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What are some pleb food takes that are true?

I'll start
>ketchup doesn't belong on hot dogs
>ketchup doesn't belong on hamburgers
>water is for poor people
>microwaving fish is rude
>water is for poor people
Room temperature BMI take.
Everything except the water take is true, in fact I'd even argue that not drinking water is for poor people.
Amerishart detected
Dirty or no water is for poor people (the actual poor) and chemical treated water is for middle class fags, while richfags get pure water.
>ketchup doesn't belong on hamburgers
people who add onion, Worcestershire, bread crumbs, or other retarded ingredients deserve ketchup. Good burgers, no ketchup.
I have never met a filthy pleb that didn't drink something containing water.
I only drink 200 proof alcohol every day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because I'm not a filthy piece of shit commoner.
AmeriGOD detected
To stay on topic
>sweet corn improves any dish it's in
>homemade food is most times worse than store bought
>japanese food tastes great
>ketchup doesn't belong on hamburgers
i semi-disagree with this one. if you're making burgers at home last minute and your store doesn't have any tomatoes that are already ripe a little bit of non-shit grade ketchup can improve the borger a ton. has to be the organic kind that actually tastes like tomatoes the normie brands are starting to offer it now.
>microwaving fish is rude
when i was at nintendo of america they had to get rid of the microwaves in the break room for a while because the southeast asian dudes would bring in these tupperware bins full of stinky fish water with a rotting fish floating in it then put it on 50% power 60 minutes and stink the entire fucking place up it was horrifying. they also had to build religious shrines in the bathrooms for hindus to stop worshipping the toilets i'm not joking.
Why did they completely shit on Star Fox?
>animu faggots should stick to their containment boards
That’s the only truth you need to know, pedophile.
>hot dogs
Dumbass boomer.
Anime website
Should be tap water is for poor people, the rich around me always have voss bottled waters
Not everyone's skin is the same color as shit, brownoid
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Hi dad!
i did mgmt shit in their warehouse fuck if i know haha.
Wrong, this is a cooking board on a website that has anime themed boards as well.
Please head to a board with an anime focus to discuss anime. This is the cooking board.
Glad I could help.
Were not discussing anime, were discussing food. You brought up anime.
>water is for poor people
have fun with your dehydration headaches and your vein collapsing when the dr needs to run blood tests
Now that's a pleb take that's true, imagine needing to worry about your nutrition and hydration instead if having it managed for you.
Leave the avocado pit in the guacamole to prevent it from turning brown
Poor people always drink soda, although I’m not sure about the homeless.
>Uhhh ewww bruhh your microwaveing fish?! :OOOO That smell is stinnkyyy uhhhhggg so ruuude
Shut the fuck up you retarded little faggot
Thay's why it's a pleb take and you just outted yourself as a midwit.
Not him, but it's not a pleb take at all. It really is pathetic to whine about fish, or garlic, or any mildly offensive smell. Some people hate the smell of coffee but would be told to fuck off if they complained about the coffee pot in the office. And rightly so, man up
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast?
Filling a room with a nasty ass smell is not different from farting and stinking the place up. Its rude as fuck.
If you are ok with some chink microwaving stinky fish then you should be ok with a fat fuck ripping ass in your break room next to you while you eat.
You aren't a manly man for letting people shit up your surroundings and make things worse, you are a cowardly little bitch who lets people walk all over you.
Pasta is meant to be broken or crushed if it doesn't fit in the pot. It all tastes the same anyway, the shape/length means literally nothing
No anon I did not. I am not into anime at all. You might be thinking of these anons
^this anon is correct
Poor people drink soda and juices that have no juice in them, just food coloring. Sugar, water, purple as Chappelle once said.
No way, is that true?
>xhe thinks ketchup is too spicy
Ketchup haters are faggots.
>paying retarded amounts of money instead of living in a place with clean water or having a water filter and just carbonating it yourself
Plus you can just add whatever lemon, lime or whatever flavoring yourself from fresh fruit
>he needs everything coated in syrup for it to be palatable
Fucking cringe
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that's indeed a pleb take but it has nothing to do with food
Google says yes.
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>water is for poor people
What the fuck are you on about anon
>warm soda is disgusting
Only Americans think like this
Not as cringe as being some kind of fast food snob.
4chan was made because Moot wanted to discuss anime
>he doesn't add caramalized onions to his bacon cheeseburger
you lost me at ketchup doesnt belong on hot dogs or hamburgers. what kind of subhuman sub 85IQ take is this? are you a 4th worlder? stop talking retard talk
That's because you live in a shithole with poor water quality. I would never pay to live in a place where the water straight from the tap isn't palatable.
>fast food is the only way to get a burger
It ‘works’ insofar as the area covered by the pit won’t brown as quickly because it’s stopping the oxygen getting to it. Saran wrap works way better.
The enzyme that also makes it go brown can be dealt with just by adding lemon or lime
Only the last one makes sense.
Get a life, loser.
>hiroyuki post
Election tourist.
>>microwaving fish is rude
lol i like this one
>Wrong, this is a cooking board on a website that has anime themed boards as well.
Other way around.
Ketchup? Spicy? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ketchup sucks anyway, figures a ketchup enjoyer doesn't make any sense as they still have little kid brains.
So it's an anime board on a website that has cooking boards? I'm confused anon.
Yes, that's true. And now there are other forums that are non anime related because this site has grown so much since then.
>ketchup doesn't belong on hot dogs
>ketchup doesn't belong on hamburgers
Can you not handle vinegar or spicy foods?

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