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Do you think this is worth 36 bucks with tax etc??
>tip non included
>Loster roll
If they can't even proof read their menu....
isn't that illegal?
Its a local chain thats pretty big doubt they would do something illegal
does it come with fries?
That's either a massive whoosh or I'm getting whooshed. I don't know which I prefer
Nope no sides at all

You're getting reddit-ed
Pete sounds like a stingy guy
The word poach has multiple definitions. It can either mean to hunt something illegally, or it can mean to cook something by boiling in a small amount of liquid.
Tip is like $3.
Go back to preddit
the fuck is a loster
I fucking hate Redditors. Cause you definitely have to fit a certain personality to be even able to post there. You have to have a certain amount of points to even post on certain boards and if you type based things, you will get downvoted and banned. I browse Reddit before, see how retarded people are there, make an account to cuss them out, either banned from board or not enough points to join. Reddit is gay and cuck af. Any based person will eventually get banned.

If I could give you reddit gold for this I would!

Thank you!!!
a lobsteröle is almost always worth the money. but just as a special treat
- A popular Philadelphia sports bar has agreed to pay its servers more than $8 million in back wages and damages.

Chickie's & Pete's, with more than a dozen locations around the Delaware Valley and beyond, has entered into a consent decree with the US Department of Labor to settle what the department calls its largest tip-credit case ever.

At the same time, Chickie's & Pete's is settling several lawsuits filed by employees.

no. especially since it lol won't be warm when you get it.
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absolutely despicable. this whole tip credit bullshit is such a goddamn scamb.

when I was in highschool I knew a chick who got a job at Dunkin' Donuts and because there was a handrwritten paper "tiP" cup at the drive-thru window they were legally allowed to pay them $3 an hour. Such complete trash.
Some of the posters in here need to go back to preddit u stupid soi cucks.
Depends where you are. If you can get fresh New England lobstah it's to die for.

If you are in the southeast crabs are probably better anyways. If you are in a flyover or a place that only gets Alaskan "lobsters" you are shit out of luck it will be gross and metallic.
Rhode Island baby. As a Masshole it pains me to say it but the best Atlantic sæƒood anywhere is Rhode Island
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that's not enough food for 35 human dollars. would you guys buy my food?
>and because there was a handrwritten paper "tiP" cup at the drive-thru window they were legally allowed to pay them $3 an hour.
And if people willingly agree to work under these conditions, who is really to blame?
does it come with fries?
it's because parents pressure their kids to get a job and when they were working their first job 30 years earlier they were making $3 an hour too.

"joining the workforce" as a teenager is just a rite of passage and families normally subsidize the whole thing; drive them to and from work or buy them their first car, etc. and of course employers can exploit the shit out of it. nobody can afford to drive to work if they're making $3 an hour. nobody can afford to live within an hour of anywhere a dunkin donuts would be if they're making $3 an hour. so ironically these are jobs only rich kids can afford to have
It comes with watermelon
how much for a side of fries?
Tip on a $36 bill should be $6-7 unless you are a gay retard
No. $25 is actually not unusual for a takeaway lobster roll from a shack with New England summer seaside ambiance. But OP's pic is definitely NOT Kobe lobster, and you can definitely tell the difference when the lobsters are fed beer and given special massages.
tree fiddy
precisely or approximately
8.50 for the trademarked crab fries
i'd rather just buy a cheap bread and fresh lobster from the store and save 50% off.
$36 and they can't even make it hot? There shouldn't be a warm anything if it costs that much.
Reddit has literally been better then 4chan for a decade now, even after they started banning as unfriendly subs
you zoomer faggots probably don't remember this, but on the real 4chan you used to be able to post without paying gookmoot hours of your life solving captchas
and the topics weren't twitter and Reddit posts and youtube celebs

all zoomers should be killed
Why don't you just use Reddit then?
I had one in Maine that was $40 and was 100% worth it. If this is delivered and/or you're in fuckin Nebraska or wherever hell no.
>36 bucks
zimbabwean bucks? sure
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For that price I could have 3 big mac meals.
Its not actually a typo. This sandwich is composed of used kitchen sink sponges covered in 2 week old lobster sauce, so they can't legally call it a lobster roll.
im glad i live where they fish up the things so they are cheap, used to live in the midwest and a tail was like $40
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We used to visit Misquamicut beach often when I was a kid, and I would buy a tub of squid meat and string and catch crabs all day in the Weekapaug breachway. Crabs are dumb and you can catch them on a line because they don't let go. Lobsters on the other hand, nearly impossible.

BUT one time I got a lobster. Didn't manage to get him in my bucket but I threw my string way out into the deep current and pulled a goddamn lobster up, as soon as it saw the sun it let go and disappeared into the deep again. Was some exciting shit for an 8 year old.
ha, i spent a lot of time crab fishing there as well when i was a teenager
live up north now
up north like ME/NH or like Canada?
>is it worth it?
It completely depends on if its good or not. Market price is high rn, so the price isn't unreasonable. I just paid 55 for one from a nice spot right on the ocean in a little coastal town and it was great, no regrets.
Kittery? Kennebunkport? Mystic?
You also have to think about the effort involved in getting the meat out of a lobster, including the claws.
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the cloz are easy anon, it's all the succulent meat inside the legs that takes dedication
Nice. I'm a little jelly †bh.
Rockport, MA
oof prime fucking spot. betta than the cape
place was called fleur cuisine. Easily the best clam chowda i've ever had
lobster isn't even cheap in Maine anymore, everything is frozen and sent to Asia for rich Chinks to overpay for

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