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Loblaw Cos. Ltd. and its parent company George Weston Ltd. say they have agreed to pay $500 million to settle a class-action lawsuit regarding their involvement in a bread price-fixing scheme.
And they'll do it again lol. The entire economy is a price fixing scheme.
>The entire economy is a price fixing scheme.
It...is, yes?
Theres a good article on the whole Loblaw Ltd situation on Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.
It's all made up. The money is fake. The competition is fake. 5000 brands in the grocery store, owned by 6 conglomerates that are all owned the same investors.
Okay but what's that got to do with the regulation of an elastic supply & demand curve?
>how do a bunch of companies pretending to be competitors while actually being owned by the same people result in price fixing
think about it for five seconds
That's not what price fixing is anon. A company can set whatever price it likes for it's goods.
Except these are separate companies. Completely separate legal entities, which massive overlap between not just their investors but their board members as well.
When did bread get expensive, though? I haven't noticed this in the USA.
I am sure many people buy it at the dollar store, or buy $1 wal-mart loaves or whatever their bakery dept does for their french loaves. They are loss leader items, even.

When you hit the preservatives bread aisle you are likely to buy store brand, or whoever is doing the BOGO that week, so who cares if it's $3.50, if you are getting 2 loaves for that if you aren't picky.
with* massive overlap
Number one: I'm going in to the president's daughters like the US Marshals
Bread is very expensive considering how cheap flour is. But most people can't be bothered to take the time to make their own bread, so they pay $5 per loaf.
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>eating bread

Oh you sweet summer children.
based fuck commodity cartels and fuck trusts
Homemade bread goes stale too fast
It feels like if centralization is inevitable, it should be under a group of syndicates that look out for the national economic interests of all the people who live in a country, rather than just looking out for the interests of investors. A sort of National Syndicalist system, if you will.
because its not full of poison
I don’t care
sex with braphogs
Loblaws/Weston Foods were the ones who actually stopped cooperating with the price hikes, which pissed off Canada Bread and other retailers who were also in the scheme. Informants from Loblaws blew the whistle a few years later. There were other grocers involved in the bread price fix (Metro, Sobeys, Giant Tiger, WalMart) that haven't been hit with anything yet for some reason. Loblaws was also fighting against the recent price hikes from the soft drink and snack companies so it's not like they're always hiking prices at any opportunity. There is a coordinated effort from the media and government to lay blame for massive inflation caused by printing hundreds of billions of dollars on specific grocers whose profit margins are the same as 20 years ago.
But is bread good for you?
settlements are not always an admission of guilt
Why not craft a recipe that makes only a few slices so you can cook your daily bread diet and always eat fresh bread
The fuck is "price fixing"? Do you need a license issued by the government to sell bread in Canada? If not, consumers can just buy lower prices bread from other merchants.
there is no lower priced bread from other merchants, that's the entire point of price fixing.
because that's dumb. waste of time.
better option is to make big batch and freeze the dough in smaller portions
Is this not them doing it again? I heard about this like 5 years ago.
>If not, consumers can just buy lower prices bread from other merchants.
Price fixing antitrust laws don't require a minimum market percentage to be illegal. There's multiple obvious and not-so-obvious reasons for that.
There are exceptions to price fixing laws. Not all commodities or services are restricted the same way, or restricted in general.
In this case the supplier (Canada Bread) colluded with several rival grocery chains to raise prices simultaneously across all their stores at once. It wouldn't have worked if a single major grocer declined to participate, they decided to ignore rivalry for mutual profit.
So I guess you can stand to make a shit ton of money by starting a bread bakery/corner store selling bread below the "fixed" price, huh?
"antitrust" is the most jewish law ever conceived
So start a competitor and rake in the profits. We don't need government to fix these kinds of things, they never fix it anyway.
>So I guess you can stand to make a shit ton of money by starting a bread bakery/corner store selling bread below the "fixed" price, huh?
No you can't. Because the moment you try that you either go up in flames or they undercut you for long enough you won't sell shit and go bankrupt.
Then they return to the previous price.
>halftard thinks hes intelligent
Many such cases.
Its called choice
Fuck off Galen.

