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What are your thoughts on the hoover stew?
pasta, sausage and tomatoes

what's not to like?
has Emmy ever showed her feet
>hoover stew?
Was it called hoover stew because it was invented in the great depression under Hoover and nobody would ever eat it unless they were destitute and starving?

Swap hot dogs for real meat and it'd just be a goulash.
Yes, it was called the Foot Episode and it was glorious
It's okay. It's really just a simple macaroni goulash with the cheapest meat available. I disagree with not putting some spice in it though, if you can't afford a dollar store package of oregano or paprika or something you shouldn't be on the internet.
Ah yes- the infamous Foot Episode
Yeah this just looks like a bad goulash
That ChairMILF Mao owes me sex
I'd slurp her stew
doesn't she have a secret onlyfans?
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she used to be sponsored by a company that provided contraceptives and this bitch with a smile on her face seriously said "this would've been handy in college!"

looks like her hoe phase is done, unfortunately. No onlyfans.
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It's alright budget meal, would prefer mac and cheese with some sausage bits in it.

> idiot thinks goulash has mac in it, lmao.
Tell me you never been to hungary without telling me.
That was my grandpa's favourite. He called it noodle caboodle. Sometimes my mom makes it when I go to visit. I miss him
>Tell me you never been to hungary without telling me.
You're correct, I've never been to a 3rd world shithole. Nobody cares about authentic hungarian poverty food. They were too poor for macaroni.
be careful what you say about my wife
If she's asian and went to college, it's a FACT she's taken more dick than lena paul. But it's also statistically white dick, so I don't judge her too hard
i've been thinking of starting a homeless channel of feeding them random dishes and this is a good idea for me. would make some variations to it because I know homeless are picky. I'm curious how they would feel about it. I'm also careful not to piss them off or else they won't be so welcoming to me next time.
Ah, that was my grandpa's favorite. He'd leer at us and call it "noodle caboodle," with this weird grin that made everyone uncomfortable. Every time he made it, he'd lean in way too close and whisper, "You know, there's something extra special about my noodle caboodle," with a chuckle that sent shivers down our spines. He'd always add, "It's got a secret ingredient, but that's just between us," and then he'd wink in a way that made everyone want to leave the table immediately.
i hate how she talks. It's always overly enunciated and so much at the front of the mouth. She sounds like she's auditioning to read children's books.
I want to fuck Emmy for six hours straight, dumping load after load into her womb and spitting in her face and wide open gook mouth while she moans like a wanton animal. Then I want her to make me a delicious meal and be all cute and shit.
>clickbait emotionally manipulative expression
Also fuck you. Macaroni and sliced hot dogs is good and I refuse any assertion that it's some shameful "poor person(aka BAD)" meal.
>Macaroni and sliced hot dogs is good
If you're white trash, I guess. Lot's of things can be enjoyed when you weren't raised with a concept of shame.
>you should be ashamed because you enjoy food that doesn't cost three figures per serving
Go back to whatever board Tate wannabes reside on.
>$1.00 is three figures
I don't know who Tate is.
a running joke on the indian reservation i go to for ceremonies is that their cuisine is goulash served 342 ways, and every single one of them is like this
>as a japanese
if you grew up in Japan you are a Japanese
It's pasta and processed meat slop, of course it's cheap. Doesn't mean it's good for you either.
>good for you
Hello, gay/woman.
>non-american cope
Keep dreaming.
kek sure thing an African in China wouldn't be chinese
That's hot
>kek sure thing an African in China wouldn't be chinese
People don't become Chinese by simply visiting the country. I think you have to be born there or something. Maybe even have Chinese parents.
Lmao didn't she claim to be Japanese for years until she got called out for it? What a weird looking freak
>if a cat grows up in a barn, he's a cow!
I just like looking at myself in the mirror.
fuck imagine how much white cock she took
an African born in China and who speaks Chinese and who is married to a Chinese woman will still never be chinese
>feed people for ยข50
She has a wikifeet page. Average small Asian feet with a kinda weird big toenail.
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why do they call her that?
Poor nutritional value. Make something with black beans if you want higher quality ghetto nutrition.

for $5 i rather make a nice potato-cheese or onion soup instead of that sloppa. yuck do subhumans really?
I'll mark it down under "recipes to know if I ever become extremely poor."
Not sure why else I would ever care about it
A historic recipe centered around poor white people?

Yikes. Sounds like hateful lies. Bitch.
I want to roughly fuck her rawdog from behind and creampie her right there in the kitchen.
I find this sort of thing really gross
you cant say that anymore
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I hate her. She's so fake.
Doing Youtube as a business and not because she gives a shit about the stuff she talks about.
she looks like a toad, sort of like my wife

but my wife is hot, and Japanese

but still secretly looks like a toad
That would be American goulash, but with ground beef.
Why hot dogs or sausage? They're just as or more expensive than ground beef.
If it ground beef was used, what's the difference between this and spaghetti? It's just thicker?
>Was it called hoover stew because it was invented in the great depression under Hoover and nobody would ever eat it unless they were destitute and starving?
Pretty much, yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooverville
>Was it called hoover stew because it was invented in the great depression under Hoover
No, because after eating it you would need a Hoover carpet cleaner to suck up the puddles of diarrhea on the floor.
My grandpa broke my leg when I was eight, said it was the way of the road, then stole a handle of vodka before disappearing for the rest of my life
huh didn't know this had a name. One time in college when I was trying to clean out the fridge and cupboard I created something very similar. I ended up liking it so I named it "hot garbage in a dutch oven" and wrote down the recipe.
Why didn't she call it Bidenstew to be more relevant?
The name comes from Hoover vacuum cleaners, because people hoovered it down so quickly.
I don't care about poverty food. Youtubers should stop making ''feel a large group of people for a few dollars'' videos. People that poor don't watch youtube and if they do, they're not the kind of people who would make poor people food.
Show me how to make good food for 1 person.
>diced tomatoes
>sweet corn
what the fuck
based granddad
chinese is a nationality
if youre born in a nation that makes you that nationality
thats like saying african americans arent american or that boers arent african
>poor people dont watch youtube
>and if they do, they're not the kind of people who would make poor people food.
wtf how do poor people make anything else???
It's not the dumbest thing I've seen here today but it's a strong contender.
If you're really poor you have no way to even know what YouTube is, let alone watch it
What we have here are "poor" people who moan about not having this years new iPhone or a mansion for working part time at the Starbucks. Nothing but spoiled brats in this country anymore
I'm sure you're probably close to my age but you talk like a typical ignorant boomer who doesn't actually know shit about fuck.
I'm American, I've obviously never been hungary in my life
Like all animals, humans have pedigree. Just as a border collie is distinct from a rottweiler. Conflating nationality and ethnicity is disingenuous and dehumanizing, you know what someone means when they say "Japanese" and it is not a dark-skinned member of the African race.
I have a tough time believing pasta, sausage and tomatoes is a last resort meal. That sounds pretty good to me.
I should try to make this some time soon. Seems easy and quick. Might try to pick up some ingredients tomorrow.
low IQ retards
It's waste of time, only consider if you absolutely don't have anything else than couple of wieners and bag of crappy pasta.
All ingredients were canned or expired. It helped create a cheap meal shared between families living in shacks or otherwise, because of Hoover's poor policy choices. It's been a staple meal or variant of one for the working class in the US for a long time

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