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Do you like McDonalds burgers?
For me it’s the Big Mac.
I liked them a lot better when they were two for $5 with a sweet dollar tea.
Yes. My order is 10 regular hamburgers. Just the ye olde regular ones that aren't even featured on the drive through menu anymore. No soda, no fries. Comes in under $20 and I eat them throughout the evening and middle of the night.
Yes sometimes I crave them randomly. When I was younger I would scrape all the stuff off the top bun with the wrapper. There was no need to ask for it plain and dry.

nice but do you think you have an eating disorder?
they were alright for the cheap slop they were, but I haven't bought a mcdonalds burger since they took the mcchicken/mcdouble off the dollar menu.
yeah, qp is the best fast food burger
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You bet I do. Especially with lots of ketchup.
I hate admitting it, but yes. I get an irresistible craving every few months. I couldn't eat it regularly, or I'd hate myself more.
I get the 2 little cheeseburgers meal with fries and sprite, and a hot n spicy mcchicken and I have them add pickles and mustard.
Same, every 6-8 months I get a horrible craving. Usually just do a couple mcdoubles,either that or a big mac or quarter lb with cheese meal.
I usually stay away from all fast food but every now and then this orr taco bell gets me..
get one like 3 times a year, always disappointed, especially for it's price.
the best and most underrated is the daily double. its good
>Do you like McDonalds burgers?
Not as pictured. Thinner, ones, yes, regular cheese burger, double cheeseburger when on special, or big mac. There was a phase a few years ago they suddenly stopped with the mustard on their cheeseburgers, so maybe I get a little packet of mustard to make it like I remember.
Last week, the $5 deal is 4 mcnuggets, double cheeseburger, fries and a drink. I got the hot mustard sauce. It was the first time I had had McDs in like a year outside of breakfast, and it was hot and delicious.
literally engineered to be the perfect burger, of course McDonalds burgers are great
In my twenties, I used to get a supersized QP meal and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Then the McDouble stole my heart with its affordability and delicious dehydrated onions. These days though, McD's burgers are way greasier than ever before and I prefer just to get something from BK. The amount of grease really grosses me out. Plus BK fries mog the shit out of McDonalds now.
Yes, because my taste buds develop a craving for slop (an unfortunate symptom of being a red blooded American) but I try not to eat any fast food because it's a scam nowadays with prices what they are.
>be german
>get to eat McRibs all year long
Feels fucking good
Yeah, I did when I was 5 in the 80's. Now, no.
It feels good to have a very mediocre sandwich available year long?
no, a good one -- the mcrib

All of the ones near me have removed the catch-up pumps. You have to ask for ketchup packets from the counter, and they probably won’t give you enough to do this. You’ll need to start bringing your own
This is how it is for me too. I get a 6 piece McNuggets and either a 2 cheeseburgers combo or a quarter pounder with cheese combo. Too much food either way but it's so infrequent that it's not the end of the world.
Should have known better than to discuss found with a German.
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Sure do!
Honestly incredibly based. For me, it's 5 Double Cheeseburgers with no sauce or pickles. I think the americans call them McDoubles.
American barbecue is the best food. Can never go wrong with a burger
Its trash and shouldn't even be considered real food.
However I do probably get in once every maybe 2 months or so. Sometimes I am just in a shit mood and want to eat some garbage and mcdonalds is good for that.
Nothing beats a Big Mac
Out of the super big chains, Wendy's is objectively the best of the major burgerslop joints
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For me? It's Culver's
a McDouble is a Double Cheeseburger minus one slice of cheese. Their creation/selling point was being $0.99
Yes. I love just the regular hamburgers with pickles onions and ketchup.
They’re alright, nothing special.
I have tasted a few better at some small places.
Yes, as long as its not too often.
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This is beauty
Only plebians like McDonald's
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They don't fit properly into the sauce packages for dipping, so no.
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It's really the only way to do it.
I like shake shack better
I don't hate them (they're pretty much designed to be as inoffensive and easy to eat as possible) but they're also not super amazing
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Based and chup-pilled.
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>Glucose-fructose syrup
>Apricot puree concentrate (fructose)
>Modified maize starch
>Caramelised sugar syrup
What the FUCK
Usagi Tsukino is not this fuckable, lies
Yes, I have a consumption disorder. I have to crush everything. Food, alcohol, dude lmao, etc. I do not do hard drugs or drink straight liquor because no amount of anything is ever good enough. I'm in my mid 40s, too. Making it even worse
the big mac Is good but too messy to eat. The Double cheeseburgers are ok. The Deluxe quarter pounders are fucking amazing
Bless your heart
That's not a butterburger. This is a butterburger.
Me? For me? My favorite McDonald’s burger? Well for me, if you asked what my favorite McDonald burger is, I’d say well for me, it’s gotta be the double quarter pounder with cheese or the venerable Big Mac.
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McDonalds got expensive as fuck in my euro cuck country. Almost the same price as Five Guys
I rarely eat fast food but the last I went to mcdicks it was like 12-13 USD for a combo meal desu
Nah too expensive. Not worth it.
nigger this isn't Jeopardy!
That's really none of your business.
There is something addictive about their ketchup. I would always dip my spicy mcchickens in it.
I like them in the trash. Simple ass

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