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unironically better than regular mac and cheese
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Yeah, but I like removing the macaroni and replacing it with sausage, bacon, peppers, onion and mushroom. That or just chicken.

But those are spirelli! That's cheating!
Nah man this shit nasty
Anyway, let us know about your daily diet of McNasty Mac n cheese and not your Reddit fantasy.
The jalapeno flavored one was surprisingly good, didn't care for the other ones though
You dare to challenge the greatest drunk/comfort food in the history of the world?
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Nuh uh
i absolutely hate the box
>no taste in box design
I picked this stuff up at a dollar store on z lark. It belongs there.
That said, Cabot's mogs the fuck out of every other brand.
mmmm creamy and cheesy, ooey and gooey, macaroni product and cheese flavored maltodextrin tubes! Good thing the Dollar Tree accepts EBT because my black ass and my 3 little niglets LOVE how cheeto cheesy this "shit" "be"
looks gay as fuck
>t. Projection
First of all, that's fusilli, not spirelli.
Second, fusilli is a macaroni product, as is spaghetti. Elbow macaroni is not the only kind of macaroni noodles.
I got viral marketed into buying this shit a few months ago and I was surprised how good it was, for about 3 bites, then it became really gross and I almost didn't finish it.
Bet that shit cost $6 a box.
The jalapeno variant is genuinely bomb as fuck.
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ate one today and drank a prime
powder packet mac is always shit
Fuck off, cooklet.
This nigga zesty.
the flamin hot and jalapeno ones are even better

Nippon's invented pasta and brought it to italy
I hate these
It's exactly as advertised but it isn't as good as it sounds.
>Bet that costs 6 dollars
Three dollars at the store nearby me
>how to ruin a product through branding
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>enlarged to show YUM
>reddit: the boxed macaroni product
Dudeweed food
It's actually astounding how good this is. I picked it up on a whim expecting meme slop but it's seriously the best boxed mac in all of history and it isn't even close. Frito-Lay... I kneel...
I like the jalapeno slop
Is this real? Looks like something from a fallout game
I like boxed mac and cheetos as much as the next neckbeard but there's just this mental block preventing me from trying this, no matter how many anons say it's actually good.
some anon said they're pretty good for boxed mac but i don't know if i could actually buy them and face myself in the mirror
imagine if you had someone over, they opened up your cupboard, and they saw even a single box of that. having a fleshlight or dildo on your desk is less shameful
Is genuine. I will admit they should make it more appealing ngl. Pretty good to be honest
Meant for
Anyone who calls it “cheddy mac” deserves to be thrown into a deep fryer
Why don't you guys make your own cheese mac ? It's easy and simple, I've been doing it for years now.
Just cover the noodles with enough water, you don't even need the 50 gorillion cups of water that everyone calls for.
Then follow: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/37p8AxmUbug
>chuddy mac
i've made both and im telling you right now mac and cheetos simply just tastes much much better. if you want it cheesy all you have to do is add cheese
Cheetos Mac tastes like wet noodles in a chemical bath of flavour!
It's hideous tasting, OP.
>I like thing

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