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Do you guys still take psyllium husk after the lead scandal?
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>lead scandal
th-the what...
Don't worry, it only becomes a problem if you use more than a single round tea-spoonful per day.
So if you take half a tea-spoon of it, you're ok.
psyillium husk is a meme. just eat an apple a day if you arent 85 years old and have given up on eating food
Sometimes I just want to take a mighty shit though.
You haven't tried it.
I buy the actual husk, not the metamucil type powders though
folk pay ridiculous money for metamucil
The husk itself is what has the lead in it
magnesium citrate > fiber
I take 100 mg after each meal
fiber is a meme
Tell that to my fat turds
what does it do?
the anon you're replying to is a fat, bulimic, retarded faggot
Just take a laxative and benadryl and play chicken in your sleep.
All I know is I don't take it anyway because fiber is completely useless indigestible garbage. Who in their right mind would want to consume that crap? To take massive shits? Be constipated? Why? It's all just waste. If anything you want less waste. It's like if there's a traffic jam and to solve the problem you're adding more cars. It makes no sense.

See above...Are you shit fetishists or something? Or maybe you enjoy being constipated? Nobody needs fiber you retards. There's no nutritional value to it or anything. You're wasting your time and money and only hurting yourself. You think it "helps you poop", or something? No. It's just creating more waste for you to shit out, for no good reason. That's not a good thing. Again, you want less waste, not more.

If you want to shit better: eat more fat and drink enough water, and maybe get enough electrolytes. If you're really desperate, chug really salty water or perform an enema, or take a big dose of vitamin C supplement.
fiber adds body to your stool and makes you less constipated (assuming that you don't have enough fiber in your diet so that you need to supplement it)
unless you are literally consuming thick globs of it like a mental patient i guess
rock hard shits tear apart my asshole if I didn't have enough fiber to soften it.
if your shits aren't doing the same its because you are consuming enough "completely useless indigestible garbage" and don't have to supplement it retard.
Does the foot and a half of shit I leave in the toilet anger you anon?
>It's like if there's a traffic jam and to solve the problem you're adding more cars. It makes no sense.
Based retard 90iq analogy poster.
magnesium absorbs water into your feces, giving you smoother shits. citrate is just the most bioavailable form.
that's a lot of projection there, lardo.
it will give you diarrhea if you take high doses, yes, but if you're not a retard and take it with moderation (something your fat ass is unfamiliar with, clearly) you'll be fine. 100 mg after each meal is optimal for me, though I only eat two meals a day so you would want to split up the 200 mgs depending on how often you eat (100 times a day for you? lol)
You remind me of people who refuse to take medicine to stop having diarrhea because "it's better to get it all out" and then wondering why they feel awful from shitting out unnecessary fluids.
>citrate is just the most bioavailable form.
You mean least
Just have a cigarette with your morning coffee. Works literally every time for me.
>Just have a cigarette with your morning coffee
>magnesium citrate > fiber
>psyillium husk is a meme. just eat an apple a day
##Benefits of psyllium husk:

Digestive health:

Acts as a bulk-forming laxative to relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements
Can help treat diarrhea by absorbing excess water in the digestive tract
May help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn's disease
Promotes growth of beneficial gut bacteria as a prebiotic fiber

Heart health:

Can help lower total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels
May help reduce blood pressure
Supports overall cardiovascular health

Blood sugar control:

Helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing absorption of carbohydrates
May help manage diabetes and reduce risk in high-risk individuals

Weight management:

Promotes feelings of fullness and reduces appetite
May aid in weight loss as part of a healthy diet

Fiber supplementation:

Provides a good source of soluble fiber to help meet daily fiber intake recommendations

Gentle on the digestive system:

Works as a natural laxative without harsh stimulant effects
Less likely to cause gas/bloating compared to some other fiber supplements

Versatile usage:

Available in powder, capsule, and whole husk forms
Can be mixed into liquids or added to foods
I took 4 psyllicylums the other day and tripped Sgt Pepper starships.
I just eat fruit and chia seeds to get the fiber I need every day.

