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I don't understand how handwashers live without this. Whenever I go to a dishwasherlet's house for dinner there's always a little layer of grease on the plates, and the glasses have a weird funk to them.

>It's so much faster to wash it by hand!
There's a reason why the dishwasher takes as long as it does. Taking the grease and sanitizing it takes time. A once over with sponge or brush and warm water isn't doing it.
>It's a waste of money, I don't mind doing it by hand
You have no concept of how filthy your dishes are.

Most dishwasherlets always have some cope reason, but it's actually gross, and they almost never handwash their dishes properly (I.E. 3 bins, one with wash, rinse, and sanitizer). They literally take a filthy sponge, wipe it once, maybe twice, then get some filthy rag to dry it off. It never gets clean. I have no idea how people live with it.
I have a cooklet roommate who refuses to empty the dishwasher because he "washes everything by hand". I have to just take all his silverware out of the drying rack and throw into the dishwasher because there's always shit still stuck in the fork tines and the little serrations of the butterknives.
>A once over with sponge or brush and warm water isn't doing it.
We've a dishwasher but to be honest, I prefer to do some things by hand because the dishwasher takes forever. I even give the shit a right proper scrubbing, like an Asian grandma getting the flu out of you (look up Asian coin-scraping if you don't know what I'm talking about) and it doesn't take nearly as long. We only run the thing every other day.
>They literally take a filthy sponge, wipe it once, maybe twice, then get some filthy rag to dry it off.
While I know about the three bins because I had to take food safety courses when I started a business years ago, I find that it's not nearly as good as how I do it. Not only do I use less detergent and water than the three bin method but since I don't bother to towel dry the dishes and instead allow them to air dry (a big no-no, supposedly) it doesn't take as much effort and gets things just as clean.
I had a cleaning lady years ago who would never get to things in time because, despite having a dishwasher, she insisted on doing dishes by hand and taking about 37 years to do so. I fired her when, rather than doing the bed linens and some other things like I'd asked, she spent the whole day instead reorganising my kitchen (who in the FUCK puts pots and pans under the sink?), hand washing dishes AND TAKING DOWN MY CHANDELIER TO HAND WASH EACH CRYSTAL. I didn't ask her to do either the reorganising nor the chandelier and specifically instructed her to just load and run the dishwasher so she could get on to doing other things so the bitch had to go.
Your shitty roommate reminded me of her and her aversion to the dishwasher.
>I even give the shit a right proper scrubbing, like an Asian grandma getting the flu out of you (look up Asian coin-scraping if you don't know what I'm talking about) and it doesn't take nearly as long. We only run the thing every other day.
You are probably the exception then. Most people are like >>20695802 where they think avoiding the dishwasher is some kind of shortcut to cleaning.

Tallboy glasses? No shot those are getting cleaned by hand.
>like an Asian grandma getting the flu out of you (look up Asian coin-scraping if you don't know what I'm talking about)
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
Yeah, many times dishes are just barely dirty and a quick rinse will clean them and that's fine. Dude lives off of nothing but like Stoffers frozen lasagna, so it's melted cheese that you have to get all up in there with like the green scotchbrite side of a sponge. A quick few wipes with the brush or sponge doesn't do it.
I live on my own. Every 3 days I have 2 glasses, 2 plates, 1 pot, ~8 pieces of cutlery, and 6 bowls, and a couple of other miscellaneous items to clean. Seems kind of wasteful to put that little in a dishwasher when you can clean that in about 10 minutes.
>tfw mom made me wash dishes by hand but got upset “I took so long” because I actually wanted to clean things properly

Would you just save the dishes for her to wash?
Modern dishwashers are very efficient with the amount of water and soap they use. You are likely using more soap and water washing them by hand.

A dishwasher on the "eco" setting uses only 4 gallons of water per load. The average sink faucet can produce 15 gallons of water in only a few minutes of running.

