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Seed oil haters absolutely obliterated. I am not going to risk a heart attack by using disgusting butter.
I'm in my 40's and have been eating butter heavily for my entire life.
My calcium score is 0.
I’d rather die quickly of a massive heart attack instead of turning into a pants shitting retard that can’t even help itself
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>(((researchers))) say
this, what is the point of living a half as good for twice as long
Then you better get your affairs in order. If you don't cut out the butter you will not survive through this decade.
Yet another junk study with inaccurate conclusions as a sensational clickbait headline. /sigh
" Experts did not observe a similar reduction in risk in cardiovascular disease but noted the data they examined was among patients deemed at high risk of this condition and further studies are needed for people at lower risk. "

People, when you talk about cholesterol levels, you should know they should also test indicators of inflammation to fully determine what is sticking in your arteries, or not. Your diet alone does NOT indicate your health.
>he thinks surviving this decade is a good idea
I don't think you understand what a calcium score of 0 means.
Are you an expert? Why should I believe you over actual experts?
>Trying to reason with the schizo
People show him real proof every time he runs his mouth and every time he ignores it
seed oils are bad for your BRAIN.
Finally someone intelligent here.
does it calcify your peanile gland or something
Grain-fed butter might cause health problems while grass-fed doesn't. Clickbaity headlines can get crammed up my ass. Nutrition is complicated and not solved.
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Pfft... Don't give me some wimpy "canola" oil.
Give me some RAPESEED oil, the chad of the seed plants. Now that's the good shit.
>using disgusting butter.
tastelet detected
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>tits good
>dairy good
>seeds bad
>seed oil bad
It's really that simple.
canola saved my dog from a burning building and volunteers for the elderly
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Praise be! It really is a miracle oil. So versatile and healthy.
Perhaps I would've believed it if this was the Sweden of 40 years ago. But its not, so I don't.
Look at how awful butter is, at least use margarine instead for the sake of your health.
>year of our Lord 2024
>believing anything "researchers" say
>expecting any of the "studies" to be reproduceable
>thinking "science" is not fake and gay

Some "researchers" have lived too comfortable of a life without getting punched in the face.
Seed oils have been pressed prior to animal husbandry. Le natural fallacy faggots are uneducated.
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I don't trust a single Swedish scientist. They are all leftist freaks.
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Health science as a whole is fake and gay. We have all these fields where scientists pretend to know what they're talking about with an ocean of contradictory, poorly acquired data points so fucked that anyone can prove anything and all that really matters is what the authorities in the field are incentivized to accept and how that gets reported. Health is the worst one. They make all these sweeping statements about how peanuts effect the bone density in your balls and everybody assumes they're being precise and controlled about it, but they might as well be study sanitation in a fucking open barn with uncontrolled every facet of their subjects and their lives are. It's bullshit.
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>Nutrition is complicated and not solved.
In addition, It's highly Genome specific through tens of thousands of years of Epigenetics as well.
For the standard Tardfaggot like Opie:
Different people Thrive on different diets due to ancestral norms and ecologically driven genetic pressure.
**Special for the Yiddish cockgargler OP:
Industrial waste Is NOT good for you, neither is Glyphosate, rancid but deodorized seed oil, and artificial "Diet" sweeteners have been proven over and over to CAUSE weight gain and sugar addictions, in addition to hormonal and gut biome dysregulation,(FUCKING UPyou good gutbugs, and making you hungry when full of calories)
These threads seem more and more like bait on a personal level since I was vigorously spreading info not only on seed oils but also the seriously fucked up things that AG chems and Food "Additives" have been doing to the population for the last 6 years.
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>Omega 6 linoleic acid
>an inflammatory for 85% of the population
>an essential fatty acid
GET FUCKED with this bullshit.
>We have all these fields where scientists pretend to know what they're talking about
It's the hubris that comes with having thousands of subsidized "factoids" being CRAMMED into their heads from bullshit studies paid for by the conglomerates that profit from them.
I.E. Higher learning.
You know how a lot of people value something they paid $250 for MORE than a better product that only cost $75?...
I can't tell you how many "Educated masters degree" RETARDS I've met in my day to day life. They value the bullshit because it's part of their IDENTITY.
Sorry wild eyed conspiratard, I only listen to verified sources.
GO FUCK yerself Hymie...
>pic most DEFINITELY related
>daily fail
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>What's this? A modern industrial oil product that was not invented for human consumption? *glug glug* mmm-mm, so good!
>*sppprrrtt* oops, a little anal leakage there, no worries, it's the new normal! I can't believe people are still eating icky butter. It's bad for the environment, dontcha know? *ssppppbbbffbb*
Yeah, like the food pyramid!
>not invented for human consumption
nothing was invented for human consumption you tryhard
>These threads seem more and more like bait
The shitty bait threads posted here are simultaneously posted on /pol/.
I hope this helps you understand their intention.
Use your herbs
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>ayye gringo, seed oils are like, healthy for you and stuff o algo-*BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP*
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NTA but animals were put on God's earth specifically so that I can eat them.
I will share them though since I'm nice.
ty anon
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Good old Ty. Always knows the answers.
Butter was invented for human consumption. Try again sweetie (=
French paradox, etc.
margarine chads can't stop winning

