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What is your opinion on this dish? What recipe do you use? Do you use beef instead of lamb, making it a cottage pie? What vegetables to add with the meat? What spices do you use? Do you add stock or water? Do you use some boujee ingredient like Irish butter or demiglace? What is the best potato? What cheese do you use for the mashed potatoes (eg. parmesan, cheddar, monterey jack), or do you skip the cheese? Garnishes?
Probably one of the greatest dishes anglos have ever created
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Last time I did a cottage pie I added carrots onion and peas, liquid was beef stock mixed with a bit of brown ale, spices were salt pepper and dried thyme, used pic related for the mashed potatoes. I can't shit on the bongs too hard because their meat pies are fantastic.
Onions, carrots, peas are the only correct vegetables.
Black pepper, allspice, and paprika for the spices.
No poncy herbs allowed.
The mash must have butter and mature cheddar cheese.
The gravy may include ale.
Garnishes are for poofs.
Shitty, stodgy 19th century survival food. Can't imagine why anyone would even attempt to eat it today.
this nigga not eating meat and potatoes
chives are not poncy

literal shepherd here

wife HATES anything savory, dinner or meat pie. I dont understand it. she's from a province 1000 km away from where I grew up & currently live. she says that it was "not a thing" where she is from, and just doesn't care for the ingredients or combo. she avoids starch. she does not like carrots, and thinks meat or veg should never be in a pastry or pie shell.

she is an incredible cook and bake chef, but i have to special request my portable and/or Savory meat pies. ironic, no?
I dig it. but only recently when I tried making it myself. My mom's was horribly dry, I don't think she used any butter in the potatoes. This is one of those dishes that's had its reputation ruined in North America because of boomers who didn't know how to cook it properly.
I make it with beef, because lamb isn't normally available here without going to a butcher. I still call it shepherd's pie, fuck you, that's just what we call it here, get over it brits. Onions, carrot, peas, seasoned with thyme, celery salt, nutmeg. A shot of worcestershire or fish sauce, dollop of tomato paste. Deglaze with red wine between cooking everything. Little bit of broth if it still needs any liquid. Tons of butter in the potato. Top with cheddar.
shepherds pie is the perfect meal
please hang yourself immediately
Made cottage pie for the first time this past weekend and it was phenomenal. I used stock, parsley, thyme, salt & pepper, cheddar and Parmesan cheese, brown ale, russet potatoes, and butter.
>What is your opinion on this dish?
poor food. we ate it all the time when I was a kid. haven't touched it in over 40 years.
This dish is actually perfect for making in those 20oz soup mugs for lunch/dinners. You can stick em under the broiler after loading them up to toast the tater top.

I generally use beef since it will be cheaper than lamb here for me, I've done blends before and don't really notice it. Definitely use beef stock in it, and seasoning is usually some blend of rosemary, thyme, and oregano, probably some parsley in there too if I feel like it. If I have red wine on hand, some of that goes in, otherwise it will get a bit of sherry. Mash will just be some pouch garlic mash with some additional butter, I don't care to mash from scratch. If I have some shredded cheese (4 cheddar blend) I may throw that in.
Boil yellow potatoes whole, pinch skins off after and mash, heavy handed with the butter and half and half since it's drier than boiling chunked or peeled potatoes.
Brown ground beef because where do you even buy lamb for a real shepherd pie? Onion, carrot, celery, and too much garlic with the meat. Salt, pepper, cayenne, thyme. Mushrooms if I've got any that have gone bad, chop the white or green fuzzy parts off, unless they have a strong piss ammonia smell. Coinflip if only weak piss smelling mushrooms. Dump a can of green beans and cream of mushroom soup concentrate, stir it all together and top with the mashed potatoes. Bake at whatever for however under foil then remove foil to brown the top last little bit. Probably put some cheese on it before putting in oven because it's basically tater tot casserole. No peas or corn ever ever. Even the carrots are almost too sweet for this.
If no cream of mushroom then it's better than bullion beef base with butter and some cornstarch to make a lazy gravy.
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>where do you even buy lamb for a real shepherd pie?
i grew up in a mexican family and never ate this before in my life. is lamb the traditional meat to use for it? I'm willing to make it and try it.
Love this one. I grew up eating it with a tomato based sauce rather than the regular stew-like flavor. Completely biased, but I think it does better with the acidity.
mimecraft house wtf
jump into incoming traffic
>yellow potatoes
>where do you even buy lamb for a real shepherd pie?
>Dump a can of green beans and cream of mushroom soup concentrat
>it's basically tater tot casserole
Very American post lmao.
Lamb is the only meat for a shepherds pie. Anything else is a cottage pie. It's a great dish if you get the gravy right. The veg I put in it are celery and onion, fresh, frozen peas and tinned / canned carrots. I don't usually liked canned vegetables, but I think the carrots go better than fresh ones.
I think that peas should served buttered on the side, and not be put in the filling. This way you get a meatier pie while also being able to enjoy a bigger quantity of peas.
i love it, but would be better with dough instead of mashed potatoes
>Do you use beef instead of lamb, making it a cottage pie?
I bet that's the entire point of this thread, "correcting" people is a hobby for many many bores and it's been too long since you had the chance to tell somebody this definition that's only true because it's been bruteforced by brits arrogant enough to never check their own bullshit

