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What’s the weirdest fruit you’ve tried? How did it taste?
orange. it tasted citrusy and sweet
I don't think I've ever had any weird fruits but I do really want to try durian some day.
heard it smells like feembrap
it tastes like jackfruit that tastes like raw onions. it's not bad or mind blowing, definitely weird, and leaves you annoyed at all the meme reviews when it clearly just tastes like fucking raw onions, which everyone has eaten at some point in their life
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the snakeskin fruit. it was alright i can live without it in my life
>it tastes like jackfruit that tastes like raw onions
Exact perfect description except also quite sweet. To be honest, I never cared for them very much and in my old age, I don't Even like jackfruit much anymore.
Fresh cashew apple, I think it was. Tasted like a sand pear with a slight cumin-y aftertaste. They don't ship well so if you're not in SEA or India, you'll likely never get to taste one.
Or maybe tree strawberry? They also don't ship well and if you're not in the med, particularly in Italy, during the season, you'd never know they even existed never mind how they taste.

What's that tomato relative that tastes like an orange?
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Tamarillo is pretty great. It tastes like a tropical fruit crossed with a tomato, so like 80% like pineapple but with a savory note behind it.
I made a tamarillo sauce for grilled chicken that was incredible. Bright, tangy, deep and rich.
>What's that tomato relative that tastes like an orange?
Same thing?
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No, he's prolly talking about lulo, aka naranjilla, which is a different m tomato relative that definitely tastes much more like citrus than tamarillo, with an actual orange zest flavor.
jackfruit or dragonfruit, where I am at least. jackfruit (it was dried) tasted like mediocre mango). Dragonfruit tasted like a really really bland combination of a kiwi with a cucumber.
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Recently had an ice apple and it's goddamn good
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Rambutan, reminds me of grapes with a pit covered in a thin leather like pig skin.
Your dad. I don't suck dicks though, you tell me since homosexuality runs in your family OP
theyre strangely satisfying
ive always thought kiwi is weird and I feel like it's eating my tongue
Yeah, that's the thing! Really disorienting eating this thing that has the texture of a tomato but tastes of orange. Quite good, though. Haven't seen them ever since that one time.
how it compares to lychee?
I quite like those
Almost identical flavor, but a bit less perfumy than lychee.
I see
then I won't bother looking for these too much
I like the perfumyness
what does jackfruit taste like?
This one
It was good and doesn’t smell bad at all
sweet and floral. it tastes like girl's shampoo smells
these suck as a hand fruit but if you throw them in the blender with ice and a little water fuck that's nicet
same i get the same sensation of bromelain from kiwis that I know for sure that pineapples are supposed to have
Taiwanese Papaya Orange
It looked like a giant golden lemon on the outside but it tasted like sweet lemonade with no acid
I want to find Cocona since it's great in salsas. It's like a naranjilla crossed with a lime
These fucking suck. Massive pits and the tough membrane around the pit stays attached to the flesh when you take the pit out.
These taste like semen
Like styrofoam with seeds
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>feijoa (acca)
Eat it every season, it’s like a pineapple guava.
>monstera deliciosa
This shit is delicious, it’s like a pina colada, smells like overripe strawberries. Make sure you only eat the flesh where the scales peel off (pic related)
>purple mangosteen
Tried it once here in my cunt, from a local market. Best fruit I’ve tried I think.
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Saskatoon, pawpaw and achachairú too.

>Tried it once here in my cunt
Didn't know cunts had taste buds.
Cannon ball fruit. I don't think they're edible. I cracked one open and it turned blue like a psilocybin then I tried eating a small amount and it tasted incredibly acrid, like chemical burns in my mouth and I started getting worried cos I swallowed some.

Also I've had overripe Noni and the videos online are not exaggerating. It takes like mouldy rotten cheese and gymsocks. Like unironically that is the flavour. Fucking foul.

My favourite fruit is mango. Cherimoya/atemoya is my second. I like feijoas as well.
>Make sure you only eat the flesh where the scales peel off (pic related)
What happens if you don't?