I used to take it every day because it made douching quicker but now I'm on HRT I'm not horny enough to bother fucking my ass every day
No, I eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, etc. because I'm not a retard.
That's why I drink it kek, never need an enema now!
Just eat your vegetables everyday and you won't need to drink that stuff.
I do both
>dude meds
Diet issue. Stop eating, or eat less of, things that give you diarrhea.
Seems like a bit of overkill. You must have rock hard turds.
>because I'm not a retard.
Umm, oops. Actually you are. Sorry but all those things you listed aren't actually good for you. You're not an herbivore, so you don't really get anything from it. Just big poops and farts and bloating, for no good reason.
>Just eat your vegetables everyday
Why? Why would you want to eat that garbage? Why do you do that to yourself? You hate yourself or something? You can't get the same amount of nutrients from veggies or fruit like you can with meat and fat.
fiber is an essential nutrient and salad is tasty
Just drink cold brew coffee and you will be shitting in like 20 minutes
>fiber is an essential nutrient
Hahahahaha. Holy shit. Who told you that? Please educate yourself.
good gut bacteria feed on fiber
psyllium husk gives me normal shits
its the only way i can shove dildos up my ass
You are deeply unpleasant
>inb4 I was just pretending to be retarded
It's literally just one test.
Ketotards are deranged
I wonder how much the lead is even a problem. I mean, it's fiber. You just poop it out. You don't absorb it.
>High WHC, ability to produce mucilage, the presence of soluble, and insoluble fiber and their interaction with divalent cations, make psyllium seed as a candidate for reducing the tissue uptake of lead (II) and increasing its fecal excretion, thereby alleviate the symptom of lead poisoning in mice.
>The results indicated that psyllium increases the fecal excretion of lead and decrease its tissue absorption.
So you end up with LESS lead in your tissue instead of more if you take psyllium is what that seems to be saying.
I'm thinking the lead in the psyllium just gets pooped out bros.
This thread reminded me to drink some
It's good to stay regular and predictable!
improper use of psyllium husk can cause anal fissures.
use that stuff sparingly and drink a lot of water with it.
>mayonnaise clinic
How’s sleepy joe working for ya numbnuts?
Good to know
There's instructions on the bag.
its like adding a couple of crackheads with "NEED TO FEED KIDS" signs on the sides of the roads, expediting the entire process.
$5 says your parents diddled your faggot ass as a kid
I used to think like you but I got redpilled on psyllium husk. Lack of adequate fiber intake is THE single most disastrous consequence of the modern diet on American health, and it is solely responsible for American obesity epidemic. Psyllium is the most beneficial supplement you can consume.

1. The fiber forms a matrix gel around sugars you've eaten, and causes your body to digest them slower. This effectively reduces the glycemic index of anything you eat, effectively making white bread be like whole wheat and candy be like fruit. The slow release of sugar causes your body to release the insulin slower. This basically does the opposite of diabetes, improving your insulin sensitivity and reducing the amount of time that sugar and insulin hang out in your blood. This causes you to have more energy and feel more awake, be thinner, and metabolize food faster and more efficiently.

2. The fiber feeds the bacteria which live in your gut. Having a healthy gut bacteria population, which includes the correct strains, causes you to digest food more effectively and be thinner and have more energy

3. The fiber gel matrix traps bile from the pancreas and causes it to be excreted. Then the pancreas makes more bile. Without any fiber in the diet, the bile is reabsorbed later in the intestine and the pancreas doesn't produce more. Bile is made of cholesterol. Insufficient fiber intake causes a buildup of excessive cholesterol, which starts congealing in the blood. Psyllium husk is the antidote to seed oils.
Nice buzzword, retard, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Sure bro enjoy your meat and fat diet and constopation

4. Fiber fills up your stomach but doesn't have calories, and it slows the emptying of the stomach. This makes you feel more satisfied for longer after having eaten less food. This makes you naturally be a healthy weight without needing to diet or track your calorie intake, and without any discomfort or hunger, because your appetite and stomach volume are literally designed to exist in a world where all the food you eat has fiber in it. When you consume modern goyslop which has the fiber artificially removed, the body demands more calories than it needs by accident, because your hunger detection system is based on volume of food consumed rather than actually being able to detect how many calories you are eating. The tiny hat people who create your food take the fiber out intentionally because they want you to overeat.