even then if we go with this folk etymology why would a humble shepherd be eating lamb? it would be mutton and it would be a cheap cut not more expensive lamb mince, cheap beef mince better preserves the original nature of the dish than any posh variation
Am I retarded? Even the sentence fragment you selectively quoted contains an answer to your post you spectacularly stupid faggot
>it would be mutton
I know we have a lot of retards on this board, but really?
Mix this thing up and dip into it with Doritoes. Thank me later. It's like an orgy in your mouth and all of /ck/ was invited.
food of the gods.
this. autistic brits are always looking for an opportunity to go "UM, ACKSYUALLY, THAT'S *COTTAGE* PIE, AMERISHART. HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK"
like get the fuck over yourselves. beef is more widely available in America, and we still call it Shepherd's Pie. fucking cry about it. you're almost as autistic as Italians are about their food, almost.
I love Shepherd's Pie but I didn't crow up eating it because my dad was super picky about what we ate.

First time I had it was while at uni and it was awesome.
everything americans do is you are a cancer on the world
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Lamb is the traditional choice but use whatever you want. Beef is less gamey but up to you. Sometimes I do a 50/50 mix and can't really taste a perceptible difference.

anyone who goes B-BUH BUH THAT'S COTTAGE PIE WHICH IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING!!!111 is an autistic retard and their opinions should be gently but firmly disregarded.
I love this dish and prefer it with hatch green chilis added

t. American Southwest
Lamb/mutton is not common here. You’ll pretty much only find lamb meat at nicer restaurants and it’s overpriced AF
I totally understand. I mean if you have a shepherd, a sheep herder, then of course you'd use him to herd cows. It's only autism to low IQ who don't have a grasp on the language. Which pretty much sums up Americans in general. That and worshipping big black cocks.
holy esl
Pretty good dish for the poors.
>lamb is gamey
People like you are why it's so hard to find mutton nowadays. You are pathetic. If you want a flavourless meat eat plain chicken or pork
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lmao I'm not American
sorry you live in a failed country where you can't find sheep products easily ig
I make my Shepherds Pie with sausage.
>lmao I'm not American
OK cool. But you are a cunt and there's no disputing that fact
I fuck with cottage pie, shepherds pie not so much. Made it last night for my grandmother and nephew and then a bunch of mushrooms and forgot to eat so its leftovers for lunch

Mince onion and garlic browned in pan with butter, added home made sauce. Cooked on a simmer til nearly done. Added mashed potato covered with cheese finished in oven
Shitty plating job but cross section
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I may be a cunt but at least I'm not an autist who is unable to comprehend a non-literal reading of text
Feel free to continue to whinge about how cottage pie is totally a different dish though lmao
1/2 beef
1/2 lamb
no carrots
one day I will make shepards pie but I will replace the meat with beans.
good demonstration of how and why the definition has changed with time and the sort of person responsible for it
>one day I will make a different dish than this with different and worse ingredients
okay, have fun
Lamb is a proper shepherd's pie, beef is technically a "cottage pie".
I prefer to keep it simple, maybe some thyme or rosemary. If I can choose it, I'd actually go for mutton, which is older sheep, so it's more gamey. Preferably add lamb stock, some quality butter in the potatoes, a nice golden potato, lots of good varieties.
Usually skip the cheese, but will occasionally add a nice sheep's milk cheese, I like to maintain the sheep flavor. Garnish, maybe some parsley but it's a simple (but amazing) dish, so i like to keep it fairly simple.
>nooooo God bless the Queen if you use beef instead of lamb it is NOT a BLOODY shepherd pie I’m calling scotland yard as we speak!!!
Shut the fuck you slimy, cunty british idiot I’ll make it with whatever i want and call it however i fucking want you servile freedomless subject
>Lamb is a proper shepherd's pie, beef is technically a "cottage pie".
note how even though the OP, which this poster links to, already made this claim, the NPC is compelled to restate this scripted dialogue whenever it sees the topic of shepherd's pie being discussed
sure are a lot of americans in this thread being big mad that their freedom hating government doesn't let them eat lamb
>Do you use beef instead of lamb, making it a cottage pie?
>Anything else is a cottage pie.
>beef is technically a "cottage pie".
Why cottage? Cows don't live in cottages. Shouldn't it be cowherd or cowboy pie, or drover pie or something. A cottager has nothing to do with cows either, they fuck other men in public toilets. I suppose there was that gay cowboy film.
I like either ground pork or turkey because it's far cheaper and more flavorful than beef in my opinion, but honestly, I really only make this dish when I have some leftover burger patties and mash after a cookout or picnic, so I just whip it all up using the leftovers for dinner the next day.

