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I got some “ramen” takeout. Both my parents say cilantro tastes like soap, but I don’t. Can someone who understands genetics tell me whether or not this is normal or if in a weirdo who likes soap?

Thanks. This shit is good, by the way, but tastes like fancy [protein] soup.
at least one of your parents is not your parent anon, maybe both. I'm sorry.
I am honestly not surprised if that’s the case. My dad is short and I’m really tall.
nah I don't know anything about genetics. everything I know I learned from Jurassic Park
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Honestly, I’m kinda sad about it. Dad would take me out of school to go to the movies and we would sneak into everything playing. I dunno what to do or what to say. This is legit the first time I’ve had cilantro in my life. I came here because I figured you guys would know about this shit.

Then mom and dad both were like “damn, why do you like cilantro.”
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it's perfectly normal to like cilantro anon. this is not going to present any problems in your life or family
Some people are just like that with cilantro, which sucks because it just means your parents don’t like a fair amount of Mexican food either. AI think there’s a genetic element but probably also a perception element. And your dad’s shortness could just be due to bad nutrition as a kid.

Also the ramen looks tasty, enjoy!
The ‘it’s genetic’ thing is just a lie. It’s a weak cope invented by midwits so they can feel justified about being big man babies about the slightly bit of plant matter being in their food. You never see salad eaters complain about cilantro, it’s always midnight cheese block guzzlers.
I think you're the one coping anon
>llms are real life
lmao. I like cilantro so idk what you think I’m coping about.
I think there's sufficient evidence that this is a genetic phenomenon rather than an imagine one
You're right that it's genetic, but trying to defend an argument by showing that an LLM agrees with you is some of the most braindead retarded shit I've ever seen
I'm just saying that the LLM scours a vast array of recorded knowledge to come to a consensus. It does hallucinate sometimes but this seemed legit.
You don't have the slightest idea how LLMs work because, as mentioned, you're fucking retarded.
>yeah I know they're just outright wrong all the time, but this one agreed with me so I'm fine with presenting it as factual evidence
kill yourself
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Well I just asked chatgpt how LLMs work and now I'm all over it
Simply put, the people who do not like cilantro or think it tastes like soap are subhuman beasts which poorly mimic the form of man. The flavor of cilantro is the Gom Jabbar of our era. Our world will remain in this hellish stagnant stasis we find ourselves in until the day that their kind are finally cleansed and we can continue on as a truly clean species.
You Asian ?
say it's a single gene
say it's a dominant version that makes you taste soap
that means each parent needs 1 copy to taste soap (remember that we have two copies of each gene, except as men we have one copy of some of the X chromosome genes)
if each parent has one copy your possible combinations are:
>inherited two soap genes
>inherited soap gene from mom and not from dad
>inherited from dad and not from mom
>inherited from neither
so you had a 25% chance not to taste soap
You got scammed, ramen doesn't have cilantro in it.
Your 'parents' kidnapped you as a baby from the hospital.
im getting chinese in 2 hours, im really looking forward to it
It tastes like soap and you're being contrarian because your parents said it. That's the science.
1. They bought into the meme
2. I hate cilantro by itself or if the dish is heavy on it. Mixed into salsa for example, it adds a great flavor. This is probably what happened for them.
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When you need to make up some soyience to justify being a big baby
That doesn't mean you're 100% going to inherit the gene. That's like when two midgets have kids but some are also midgets and some are also normal sized.
i feel its partly genetic and partly getting used to it
i ate a good amount of thai food and at first it was way more off putting than it is now i believe but i havent had cilantro in a long time its not really a necessary herb nothing of value is lost skipping it
any other herb shits on cilantro especially basil
Basil tastes like feet
"""Science""" once again completely discounts the 'nurture' side of nature vs. nurture.
>its genetic! no we don’t know which gene but there’s a correlation between parents and children so it must be the heckin dna!
Wrong. Cilantro-non-tasters are the subhuman beasts, born without The Gift. Pure blooded white humans of European ancestry are the ones who can taste the TRUE FORM of this evil, menacing herb, which not only tastes of soap but tastes of poison and moth balls and destroys any dish it touches without care. You are putting something that tastes like chemical-y poison in your body because you are unable to taste its actual form. You may compare it to how some people think gasoline or permanent markers smell good, so they sniff them and give themselves brain damage.
Why question it? They used to think blue eyed parents couldn't have brown eyed kids, but they now known otherwise. Just enjoy your delicious cilantro. Maybe like fish sauce, keep adding it to their cooked food until they eventually like it. They may well just find it foreign tasting, and not like actual soap.
Cilantro tastes like soap but it still tastes good. People that don't like it are just tastelets regardless of genetics.
The only way to know for sure is to get your mom pregnant
cilantro doesn't belong in ramen bro. nice pho though
Oh God, I have been a sub human cilantro enjoyer my entire life and only found out now! Is there a cure?
Based. Fuck cilantro
I get the soapy taste but I like it. It's not like eating a bar of soap as much as slightly familiar, and when mixed with the proper foods it compliments them.
Anon, I...
ITT Today OP Anon finds out he/she was adopted.
the cilantro gene thing is just a bit of retard pop science that people take way too seriously because cilantro absolutely smells and tastes like soap but you don't use it as the primary seasoning in anything. i think it tastes like soap and i buy it along with other things that also taste like shit like achiote or bay leaves or cumin because seasoning isn't supposed to taste good by itself.