cheap, healthy, and easy to spread
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Will do...AND did!
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Thanks for your opinion. I will still be using butter and tallow.
LOL poison promoters getting desperate. Seed oils are poison, the more shitskins and leftest fuckmeat that eat them the better. Enjoy gut cancer subhuman.
no. that's just not true.
So they're trotting out this bullshit, again, forty years later?
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cope and seethe /pol/troons
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>checked 7s
...But we were always really here already.
You know that part of being politically incorrect is having "Tastes"--and there's NOTHING wrong with that.
..That said. This board should remain sacrosanct for everything but FUD squabbles on technique and regional tastes...
Racial or political shit NEEDS to have containment.
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Also...and WHY NOT?
Chuds make the BEST cooks..sometimes.
Take ramen for instant...ce...
Swedes are faggots 4chan researchers confirm
>"Swedish researchers"
>Sandpeople DEI hires
>Opinion discarded
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>"Studies say"
>"Experts agree"
>"Researches found"
Don't care
Didn't ask
Wont listen
seed oils misalign my chakras, you wouldn't get it
>researchers confirm
This like that constant back and forth where researchers found that eggs were both incredibly healthy and also the worst thing ever to eat?
I don't take dietary advice from the vaxxed.
Tell you what, I'll go ahead and continue ignoring these retards' advice and we'll see whether I or they die first.
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>consume our corn syrup-laced oils, the science approves
>don't eat vegetables
>don't exercise
>don't practice portion control\

I hate modern science so much.
The Swedes are the Californians of Europe, I don't care how many studies they shit out, I will never take them seriously.
More incredible research from the Chaim Shekelblatt Institute for Goyim Studies.
if 'the research' showed seed oils were toxic enough to take them off the market, what would the alternative be? Is there not a huge $ incentive for 'the research' to find seed oils perfectly safe?
I'm sorry, did we all just forget what happened to Ja/ck/? Atherosclerosis also causes strokes.
He was a retard before his strokes so he doesn't count.
based nice anon
>Racial or political shit NEEDS to have containment.
There are cheap non-seed oils like rice bran oils that wouldn't be expensive to switch to.

And dairy is a trillion dollar industry, they have more than enough money to fund research looking into the toxicity of seed oils.
>if you use butter you'll only live to 90, but if you just use oils you'll live to 91! (maybe)

Who the fuck gives a shit?? We as humans aren't meant to live that long anyways.
>Racial or political shit NEEDS to have containment.
Funny, that's exactly what a Congolese dog would say...
Hi, Swede here.
You guys realize they pump out this sort of propaganda en-masse because if they said "oh woops the true healthy diet is 70% animal products, 20% veggies and then a slice of bread on that" the food shortages would be astronomical right? People wouldn't buy cheap to produce bread, people wouldn't buy cheap to produce cooking oils. The meat section would be barren because supply wouldn't be able to keep up with demand, people would rather starve than eat this newly exposed poison. The agricultural economy would be flipped on its head.

