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i can't for the life of me understand why a place devoted to the discussion of food has so many people eating fucking pepperoni pizza. it is about one step up from chicken nuggets, and a step down from plain marinara pasta ("im a baby please no basil!!!")
if you're over the age of 18 and dont get any vegetables on your pizza i'm sorry to tell you that you should start taking HRT and wearing knee-highs because you are a femboy
What if I get pepperoni and muskrooms, will you calm down then
pic related
this was me before and after eating pepperoni pizza
what the hell is a muskroom
You're not sophisticated and owning a faggy iPhone won't change that, retard.
It's a room in Elon Musk's house. He lets you stay the night for free if you're a pepperoni pizza fan, because he know how based it is.
some of us have jobs and eat fast food
what's wrong with sharing our opinions on this food?
olives are a D tier pizza topping
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>he's never heard of a muskroom
Judging from the way you write, your job is low skill and low wage. Your opinions aren't exactly valuable.
if you're rating on a scale of D-Z with D meaning Da Best and being the absolute highest then yes olives certainly are D-Tier, I agree
Fuck off with your piss berries, you gross fuck.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>can't even deny they taste like piss
Have you never heard of a side salad?
I've tried piss and I can assure you they taste nothing like piss. What is wrong with your tastebuds?
The white stuff Jamal shoots in your girlfriend isn't piss, bro.
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if pizza with pepperoni is for femboys then how come my dad likes to eat it so much?
that isnt your dad thats ted cruz
what just because ted cruz is my dad i cant talk about food online?
If you have to show everyone how much of an adult you are because you don't do those "childish" things you're still a child.
ted cruz is a femboy catgirl anyway so it doesnt matter if you are his kid or not, my pepperoni point still stands
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Because it's good.
I’d smash your boypussy if I was drunk enough, op.
I eat more vegetables, both in quantity and variety, than anyone I know and I like pepperoni pizza. It's not even 10am yet and I've already had a half pound of veg (quarter pound chrysanthemum in my soup early this morning and a bunch of pickled Chinese cauliflower just now).
You've decided my lunch, though.
My son and I are gonna have pepperoni pizza and a carrot ribbon salad
>using capitalized letters and punctuation on 4chan
humble yourself, newfaggot
Problem is most ingredients you'd want on pizza are perishable and sold in quantities far larger than you want for toppings.
you should consider killing yourself if pepperoni pizza discussions perturb you
A reasonable request for OP
sometimes pepperoni on pizza is fun. i usually prefer sausage, but im not picky
>Toppings on pizza
It's also not water, yet you stay quite hydrated.
>jamie, pull up a muskroom
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the only vegetables that people would even think to put on pizza are spinach and arugula maybe the rare artichoke this is shit b8 and as always OP is a faggot
not a vegetable
found a couple more faggots maybe OP will have company tonight if he can learn to be sociable instead of raging about pizza toppings on a mexican donkeyshow reviewers forum
>yes 1 pizza please sir! but no meat please, protein hurts my tum tum
>olive and basil? sure that will look good in the /ck/ photo!

Pizza with no meat is just melted cheese on bread, its not sophisticated. You can put whatever veggies you want on it but unless it has at least one meat (ideally a cured, hard meat or sardines) then its not real pizza. Youre a soy boy beta cuck
Is "pepperoni pizza" another pedophile codeword?
>physically incapable of cooking or eating healthy food the moment he get's a job aka the bare minimum needed to function in society
pathetic excuses of the weak-minded, lazy and gluttonous
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no thats hotdogs
>a popular, delicious food doesn't appeal to my autistic taste buds
>i must seethe
I thought this was Doors lyrics
>replace meat with faggy veg
>y-youre a femboy
just shut the fuck up lmao
>phoneposting cretin
>wants to graze on weeds because "he" can't digest meat
You are prey

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