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>Japan-Style 7-Elevens Are Coming to America and That Means a Vastly Improved Menu

“We believe that we need to change our business model from one that relies on gasoline and cigarettes to one in which customers choose us based on our products,” Isaka told Bloomberg. “The key to this change is fresh food.”

Isaka’s company is reportedly building out a supply chain that can deliver fresh food daily to American convenience store locations, as well as seasonal offerings and those that cater to regional tastes (two other areas in which the Japanese stores excel). And Seven & I Holdings isn’t necessarily finished with acquiring other businesses, either.

Americans don't want nice things, only slop
Will this fail?
lol the hubris of man
lets see how long it takes for this project to be declared a failure
Japanese things work in Japan because they're created and maintained by Japanese for the Japanese. Put a Japanese style 7-Eleven in Baltimore and see what happens.
And wow exactly are Japan's proposed changes meant to be implemented by the Indians running the American stores, given their diametrically opposite standards? This whole thing stinks of a Model UN experiment.
Fucking finally.
>Japan-style 7/11
>in a country full of niggers
Shit's gonna fail hard.
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I'd rather they bring Lawson back to the USA.
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I mean, we started it.
Don't hold your breath. America couldn't even produce proper Strong Zero, a single konbini product, because of their weird cult laws. And now, trying to renovate an entire chain known only for selling garbage? It's either an insurance scam, a money-laundering op, or pure unadulterated hubris. More power to to them, if the samurai can start by evicting the abusive panhandlers living in the doorway at our 7-Eleven, but they can't even do that in Roppongi.
Simply not realistic for most American locations unless they have security as well.
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There's never any problems in ours. Stop living in the city.
what does this have to do with convenient rice balls
Based Liru poster telling it like it is. A Lawson employee would totally throw down with a nigger, not like 711.
>stop living in the city
I live near one and it's still an issue. Of course I'll be leaving soon, leavefags are dead right. These places suck unreasonable amounts of dick.
The heat of the rice cooks the convenient balls.
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Who goes to lawson for rice balls? I get karaage or some good bentos.
homeless and lunchtime rowdies will ruin this
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Don't make sandwiches or rice balls that require ingredients made in Japan.
7-Eleven Japan's gold series could be replicated in the US
The reason is that many of the ingredients in the gold series are imported and not made in Japan.
If I want fresh food from a convenience store I've already got Wawa Royal Farms and Sheetz near me can Jap style 7/11s really compete with that?
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>because of their weird cult laws
Can't they just sell Japanese instant ramen as is?
Would MSG, etc. be caught by the law?
I think we should sell only processed foods that last a long time and can be prepared using only hot water or a microwave.
I don't get it, most convenience stores already have fresh food
The "fresh" food at 7-11 here is garbage though. But it doesn't really matter because the Japanese model is based on people randomly walking by and picking up some food which works with all the foot traffic they have. Here it's all gas station locations and it's mostly just ghetto nigs and Mexican gardeners or other workers that ever stop by. They don't care about quality food.
There's some weird law about anything containing meat or dairy that was implemented in the '00s and stopped the import of most normal Japanese ramen. I'm old enough that I got into Japanese food in the early '00s and I remember a time when you could get instant ramen that had actual vacuum-packed chashu in it, UFO yakisoba with dehydrated pork, Japanese beef jerky, etc. at Japanese supermarkets but that all stopped with whatever the bullshit tradewar thing was. I think the law is no longer in effect but things haven't gone back to how they were.

There probably won't be much action on the part of those Indians, it'll just be a change in whatever pre-packed food is on the shelves in the stores.