Get off your high horse and eat whatever you want that makes you healthy and don't try to correct anyone. They can believe the propaganda for all you care.
When you take a cock in your mouth, does it really make a difference whether the experts say it's a female cock or not?
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Why do people get so irrationally angry when you tell them a life of unhinged hedonism isn't healthy? It can be said eating is the one necessary pleasure in life, so why not do so properly instead of shoveling garbage into your meat hole?
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There is no robust data suggesting saturated fat causes atherosclerosis:
What causes atherosclerosis is, instead, oxidized LDL cholesterol, which you get by eating oxidized fats, meaning the polyunsaturated fats (especially linoleic acid) found in common vegetable oils such as soybean oil which are literally rancid by the time you purchase them due to the high heat used in the process of making them:
Saturated fat was the primary fat source for humans for thousands of years, yet heart disease was almost unheard of until humans started eating vegetable oils.
>Thus, from 1961 on, the AHA recommended that all men (and subsequently women) decrease their consumption of saturated fat, replacing these fats whenever possible with polyunsaturated vegetable oils, as the most promising measure of protection against heart disease.
>The 1961 American Heart Association advice to limit saturated fat is arguably the single-most influential nutrition policy ever published, as it came to be adopted first by the U.S. government, as official policy for all Americans, in 1980, and then by governments around the world as well as the World Health Organization. It is worth noting that the AHA had a significant conflict of interest, since in 1948, it had received $1.7 million, or about $20 million in today's dollars, from Procter & Gamble (P&G), the makers of Crisco oil. This donation was transformative for the AHA, propelling what was a small group into a national organization.
>OxLDL is thought to play an important role in atherosclerosis formation; however, it is the oxidised linoleic acid contained in LDL that leads to harmful OXLAMs, which induces atherosclerosis and CHD. Thus, reducing the amount of dietary linoleic acid, mainly from industrial vegetable/seed oils, will reduce the amount of linoleic acid in LDL and likely reduce oxLDL as well as the risk for coronary heart disease.
>Generally, polyunsaturated fatty acids favor the oxidation of LDL while monounsaturated fatty acids are less conducive to its formation
Most seed oils are heated to 500F for 30 minutes during the process of making them. This renders them literally rancid, as polyunsaturated fat is very unstable and prone to oxidation. They then undergo a deodorizing process so the consumer cannot tell they are rancid.
Rancid oil is literally, factually and objectively toxic.
>oxLDL/LDL-C ratio was positively associated with severity of coronary atherosclerosis (OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.31–3.14, p < 0.01)
>oxLDL/LDL-C ratio is significantly associated with the severity of coronary atherosclerosis
>At 48 ± 2 d of age, the aorta phospholipid of piglets from porcine fed hydrogenated fat contained a significantly higher concentration of linoleic acid
>These changes in composition in piglets from porcine fed hydrogenated fat indicate that trans fat inhibits the metabolic conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid and to other n-6 PUFA.
So, trans fat causes atherosclerosis by causing linoleic acid to build up in arteries. Linoleic acid is the stuff in stuff like soybean oil which is very easily oxidized.
tl;dr: Linoleic acid = clogged arteries.
Oils high in linoleic acid = soybean, corn, cottonseed, grape seed, hemp seed, non-high-oleic safflower oil, non-high-oleic sunflower oil.
Olive oil is high in oleic acid and low in linoleic acid, so it's fairly healthy.
The most stable oils, meaning the least prone to oxidation, are saturated fats which are solid at room temperature.
Clogged arteries are caused by oxidized LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol levels are associated with clogged arteries only because LDL cholesterol levels are also associated with oxidized LDL cholesterol levels. Saturated fat has been wrongly demonized because it is associated with LDL cholesterol levels, but it is not associated with oxidized LDL cholesterol levels.
Linoleic acid is the main culprit in terms of oxidized LDL cholesterol levels and clogging the west's arteries. Linoleic acid is the reason heart disease rates have increased in lockstep with the use of vegetable oils.
When trans fat+saturated fat is replaced with high omega-6 fat in the human diet, the result is an increase in heart disease mortality.
Greater amounts of linoleic acid oxidation products are found within human atherosclerotic plaques and the degree of oxidation determines the severity of atherosclerosis.
Greater amounts of linoleic acid oxidation products are found in LDL and plasma of human patients with atherosclerosis.
The oxidation of linoleic acid in LDL leads to conjugated dienes (malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal), which covalently bind to apoB altering its structure creating oxidised LDL. oxLDL is no longer recognised by the LDL receptors on the liver but by scavenger receptors on macrophages causing monocyte infiltration into the subendothelium, foam cell formation and eventual atherosclerosis in humans.
Susceptibility to LDL oxidation is associated with severity of coronary atherosclerosis in humans.
>There are cheap non-seed oils like rice bran oils that wouldn't be expensive to switch to.
that costs about 50% more than canola oil where I am (and is also made from a waste product?)
>And dairy is a trillion dollar industry, they have more than enough money to fund research looking into the toxicity of seed oils.
is butter competing with seed oils enough for that to make sense? it seems at least plausible that there's a desperate attempt to make seed oils look healthy because the alternative would be food prices going thru the roof. maybe I'm biased because I switched from seed oils to butter for shallow frying just because it tastes so much better.
The only thing that comes to my mind when I hear "Sweden" or "Swedish" are smoking hot loose women
To elaborate on this, this is what my cardiologist said about this:
>a calcium score of 0 means that not only do you not have any arterial plaque at all, the pre-plaque process of plaque forming has not even begun yet
I'm in my 40's and have been eating butter on a pretty much daily basis for my entire life - often multiple times per day.
I exercise semi-regularly, but admittedly not as often as I should. My BMI is right on the edge of healthy/overweight.
Post the actual study or fuck off.
>waste product
Who cares?
If I put left over bones from a chicken in my soup stock I'm also using a "waste product".
That may be but butter is better for my tastebuds
didn't researchers use to say the same thing about Margarine?
Just use lard
This is what every 20-something says
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Don't care, didn't ask, researchers are faggots
Sorry, health faggots. My fat ass is still going to be chugging butter.
>Seed oil haters absolutely obliterated. I am not going to risk a heart attack by using disgusting butter.
post nose or yamcha
kikes aren't even hiding the fact that cholesterol and it's pivotal role it plays in the brain
>butter for smart farmer people who are self-sufficient
>canola oil, are for gentiles. the proprietary goy that'll will blindly follow.
I use canola oil
Based seed oil schizos blown out