>Tried it once here in my cunt
anon this is a blue board. Please keep your onlyfans activities to yourself.
Oxalic acid will sting your mouth
I thought it was more like fruity garlic sludge
It tastes like if rotting trash was delicious
Salak is my favorite fruit of all time.
Well now you have to post a recipe, dontcha?
Do you eat the skin, like on a tomato or tomatillo, or cut it off like from a citrus?
wtf I like rambutan now
I've mentioned this countless times but an ex and I used to get kiwi smoothies after grocery shopping from the shop upstairs at the store and one day, the dumb cow said
>I love kiwi smoothies but I hate that burning, itchy, scratchy throat-close-y feeling you get from them. you know the one
"No, YOU get that feeling, not me so no, I DON'T know the one. You're allergic to kiwi."
So she went to an allergist, got tested and wa-fucking-la: allergies to kiwifruit, pineapple, papaya and strawberries.
How do people not realize when they're having a reaction to something?
tried it and hated the smell, the taste was weird but the texture was probably the worst of them all
2/10, would try again
>What’s the weirdest fruit you’ve tried? How did it taste?
When I lived in Miami, I had a Jaboticaba tree, and it tastes a bit like blueberry yogurt, combined with a grape.
not that weird, but i don't see people eat mulberry often. it makes your breath smell like shit tho
I've always wanted to try one of these but I live in Delaware. At least we have pawpaws.
>I've always wanted to try one of these but I live in Delaware. At least we have pawpaws.
Miami has a park, Fruit and Spice Park, and there are thousands of varieties of tropical trees. They let you try 30+ items depending on which is in season in the month you go. For us foodies, it's so huge, it'd be reason to visit Miami all on its own.

I still am in Florida, but in my yard right now, I only have Hass avocado (which is recovering the past 2 years from Hurricane Ian, and an alphonse mango tree (at a rental property), and that mangoes are usually cleaned out by opportune lawn crews in the area since it's in the front/side yard and obvious like that. I have two date palms, but mostly I ask for my fruit to be cut down and carried away because it fills up the ground with pits that bother the lawn guy.
>I've always wanted to try one of these but I live in Delaware. At least we have pawpaws.
Mine lived for the first 5 years of its life, like a potted ficus, completely in a pot on my patio (taking it inside during freezes). I also had a potted fruiting calamondin tree when I lived in DC. I bought that one like it was ornamental at IKEA! I currently have a grafted potted plant that is half lemon/half lime tree. No idea where you can source one of those in DE, but mine came from Home Depot :P
>What’s the weirdest fruit you’ve tried? How did it taste?
Don't remember his name. Salty.
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Berries of the Yew tree. They have a latex like quality to them and are very sweet. The best berries I've ever eaten.
This is why we can't have nice things.
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Yes! I was going to say this. These little red berries are a real treat, they grow around my neighborhood. They're sweet like strawberries!
I just wish I could get them here. Miss the little bastards
It really is a crime that something that looks like that isn't edible.
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Those are massive saskatoons, were they cultivated? There are tons of saskatoon trees around here, many wild and then the city also planted a lot of them in parks bit they're rarely bigger than a centimeter wide or so. Huge fan of them regardless they come is such abundance too.

I eat all kinds of weird fruits and other plants, daylily frowers are one of my big unusual favorites because they taste like sweet buttery lettuce. One ofbthe the stranger fruits overall is flowering dogwood. It looks like it wouldn't be edible at all, and it only sort of is. The skin is rough, a little like a pear but thicker and tougher. Then the flesh is very gritty and mealy a bit like an over ripe pear mixed with sand and a bunch of small seeds. Flavour is mild and sweet, as Jared would describe it maybe a 6/10 on sweetness, very little if any sourness, maybe a 1 or 2 out of 10. Other than that it just a little bland, prickly pear is probably the closest comparison.
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I find it hard to believe there are people out there that like yew berries. I find them sickeningly sweet with a gross slimy texture and no other interesting flavour to make it better. I wouldn't say they taste at all like strawberries.

They are edible, or rather the red flesh is edible. The seed inside as with all the other parts of the plant is quite toxic.

One of my favorite fruits is also in the dogwood family though. Cornelian cherries are like quite sour cherries with a very interesting deep flavour a little like raspberry. I like them so much I collected seeds and started growing my own bushes.
First time I tried one I thought we had a gas leak shit was strong. The inside is like a sweet creamy custard and it tastes like a mix of caramlized and raw onions.
Fucking gross never again.
Based. The fact that the rest of the plant is deadly poisonous filters most foragers, so if I find them there are always a lot of berries.

