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Everybody who hates pineapple on pizza has never tried it
I fucked your mom and didn't like it
It's good. The Italians' opinion on the matter can be discarded because they're brown.
I fucked your mom but I didn't really care for it.
I stopped enjoying Hawaiian pizza after graduating elementary school.
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When it became a meme to hate it, I started liking it. The eternal contrarian spirit strikes again.
I hate it when the pineapple is added before the pizza is baked. Fresh pineapple added after the rest is cooked is acceptable. I've always hated the taste of cooked pineapple. I won't eat teriyaki with pineapple in it.
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I absolutely did fuck your dad and it just felt like dad with sex. I prefer other stuff with my sex because I’m not a raging faggot glizzy rizzin faggot ass hoe
I tried it plenty of times as a kid because I like ham pizza and it was often the only ham pizza on offer. I don't like it.
Most of the pineapple flavor leeches out of the chunks during cooking while salt and other flavors from the cheese seep in so you just have these packets of saline all over the pizza.
I would pick the chunks off. The flavor is fine but it's nothing I would go out of my way for and could be accomplished just as well by using pineapple juice in the sauce.
I'd probably like it more if the pineapple were softened/browned more instead of just lightly warmed.
Pineapple is great on pizza but I Don't care for Hawaiian pizza. I like it best with hot Italian sausage and hot peppers.
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Hawaiian pizza is good. Pineapple and ham work well together, but it wouldn't be my first choice for a pizza.
It's shit and will ruin an entire pizza.
Nah hawaiian pizza is a waste of pineapple. The true secret to unlocking pineapple perfection is bbq chicken pizza. You need a bbq sauce, chicken, red onion and spicy italian sausage for the toppings. If you want even more spice add some jalapenos or red pepper flakes. Then add pineapple after it's been baked. It will blow your dick off.
It is only good when paired with Canadian bacon and black olives.
Chicken pineapple pepperoni jalapeño and mushroom holy shit
I haven't tried eating my own shit, either.
I don't like pineapples in general.
That's because it was sex with a woman.
The piñapeño pizza is the ultimate pizza.
Everyone who likes it is subhuman
That is a slice of Domino's pizza, which the pineapple is very good.
Here's the deal with pineapple on pizza:
>it's too "wet" to cook fully
>because it's wet, it soaks the crust underneath and makes the bottom of the pizza soggy
>it's not delicious
>the size and shape is also out of proportion to the other ingredients, so you get overpowered with sour acidiy pineapple taste over the other flavours
>it's expensive
I agree with all that but the major issue is just the sweetness of it. Something that sweet does not belong on a pizza. Pineapple should be an ingredient in desert only.
>removing juice is a skill issue
>skill issue
>not an argument
>acidity is related to the juice and aforementioned skill issue
>I agree with all that but the major issue is just the sweetness of it. Something that sweet does not belong on a pizza. Pineapple should be an ingredient in desert only.

It's much better when you use thinly cut pieces of fresh pineapple. Then you get a nice acidity and just enough sweetness and a little caramelization.

Chunks of canned pineapple are soaked in sugar syrup and are way too sweet for anything.

Lol. Lolololololollllllllllol
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I don't hate it, it's just a D tier topping along with ham and black olives. Redpill me on anchovies as a topping. I never tried that.
Anchovies are great in much smaller amounts. It's very salty.
Everybody who hates sex with minors has never tried it
Same here. Tropical fruits in general are wildly overrated and pineapple is among the worst offenders.
Personally fine with it but I can understand the hate. Not because of the sweetness but because 50% of pizza places I think fuck up the cooking process. Like sometimes I get a nice balanced texture and flavor ratio and other times it's either a wet pile of sweet cardboard or overcooked stringy shit.
Anchovies are the great filter, they're absolutely delicious but 99% of people have been told they're vile their whole lives and have preemptive bias against them
And they haven't tried it with ranch dressing.
Anchovies aren't a topping. You gently melt them in olive oil and add the tomato sauce or you simply serve them on the side.
Tried anchovies a couple times.
The anchovy flavor is really, really, fucking strong and will overpower everything else on the pizza.
lets be honest buffalo chicken on pizza is far more offensive
Every pizza place has these faults. Therefore their "skill issue" makes it inedible. Tell me again why I should handmake a pizza to get a mediocre topping?
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OP is a faggot whose opinions can be discarded
that's because apparently nobody fucking knows you're supposed to rinse anchovies.
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I've literally never encountered any of those issues.
Do you also have a problem with mozzarella cheese on pizza because your pizza place's retards are using fresh mozzarella in the place of low-moisture mozzarella without understanding the difference?
>Something that sweet does not belong on a pizza.
Pineapple on pizza is supposed to be paired with a savory meat, like ham. If pineapple is the only topping, it's not really any good.
OPs mom may have a penis, so I'm not even sure if this means you're gay
When did buffalo chicken become common? I only know about it because I picked up some cheap frozen pizzas.
White sauce base, Nashville hot chicken, pineapple, Spam, and ranch dressing drizzle.
The "We're Not In Kansas Anymore" pie.
Italians didn't care until the recent hautification of Italian cuisine. Historically, Italian food was highly regional and bespoke. Everyone's nana had variable recipes for the same dish, regions had their own trends. It was never about strict rules or etiquette.
All the cringe shit you see now about breaking spaghettis or "incorrect" pizza are just ripping off the (merited) elitism of French Haute. Which doesn't make sense since haute comes from professional private chefs cooking for aristocrats, whereas Italian cuisine comes from food prepared at home. Next time you see a shitalian sperging out over how people cook, remind them that the only reason their cuisine became popular was its inherent accessibility and low bar for entry.
Informative. Thank you.
Buffalo chicken is stupid on pizza, but chicken alfredo pizza is fucking great and chicken bacon bbq pizza is sorely underrated
I don't mind pineapple on pizza but I really dislike ham on pizza.
The issue with pineapple pizza is this retarded subhuman meme of ''le sweet and le savory.'' Subhuman retards insist that fruits and sugar goes well with salty meats. That is sometimes the case, but pineapple and ham is fucking foul. It's disgusting, they don't go together at all. Ham on pizza is repulsive. Ham is repulsive.
Pineapple on a regular pizza is fine. Just put little chunks of it in the sauce. It's not the topping, it's the sauce. A substitute for tomatoes. Pineapple does the same job as the tomato sauce.
>Ham is repulsive.
Unironically kys
You will never be a woman
I went out of my way to try it since I like pineapple and it was terrible. Keep them separate.
it's great, especially if it'a cheap pizza and it's gonna be mediocre anyways
In your opinion. It's a popular pizza choice, so your opinion doesn't really make a difference.

The whole point of pizza was making do with what ingredients you could when you're poor and don't have much.
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>The whole point of pizza was making do with what ingredients you could when you're poor and don't have much.
Everything you said is backwards. Ham does go well with pineapple, but pineapple on regular pizza is foul.
Never forget ham is not kosher.

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