And yes, I know that you can be any weight with any diet as long as you track calories and eat the appropriate amount. But if you eat enough fiber, then you will naturally hunger for the correct amount of food and won't have to do any work to achieve this.

5. It makes your shits big, soft, and consistent. Fiber miraculously prevents both constipation and diarrhea. Personally, I never used to get constipated ever, but I had a problem with getting hot squirts whenever I drank coffee or whenever I was really nervous, like before a stressful social situation or a presentation in front of clients. When I started eating psyllium husk, this condition was completely cured, because the gel matrix absorbs water and literally can't be turned into hot squirts. Also, I no longer have to wipe after I shit, which is really nice.

You will start having constipation in the first couple of days after you start taking psyllium because you don't have any gut microbiota who are trained to deal with the fiber. But if you stick with it, you are guaranteed to get enormous benefits.
I will. And I won't be constipated because there will be no waste; my body will actually be using and absorbing the nutrients from those animal foods, instead of shitting it out. I also won't be bloated and gassy. :)
>You will start having constipation in the first couple of days after you start taking psyllium because you don't have any gut microbiota who are trained to deal with the fiber.
Not saying this isn't true mate, but that wasn't my experience.
Do you take this with milk, with juice or with water?
See you at your early funeral.
>blah blah blah, words words words
Nobody needs fiber. Sure, fiber can be broken down to short chain fatty acids (such as butyrate), which feeds your gut bacteria, *if* your body even can do that.

But, if you consume butter, it is the best source of butyrate and most bioavailable (you actually use it / absorb it; it doesn't have to be converted), also our gut bacteria can make butyrate from leftover cells and mucus, which is even better than butyrate from foods. Also, butter contains many other nutrients, unlike fiber which contains nothing.
My biggest issue is that my bowel movements are still either hot snakes, chocolate pudding, or just not that solid. I vastly reduced the quantity of beer I drink (maybe a few once a week now) and my shits are still soft. I've noticed that taking a lot of kratom has made me have regular logs. But once I stop taking as much kratom my feces goes back to being too soft. Is this a lack of fiber?
I'm just tired of having to wipe & wipe & wipe & wipe so much after every #2, anons...
I would still wipe just in case...
>fiber bad goyim just eat 3 sticks of butter a day
Yes. And 100 grams is only 7 tbsp. You should be eating lots of fat anyway. It's the best form of energy. Not carbohydrates.
I think I'll stick to fiber
>eat fiber
>feel more full
>eat less food
>get less nutrients
Ah yes, just starve yourself and deprive yourself of nutrients. Excellent.

