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>ate 1200 calories of beans yesterday
>on pace to eat about 1000 calories of beans today
I'm getting over 200% of my daily recommended fiber just from beans. Will there be any side effects from consuming this many beans?
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Bean scientists describe them as the musical fruit for a reason.
No, just watch your sodium intake anon.
i don't eat them canned like a cuck
You should soak your beans in salty water and cook them in salty water. Beans without salt suck.
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>getting cucked out of time by waiting 4 hours for perfectly cooked beans
What kind of beans? This will help determine if your beanness is acceptable.
>soak overnight
>bring to a boil
>reduce to a simmer until tender
Pretty easy to cook and way cheaper than canned
Cannellini beans and light red kidney beans
love me some very slow cooked black beans and rice. what more does a man need?
Pretty based, I'd say
Ok watch your poison intake then
lmao imagine being scared of beans
i was hospitalized for 2 nights back in 2021 due to Beans intake.... it is no joking matter
How many beans did you eat?
you will be extremely gassy
i live alone and let off just enormous, resonant, orchestral farts. i know my neighbors hear me. possibly even 2 hours away
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Checked and bean pilled.
>how bout some beans?
>want some beans?
>mighty rough country tomorrow
>better have some beans
17 beans
That movie rules
Keep poisoning yoursef with lectine, retard.
Post what you eat in a day, schizo
OP here, my intestines are starting to feel a bit full
Be sure to eat lots of broccoli and cucumbers with the beans.
You should be able to clear out a good sized movie theater with your deadly gas!
I think you know there absolutely will be.
alot...... ALOT more thqn that..
He cute!
>immediately breaks into song as soon as he's had his beans
This is the power of beans.
>money gets tight during winnie the flu
>buy a huge sack of beans and a huge sack of rice
>shits get insanely sticky
>ass gets raw from all the wiping
>wind up cutting them back out
I hate being alive
for you
be a man, stop wiping
Don't tell me you eat your beans raw.
The farts will be fabulous and satisfying, but plentiful. Equip some toilet paper in your buttcrack if you mind shit crystal stains in your underwear, farts ain't just gas
I spilled baked beans all over myself watching The Barber of Seville at the opera and an older white man with a tophat said to his companion "Henry my dear friend, I declare this gentlemen is consuming beans" and everyone around him chuckled.
No one makes bbq baked beans like the cans, it simply can't be done.
agree, we don't have the technology, it's impossible in reality to go over 100% sugar while still being a bean
Don't even get me started on Bush's Honey Sweet Baked Beans tm......
I made a giant pot of chili the other day with a fuck ton of beans in it. This is going to prolly be my dinner for the next 2-3 days. Im gonna be brappin up my house pretty bad. My dog will love it
Soaking is already unnecessary but salting the soaking water is just a waste of salt on top of it. It's not meat, you're not able to brine them.
wrongarooni, playa https://www.seriouseats.com/salt-beans-cooking-soaking-water-good-or-bad
1200caloriws of beans is like 800grams of beans or so...
Jesus christ, anon,
You must be farting like a motherfucker.
Born to shit, forced to whipe
>what more does a man need?
Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 fatty acid. But apart from that...
Read your own article retard, they didn't even test it with unsoaked beans. Not to mention the fact that the article argues that the slower cooking is more of a benefit, so disregarding the soaking water altogether would give you an even better bean according to the article. You don't have to pre-soak beans, you can just boil them.
I laffed
This nigga eatin beans.
Throw a ham hock and some bay leaves in there too.
What's wrong with lectine?
How the fuck are you going to test whether beans should be soaked salted or unsalted with beans that haven't been salted, playa? This chart from the article should prove soaking in salted water does something, playa.

You actually thought you couldn't brine the beans! You don't know shit, playa. You're a certified beanlet, playa.
It's poisonous. Good thing cooking breaks them down.
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this nigga buys poison beans!!
so you just farting constantly now?
Cook beans without soaking them. Compare cooked beans that haven't been soaked with beans that have been soaked. You're retarded, imagine gagging on serious eats cock this hard instead of cooking anything yourself. It doesn't do a damn thing.

