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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Just wondering if you guys take food grade Diatomaceous Earth supplements or powder now and then. Supposed to be good for parasites and generally good for keeping your insides clean
the fuck is that? Is this like how hippies were consuming colloidal silver and were turning blue?
I sprinkle that shit on surfaces to kill bugs. You want me to EAT it? Fuck off
I’ve thought about it but never actually done it

It’s fossilized algae remains.
I put this stuff up my ass.
this, who tf is using it for parasites
I know someone who eats that after eating sushi "just in case"
I tried finding some diatomaceous earth on Amazon, and the first thing that popped up are "food grade" expensive bags. Right then and there I decided to read the comments and yessir, it's a bunch of soccer moms chugging this shit down for "health reasons".
jesus, just eat your damn fruits and veggies like an adult if you want to keep the intestines moving. If you're eating parasites, how about, not eating parasites???
Please tell me people don't actually eat this shit. Why not chase it with a can of RAID while you're at it too?
>good for parasites
Maybe if it stays dry. When it's mixed with water, it loses it's ability to stab things at a microscopic level. But go ahead and eat a dry spoonful OP and let us know how it goes.
Yeah I've had some persistent wormoids bother my butthole for a while now. Last few weeks I've been hitting them with the daily cloves & black walnut pills, oregano oil and food grade DE as well as a big swig of colloidal silver I make at home. Oh that and I'm starving them of all sugar/carbs while one meal a day-ing it. I'm starting to win the battle lads, it really does work!
Also, DE is great for fucking ants off as well, so there's that use too.
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Take some fucking deworming pills you absolute moron
Uh, do it all the time.
DE is a great natural way of preventing bedbugs. I'm thexcited most left child fucking mess you can imagine but at least I know how useful this stuff is.
Good stuff. I take some now and then during my cleanses. It's just crushed up shells/diatoms.
This stuff is really good for you. Just add some to your grain and you're good.
I'm originally from Haiti and I used to eat dirt all the time, usually in the form of "mud cookies."
If you don't like it, prepare to be canceled, you racist.
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I am afraid you are mistaken. DE is the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. While the opposite of crackers, niggers actually eat dirt as what they call "mud pies" as seen here.
i took diatomaceous earth for candida recently, mostly out of desperation because the overgrowth was ruining my life. i didn’t notice any benefit but it didn’t harm me either. i also tried turpentine which is sometimes used as a dewormer and is very effective at killing the wigglies. i think i pooped out the single worm that was in me
A spoonful everyday is the generally reccomended amount people should take. You can add it to your food.
>all of this shit instead of taking meds
>vs. Natural
there are some disgusting fuckers on this board. i am never eating over at any of your houses.
Bet you never even had it faggot. It's neutral.
But I REALLY like taco trucks and Indian food anon…..
>Supposed to be good for parasites
Parasites are the last thing I want. I'd rather eat foods that are bad for parasites.
>ree seed oils
>ree carbs
>ree they want to make us eat bugs

Obviously you are an idiot.
>colloidal silver
Post hands, smurf.

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