>When you consume modern goyslop which has the fiber artificially removed, the body demands more calories than it needs by accident, because your hunger detection system is based on volume of food consumed rather than actually being able to detect how many calories you are eating.
Hahaha. Wtf. And it's no accident. Your body detects nutrients from the food you eat and reaches satiety from that, not from volume alone, nor from "calories". So for example you could eat, ideally, raw beef and eggs and feel satiated, but light; not full/stuffed, because it's more easily digestible and full of nutrients (cooking/pasteurizing destroys nutrients btw). It's why you can eat a shit load of bread, pasta, rice, or other junk foods devoid of nutrients, feel full, but still hungry / your brain tells you you want to eat more, because you got little to no nutrients from those "foods".
Ok, enjoy your massive waste excretions you weird shit fetishist.
>The tiny hat people who create your food take the fiber out intentionally because they want you to overeat.
Maybe, but not necessarily because it lacks fiber, rather because it's full of sugar and carbohydrates and other shit, which are addicting, so of course you're going to want to eat more lol.
Ketotard is going ballistic
>And yes, I know that you can be any weight with any diet as long as you track calories and eat the appropriate amount. But if you eat enough fiber, then you will naturally hunger for the correct amount of food and won't have to do any work to achieve this.
Except you don't need to track calories if you eat appropriately, which is basically meat and fat and other things from animals. You're not going to hunger for the correct amount of food, that doesn't make sense and not how the body works; we aren't robots... you're going to hunger for food with fucking nutrients that you'd be depriving yourself from if anyone follows your dumbass advice.
>5. It makes your shits big
Lmao that's literally just a big lump of waste, then. How is that a good thing? (hint: it's not) You want less poop, not more. But obviously without being constipated. Which can be achieved again, with eating a carnivore diet basically, eating the foods which are appropriate to us and our digestive system.
Lol buddy it's not keto. It's "carnivore". Meat, fat, fish, eggs, etc. which are nutrient dense, easily digestible, and will leave you with very little waste (poop) because your body will actually be using those foods and absorbing the nutrients instead of shitting it out lol.
You have no idea what you're talking about and let pol tell you what your diet should be. Case closed.
Umm, literally no you. I've been learning about this shit for a few months now, I didn't just pick this up yesterday. Go learn about the "carnivore diet" and biology and how the human body works. Also I don't go to /pol/ lmao.
I suggest you look up Anthony Chaffee, Ken Berry, and Weston A. Price, at the very least.
Lol. Ok. I don't know what to tell you, then. Stay retarded I guess.
Stay constipated.
No, it isn't why. Refined carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, make you feel hungry again quickly because of the sharp insulin spike and crash they produce as a result of having carbohydrates artificially liberated from their fibrous matrix so the sugar all hits your blood at once, which is not natural. Fat and meat don't do this for obvious reasons. And I absolutely concur that meat and fat are good for you, but the effect on satiety and energy has nothing to do with "nutrients." Your body can't detect nutrients. This is a lie invented by obese women on Twitter to justify overeating.

Go ahead and test this: eat a loaf of white bread and a couple of vitamins and see what happens. If you're honest, you'll realize it makes no difference. But next day, drink 3 teaspoons of psyllium husk and then eat as much bread as you can. You'll notice that you don't feel any of the crash/hunger that normally happens after a big carb load.

By the way, most refined carbs in the United States are fortified with nutrients by law, to prevent blacks from getting nutrient deficiencies. Junk food like bagel bites, white rice, pasta, fruit loop cereal, etc, all has vitamins added to it. Nobody in the United States is nutrient deficient. If your theory were true then this would be sufficient to prevent the obesity epidemic, but in reality it does nothing.
Ok, but why the fuck would I want to eat fiber and white bread and artificial vitamins anyway. I'll stick to eating real food; animal products; foods full of nutrients that will be digested and absorbed. I will not fart. I will have less shit. I will not be constipated because I eat enough fat. I will not be bloated. I will be healthy and happy. Fuck you.
>eating fiber will deprive you of nutrients
Is this seriously the argument you're going with? Most retarded shit I've heard today my man. Literally just take 1 multivitamin in the morning and this fake problem is solved, as if it had even existed in the first place. Your body evolved to run on a diet that includes a ton of fiber.
>It's literally just a lump of waste, how is that a good thing
You skipped over 2 effortposts describing the benefits of eating fiber by calling it "words words words," and now you're doubling down on calling it pointless waste because you refused to ingest any of the disproof of your retarded ideology. You are literally a cult member who is no different from a vegan or a muslim, and can't be reasoned with.
Is this about being healthy or are you just a neat freak and developed some weird schizm about your bodily waste, are you afraid to take a piss too?
Your shits are small and sticky which causes you to wipe endlessly. Your asshole is like an uncapped marker releasing an endless sticky noodle which can never be truly pinched off. Your anus becomes sore from the constant wiping. You're at higher risk of anal cancer and hemorrhoids, and your asshole itches and bothers you while you walk around on a hot day, and the smell of unwiped shit emanates from your ass. You dread having to shit in public because the cheap toilet paper will cause you to bleed before the shit is wiped away, and guarantee an itchy and stinky ass for the rest of the day. All because you are determined to eat an unnatural diet and won't accept that the fruits of Eden were made mostly of fiber.