Canada is a country where dairy is controlled by the Italian mafia run cartel to keep supply artificially low and prices high. The government then taxes people to create a subsidy program for manufacturers to make products from that same supply restricted dairy so that they remain "competitive" in the market. Total fucking bullshit country.
It's called the illusion of choice, brainlet.
>just start your own chicken distributor bro
>you can totally compete with Tyson and Perdue
Yes, that is the post I replied to.
Your response is nonsensical was his point
>It's called the illusion of choice, brainlet.
Really now? Please show me the identical products from one manufacturer that are just labeled differently, but are measure for measure exactly the same
That was never the point I was making, retard. Go back to my first post.
>5000 brands in the grocery store, owned by 6 conglomerates that are all owned the same investors.
Here's a whole article about "competing" brands that are actually owned by the same (((companies))) https://blog.cheapism.com/brands-owned-by-same-company/
So you dont have an example to prove your point, gotcha
>that wasnt my p--
If there is choice, the products are different, if there is an illusion of choice, it means the products are identical but labeled otherwise. You lost. Sorry bud.
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>misusing the word competing
This is the literal definition of strawmanning lol
>I disproved a point you never made
>That means you're wrong
kek, 10/10 bait
Use a tripcode so everyone can better filter your retarded comments
I already said I gotcha. Concession accepted.
Our entire economy misuses the word "competing" because no matter where you spend your money, it all gets siphoned to the same tiny class of sociopathic pedophiles lol
>jimmy and billy and Jason all do heroin therefore when I do heroin its not bad
based pilpul utilizer
Oh look this guy again
based paranoid schizophrenic
Are you saying we have never had a conversation before?
We're on an anonymous website, dummy. We might have, but there's literally no way to know. Were you in any of the Ronnie's Burgers threads back in 2013?
>literally no way to know
Don't hide it. We have had this conversation before.
And yes
>We have had this conversation before.
I'm literally blackout drunk half the time I'm posting here. I have no way of knowing. Do you often try to use pilpul to "win" an argument like a sneaky little rat?
>I'm literally blackout drunk half the time I'm posting here.
So, not only have we had this conversation and many other before, we are the same person.
No, because that would mean I'm a disingenuous faggot who argues points he doesn't even believe just for the sport of it. I argue points I genuinely believe, also for the sport of it.
>I'm a disingenuous faggot
>sport of it
What makes you think your not?
Please, you both need to kill yourselves
Because I know what I believe, and I don't argue for anything that I don't believe.
Me half the time, then I see a shitpost thread I made on some board and chuckle because I didn't remember making it but it's still funny.
Make a smaller loaf dumb dumb. Also there's additions that can help with that. Both "chemical" and technique.
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He's literally me.
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Add some cir 20013 weeb shit and this would thread be a nostalgic experience.
For clarity I'm a whole new poster.
you can't say that that's anti semitic
>can pay up 500mil and stay in business
God knows how much they earned doing this shit. Governments should just up their fines when these corps break regulations to whatever breaking point they have and dial it back 5-10%. Corps will keep doing it so just push a thumb on them bi-annually or something for that sweet payout.
Like cutting back weeds and turning them into compost
I'm anit-weeb and have been since 2009 (the year I started doing drugs and getting pussy)
It used to scare away the normies.
But now that I think of it. I stopped with the weeb shit about the same time I was getting it regularly IE at all.
Maybe there's something to that.
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Let them eat steak
>Please, you both need to kill yourselves
We've been over this. Every post is mine. Including this one.
And yet here you are. How disappointing.
Yes, here I am, correctly pointing out that our economic system merely presents us with the illusion of choice while actually being centrally managed by a tiny class of sociopathic pedophiles who operate against the interests of everyone else.
Your drunk. Go to sleep
I haven't had any alcohol today, and it's the middle of the afternoon.
who cares I bake my own
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>I stole a loaf of bread.
>I broke a window pane. My sister's child was close to death, and we were starving.
Yes, good goy. Blame ''da system'' and other vague nonsense instead of blaming the exact people who created a monopoly and lobby to maintain their monopolies and bad anti-consumer practices.
It's not Noseberg who is to blame, it's ''the system.'' People being allowed to own things and trade them and set their prices, that's the true evil.
There was such an attempt, at centralizing authority around someone who understood what needed to be done. But it failed due to involvement in a war, and the people whom it tried to serve learnt absolutely nothing - becoming self-made victims of the same old garbage they supposedly wanted to break away from.
This also suggests that unless the ruler is someone who understands the ends of everything - or at least, can foresee them - things are bound to fail.

But for that entity to have a reason to exist, everyone around them must be innately devoid of these abilities, thus making the entire thing look like a civilization building game to an outsider; one central entity sees and manages everything, and anything that happens is done solely according to it's will, having now proven that if it's absent and not eternally present, then things will (obviously...) revert back to a less-than-ideal state.

Of course, the one thing that is missing from this ordeal at large is the ability to see ahead of time, to compare the present factors and to understand the ends of them before they even happen. The judge justifies it's own existence by first allowing for every kind of evil to happen, to then insert itself into the scenario as a ruler which is necessary lest the incapable nation devolves into an order-less state.

You can probably see the religious undertones. Creating problems and then proposing solutions. Even if it's true that at that point society would maintain order, it won't change that it only happens because the creator decided to remove the self-made problems for eternity. Where the entities which foresee the ends of things before they happen fit into this, I don't know - or the answer is "nowhere".

PS.: /ck/ - Food & Cooking
Jews created the system for their own benefit. It's a jewish system, and anyone who defends it is a jew enabler.
What we need is National Syndicalism.
>The judge justifies it's own existence by first allowing for every kind of evil to happen, to then insert itself into the scenario as a ruler which is necessary lest the incapable nation devolves into an order-less state.
this kind of goes hard but it's also incomprehensible. sounds dope in your head i bet though
What I need is a world where the people are capable of seeing the ends of things before they happen, where the relationship between the creator and the created is that of friendship and a mutual journey through all of potential (good and evil).

