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Just the most underwhelming biscuit. My tastes have changed a bit since I got a little bit older, which surprised me. But these are still shithouse.
what in the commoner's teatime is this post!?
i don't understand what sugary cookies have to do with digestion
What a stupid thread.
not terrible
not great
comfy with a large cup of cinnamon apple tea
decent platform for butter and aged cheese
k special makes me shit
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>decent platform for butter and aged cheese
In an emergency perhaps, you really need these for cheese.
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arrowroot biccies or bust
these are weird
sometimes they taste fucking amazing but like 60% of the time they taste really bland
crumble them over nachos
t. white trash
I like the long ones dipped in chocolate, not sure if they're still a thing though
two pound of whole grain butter cookies fixed my stool after a week long beer bender
Really like the chocolate ones.
The plain ones are ok in dipping in coffee.
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could you be any more lame?
I give those to my magpies as a special treat. They go crazy for them.
That’s exactly what a pedophile would say.
I prefer those cheapo oatmeal cookies, especially when they're a little old and have gotten moist and soft
The only place I've ever seen these for sale at is a really small eastern European store. Those Schoko banana things are really good.
I had the digestives with the chocolate on one side and it was unbearably dry. Only good dipping in tea. It's not crack.
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You need a pipe to smoke crack
i refuse to even buy them anymore because i can't control my self
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>canapés with proper garlic spread and walnuts or green grapes
This shit turns me into a labrador
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They don't fucking sell them anymore and I don't know how to bake them myself. One day I will find you again, volovants.

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