Isn't that right?
OP do you ever have a lucid moment and wish you weren't a retard?
>Is this seriously the argument you're going with? Most retarded shit I've heard today my man.
You want me to eat loads of fiber to feel full, so I then eat less other things; less food, so then I get less nutrients. What don't you understand?
>Literally just take 1 multivitamin
Why would I want to take synthetic vitamins instead of eating real food? Lol that makes no sense.
>Your body evolved to run on a diet that includes a ton of fiber.
Lmao that makes absolutely no sense either. For example, look at the Inuit. They live off meat and fat basically and live in an environment not suitable for plants. They have excellent health. Well, they did before they started eating Western "foods", smoking, and drinking, then their health and mortality declined.

Ok fine. It's also mucus and dead cells and bacteria, not just undigested plant matter garbage (fiber). Are you happy now?
>Is this about being healthy
>are you afraid to take a piss too?
No. But that's different and you know it. Retard.
>Isn't that right?
Why are you so obsessed with fiber and shitting so much? Is it your fetish? Are you into scat?
As you get older shitting becomes literally harder and harder.
Yeah, if you eat modern foods. And fiber isn't the answer.
Nah it's not that different. You have mental problems.
doctors hate this one simple trick
Our bodies were designed to shit.
Uh huh, sure.
True. Nobody's denying that. But you don't need to shit massive turds.
See >>20702046 I think he laid out a pretty good example of your shits.
No, because I literally don't shit. Case closed.
That's not healthy.
Yeah well meat causes cancer, raw milk is poison, raw eggs will give you salmonella, cholesterol will give you heart attacks, fat will make you fat, fruits and veggies are full of pesticides (literal poison), fiber will make you constipated, the sun will give you cancer...What am I supposed to do?
This is an impressive display of cherrypicking. The guy who runs this club must be pretty rich.
Kill yourself, of course
That's not nice.
Hehehehe. :P
>Umm, uhh, uh, you're YOU'RE CHERRY PICKING!!!!
Lol ok retard.
>he believes doctor klitz
What's bad or wrong about him? Explain. He seems pretty based. Not just from his website, but his youtube videos too.
just eat some fruits and vegetables, you fucking freaks
>just eat the fiber and antinutrients and pesticides!!!! arrrggghh!!! you freaks!!!
Nah man I'm good. I'll eat my delicious nutritious animal meat, fat, and organs. :-)
Eat beans.
I blow caustic bile out my anus every single time I eat about 3 hours later probably due to alcoholism induced damage to my digestive tract... unless I megadose on fiber in which case I shit about twice a week
>dismisses point entirely because it's written out in detail
>suggests eating straight butter instead
Peak physical and mental health on full display
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Holy shit just copy the people that have the best biomarkers as closely as possible. This has been largely solved for nearly a decade by now.
Surprise surprise, they all incorporate fiber into their diets through the means of fruit, vegetables and legumes.
I've found this to be a good overview for how much you should try to aim for:
Good morning saaar, poo in the loo
Dude just stfu and get your booster..ain’t nobody reading that long ass wall if text bitch boy
I don't eat modern foods. What would you suggest I eat?
Ironically, people who don't read are the ones who get their boosters
By now I think plenty did, go drink another gallon of butter with slimjim chunks in it.
I already have. Thank you kindly for your concern, bitch tits. Make sure to vote for the orange bloated man next election!
Since we're on the topic of psyllium, does anybody know where I can get it in powdered form? I used to buy it in fitness stores but they stopped carrying it, the stuff from amazon is whole husks which doesn't work as well. I've tried to blitz it with a blender but I can't get it fine enough.
they have a knock off metamucil orange flavor too
Sorry not an american, I need to be able to buy it online
no, I'm the other kind of gay.

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