fwiw it actually IS doable in the US. Family Mart tried in the '00s, had a small number of stores in the LA area branded as "FAMIMA!" and when they first opened they had a pretty much identical selection to what you'd find in Japan and it was good, sadly it didn't really catch on and they gradually shifted away from Japanese stuff toward more normal "premium" western sandwiches etc. (though they did still have curry pan and some sushi/bentos) and then eventually closed all their stores by 2015. It was a real shame too, I worked near one of the first stores when it opened and it was awesome being able to get decent cheap Japanese stuff.
>sadly it didn't really catch on
Sad. Why does this typically happen? Normalfag retard NPCs thinking the food is weird or icky or something?
>Japanese 7/11
>clean, well kept, food made with production dates less than 2 days old
>american japens 7/11
>Indian ran
>shit everywhere
>fowl smelling
>no production dates
>food bought from Cisco and repackaged
I think the idea that packaged convenience store food could be anything other than garbage slop is pretty alien to Americans, and was even moreso 15+ years ago before Starbucks etc. started selling semi-decent packaged stuff. They also chose weird locations without much foot traffic (honestly, choosing LA as the test market was a mistake in itself, SF, Seattle, or NYC probably would've made more sense) and didn't really market themselves well. The result was that the only people who really patronized their stores were weebs like me or people who happened to live or work right by one, and that wasn't really enough.
Unfortunately this is true but i hope i get to buy some onigiri before they decide to go back to greasy burgers
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>>fowl smelling
It's 7-Eleven anon, not Family Mart.
Things like this only work in a high-trust society
The main issue is, even if you got the top tier 7/11s that Japan has, even those Japanese stores are outdone in food quality, variety and store upkeep by the domestic offerings like Buc-ees, Wawa and Sheetz, all of which already adapt to local palate. Something like 7/11 that operates mostly on prepared will not be able to match, and even then that’s if the USA 7/11s had the Japanese worker and franchise quality which they don’t, they have shitty Indians
CEO isn’t wrong but he doesn’t get why it won’t work. The whole franchise system would need to be broken up and the brand started anew to get the quality standards to match the top brands. It’s not like Japan where everyone is loyal to 7/11, Familymart and Lawson, some are loyal to local brands or otherwise you need to match up or die, and 7/11 can’t until they fix who is running them
People are saying the problem with this idea is the nigger "undocumented customers." The problem is the nigger employees. They are not going to be able to change out inventory regularly enough to keep only fresh food on the shelves.
I have to agree, the 7/11 by my work is in a nice area and not some urban shithole, but the people running the store can't even handle chili cheese dogs. Either no buns in the warmer, no dogs on the rollers, or the chili/cheese was out pretty much every time I tried to get one.
>Imported Japanese instant ramen
Apparently that law is still in effect today.
It seems that any food that contains beef, pork, or chicken as an ingredient is prohibited from being brought into the US.
However, some states allow it if the food is made only with chicken.
>Family Mart
Previously, Family Mart's side dishes weren't very good.
Perhaps it was the same in the U.S.
Besides, you can probably get Japanese products at Mitsuwa or H Mart.

On the other hand, 7-Eleven's side dishes have always been good.
And the newly started selling and becoming popular was the gold series
This has a lot of Japanese fans.
I think 7-Eleven USA should reproduce the gold series first.
Based, the hopefully laredo taco co will get a basic bitch sushi or gyudon cousin
maybe i can get good coney dogs from 7/11 soon
It is guaranteed to fail in "urban" cities (>>20700214). But it should succeed in other areas where the community care levels are similar to Japan's levels.

Honestly, with all the social media eyeballs on this, having decent food would actually help them and it should drive engagement. And it's not like they are going to replace the slop - if the slop sells, it stays. They are just gonna be getting rid of the shit NO ONE ever buys in these stores (like laundry detergent). If they try onigiri and no one buys it, it will be replaced with a sub or some shit. They will rinse and repeat until the place operates better.

The Indians won't have to do shit. What Japan's management will do is inventory management - meaning they will watch what sells and doesn't, and replace the doesn't sell with what sells. So the local shop won't do shit except stock shelves with whatever management sends them.

And yes, the current 7/11 was NOT doing the above. They were that retarded. Articles on this have pointed out the current 7/11 in America just put shit out to put shit out, regardless of if it sold or not.
You can't employ Americans for the price they'll be paying who are willing to put the effort in to make it work. No one here has pride in their work (For good reason) so it's destined to fail.
Do even Japanese convenience stores staff natives now? I've heard they hire a lot of foreigners, and it's even reflected in the RGD games. Grorious Nippon aint so grorious anymore from what I understand.
I live in between DC and Baltimore
I'll report how awful it goes
Why would I got to a 7/11 for actual food? I don't even want regular take out. This shit is on its way out in the US.
>I've heard they hire a lot of foreigners
That's only in the center of a city with over a million people, or around a district with a large international student population.
This is the crux of the issue. Gas stations in America are for (not sorted by corporation profit)

1. Gas.

2. Degeneracy: Tobacco, Alcohol, Lottery Tickets, and... probably Energy Drinks I guess. Those probably outsell others on the list.