t. schizo

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>caiphas the kike who cried chud

t. cock expert
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>cope and seethe /pol/troons
80% of this post are just jewish dog whistles
>i know who the real chuds are buddy i've been using that term since before obama ruined the country
>Seed oil haters absolutely obliterated. I am not going to risk a heart attack by using disgusting butter.
Funny how there is no link to an article in the OP, which implies that it is a photoshop.
Big Oil is spending big on their pajeet disinformation campaign.
>My calcium score is 0.
lmao faggot has no bones.
We should call you Ivar the Boneless!!
>swedish researchers
lol no, I don't trust indians
Didn't read the thread but is butter processed with chemical solvents like seed oils are?
Does someone truly believe that the oil of the butter is healthy?
Butter is literally the byproduct of raped animals.
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>basedlent green oil schizos blown out


>basedlent onionsjack
since soy gets censored to oinions (spelling it wrong so you can see the auto change)... so im gonna call you a soy lord with a synonym..
>legume lord
>king of Monsanto
>Glycine maxxing goyim
Okay but do they use chemical solvents to process butter like they do with seed oils?
I guess the Science™ is settled!
vigorously shaken milk cream chads we can't let the relabeled industrial waste virgins get one up on us like thi
No animals are raped in the process of making seed oil.
But are seed oils processed using chemical solvents?
>saturated fat is bad because... it just is ok!?
Are those solvents raping animals?
I don't know but chemical solvents are used to process seed oils, yes?
>daily mail

Can you fuck off back already
Chemical solvents are used in pretty much every food.

Hint: Water is a chemical solvent.
Why do you think I hate water?
Your a weirdo who wants animals raped, so probably.
You seem to hate solvents, ergo you should hate water.
Why do seed oils make chuds seethe so much.

It's frightened schizoid paranoia. It has nothing to do with facts. As you can once again see in this thread. They go out of their way to do the EXACT OPPOSITE to what institutions and scientists say BECAUSE they do not trust them. That is all there is to it. All in one happy mix of confused right-wing identity politics, masculinty trauma, conspiracy theories, and herd mentality.

In short, they can't be reasoned with because their response is completely emotional hysteria and so there is nothing to reason about with them. The only way to nudge them the other way is to scare them even harder about saturated fat, and that scare has to come from someone they perceive as one of their own. Then their herd mentality takes over.

