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What kinds of snacks do you like to have at social functions?
charcuterie hoarde
mostaccioli in a big aluminum tray, with a tea candle warmer beneath it
Really? That looks fucking delicious
you have very simple tastes then
must be miserable not to, my condolences
>only 1 type of meat and cheese
>all that shitty green faggotry (cauliflower LMAO)
Yeah, nothing wrong with cauliflower, it would go with the rest. Nice vibrant veg, so sort of nut mix at the back. Good stuff.
thanks trailer trash
>boohoo I cant enjoy food that makes you a hick!
>pork, alchol (wine), milk

Drink pairing? Allergy warning?
who are you quoting cletus?
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The trays are empty already fill them up please.
you bud, just now
i know the depression makes it hard for you to focus but it literally just happened, do better
the only depressing thing here is you looking at op's pic and thinking "that looks delicious!". your standards are so low. it's ok. you just don't know any better.
i need you to put on normal clothes when you talk to me, I just cant take you seriously in that gimp suit
the last gurgles of a shattered ego
I said it looks delicious. nta. And it does
The ingredients look good quality. That's my point. It's not inventive. But it will taste thoroughly nice due to the quality.
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>the last gurgles of a shattered ego
now post your dissertation on the ignorance of the culinary world on umami flavors
>And it does
it does not. it's acceptable at best, definitely grim.
Why do the grapes all still have bits of stem attached? Either completely remove them or have whole bunches.
OK Laquisha, then you need to let me know what is acceptable and what is delicious. Because at the minute you're just coming across as a massive thundercunt without one grain of imagination or personality.
it's not my fault you're a basic bitch with basic bitch tastes
Living up to my assessment. Enjoy the thread, wooden and vapid cunt.
enjoy your mediocre life
NTA, but he does have a point. This is a fine spread if you're just by yourself, watching a game or something. But you can't serve that to guests
>social functions
Depends doesn’t it? I wouldn’t do this at home but for like an office thing it’s fine
depends on the office, yeah
Just the usual raguccelioli and stemmich-cheese plate etc.
no crackers? or bread?
Don't really snack.
We serve full, whole meals for social functions. If guests are not comatose due to overeating by the end of the function, we have failed as hosts.
needs more nuts/seeds/legumes or wtv. Had some specialty almonds, holy fuck those are game changers
Guys please don't fight ITT I'm edging thinking about blowing you all and it's ruining my edging sesh.
cheese platter, focaccia, grapes
Whole live moths with dipping caulk.
just how much brain damage do you need to be this insistent that op's image is bad food
he has to be trolling
Show plate
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Guessing they used shears on them.
Top left bowl?
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If there's a Filipino in the gathering, I always check for Lumpia and camp the table.
You can't imagine some of them have already been eaten? Retard
Nobody ever eats this shit. Who the fuck wants low quality charcuterie??
I love a big table of various shikken huang
cock n cum
Free food is free food. Many eat it.
>Who the fuck wants low quality charcuterie??
You probably go to the same sort of functions as this guy >>20699790
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Catered deli sandwiches.
I dont go to social functions
maybe if you have Good Taste....
Piave vecchio is horseshit and that's not even Piave vecchio in the OP's pic.
americans see vegetables on a plate and run away like cats with a pickle
Post your snack tastes right now coward.
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This thread is for social gatherings Dmitri, you don't have any
Just stay away with your allergies
Depends on the occasion, time of day, personal history and the type of guests you're having. Most important of all: you don't want to be stuck with a bunch of leftovers. Functionality and presentation are key; pic related is just 5 appetizers. So you want things to be easy to eat as well.
Don't try to impress your boss by serving caviar, he'll think he's paying you too much
Don't serve meat snacks at a family barbecue, half of them will never make it to the barbecue
Serve lots of veg when there are lots of demales coming (they think it makes them lose weight/be healthy)
Keep it simple, garbage and stupid for kids (crisps, burgers, pizza, ketchup)
Serve seafood in the AM/on hot days, fruit and cheese when it's PM

Some examples:
-smoked trout, cucumber, heirloom tomatoes and ponzu dressing
-shallots caramelized in red wine vinegar, topped with potato purée- aged Comté cheese, mushroom dust (blended dried mushroom, whichever you like, porcini or shiitake are best)
-hearty brioche (salt instead of sugar), topped with lean beef tartare and roasted celeriac (just put an entire, unpeeled celeriac in the oven at 180°C until it starts to huff and puff), mustard and olive oil.
cheese meat and crackers or whatever the hell that board is called

finger sandwiches



yes i'm american
shark coochie board.
>food just sitting out in the open
>have no idea when it was bought or put out
>no idea who has touched or been around it before you
i wouldn't eat anything at that table.
which half?
>imagining situations where the food is secretly poisoned or whatever
Are you also too scared to go outside in case there's a malaria-infected mosquito waiting outside your door?
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Savouries (mini meat pies) and sausage rolls.
veggie tray. just buy a bunch of cheap tasty veggies and a dip (i prefer a dill dip), chop them up. boom good to go. won't make you feel like shit and filling too. way better than people shoving endless handfuls of chips into their faces
Bacon wrapped scallops. Any meat or seafood. We try to buy the most expensive stuff since it's the taxpayers money and we have to spend at least the same amount as the previous year.
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usually a few burgers

this was my last get-together
A big bowl of reeses peanut butter cups
Why even go through the effort of piling them all together aesthetically? Just throw them at your guests as they come through the door before theyve taken off their jacket and shoes
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i have to make a nice display for my friends
How do you keep them warm and edible. That shit gets ghastly after twenty minutes standing.
Boring American horseshit!
For me it's 'chos

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