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Give me ideas for light meals for hot weather.

Pic related, just had shrimp, veg and rice.
nothing about this screams "hot weather" meal to me, though.

One of the things I do is a cold side. Chunky overnight cold potato salad with my grilled shishkabobs or chicken breasts, side of marinated cucumbers, pasta salad, or healthy kale slaw with my fried southern main or BBQ. I try to make 1 cold salad going all week, from a curry chicken or waldorf chicken salad, to dill feta orzo, to cucumber and tomato filled taboulleh to a fruit salad or bowl of marinated tomatoes. I am putting cold strawberries on my cereal, or putting peaches into my muffins. Pickled onions go on top of tacos.

I love a cold soup, but it takes a farmer's market visit to make gazpacho affordable, and I'm not making homemade stock in summer for vichysoisse.
Watermelon, feta, mint, balsamic, olive oil, onion.
Hmm... Thanks. I have all of that except the mint. Will make some.
>except the mint.
sometimes when out of mint, I make a batch of mint tea and add to the recipe. Other times, I sub in basil.
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pork sausage and peach skewers
pork sausage, bell peppers and onion skewers
sushi rice
poke bowls
any type of salad, fruit salad included
Well, my normal meals are much more meat and potatoes style of a deal. With creamy sauces etc.
SEA food.
are you a woman or something?
"light" or "heavy" food is not seasonal fashion, get over yourself
pasta al limone
good idea
Shrimp are great because you can pour hot water on them and nuke for a minute and they're done. Drain and combine with fat and seasoning and that's the main figured out. Or leave them unseasoned and toss into a pasta salad.
Also, any cold bibim dish.
>pork sausage and peach
I've never considered this. I'll give that a try sometime. Smoked, emulsified sausages, I would guess?
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Fleshlight full of macaroons
Canned halved peach
Cold cut sammiches
Salads of any form
Lots of chilled fruits, melons are great
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Marco's warm chicken vinaigrette is the bees tits and perfect for hot days †bh

>Give me ideas for light meals for hot weather.

Is this some poverty or fatty thing? Thanks to the great modern amenity of Air Conditioning, my house remains a cool 72°F, so just being a few minutes indoors cools me off.

Moreover, hiw much time is the 4channer even spending outside? Are you sweating like a pig just walking to and from your car?
>talking about fatties
Never post here you cheeseburger American,post body
Cold milk
Ice cubes
Ice cream
Milk shake
I want the full Monty!
you mean recipe?

I used a ready blend of frozen veg (pic)

I added it to a pan with one onion chopped into big slices. Cooked, added rice, and a sauce I made with dark soy, black pepper, oyster sauce, lemon juice and garlic.
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forgot the pic
And obviously, at the end I added the defrosted shrimp. They were already cooked, so I just let them sit in cold water while cooking the other stuff and added them in the end, only letting them heat through.
Even less of reason to complain about the heat. The only place in Europe which actually gets hot is Spain and Greece and maybe southern Italy.
Gazpacho soup.
Some crisis actors in cop uniforms came over to break my air conditioning last Saturday at 1am so I feel your pain OP. My recommendation is Ceviche: diced cold shrimp, avocado, tomatoes, onions and cilantro and with ketchup as a condiment. Have an okay day!

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