Even if it's only half full you are probably using less water in the dishwasher.
Dishwasher sanitizes, though. High heat steam is equivalent to the bleach rinse. Handwashing alone is not the best way.
>Seems kind of wasteful to put that little in a dishwasher when you can clean that in about 10 minutes.
Or, you simply don't own enough glassware and china to tie it up in the dishwasher waiting until full so you can run it.
>Would you just save the dishes for her to wash?
Yes. See if I'm loading the dishwasher, I could just turn it on myself but often, I'd cook x,y,z then eat and fuck off to bed without even clearing the table then leave in the morning IE I didn't anyways load it. She used to let herself in, do the housework then leave to go wherever but rather than loading the dishwasher and running the fucking thing, she'd spend nearly half a century washing shit by hand so she wouldn't get around to doing the other stuff she was meant to do.
In hindsight, maybe she didn't know how to load or run a dishwasher and was too embarrassed to say so. Still, putting my pots and pans under the sink was dumb af and washing my chandelier a waste of time.
I handwash and then put it in the dishwasher. I've heard some people say you can put the plates directly in the dishwasher but no way I believe that. It cleans the fucking food off it? yeah right
Every house I ever lived in had a broken dishwasher that either was outdated or no one wanted to pay to repair it. It always pissed me off. I will agree that some handwasher people keep a nasty sponge laying around that has been collecting bacteria, if it's been laying there too long I usually pour boiling water on them
I cut sponges into pieces and only use them to hard scrub stuck on shit that u can't get off with a brush. Missus' idea to cut them. I like it because it's less wasteful and we just toss it once the scrubby part is worn out.
Usually, if we handwash at all, it's with a normal dish brush that dries out pretty quickly, anyway (unlike sponges). And besides, whenever we do actually run the dishwasher (about twice a week), we just fit the brush in there to clean and sanitise it, too.
That is pretty clever by cutting it up. I don't use metal scrubbers though because it deteriorates, scrapes everything and turns into rust.
desu, it's always the opposite. Anyone I know with a dishwasher always has chunks of food or random stains on their dishes. They just chuck everything into the magic box, pull it out, and put it away, assuming it's clean.

The fact of the matter is that some people are stupid and do a bad job at everything, whether it's loading a dishwasher, or washing dishes by hand. But dishwasher folk are always lazy, because when their dishes DO come out clean, it was probably an accident. Someone who washes by hand had to actually put in some effort and care.
I used to do that too until I bought a new one. Turns out the crappy machine that came with the house was just bad. I do have to keep an eye on the filter now though.
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>a big no-no, supposedly
really? what's the reasoning behind that?

I don't have a dishwasher so I just use paper plates and plastic forks. I usually only ever need to wash the occasional pan or spatula.
recently got redpilled on how good dishwashers are. the few times I used them before was with those memetablets and they didn't clean shit. using powder and adding a tiny bit in for the prewash is vastly superior and I can set my dishwasher on half load and it still cleans my dishes thoroughly.
fuck washing dishes by hand like a chump
i swear everytime i go to a frineds place with a dishwasher the dishwasher is a cheap peice of shit that doesn't even make the dishes look clean.
The scrubby part of a sponge aren't metal, are they?
Metal scrubbers are great for keeping rodents out. If you find a hole in your wall, plug it with steel wool before you patch it up.
I kneel before you, Chad
>use automatic dishwasher
>dishes are sanitized
>most microbes are killed
>less microbes in food
>less richness and diversity of microbes in gut
>weaker microbiome
>poorer immune function and overall health
I have a dishwasher and I still wash all my dishes by hand. Sounds like your friends just don't know how to wash dishes. I used to wash dishes for commercial kitchens, and could turn a completely black burnt pot into sparkling clean silver again by hand. It's not enough to just rinse and call it a day, you have to scrub shit down. As to why I don't use the dishwasher, well I only have a small amount of dishes and my landlord only runs the dishwasher every few days, so I would run out of dishes. It's easier to just clean everything as I go.
I was taught that air drying without toweling first doesn't dry things quickly enough to prevent bacterial spread and even after toweling, you should allow them to air dry vertically with enough space between them for a bit before putting them away if you don't intend to use them immediately. I think it's phooey. The short time it takes for my dishes to drip-and-air dry doesn't seem to be long enough to be a problem and safety standards are just being overly cautious.
>I've heard some people say you can put the plates directly in the dishwasher but no way I believe that
Yes, you can do this. I do it all the time. I don't even rinse it.
This is probably bait/cope but the magic box is way more tard proof than handwashing. The water gets hot enough to actually kill a lot of the bacteria, and the drying cycle is way more sanitary than drying on a rack.
Any single guy that uses a dishwasher is an idiot. And if you think a dishwasher does a better job of cleaning dishes than you can by hand, you just need to learn how to wash dishes.