> Will there be any side effects from consuming this many beans?

You’re gonna have to carry a stick around to beat off all the chicks you get
i've been eating beans almost every day for 10 years. I eat tons of beans. They are great for you. canned beans have more sodium tho.
I make my own in a pressure cooker.
I quick soak them for 1 hour then steam them for 12 minutes in a pressure cooker steamer basket. they come out perfect every time.
>1200 calories of beans
is about 1000 grams of cooked beans.
to clarify, I cooked them in a pressure cooker.
They are steamed in the pressure cooker instead of immersed in water.
This keeps the beans from falling apart while they cook.
it is the perfect way to cook beans. You can mix and match beans (except garbanzo beans) and they will all come out perfect after 12 minutes of cooking.
you should definitely quick soak beans for 1 hour.
this will remove some of those fart causing compounds too.
That's not remotely true.
Is this the bean thread? I just cooked a pot of red beans and rice. Shit was so cash.
No, just drink enough water or you're gonna have a terrible time. Also you're gonna fart and shit a lot but I assume you already know that.
what do you know?
I am a bean expert.
do you even know what quick soaking is?
Do you? Tell me how soaking them for an hour makes you stop farting. It's the fiber inside that does it, an hour long soak doesn't remove the fiber. Nor does an overnight soak. It's completely pointless.
It's sugars that cause the farting.
and quick soaking is putting the beans in a pot of water and brining it to a boil, then turning off the heat, covering the beans, and letting it sit for 1 hour, then draining the water. It's that step which removes some of those fart producing sugars, along with other compounds.

I then pressure cook them. I steam them under pressure in a steamer basket for 12 minutes then put the pressure cooker in the sink and run cold water over it to stop the pressure cooker cooking. They come out absolutely perfect every time.
You're completely full of shit, and wrong. You could start by directly pressure cooking them and they'd turn out exactly the same. You make it hard on yourself for zero gain.
I've experimented with many cooking methods. The quick soak pressure steam is by far, the best method. I am sharing my bean cooking wisdom with you. You should be grateful. But as with all angry little men, you lash out at your teacher.
>this will remove some of those fart causing compounds too.
Why would you want to do that?
it just might save your marriage.
OP here, I am starting to feel the effects
I was already having gas, but things are extremely intense right now
It's not intense until you can light them on fire.
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>You're completely full of shit
Not as full of shit as OP right now
What kind of beans? I have that issue most with black beans but not so much the others. Black beans even have a sticky texture if you cook them until thick unlike most others, probably has something to do with it. Some kind of protein you can't break down easily.
This nigga eat so many beans he doesn't just toot, he bursts into an orchestra.
There’s nothing more satisfying than letting off intense bean butt bombs
Ive been working on eating this big ass pot of chili I made for the past couple days. Honestly not a lot of farts but I have been shitting like 4 times a day. Not diarrhea, all solid shits
>driving down the highway
>rip such a ferocious bean fart that the trunk pops open from the fart vibrations
t-thanks beans
Franks & beans got me through some tired nights after double shifts at the ICU.
Just let it simmer while I take a hot shower and a cold beer.
Thank you, beans.
Atleast 37
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I've been eating most of my daily intake in the form of canned refried beans for a couple weeks now and I am more powerful than ever before.
Your body is healing.
Once I was super hung over and didnt have much food or an appetite really anyway, but ate a can of Bushs baked beans and was immediately revitalized.
I was bummed by a Big Foot
Nothing cleanses your insides like beans
Based and beanpilled. Eating them every day too.
“Ah you got food delivery today? Good for you, with the same money I make 20 dishes of delicious, nutritious legumes with rice or barley on the side. For real learning how to cook dry beans tasty saves you a lot of money, without cutting back on nutrition.
>I've been eating most of my daily intake in the form of canned refried beans for a couple weeks now and I am more powerful than ever before.
If you flex your arm I bet it’s like the Popeye cartoons and a partially transparent can of Rosarita shows up.
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>1kg of beans

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