>likes sour cherries
>doesn't like sweet berries
This nigga eatin dog wood haha
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I like some sweet berries. Strawberries are quite sweet and I love mango which is very sweet. But yew berries just taste blandly sweet with no interesting flavour. It's like the difference between red mulberries and white mulberries. They're both pretty sweet, but the dark mulberries have a much deeper more interesting flavour while the white ones are sweet but bland.
Your description of cornelian cherries is entirely unlike any I've ever had. Maybe they're like mulberries were different species taste entirely dissimilar (American Eastern mulberry had practically no flavour while other mulberries are delicious). In Italy, cornelian cherries taste like cranberries and are made into jam because they're generally unpleasant to ready as they are. No raspberry or cherry notes whatsoever. Cherry texture, tho, just with cranberry taste.
>prickly pear
I'm sorry you've never had any good ones. They're extremely sweet and one of my favourite fruits. We call them Indian figs and they're great as they are but i also like to peel and freeze them, run them through the blender with a little water and dash of sugar then strain to catch the seeds. Makes a delicious and quite interestingly coloured smoothie
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Tje typical descriptions of them I've read say it's like a cross between a cherry and a cranberry. I definitely would say the sourness is closer to a cranberry than a cherry, but I find the flavour other than it's sourness isn't much like a cranberry at all so I kind of avoid that comparison. I find them tasty eaten fresh, but I also very much like sour things. I also eat sand cherries and several kinds of crab apples raw as well. Typically people around here who eat them also use them cooked.

Another odd fruit which is mostly overlooked for good reason are hackberries. The taste on them is quite nice, like a cross between a raisin and a date, but there is almost no flesh on them, it's a large pit with just a tiny bit of fruit, but still quite tasty.
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>Those are massive saskatoons, were they cultivated?
The picture I stole from an old thread, farmed ones are usually larger though. Jam is nice too.

>many wild and then the city also planted a lot of them in parks
Same here, but those don't taste as good for some reason. Maybe it's different cultivars?
Neat. I've got two peaches, a fig and a neighbors shitty mulberry tree the grows more into my yard than in hers. Everytime I cut the branches, I toss them onto her side of the wall. It's her tree, let her clear the mess it makes.
Anyway, I grew a mango, from seed, for a while here, believe it or not. It got to nearly six feet (I'm 6'1 and could still see over it) so I transferred it outside and it survived the winter but then we had that bad storm that liked a bunch of people in New York and the winds snapped my mango tree in half. : (
I trade peaches with some of the people here for their apples and pears and up in Philadelphia, they have an "urban orchard" with idk how many varieties of tree bearing fruits. You can get various things from them, including pawpaws.
I'm considering getting an astringent variety of persimmon if I can figure out where the fuck to put it in our limited space. If I can convince the neighbor to cut down her tree, I'd have plenty of room for it but as it stands, the mulberry branches take up a lot of space. Great for shade in the summer but not likely to be good for growing persimmons
I'm originally from the other side of the pond and we have a variety of lime that's quite sweet. The first time I saw calamondin, I thought they were our sweet lime and I've never forgiven that fruit for leading my on like that.
Missus has family in Florida and she's from the Caribbean. She likes this one fruit we have to go to a Puerto Rican grocery story in Philadelphia for. I forget what it's called but it looks like longan but green except the inside which is orange and the taste is like a cross between lime and lychee. A little tart, a little sweet. Pretty good, especially pitted, frozen and made into smoothies.
I'll look into hackberry, thanks.
I know aronia is American and I think you call it chokecherry in English. That's another fruit that we make into jam in yurp. Polish people lose their shit over them. They really like chokecherry. Us Italians kinda take it or leave it but we fuck HARD with American grapes. Scuppernongs/muscadines are insanely popular in Italy. I live in America these days (I'm >>20699421) and the local Asian markets are the only place to buy them here. The Chinese signs at one of them label them "Italy grapes" so I guess our love for muscadines is famous in China or something.
>liked a bunch of people
KILLED a bunch, rather.
It is entirely possible I've never hadva good one. They grow up here, but not well enough to produce good fruit. So the ones I've had were okay, but other than being sweet they're not very interesting.

It couldbe different cultivars, I quite like the ones that grow here, it's like somewhere in between a blueberry and an apple.

We do have aronias here, but typically they're called aronia or chokeberries. We have another plant called a chokecherry which is actually a kind of cherry. They are very small, about a centimeter across and when raw are pretty much inedible because they are extremely astringent, but when cooked they make pretty good juices and jellies.