3. Fuel for landscaping equipment.

Food is a tiny bit, as even the lawnmower's designated English-ish speaking driver can just go to mcchacchos back door to get the fleet fueled up.
Sounds great until you remember who works at these places. Only works in Japan for a reason.
If there is ONE thing I wish more stores in my country had, it's the cheap printing service that all konbinis in Japan have. A single black-white page for 20 yen, 60 if colored?? Holy shit, please bring that to my country.
What are you doing day to day that requires printing but makes it not worth it to own a printer?
>won't do shit except stock shelves
yes, this is the problem. the people that work in these places in america are too lazy to even keep things on the shelves. practically every gas station i go to in america, tons of items are "out of stock" (sitting on racks in the refrigerators)

I live in Finland and finding a convenient place to print pages is pretty difficult.

I draw digitally and it's always difficult to tell from tablet screen how a screentone is going to actually look when printed. With the konbini printing service I can just print a single page for a test to see how it looks, and do adjustments afterwards if needed. I think I will get my own printer at some point.
>vote for bullshit
>get bullshit
>leave and colonize new place
>vote for bullshit...
Make everything a vending machine and open 24 hours a day.
I'll also put this machine in place.
Since 7-11 own Speedway, do they also get the Japanese treatment? Or is that only for 7-11s proper?
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more like
>grew up in a place
>vote against bullshit
>government imports thousands of illegals
>black population grows
>vote doesn't count anymore
>leave and colonize new place
>it happens again...
yeah see while that is cool in theory this only works in affluent areas (which i'm sure they accounted for)
and even in affluent areas, you're hard pressed to find a 7-11 that isn't a mecca for the homeless
such garbage
My local 7-11 has been here for probably over 30 years. Standalone, not attached to anything like a gas station.
If this hits mine, I might actually walk over for lunch or a snack during work twice a week.
It's quick and easy to make an egg sandvich at home, but stuff like breaded chicken or onigiri could be worth the surcharge.
if you walk into a convenience store looking for food, you're a fucking idiot
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If it means I can grab an onigiri and bottle of tea, I'm all for it. Taquitos and hot dogs are fine, but I'd rather have a Tuna mayo riceball.

t.Dirty Flip
>What Japan's management will do is inventory management - meaning they will watch what sells and doesn't, and replace the doesn't sell with what sells. So the local shop won't do shit except stock shelves with whatever management sends them.
>And yes, the current 7/11 was NOT doing the above. They were that retarded.
That's pretty bad, and makes this rebrand actually have some hope if it's essentially 80% logistics improvements.
In hindsight the 7-11s near me, the only stuff that really moves are the refrigerated drinks, coffee, and the freshest fresh food. Most of the isles are packed with super packaged stuff that has a shelf life of months if not years, all of which is very overpriced. Even the candy isle is basically the same.
What convenient things do you walk to the store for if not food or drink?
That won't be enough to keep the new business model running.
How are the 711 wings?
And you think this because ???
Their current business model of not selling product has kept it afloat. I fail to see how selling product would be worse.
One zoomer who might buy a rice ball twice a week at most? I don't think so.
they are already in usa stores egg salad sandwich with milkbread and tonkatsu ramen
you are delusional if you thinks sheetz and wawa are high quality... its literal shit tier food
japanese convenience stores are much higher quality than those
buc-ees is alright
This isn't going to work. 7-Eleven has a strong reputation in America for what it is. The people going there are the people who want shitty gas station convenience store food and cigarettes, and they will not give a shit about good fresh food options. People who do care about good fresh food options don't go to 7-Eleven, and won't trust their fresh food even if they find themselves in one.
They need to do business under a new brand to give this the slightest chance of working.
Are Japanese-style ones coming to Australia?
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Well then. Things are going to get tougher for Japs here then.
>TBHQ, DATEM, EDTA, aluminium phosphate/sulphate, FD&C Yellow 6, vegetable oil, vegetable shortening, bleached flour
many such cases. looking forward to it
This. I'm not even American and I know 7-11 is the type of gas station food you should never eat because you'll get sick and almost die.
711 also makes you cum in a kid without a condom and is responsible for every war and conflict in the world since 1714.
> 7-11 is mossad
Interesting, it does make a good cover.
It's also the reason why orange juice tastes bad after brushing your teeth and why bugs splatter on the front of your car.
That makes no sense. Anyone in the know stays the fuck away from flouride.
>just put shit out to put shit out,
lel reminds me of the time I saw diapers for sale at a liquor store.
I sold diapers out of my van for two months after my dad died. True story.
>I'm old enough that I got into Japanese food in the early '00s
>bullshit tradewar thing