Fine example of how that happened in real time just recently right before our eyes was when Paul Saladino did a turncoat and told that eating fruits and leafs is okay and totally still carnivore. And what happened? Now you see "animal-based carnivores" repeating those lines all over the place and get upset if told fruit and greens are not animal-based let alone carnivorous fare. The same people who only moments prior reacted with rage at the same suggestion to eat fruits and greens but coming from actual health authorities.

It's fucking hilarious, those are the same types who believe they are "independent" and "free thinking" and "doing their own research" yet at the snap of a finger believe whatever their surrogate daddy tells them to believe.
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Congratulations on taking your place as the newest useful idiot and corporate shill.
You must be proud at having achieved the status of being a complete gullible retard.
Nobody who urges you to not do your own research has your best interests in mind.
Minus one greater than sign because no (You) for you.
trying to avoid something that caused cancer in multiple human rcts is not paranoia
>religion bad
>nothing was invented for human consumption you tryhard
starve to death cuck
Canola is my favorite and the healthiest cooking oil.
>Nobody who urges you to not do your own research has your best interests in mind.
in my experience everyone who says 'do you own research' is pushing their own personal agenda, and usually hasn't actually done enough of their own to make their point, hence the need for the listener to do the work for them. no idea who you're replying to because youre petty but i'm guessing that you're deliberately trying to miss the point by focusing on it. if someone really did do their own research they would just show it instead of vaguely implying that evidence proving their point existed.
Agreed, it's usually a cope or attempt to spread misinformation. There's a reason news and government agencies report the latest Science - they did the hard work, they know the answers. But conspiratards endlessly cope by alluding to "doing your own research" which consists of looking at grainy /pol/ .JPGs and non-credible websites. All new findings are reported by credible sources, there's no reason to actually read studies. Especially questionable ones that trustworthy outlets have never mentioned.
During covid at least the research was on a new thing that mainstream science could plausibly be wrong about. Now that it's over, they're just going back to saying stuff like meat has magical particles that make you healthy and plants will make your head explode because they're yucky.
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>don't do your own research
>the government knows the answers, trust them
go ahead do your own research. just don't use "do your research" as a sentence to do the heavy lifting in your argument. birds can grow up to 8000 feet across and lift houses with their claws, but mainstream science won't tell you about this. do your research!
Fucking bird flew away with my grandparents' house. True story.
Your brain is literally made of cholesterol you dumb nigger.
Holy shit the bots are literally regurgitating 90's grade school propaganda.
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Good reference anon, you did well
>tfw no viking bro offering me a seiko while we watch a jew get crucified
Animals were not put here by God to be consumed. We were only told to eat animals after the fall. It wasn't His original intention. He wanted us to be vegetarians originally. It is why His ideal vision for the world is for predator and prey to be at peace with one another.
Ok so explain why I feel better eating animal products rather than plants. What you speak of is made up bullshit by man. Religion is a scam. Vegans and vegetarians are dumb fucks with mental illness. With how shitty everything is, I'm starting to think god isn't real.
>My BMI is right on the edge of healthy/overweight.
Yeah health science keeps changing its tune too. Oh fats are bad for you and make you fat. Jk it's actually saturated fats... OOPS SORRY IT'S TRANS FATS MY BAD SORRY YOU DIED.

Actually it was processed sugar the whole time making you unhealthy! Oopsie!

People were healthier before this stuff was invented, eating whatever was tasty and doing some basic observation (eat a lot of hearty and rich stuff if you do manual labor). Probably because they just exercised and there wasn't all these chemicals in everything. Eat the burger, the french fry, the philly cheesesteak, just do some fucking exercise that day as well.
The lion shall lay down with the lamb, anon
Come back to Christ please
>The Swedes are the Californians of Europe, I don't care how many studies they shit out, I will never take them seriously.

That would be Spain. Sunny weather, they speak spanish and the leftists there are even kookier than in Sweden.
based. if you're getting heart disease from moderate consumption of basic foods like butter you're genetically weak
>what is sticking in your arteries
Nothing "sticks" in your arteries, dumbshit. The plaque that causes blockages builds up from the OUTSIDE of the artery through blood vessels. There's actually zero evidence of an artery ever blocking from the inside.
why did god give us omnivore teeth?

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