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Hello, I am Indian and I made this vegetable soup. It has lentils, carrots, onions, Indian cucumber, and a few other vegetables. I am looking to improve the soup, as in make it more hearty when eating it with rice. Keep in mind I am vegetarian so I would prefer not to add meat. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Use stock for example beef stock.
Potatoes and beans, mush some of them up a bit.
You cant be a real indiananon, if you were you'd make it with lentils like sambar. Im white and know that!
sar, I am indian too from new delhi, sar
you make a very good soup with the adding of lentil and cheese ;)
If you don't eat meat you will end up skinnyfat like all the other Indian men. Indians need more animal protein in their diets.
Add paneer or egg. Not much else will fill you up like they do. Could also have lassi to drink with it if you want for more high quality fat/protein and calories.
For "meaty" flavour, you can spend however much you want on [specialty?] mushrooms or dried mushroom powder, fermented beans like soy sauce or miso paste. Maybe yeast flavouring or marmite. Or just use MSG. Balsamic or apple cider vinegar (or other vinegars). Maybe specialty Balsamic (diff than normal). Use tomato paste that you saute a little.

Olive oil or wtv else for other flavour. Saute your veggies. Char/roast up some veggies. Charred onions are great. Browning/caramelizing carrots is a top flavour.
You can also mix it up with some kombu/seaweed. Tofu is a nice filler too, or paneer. Your soup might not hate some more green in it. Or save the green for your saag paneer.
Potatoes are good thickeners. Maybe brown some butter with flour for a roux thickener/taste (maybe just make a Golden Curry with S&B powder at that point, add some apples or raisins or honey, or pomegranate syrup to stay indian/middle east).

Idk, I do some stuff like this (not all at once). I like stews
Try dipping some buttered bread in it. Buttered bread is the best thing to go with soup (especially crusty bread rolls) in my opinion.
I didn't consider adding human fecal matter because I have an extreme aversion to consuming it, as almost every human does.

Boiling vegetables in water already makes it a veggie stock, retard.

I'll forgo the potatoes since I'm already eating it with rice, but beans as a secondary legume on top of the lentils is worth consideration. Thank you.

I wash my hands very frequently and with great effectiveness.

>you'd make it with lentils
I already said I added lentils.

Cheese in a vegetable soup sounds horrific.

I have no interest in eating parasite ridden chinkslop.

I get ample protein (150g per day) through eggs, milk, lentils, and pea protein supplement. Animal protein is wholly unnecessary given that I track and adequately supplement micronutrient intake.

The egg sounds interesting. Maybe a mimicry of egg drop soup? I like how you think.

Within three generations your bloodline will be infected by Indian. There is no escape for you or your people.

>calling me a jeet nigger
holy fucking kek. The irony of a bug talking down on anyone is hilarious. Your soy ridden low T society is barely hanging by a thread the size of your comically thin cocks. There is absolutely nothing interesting or valuable about you or your society which isn't a complete ripoff or done magnitudes better elsewhere.

Ramen is meme food and every other noteworthy dish is just a worse copy that was imported. Your "curry" consists on cubes of soy oil and turmeric. Katsu is just schnitzel. Everything else is irrelevant and nasty, which is why it can't break into overseas pallets unlike how Korean restaurants are thriving in the states.

Seriously, a nip not knowing its place is incredible.
These are all very interesting suggestions aside from the roux. Thanks anon.
Pretty comprehensive, tomato paste was my first thought as well. You could also do roasted broccoli purée, or if you just want to add body and calories then coconut milk.
Add meat. It isn't food without meat.
>has to create fantastical delusions to cope
yep, sounds like the horsefly people
>The egg sounds interesting. Maybe a mimicry of egg drop soup? I like how you think.
I didn't think of that but it could be interesting. I've been to Indian buffets where they have some egg curries that are just boiled eggs sliced in half in sauce and was thinking more of something like that though.
Kek Timmy wanted to gloat about how cosmopolitan he is but he can't even read a sentence properly
The aryans tricked them into worshipping cows instead of eating them thousands of years ago in order to ensure they would stay weak, retarded, and subservient. It worked extremely well.
You are Indian and do not know the key to improving food is always more butter? And if you added butter already you certainly need even more butter.