Another wonderful weird fruit and very hard to find in general at least around here are mayapples. They're bitter and poison until very ripe but are usually eaten by squirrels long before that. If you can find one though, the bit of flesh inside tastes like delicious tropical lemonade.
Another interesting one if hackberries sound appealing are wild raisins. Not related to grapes at all, they are a type of viburnum. When the fruit is fresh it's mostly not edible, somewhat bitter and extremely astringent. But once winter comes and they go through a few freeze thaw cycles, they dry out some and become sweet and tasty like raisins. They make for nice little trail side nibbles when you're out hiking in the winter.
I think I've seen those innawoods here.
>chokeberries not chokecherries
At least I knew it was chokesomething.
Going back to the crabapples mentioned earlier, those are great to add to strained jams (IE what people this side of the pond call jelly) because they're basically 3000% pectin and will help them set. You can even cook them on their own to make homemade liquid pectin and just add that to your jam making rather than adding crabapples directly.
Honestly, I can't be fucked. When I make jam, I cheat like a motherfucker and use unflavoured instant agar powder. It's more stable to work with and I don't have to worry about enzymes that can eat pectin. It just werks
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I have a tendency of trying the fruit off every crabapple and hawthorn I come across because while most aren't great especially raw, sometimes there's a surprise. These ones for some reason aren't astringent like most crabapples and just taste like intensely flavoured tiny apples.
Yeah, I've had a similar experience. As a kid, I found a tree of soaringly sweet crabapples. Well, not found. An old lady told me about it. And they were delicious. So I knew that some trees are good eatin' but that most are not.
I know it as white thorn (biancospino) and no one in my area seems to know they're edible. People here just grow them as hedges.
>soaringlyb sweet
Surprisingly sweet, rather. Sorry, I use predictive text because English has weird spelling rules and sometimes, it just gets it wrong.
Italian is much easier. Things are generally written as they sound so we didn't really bother with spelling bees like you do in the anglosphere.
Hawthorns are not eaten by most people, uncooked they're very dry and mealy and even cooked they're not amazing. Think of a cross between a crab apple and a rosehip and that's about what hawthorns are like. Still, I find them interesting to taste here and there and some are better than others. I am also the type of person who likes to nibble on different kinds of rosehips I come across though.

If you think you've seen wild raisin, you probably have. It's very common and fairly distinct. There are a couple of thing that look vaguely similar like high bush cranberry but they're also edible. If it looks like a raisin with a big flat seed and a tiny nibble tastes like a sweet strange raisin you're good to go. Not amazing, but it's free sweet nibbles in winter which is fun.
>If only you knew how bad things really are
Paw paws. Generally not sold in stores even though they are native here (there is a city named Paw Paw, MI). Delicious, like a cross between a banana and a mango, custardy.
they look like olives from candyland
I love paw paws, and they are north America's largest native tree fruit.
Not if Trump brings back lynching
yeah most dragonfruit you get is not amazing or almost bad. But one time I got some with my dessert at a high end restaurant and it was amazing. But I do believe it was a dragonfruit hybrid and not a regular one
Bilimbi. A very strange fruit that grows on the bark of its tree. As soon as it's picked, it starts to spoil so it has to be eaten fresh from the tree.

The taste of them is the purest sour you've ever put in your mouth. It's so sour that the acid will start to macerate your mouth if you don't wash it down right away. You can probably find challenges of people eating this stuff on YT.
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I'm a member of a rare fruit growers group and the weirdest ones I have rn are yangmei (pic related) - tastes like a more delicious combo of strawberry and blackberry. Hard to grow. Extremely rare and expensive outside of China.
Also ice cream bean tree, starfruit, wax jambu, durian and a few others.
Agreed most are tasteless. Though one time in 'nam I went on a trip way out in the boonies in the south west (senpai's ancestral home) and at the local market you could get them for real cheap, they were the size of a small child's head and they had amazing flavour. It's incredible the difference between the slop we get and the real deal.
Pickled Pigs feet.
They're alright raw but a big ratio of seed to fruit. Tastes a bit like concord grape/artificial grape flavouring. I used to know a guy who grew one in his backyard and made jams with it. The jam was incredible with pate/fois gras. Way better than any other type of jam I've had with pate

Unless you're talking Injuns, that wouldn't be native tree fruit. That strange fruit like the apples and peaches was brought with the whites.
I’ve eaten cacao pods and all I can say is I see why people ferment them
I've seen them for sale here but at I've no idea wtf to do with them and the fact that they were quite pricey, I didn't bother buying them. That same store has fully edible pumpkins right now. Skin, seeds, everything. All edible. Buying some tomorrow morning.
>strange fruit
Was that an on-purpose reference to Billie Holliday or accidental? Cuz that's what the song Strange Fruit is about.
Yes that was a very purposeful reference. I'm glad it was recognized.
Maaaan I've been wanting to try the monstera deliciosa fruit for years. I've got two plants but they're pretty small, don't see them fructifying any time soon. I need to go out with a machete and find some in the wild lol
man my dad had a few of these little trees that grew dragonfruit and they would vary from literally flavorless to ever so slightly sweet and juicy
It's a shame that the super cool looking dragon fruit tastes like almost nothing while the dull looking pitaya is delicious. Nature is weird...

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