Sad that there are men aged 20+ that can't wash dishes by hand.
I just like doing a bit of handwashing the dishes. There's a peace of mind that comes with doing things yourself.
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I have one but I live alone so I don't need it.
is there any difference between modern dishwasher models
Expand on your question, please.
I love my dishwasher except it can't clean wine glasses for shit.
are you aware that it has a filter that you have to clean regularly?
Not him but mine doesn't. You just use jetdry.
what benefit is there to buying a $1500 model over a $500 one
completely unnecessary if you keep the dishwasher clean
If it was completely unnecessary then there wouldn't be a product for specifically that and also be so necessary and needed that dishwasher manufacturers all add the component to their product.
it *might* be necessary if you have very hard water that leaves lots of mineral deposits. but most likely it is just crap from a dirty dishwasher.
the $1500 one will likely have wifi
Depends entirely on each one. Are you shopping for one now and weighing your options?
why would i want that

I do not have a dishwasher, I would like to have one. I don't know what to look for.
Just get a commercial unit. Never buy a consumer one. They are too castrated and forced to not use any water.
>don't know what to look for.
We bought one last year after going quite some time without one. We watched several videos, read verified reviews about both the machines and the customer service in case anything went wrong and so on.
We settled on one with adjustable racks (most of the pins can be folded down to fit larger things), two spraying arms rather than three (so we can fit taller pots) and adjustable temperature, number of cycles and cycle time. Ours can go from room temperature and a single 10 minute rinse cycle (great for washing a large number of vegetables at once) to up to two each wash and rinse cycles at 150°F lasting 20 minutes each plus a final 10 minute sanitation cycle at 160F.
Whatever you get, make sure that it has a 160°F sanitation cycle and very strong sprayers at the very least. Everything else is up to your preferences, like how ours has a cage-looking thing that snaps onto the lower rack so it can rinse produce.
To keep it running well, don't forget to
• clean your filter often
• buy dishwasher cleaner and clean your dishwasher every now and then
• follow the instructions that come with the one you buy
Like people kept saying in several reviews that the one we bought leaked water all over their floors but it turns out it's because they're idiots who didn't follow directions, loaded the dishwasher incorrectly and knife blades damaged their gaskets.
Ours plays music and flashes lights when it's finished because it's Japanese and those people are weird
Cheap dishwasher = cheap parts = breaks faster.
The bosch will last for years.
The Ikea or cheap GE will maybe last 1 or 2.
Bro, your rinse aid?
Bro your powder detergent?

Doesn't exist. I've cleaned the input line as if it can't get the water in it won't clean well.
Depends on the water you have in your house. If you have hard water jet dry is a must.
Some models have filters, some models have like a built in food processor that breaks down food particles.
Asmongold, is that you?
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With a dishwasher, you still got scrape leftovers into the trash, sop up excess grease, etc.
>occasional pan or spatula

The fuck are you eating on your paper shit then? I like that on /ck/ nobody knows how to cook.
>I've cleaned the input line as if it can't get the water in it won't clean well.
It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss.
>bacterial spread
>of CLEANED dishes

you people are fucking schizo
If you have something that's really nasty, like a casserole with really baked on residue, use the hottest water you can, and TSP mixed with Borax and a little bit of dishsoap.