>Leftover meatloaf (the tomatoey glaze gives it a nice flavor
>Onions, carrots, peas, celery
>Salt and pepper
>Leftover mashed potatoes
>No cheese (I have a thing against adding cheese to shit)
>That's it

On the rare occasion where I actually give a shit, I'll put a little more effort into it
>Ground pork or lamb (I prefer the taste of pork though)
>Some type of bacon crumbled into bits, whether that's regular ole bacon, or pancetta or whatever
>Tomato paste
>Onions, garlic, carrots, peas, celery, mushrooms
>Beef stock
>If I'm making it for other people, I might add cooking wine to be "formal", but if it's for me personally, I don't like it
>Salt and pepper
>Mashed potatoes from scratch using red potatoes and non-fat/skim milk (I find that mashed potatoes that are more savory than creamy work better for shep's pie)
>Bake it
>Dollop of sour cream or creme fraiche on the side if I'm making it for guests (you fucking animals)
>Finally, for the sake of presentation, I put it in these little ramekins and top them with a sprig of dill

I'll be honest, I'm lazy as hell though, so it's almost always just leftover pie
>it's almost always just leftover pie
that's what it started out as anyway, so it's authentic in that regard
it was all about reworking and extending roast leftovers
While I'm being honest, the difference in taste between leftover pie and intentional pie is noticeable, but it's not entirely worth the effort, especially the whole "mashed potatoes from scratch" part, which I consider extremely labor intensive (like I said, I'm lazy as hell)

For me, leftover boxed mash is delicious as ever, so I'm gonna continue to eat it lol
honestly being too lazy to peel and boil some spuds them whack em a few times while adding milk and/or butter
that's pretty fucking impressive in a sick sort of way
Irish butter is not that great
I buy French butter with actual sea salt
It's much tastier
And here we have the insecure amerilarp pretending to be a rich person
I refuse, fuck you, boxed mash tastes great
Shepherds pie traditionally meant the style of meat pie eaten by poor people (like shepherds) as a treat, this whole “it has to be lamb” thing is pretty recent, why would a shepherd eat his own flock?
Is french butter really that good?
nta but yes, it’s amazing
went to paris for like 2 weeks last year and i froze like 1kg of butter to take back home
Yes. Great stuff but a bit pricey in NA.
I love their salted butter
The French are the original Americans. They use a fuckton of salt in everything and they don't give a fuck about (((dietary advice)))
Their salted butter is amazing.
That’s cheese anon
>looks dry
>unmelted cheese on top
tf? mashed potatoes are legitimately one of the least labor intensive things you can cook. like if that's your bar for effort, I don't want to know what kind of slop you normally make
Look man, I eat a lot, and I have a big family, okay? When I cook, I have to make sure it feeds a big fat family with big fat appetites, which means when I make mashed potatoes, I'm peeling 10lbs of potatoes in one sitting, boiling them in two pots because it doesn't fit on one burner, whipping it with no lumps (because that's how my family likes it), and on top of that, I also gotta make the actual meat filling too. Fuck outta here, I got taxes and chores and adult shit to do, like cooking on my feet for eight hours at work. One of the LAST things I want to do is cook when I get home.

When you come over, you're getting boxed mash, unless you're some important fucking guest that the misses wants to impress. And JUST so you know, between boxed and scratch, boxed is actually pretty damn good.
Lovely comforting food
Cottage pie was a sort of insult because it was poor people's food and poor people lived in cottages. Ultimately didn't have to be beef going into the dish. Shepherd's pie can technically be a cottage pie because it's the overall all recipe / method that was considered poor person's food.
buy yellow potatoes and cut them into quarters or eighths, no peeling, before you boil
leave the peel in the mash, chunk some butter/cheese, scallions, egg, cream, whatever and mash
also beat any of your family that complains about a "lump" in mash taters
no corn
no cheese
>Shepherd's pie can technically be a cottage pie because it's the overall all recipe / method that was considered poor person's food.
What a load of rubbish.

The reason us Bongs differentiate between the two, with the Shepherds/Cottage pie thing, is that we always had Lamb available, it was at one time much cheaper than it is now (but that's a different story).

You want to know what you are eating right?
Imagine if the average American (who are experts at everything !!) Walked into a steakhouse, ordered a Sirloin steak and got a pork sirloin put in front them? They would have a chimp-out.

And looking at some of the recipes, they are typically American because they are 'way over the top' .

>no corn
>no cheese
Not sure if serious.
>the average American (who are experts at everything !!)
this is an ironic jab to make considering the topic under discussion, the original etymology, and who is on which side of it and why
I don’t believe this either. Traditionally I have to believe that mutton was cheaper than beef in bongistand

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