly as sin.

Same as most any other race of human, really.
No one has a webm of the Greasy Ass Fry Bread music video from reservation dogs? Shit's hilarious.

>She be resin' it up...
cute whataburger asst manager
God I hope she does meth, thats how I got all my past gfs!
I mean, them being trashy and dirty is pretty bad but what's wrong with boxed mac and cheese? You should have picked some other examples.
Plains indians are the only cool ones. We're the ones people think of. The tall ones, the strong ones, the warriors, the feather headdresses, the buffalo, the horses, the hunting. That's us.

Shitty little pueblo dwelling manlets, that's what the rest of you are lol. 5' tall and living in a mud hut but you'll sure pretend we're the same when it comes to taking a piece of the glory.

My tribe fought to the very end. Your pueblos surrendered a century before the fight even started.
An instructional novel to try and get non whites to care about their children's nutrition. To care about their kids at all really, like whites do.

Written by
Guilt Ridden White Guilt Liberal

Illustrated by
Diversity Hire Scribbler Juana Naynay Burrito-Cortez
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They aren't, you fell for the plains jew marketing scheme. Every single one I've ever seen in any official capacity is a manlet tub of country crock and diabetes. The tall, athletic ones are the trail of tears types, the southeastern tribes. They are not plains injuns.

The mud hut bullshit is where you come from, you just took over the culture of the conquered peoples because jews gonna jew and that's how you made money.
>My tribe fought to the very end
You a Seminole or Micosukee? They’re the only truly undefeated tribe
1000% wrong and dumb. Are you just making shit up now? People probably just let you usually because nobody knows shit about indians.

You're a fucking moron and the support of a moron like you is only going to damage any ideology you're a part of.
>gets called out for being a slimy plains jew manlet tub of shit and known for nothing
Go back to your trailer AKA the turd and mud huts of your fake ancestors that don't exist except in jew movies.
It's an inferior product that doesn't save any time over doing mac and cheese yourself. It's stupid easy

Heat up water on pot on one burner.
Once qater is simmering but not boiling heat up sauce pan another burner.
Add 2 tbs flour, 2 tbs spoons butter to sauce pan and whisk until cooled to desired color.
At some point during thst process add noodles to boiling water pot.
Add milk or cream or both to sauce pan and whisk. Add desired seasonings. Last minute or so add cheese and mix.
Pull cooked noodles from boiling water directly to sauce pan and mix. If sauce a little runner add more cheese until desired tthickness.

The end.
The only fry bread I've had was miccosukee, and it was from pumpkin puree made into dough. It was enjoyed at the Wild Hog BBQ, a semi-private good ol boys kind of gathering in the Everglades.
That's a lot more ingredients that cost a lot more even over time. You can buy boxes of Kraft for like 10 for 1.50 even now, this IS literally cheaper than all the ingredients you listed. Hell, cream is like 3.50 now alone for a tiny ass amount. People eat this stuff for financial reasons, not for MUH SUPERIOR PRODUCT MUST BE EATEN FUCK INFERIOR PRODUCTS. I don't eat it because I think mac and cheese is fucking gay, but you seem even gayer.
No shit. That stuff was heavenly, especially when they used mutton.
sounds significantly more complicated than just making mac n' cheese
stop posting about food i wanna see more indians slapfighting
i decided to check because i was thinking this, you fry dough rather than it being baked into bread then fried. different enough i guess
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Poor people are more likely to eat poorly for reasons ranging from addiction to economic availability. Boom. Thread solved. You're welcome.
Not Rice Krispies teats, anon. Rice Krispies cereal. With sugar sprinkled on it.
>Theres a reason Native Americans are fat
They make their buffalo wings out of real buffalo haha.
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It's easy to make, sure, but a lot more expensive. I'm a home cook and cook 95% of my family's meals, and buying cream and a block of Tillamook is expensive. Significantly more expensive than simply buying one box of Annie's and adding a handful of shredded sharp cheddar in at the end for extra creaminess and flavor. Do not try to die on this hill, everyone loves boxed mac from America's hat all the way down to the southern tip of Texas. It's the one processed prepackaged food we eat weekly besides cereal and gardetto's special request garlic rye chips.
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>pic rel
One thing I have not yet seen ITT is the fact that the US gubbermint DID INDEED take away the naturally active lifestyles of many of these tribes and put them onto reservations.
Fry-Bread is delicious, cheap and simple, but even when it made up a considerable portion of my "Struggle Diet", I could only eat it once or twice a week because of how fatty it was.
I can only imagine that the combination of a fully subsidized life, devoid of meaning or future aspirations--(Like "I am going to hunt that Ghost elk, and present it to Little Bluebird's father for her hand in marriage--then we will travel to the big summer gathering so all can see my beautiful wife forever after..." kinda shit.
Like with anything, at a certain point one HAS to take responsibility for their own choices, and NOT doing so places one firmly in the realm of the liminality of childhood--never progressing into an adult.
MOST people get/got fucked over in their lives either by intentional fuckery or the ignorance of parents or friends. To pick yourself up from this and move forward with will and intent, yes, even bolstered with the belief of God or The Great Spirit or whatever you want to name the ineffable, is the mark of a true adult; something increasingly RARE these days, even with 80 year סlds.
TL;DR: They are FAT because they ate too much delicious Fry-Bread, and not enough of their traditional foods. Grow up.
never heard of it but i’m making some now thanks to this thread. i’m sure it’ll turn out like shit, we’ll see
>everyone loves boxed mac from America's hat
HAD to poast this:
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way too fat but cooked all the way through and taste great with sugar and honey. i’m sure they’ll be even better when they’re thinner
I can smell the bitter leftist incel resentment from here lol.
choose one
no peoples are native to the Americas
Didn't the eastern cherokees fuck off into the woods and manage to avoid the trail of tears, i think thats pretty based
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sweet is good, but sauce and parm are my truth
what is it with the red ears? the people ive met with this are usually short tempered and not that smart
this is what all men look like from a female height perspective
pol, ladies and gentlemen
>boil water
>dump noodles in
>dump water out
>mix packet, milk, butter & pepper
>feed family
>wash one pot, one strainer, three bowls+spoons+cups
>all that bullshit