Adding TSP and Borax to the dishwasher will also get a lot of stuff clean that it normally would not, and you don't need to use very much of either. A couple teaspoons of both.
You are not very smart
same, my old house we were gifted a fancy samsung with the eco friendly bs and you basically had to prewash everything before it went in and itd still have a greasy film on it coming out. our new place came with a Bosch and you can literally throw caked on pot and pans and they come out clean.
the food that I cook
ok robbaz
Why don't people seem to advertise dish washer jobs anymore? It all seems to be kitchen hand jobs which have you balancing multiple responsibilities at once
Our dishwasher has been broken for years. Every time my parents tried to fix it it would just flood again a week later. This is because we live on the bottom floor of an apartment complex. We use it for storage now since we disconnected it from the water entirely. We wash by hand and our plates and stuff are NEVER as dirty as you suggest. You must visit actual disgusting animals masquerading as humans. I know how to handwash dishes. Im germophobic and would not eat off of plates and glasses I deem dirty
I would, however, like to move some place where we do have a dishwasher. We used to live in a house with one and it was very convenient and nice, though, I was a kid and didn't fully appreciate it then
Geesh how poor are your parents. I'd handwash like 2 months tops before I sucked it up and purchased a new one when the old one wasn't repairable. Are they renters? If so, it's mandatory in the US that all appliances work per the terms of a lease.
>live on the bottom floor of an apartment complex
>Are they renters?
In America, where they say apartment complex rather than block of flats (or palace, like we say in my country lmao), apartments are always rentals. Otherwise, they're called condominiums or condos for short.
Glad to help you with that, fellow ESLbro
>it's mandatory in the US that all appliances work
no it fucking isn't lmao
I wash by hand because I live alone so it takes too long to get a full load.
Also the reason their plates have grease still on their plates is because they're using disgusting old sponges. You should be changing your sponge once a month.
If you move in and have a washer, dryer, AC, heater, fridge, stove, dishwasher in working order, it damn well does mean that it must continue working or they fix it, or you can leave your lease. You can file charges if the heater specifically dies, because that can mean life or death in a cold climate. /fact
We're not poor at all
We collectively have around 80k in savings as a household and they own the apartment
A new washing machine wouldn't matter because it's not the washing machine itself that's the problem, it's the pipes in the building. The sink backs up all the time, too, despite them being unclogged twice a year by plumbers the management brings in. All of our neighbors on the bottom floor have the same issues
Never buy a first floor apartment anons
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i'm a rentoid and don't have a dishwasher and I MISS IT SO MUCH
what are my options? are portable dishwashers worth it???
End fact indeed.
Sorry to break it to you ma'am, but regardless of whether the landlord provided it or not, there is zero legal requirement for a landlord to repair any non-essential appliances. As such, only heating is considered essential. Not even a/c is.
What you're misunderstanding is that many to most leases specifically say that the landlord will repair appliances. They are not required to say this and the only reason a landlord would repair them in that situation is the same reason why a tenant would have the right to terminate the lease if refuses:
That's it.
It's not a legal thing. The landlord is not required to do so under any penalty except loss of income from the tenant leaving over breach of contract.
Trust me when I tell you that I have a lot more experience here than you do, missy
>are portable dishwashers worth it???
Depends entirely on the brand. Most are not. And if you do get one do not use tablets in it. They're sized for much larger machines. Use powder detergent and a few pumps of foaming liquid dish detergent.
aye aye
do you have any brands or models you would recommend?
>bacterial spread
>on cleaned dishes rinsed with chlorinated water
You're a fucking retard
>be grown adult
>still can't properly wash dishes by hand
Lmao at these absolute retards
Dishwasher is stupid. I simply clean up after I cook/eat something. I have a dishwasher but as far as I can tell it just makes more work. As well as encouraging you to procrastinate and get a nasty kitchen.
i bought a portable dishwasher a few months ago and its perfect, i just cannot be fucked to deal with dishes. more power to you if thats enjoyable, no thanks
I like hand washing big pots and weirdly shaped pans. I find that dishwashers don't clean those very well.
For all other dishes, I use the dishwasher
My dishwasher stopped working well, it's probably the hard water since the racks are covered in minerals.
You are now manually cleaning your dishwasher filter
really weird way of agreeing with the post anon. Thanks for letting us know you're a senior citizen rentoid though.
expensive doesn't necessarily mean good, but cheap usually means shit quality control and shit breaks all the time
haier or any of its subsidiaries like ge are complete garbage
You are not very smart.
Work on your reading comprehension skills.
Depends. Do you mean a countertop one or one of the ones on wheels? Wheely ones, just get any major brand. GE, LG, Kenmore etc.
For countertop, it depends on if you want a hand-filled type or tap-filled one. As a renter, you may have difficulty removing the aerator from the tap to attach the hose so I recommend a hand-filled one. I think Black and Decker make one. I had a Haier one years ago that connected to the tap but the connector thingies wore down with time. I'm not sure if it's just that Haier are shitty or if all the connector hoses just eventually stop fitting correctly over time but it put me off that type so I recommend one that you fill manually and if I'm right, B&D are the only big name to make one like that. Otherwise, you'll have to get some Chinese or Japanese import like Sunpentown or Comfee.
Get dishwasher cleaning tablets. They're cheap and often sold at discounters like Ollie's and Grocery Outlet. Pop one into the empty machine, run the cycle normally and it should be good to go again. If not, repeat with a second tablet.
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i strictly use mine for cooking salmon. then i wash the dishes in the sink after eating.
based filthmaxxer
OP has never walked 5 miles, and neither have any of these other people who could not live without a dishwasher.