Also, dried chili peppers or you could cool it down with sour cream and dill or add tomato. Garlic, onion, peas, citrus.
What exactly makes the cucumber Indian?
>I am Imdian
roast some of the vegetables before adding them to the soup
Use oil.
Fry a handful of chopped garlic in a quarter cup of coconut oil and add it on top.
Add boiled eggs.
Coconut milk.
>dont like roux
southern mamas aint gonna like you dissing their gumbo like that
West is in decline
The decadent West will Bow to superior Indian culinary Skills and Spices
Did you know that the Spicier food you can eat the Manlier you are? Look it up in the bible holy, even jesus Christ admits to such
try following a recipe
whats that finish inside the pot?
looks like rough stamped unfinished metal, even your shitty aliminium stuff wouldn't look this bad, are you poor or what?
cube the carrots
add cucumber cube cucumber
add vegetable stock
>Boiling vegetables in water already makes it a veggie stock, retard.
Boil the vegetables in beef stock for more flavour, retard.
>I get ample protein (150g per day) through eggs, milk, lentils, and pea protein supplement.
so you eat eggs but refuse to eat meat? What's the point?
Eggs aren't meat dumbass, they have not developed a brain nor a soul. And chickens lay them whether they been sexed or not so they don't got to be raped to make eggs.
Why don't you eat meat? It's full of nutrition, despite what you've been told. You're depriving yourself, especially of vitamins and minerals that can only be found in animal foods. The vitamins and minerals in veggies/fruits and other plant foods have to be converted, if they even can be at all, so you're getting little to nothing from it.
What in the plain retardation? So you are okay with them dying as long as you don't feel like you killed them personally? Your beliefs are hypocritical
More hearty?
Potatoes, mushrooms, and green herbs.
Sage, thyme, rosemary, dill, etc..
Some larger meatier mushrooms along with some potatoes will stretch it out reeeaaal good, more fillung, more satisfying. Turn it into more of a stew than a soup, reduce it down nice and thick.
If you're vegetarian, mushrooms are the perfect substitute for meat, there's a shroom for everything. Tofu is a good filler, but it just tastes like whatever you cook it with. Mushrooms and potatoes are more flavorful of course and serve the niche well.
Personally, I use a fuck ton of red wine when I make soups/stews. Great sour/savory flavor and makes it more rich too.
Please come here and make a long kokoro apology post after you have your first serious cardiac event at 25.
They are not "alive" to begin with they are just yolks inside of a shell. Unsexed chicken egg will never grow to higher state so there is nothing to "kill." Shit for brains mutt.
Forgot to mention all the "anti-nutrients" (toxic plant defense chemicals that bind to vitamins/minerals, preventing their absorption), also present in plant foods, i.e. oxalates, tannins, saponins, phytates, glucosinolates and goitrogens, gluten, and phytoestrogens. If you don't believe me, look it up. Even Harvard acknowledges they're real. And if you aren't delusional, you'd know/understand/agree/accept it. Cooking may degrade some, but not all (if at all), of these antinitrients, so either way you're still microdosing poisons all your life, and then you wonder why you have health issues. It's not just "because I'm older". It's not normal despite what you've been led to believe. If there's pain, then it's a problem and not normal. Same with digestion; gas, farting, bloating, cramps, pain. Plants being fermented and pooped out (not even digested because you're not really getting much from them, unlike meat, and other animal products). So, anyway, yeah, look into it.
there might have been if chickens weren't abused by humanity. If you are okay with eating dairy products and eggs you aren't veg
Heart attacks happen basically because people are consuming carbohydrates, sugar, and especially seed oils. Very inflammatory things that cause lots of stress and damage to the body. People started having heart attacks once Crisco (crystalized cotton seed oil) was introduced and people switched away from butter, tallow, lard, etc. and ate less meat and more carbs and shit and going plant-based.
Also I'm 26 btw. :P
he said he's vegetarian i don't think they will use meat/bone broth
For example. If you even care.

>People started having heart attacks once Crisco (crystalized cotton seed oil) was introduced
It must be weird to be a zoomer and think the world began in 2014.
He said he would prefer not to add meat. Beef stock isn't meat.
Add some rabbit.
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Sar, your soup need of beef. Pakistan zindabad!
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No masala? You're not Indian.
i know that but i don't think they interact with it
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Not even sure he stirred the pot with his bare, shit-covered feet. How can this man even claim to be Indian?
Crisco was introduced in 1911. Since then, Americans' health has been on a rapid decline.
>given that I track and adequately supplement micronutrient intake.

This vegetarianism/veganism in a nutshell.

Can't eat a balanced diet, so have to record everything and in the case of vegans, they have to resort to supplements, or they get sick and suffer malnutrition problems.

Primates have always been omnivores, go with the flow, you are not going to evolve into a ruminant being in your lifetime.

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