you're pretty dim if you think that's the same amount of work
>Theres a reason Native Americans are fat
Because they're dumb as rocks.
They waste the free money they're given on stupid shit and need to rely on subsidized handouts to survive, which happens to mostly be wheat and corn. You need to be basically braindead to be diabetic.
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Every time I see this comic, I just think of a table top game that lets you play as a psychic mutant dog who gets created in a lab of a pro-human militia and your purpose in life is basically to sniff out magic terrorists and get told you’re a good boy for your effort.
And go back far enough and none of us are white either. We are very intelligent in our arguments.
I live near a reserve and this is 100% true.
Their diets are entirely composed of processed foods and alcohol, and they will drive three hours just for fucking McDonald's. They won't eat anything that isn't cooked for them, and even then they might not touch it if its not slathered in grease.
The only ones who aren't overweight are mixed (or those who grew up in the city). And even that might not last for long due to the extreme crab bucket mentality they have.
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It's called langos.
It's Hungarian.
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i never thought about that lol. thats why that meme guy looks weird.
Me on the right
This is extremely accurate. They are super picky eaters and generally eat flavorless takeout like McDonald's. I've had dozens of natives tell my the Junior Chicken is "way too spicy". They will larp about grandma making good traditional food but they can't produce any nor a recipe because it's a lie.
Average native diet I've seen:
Raw hotdog, boiled or microwave hotdog on cheapest store bought white bread, bologna sandwich with processed cheese no condiments at all, instant coffee no name or off brand with whitener, chocolate bars (like snickers etc), no fruit ever ( literally not even banana or apple), almost no vegetables (rarely some like Caesar salad). Fish cooked in cheap vegetable or seed oil with no side dish or some pre packaged side like those "side kicks" you can microwave. Beef jerky, no name brand potato chips. Regular or bbq or ketchup(I'm on Canada) flavor. Frozen burger patties, generally no bun just on a plate with ketchup. Kraft dinner with ketchup, cheap cigarettes, weed, cheapest strongest beer, diet off brand soda pop, "fruit juice" (no actual fruit, stuff like kool aid) cheap breakfast cereal with sugar. No chicken no beef sometimes deer or Moose they shot in their yard, way overcooked and floating in water or presented as a "steak" dry and tough like leather no salt or pepper (many do not own a pepper mill or salt shaker). That's the whole list
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quality chekd'
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That's NOT how digits work.
I'm half navajo; only real niggas know about navajo breakfast burritos
Uh oh, some didnt chek'd their quality
During one of the darkest times in my life, I actually tried drinking listerine knowing full well that it could kill me. It's awful and I should have just shot myself instead.
das raycis 'n shieet, stop appropriating injun culcha and go back to the steppe
Yes, that's how you spell it you burger gobbling fatass.
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greasy fry bread mofo
I thought plains Indians were generally the nomadic hunter‐gatherer ones who didn't have a concept of land ownership/territory
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I'll check yours tho--
*(I do get the reference)
Sounds like classic poverty food. Same thing that white trailer trash eats. Say what you want about them, but at least poor black people put a little bit of soul into their cooking, even if it's just old bay and hot sauce
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You two have to kiss now
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LEL...too bad I'm Not GAY..
That's a fuckin awful art style. proto slop.
Anyone ever notice that native Americans all dress in Black? What is up with that?
This picture is fucking with my eyes. I thought the cat was about to dip around thr back side of a rock but it's just a bare patch of dirt
Fry bred is the bee's knees and I'm tired of acting like ti isn't.
You missed the obvious caveat to the overweight bit(besides the under 25s), which is that many of them stay skinny because of their meth addictions lmao.
I would buy that shirt in a second
Any time you see a book with a brown person on the cover covered in a bunch of medals, throw it directly in the trash.
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It's all yours, friend
the goes on to bitch about jews doing the same to him and how evil it is
why is it that every single one of you white supremacists is a hypocrite?
the its only evil when it happens to me and mine mindset is the exact reason why i dont feel bad for any of you in the current political climate.
What are you talking about? Jews don't give anything back to the societies they destroy.
just looks like flat donuts AKA beignets.
"fry bread" is just donuts huh, just more freshly made and not sitting in some case all day.
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viets have somethin similar. see pic
I remember one of my classmates in my Spanish 1 class was part Native American. He got bullied almost daily cause he had a speech impediment. One day his grandpa brought us fry bread with powdered sugar. It was really good. He still got bullied the rest of the year. The Spanish teacher was also a white woman who didn't learn Spanish until she was in her 20s or 30s.

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