weak. repugnant. pathetic.
this is why i hand wash my dishes AND eat my boogers
I literally ran five miles this morning as I do many mornings lmao. I usually only run two or three but it was cool this morning so I took a longer run.
I'm not particularly fast, it takes me about an hour which is barely above waking speed.
Retarded bonger doesn't even know English. Apartments aren't always rentals. You can rent a condo. You can own an apartment that isn't a condo. They are totally different things.
>I have a dishwasher but as far as I can tell it just makes more work.
How does it make more work? You put the dishes inside and press a button.
i think almost everyone who has the space / tubing for a dishwasher has one.
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>Washing machine? Lol you pathetic retards don't know how to wash clothes properly. I find the washing machine just makes more work. It's so much faster to just take the washboard to the sink and do it by hand. Most clothes aren't event that dirty and are clean after a quick rinse.

Listen to yourselves.
very based
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>not baking and eating your own dishes
/ck/ is literally the /g/ - apple cattle consumer board of food
I just wash as I go when cooking and then after I eat so I don't build up any huge amounts. I just use mine for a drying rack
clotheslines are superior to drying machines in every way.
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i wash everything by hand, use the dishwasher as a drying rack, and take stuff out during the week as needed until the dishwasher is full of dishes and then i turn it on
Mine died at the end of last year and we're about to sell the house so we've just been going without one. Using a dishpan and soaking the plates in hot soapy water for a while helps a lot, you can basically just rinse them off, use a brush for more stubborn stuff, and be good, much better than having to soap and scrub each plate/utensil/etc. individually. I'd still much rather have a working dishwasher though.
a building or complex of buildings containing a number of /INDIVIDUALLY OWNED APARTMENTS/

A condominium (or condo for short) is an ownership regime in which a building (or group of buildings) is divided into multiple units that are either /EACH SEPARATELY OWNED/, or owned in common with exclusive /RIGHTS OF OCCUPATION BY INDIVIDUAL OWNERS/.

A condo building is a large property complex divided into /INDIVIDUAL UNITS, EACH SEPARATELY OWNED/.
>Apartments aren't always rentals.
/YOU CAN'T OWN AN APARTMENT UNIT/ — but you can own a condo or buy into a co-op, which is similar.

>"or palace, like we say /IN MY COUNTRY/"
>"fellow ESLbro"
Bongers do not call apartments "palaces."
Bongers are not ESL. Ergo, >>20699393 is obviously not a bonger so you are wrong on four counts.
Yes, and you can rent the condo from the owners. Tard.
>wrong on four counts.
That's only three, retard.
The fourth is that >>20700570/>>20700443/>>20700407 wrongly believes himself a woman.

No rebuttal for the other points, "ma'am?"
Yeah I'd much rather get a hand-filled one. thanks man!! appreciate ur advice
I clean everything by hand then put it in the dishwasher

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