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you little bitch
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Thats sloppa for a fucking giant
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Various sloppas I have made in the past few months
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I would eat these proppa sloppas!
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I would also eat this proppa sloppa if you know what I mean ;)
my shitty curry would be right at home in this thread
I haven't made it in months though
That's a big bowl
for you
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love my ricin beans. season it with talko seasoning most of the time, but also cajun or just whatever
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Tonight’s family meal before evening service. Best boujee carne fries I’ve ever had
Wtf am I looking at? Some sort of metaslop?
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is that beef or pock? either way that looks delishes. what's tonight's evening service? is this a religious season?
but probably delish
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Eton slop
He's works in a restaurant and family meal is the staff meal. Service means service.
Good times! It looks like you added some sausage and peas to some rice a roni, the san fran cisco treat you fucking fag!
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sloppo mexicanito dos sabores
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all i do is slops goyz
>evening service
what service do you speak of
is that a pork roast? also that's a very very nice roasting pan
This is sloppa, not goyslop
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which is this
damn that's some high class sloppa
would destroy
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Todays slop is green chile and tajin chicken, bacon, ranch, queso fries.
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The money shot

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