How the fuck are you that old and have no concept of the madcow epidemic that made the burgers squimish about foreign meat?
they will have a rude awakening when they realize what kind of "clientele" they have in those neighbourhoods.
7-11 is obsolete, I haven’t had a reason to go to one in years. Gas stations are way ahead, all of the ones near me are renovating and putting in legitimately good fried chicken and pizza kitchens.
American 7/11's aren't also petrol stations by default? I guess the American one's are obsolete.
No gas. Even worse, some of them don’t even sell alcohol.
In contrast, most gas stations around here now also sell beer & wine, some even liquor. Which was unheard of when I was a kid.
Isn’t that the concept behind those QT Kitchen locations?
This. American convenience stores are run by dirty pajeets who don't wash their hands, stink, and try to scam their customers. The only way to fix that is by firing all of them.
This is good news for people who had previously been buying all their groceries from the dollar general.
There's nothing at a japanese konbini that isn't at a good IGA other than liquor and that's not happening in this country. What really makes them is that if you're in a city there is always one within 400m.
Sheetz is somehow even worse than subway.
I'd love for this to work out but lets be honest, a "peaceful protest" will burn one or two down and they'll call it a loss.
God I hate Chris' le thumbnail face so much. Champ seems to have disappeared though?
Japanese 7/11s are just mini grocery stores. That won't work here because most Americans have a car and thus aren't grocery shopping every 2-3 days like how its done in Japan where everyone walks. Minimarts already realised this decades ago, which is why milk and eggs there are more expensive; smaller economies of scale.
Getting over the stigma of it being basically gas station food in america will take some serious work.

Personally, i don't think you get american minimum wage workers to produce food at that level on a routine basis.
You can’t have nice things in America because black people.
What do you think Japanese 7/11s are stuffed with? Aisles of instant ramen and fish chips (junk food), with the only difference being they also have some deli stuff like fruit/veg/dairy. The main difference is the culture involved, which just blindly importing the store layouts go the US isn't gonna change. Unless they can figure out how to solve the methheads behind the counter and the ESL Mexican landscapers holding up the line, nothing will change.
711 slop is underrated, its decent for being cheap and instant. you can get a personal pizza for like $7
these will last exactly 6 months

either from niggers running them into the ground, or niggers looting them into the ground
>Getting over the stigma of it being basically gas station food in america will take some serious work.
I fail to see why. I've only seen a single 7-11 attached to a gas station. Every other one has been a standalone convenience store for decades.
>What do you think Japanese 7/11s are stuffed with?
More fresh food. Better candy and snacks. You know, the night and day difference that everyone who has experienced a Japanese 7-11 knows is true?
I loved the Los Angeles Famimas and still miss them
they probably picked LA because of existing Japanese populations and the assumption that people were more open to Japanese products. I'm surprised they closed all of them though. I would have that the one's in Little Tokyo would do OK.
American businesses would rather sell you prepackaged shit at a huge markup than do anything that would require effort or paying a person to perform labor. Get ready for AI-powered automated everything, because America hates its citizens.
if they hated us they would want us to work at 7/11
it isn't even just the customers, america doesn't have the employees to do japanese style 7-11
sevenu erevenu mucho greatoru in u japano
They'd have to learn chopsticks first
Japanese 7/11s are Indian ran too
IGA price gouge dairy farmers a lot. Fuck 'em.
They completely changed aus 7/11s.
Super cheap espresso coffee and deals with a range of muffins and shit.
The stores went from being shitty late night convenience to people lining up in the mornings for the coffee. Probably qudripled revenue, if not more
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