Not one where evil is allowed to exist only for the creator to insert themselves at one point and do away with it all under the pretense of judgement.

I am aware it's not comprehensible to anyone except entities which aren't native to this self-serving existential lie, the only question is then what am I doing here and for what purpose (other than to crash this shit of a realm, I suppose?).
Remove jews from power.
If it really was in the interest of anyone else to ensure the systems weren't maintained by a bunch of sociopaths, the world wouldn't be like this.

But it's a game between sheep and wolves, neither of which can finish one another off and both of which exist only to allow another ego-lord to justify it's own existence/purpose.
>game between sheep and wolves
You're forgetting about the existence of shepherds and sheep dogs.
It gets proven what happens if X-type-evil is allowed to exist on a daily basis, but neither the self-glorified good nor self-serving evil will ever take the other half out. If anyone intended on reaching a solution, they'd be stonewalled by BOTH. Both, because the wolves need the sheep to exist so they themselves can thrive, and because the sheep don't have any needs beyond being granted an artificial purpose - which the wolves do, even if it's clearly a standard that could be improved upon.

A shepherd dog is only another part of the dualistic shithole, and they can serve as a leader to the wolves or a defender of the sheep.
What about the shepherd, who sees the charade between sheep and wolves and would rather if neither existed for the sake of a perpetual conflict, with the role of a shepherd dog only justified because of that nonsensical, cyclical state?
Honestly, you sound like an arrogant, self-important faggot who thinks he's enlightened. Try a little bit more self-reflection and see that you're not as above it all as you believe yourself to be.
Please explain to me then what prevents the creator from creating people who can see ahead of time and learn to not sin solely by being perceptive enough? This is achieved by containing the potential evil in one's mind and triumphing over it via internal battles.

When one programs a program, is the goal to make it the best it could be? Do you not then test the creation in a safe environment before patching the bugs out?
This is then equivalent to deliberately giving yourself more bugs to fix by poorly implementing functions, trapping yourself in an endless bug fixing cycle for the sake of giving yourself an artificial reason to exist.
That the creator did not acknowledge this suggests they either have a reason for doing so, or they're malevolent, arrogant and retarded - exactly what you're accusing me of.
There is no separation between creator and created. That is the illusion.
Then why do my perceptive senses reach beyond the scope of the simulation?

Creating entities which already comprehend it all because someone else did it for them would result in them having no reason to exist, beyond doing what is right only because they already know it must be done so - but based on making the entirety of prior creation suffer for the sake of that goal, instead of them having no experiences, merely internal conjecture, which yet they regard as valid since they were able to comprehend each part of the creation with their own abilities.

Just like currently there are golems which cannot conceive evil and good and to various extents, it would be akin to creating a being which knows it all - but then has no reason to commit to anything beyond being controlled like a slave, according to the master's wishes. (and that's implying it's not what the entities here have suffered, conscious or not, for the sake of the self-proclaimed 'master')
Referring to this realm as an "illusion" suggests it's purpose is to deceive - meaning that no matter what act one commits, it's always wrong on the basis that it was done in a fundamentally illusory environment.

The only correct option would be to separate oneself from the entirety of it, but what guarantee do I have that death grants me that, instead of merely pushing my spirit away from it's current place in the flow of time to another one, one which lies ahead of it?
>I haven't had any alcohol today, and it's the middle of the afternoon.
Funny that you still act drunk
>Then why do my perceptive senses reach beyond the scope of the simulation?
Discussions which are based on logic require one to invalidate the train of thought of his opponent with one that is clearly superior.

That post offers nothing but namecalling, and considering "God created man in his image" it seems like I've got a hit on a correlation between what he made you ought to be, and what you're now accusing me of being.

If it was a matter of me being clearly wrong, such as me claiming that sugar is salty, you could prove me wrong by having someone else claim that sugar is sweet and thus having me try it to then confirm that statement.
But I've yet to receive an equivalent of such.
I think maybe if you were little bit more humble, you'd be a lot happier and more satisfied with life.
You are retarded
Embarrass yourself further if that is the sole reason for you to exist.

The moment the creator is forced to judge me, he shall be unable to find myself guilty under what I have thus proposed, unless there truly is a reason for these things to be that is found to be logically superior to my proposal.

All that remains is time, then. You are no different from the demon that made you.
And how's that attitude working out for you, champ? Life going well?
A fundamentally rational entity has no place in a fundamentally irrational reality. I welcome you to try and deny this before your own "'just'" god.
You aren't fundamentally rational. You're a human being led by his emotions and biases like everyone else. You eat and shit and bleed the same as everyone else, and you will die the same as everyone else. All life is equally sacred; you aren't better than anyone.
'ight buddy. We'll see you on the news months or even years from now on, killed by a pack of joggers over nothing. Want to be a slave to retardation? Go and impose it on yourself and suffer your own idiocy, if you are even able to conceive the meaning of it.
I hope things get better for you, pal. I'll be praying for you.
Galen Weston hanging from a tree
P A T H E T I - Cally!
Definitely have ignorantly you'd my own based drunk posts the next day. Many times

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