it's also probably not one gene
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okay enjoy your fermented fish and scavenged root vegetables i'm going to enjoy meat grilled with fine herbs and spices in line with the accomplished cultures of old
cilantro isnt even real
Everyone I've ever met who claims they dislike coriander and blames genetics is also otherwise a picky eater. Never does this genetic mystery strike someone who's already fine with eating other things that are part of a normal adult diet. Makes you think.
fun fact: cilantro actually makes really good gin
How does the mailman feel about cilantro?
>I have no sense of taste and smell so no one else does either.
Probably something to do with dominant and recessive genes
That does not look like ramen btw
I do not like cantaloupe. I am not a picky eater by any means so I am fairly certain there is a gene for making cantaloupes taste like old pennies
>I blame genetics for having the dietary habits of a child
Who puts coriander in ramen? Also who uses spaghetti noodles in ramen?
Ramen is too crunchy, how do the chinks eat it when they have missing teeth and gum disease
They put a firecracker in their mouth with it
I really don't understand the "genetic" bit, because when I was a kid, yeah, cilantro tastes like pure soap to me, and I avoided it like the plague, but then I got older and now it just tastes like...well, like cilantro, I don't really know how to describe the flavor (like a slightly spicier parsley?) but it doesn't taste like soap to me now. Did my genes change? Did I mutate?
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I don’t like cilantro, to me it tastes and smells like somebody for a soap bar and lit it on fire, it smells like burning soap to me. What’s worse is that it overwhelms whatever it’s in, like if it’s in salsa or whatever, it just tastes like burning soap.
Every week I shove shredded cabbage and carrots into a jar with sliced chilis and cilantro. Then I pour in vinegar and lime juice.

Found out on like sandwiches this fucking slays.

I'm going to need a bigger jar...
Care to give some measurements? I could go for some kraut or kimchi recipes.
I'm sorry to inform you your parents are tastelets
cilantro tastes like how stink bugs smell to me
The genetics thing is just picky eaters trying to back up their quirks with science, exactly like all the people who use Adhd as an excuse to be lazy
Honestly, I know a girl that suddenly became "allergic" to mushrooms a few years ago and swears she can tell if there's even a tiny amount of mushroom in a dish because it makes her throat swell up. She actually can't because i've seen her eat food with mushroom sauce and other things. It's only if the flavor of mushroom is prominent or if she sees it she suddenly can't eat it. I told her to just admit she doesn't like mushroom and that's fine but she insists she's allergic to the flavor.

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