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Fuck these useless pieces of shit. I work the line at a decent local restaurant in north atlanta and they always come in demanding that we stop our flow and cater to their massive ridiculous order tickets while we have ACTUAL customers dining in with us. If you are a door dash/uber eats driver I hope you burn in hell…get a real fucking job
Blame your boss for allowing them.
how about you suck my cock you fucking faggot
>immediately defensive
You know I'm right. If he gave a fuck about you, he wouldn't allow doordash to place orders at the restaurant.
>working as a line cook at some restaurant
Get a real fucking job.
get guud faget
350,000+ deaths in 2020 ALONE….but yeah it’s just a “flu”
Oy vey! 350 gorillian you say? How antisemitic of you!?!?!
there was two elements to the Wu Flu:
>control the people by inciting fear and propaganda tools
>make as much money as possible for Big Pharma based on a lie
You can’t eliminate one and not the other without sounding like an absolute retard.
>wearing masks is really important to the globalists evil schemes because... well it just is okay???
Masking is a humiliation ritual
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spoken like a true vaxcattle, how much is Phizer paying you per post?

I'm a diver. Rude drivers are to blame, your management is to blame, and Doordash is to blame as well because they should be paying at least minimum wage to drivers during the wait time for the food, this would ultimately eliminate frustration on all sides, the restaurant, customer, and doordash should cover total costs of gas too.

I've known of one restaurant that got rid of doordash and is still successful, sounds like your restaurant is desperate and you are being overworked because of it. Why not bring this frustration up to your management and ask for a raise or leave to somewhere more friendly and easier like Chic Fil A.
it was comfy during the pandemic when all you needed was 20 bucks to fill your tank up, i was probably averaging 30-40 bucks per hour. but since it hasn’t been worth it. nowadays your drivers are immigrants who shove their phones at waitresses faces, rude people who bitch about an order taking too long (even tho you should already know where not to go), and people without any social skills who don’t know how to interact with others(me). the golden age is over idk why people are still dashing
I know where that picture was taken.
It’s easier to pretend to be friendly when I don’t have to pretend to smile.
Masks are the grestest antisocial life hack ever
I work in a deli and 95% of the time it’s some foreigner from Eastern Europe or Asia who speaks barely any English, or an obviously retard druggie who does it so they have daily income for their fix. They ignore everyone I’m helping to not say a single word and shove their phone in my face. I know you may not know what the words mean, but you can at least try to recite what it says after waiting your turn.
You get paid by the hour so why do you care who gets their slop first. They get paid per delivery so they have a legitimate interest that it gets prepared quickly. You're just bitter you suck at your shitty ass high school dropout job
Not speaking about myself, but a lot of drivers out there are plain nasty and thats why I would never order food myself. Something I didn't realize as a new driver was overtime roaches would become a problem in my car. So now I use medicine weekly because I do actually care about the customer. But then I think about all the people that aren't using medicine. It's extremely unsanitary and they likely don't even spray anti-bacterial sprays either in their car like I do as well. I do now believe that delivery should be done by professional companies. A local grocery chain started using their own vans recently and after hearing everything and seeing everything I have... I want that van to deliver my shit and not some goofball.

I learned overtime that these app companies are sketchy as hell. One App orientation guy actually told me I can never be fired from the job. Their answer to fixing driver mistakes is just handing out credits like candy.
>You get paid by the hour so why do you care who gets their slop first.
The issue is he's being overworked by management and has to suffer the consequences of someone that's in a rush. Sounds like the restaurant wants the extra money and continues to swamp themselves with doordash orders during rushes.

>They get paid per delivery so they have a legitimate interest that it gets prepared quickly.
Doordash is to blame for this as well for not paying drivers while they wait for the food, or not making the restaurant pay for the slow time. Thus the driver gets pissed off at the worker. Literally everyone is screwing everyone over here. The worker deals with asshole drivers, drivers feel they're working for free, the store doesn't realize they can't handle these orders, customers think drivers are paid employees. It's all fucked up really.
Buy a hammer and sickle pin then faggot my point still stands that from a utilitarian perspective the door dash driver has more reason to be acting the way he does
Poison the food you give them and plant evidence in their car.
>cockroaches in your fucking car
what the fuck is wrong with you
Lol I don't have roaches in my car anymore. But yes that's what ultimately happens when you have indian food, chinese food, italian food all stinking up the delivery car all week long. I don't have them anymore because I clean it very well, but I'm telling you there's lazy bastards out there that aren't doing this at all. Oh and the food bag smells gnarly as hell at the end of the day.
Customers in Buckhead are quite demanding which causes the drivers to be demanding too as their tip depends on getting the food quickly.
I only order delivery when I am so hung over I can bately function and need to eat or die. Which doesnt happen often because I dont drink like that anymore.
A simp sent me $100 once and I just used it to order jugs of wine. Then some tacos for my mom at work. I considered it free money and didn't care how I spent it. That's the whole reason some girls have cashapp/venmo in their bio on social media. Just wasted on food delivery lol.
How are you such a fuckup that you get roaches in your car? Having food in your car for short periods of time does not cause this.
The correct term is "john". You're a prostitute, and he's your john. Don't try to fancy it up, ho.
uh yes, we should take priority over in store customers. every minute we spend waiting is minutes we aren't taking another order, which cuts into our hourly, which means you ARE STEALING MONEY OUT OF OUR POCKETS when you don't have the food ready for us already when we get there.
>which causes the drivers to be demanding too as their tip depends on getting the food quickly.
It's not just that. They're not salaried. Their pay is essentially commission. Time spent waiting means their next transaction starts later. Which means less transactions completed in a fixed time period. Which means they receive less pay.
>Having food in your car for short periods of time does not cause this.

Perhaps I should be more specific about the breed. They're the little small ones that hide and can fit in tiny holes so I didn't notice them overtime. I'm not talking about giant ones lol. They climb into your car from the grass. My uncle had the same problem, he had fast food in his car every day just because he'd buy food for all of us. He'd use one of those raid fogger bombs in the car to get rid of them. I live in his neighborhood so now it makes sense why they try to get in my car too.
No, the door dasher can get a normal wagie job or some sort of skill and let DD sink into the ground so the fatties who use it need to touch grass to get their food. DD and the likes are literally the first step in communism where everyone demands equal pay for performing the most mindless shit available and then demands the gubbament pampers them and makes their company give them free stuff. The best plan is to let this ship sink and get a legitimate job instead of letting them turn everyone into mindless shitheads. Any dasher who cries has earned their fate by thinking it was a viable option and not merely a legal pyramid scheme.
How about you order from a place that has their own delivery drivers instead of paying markup for the food itself, charge for using the service then a tip that if you refuse your food won’t show up? Those drivers require delivering timely for their job so are less likely to fuck with you and you will pay less.
>allow doordash
one doesn't choose to allow or disallow doordash or similar services at one's restaurant lol. if they want your restaurant on their site, it will go there with or without your approval.
if your restaurant doesn't already actively work with these services, they'll just call in orders and send drivers. if you won't accept phone orders, they'll just send drivers to make the order and pick it up. if you block obvious delivery service drivers from ordering, they'll actively promote your restaurant to people nearby to get them to place orders, then after an hour or so, tell the customers that due to an issue on the restaurant end, their order was cancelled and that they should contact the restaurant to complain that leads to review bombing.
they're a fucking cartel.
You just can request to have your restaurant removed from the service lol
emphasis on 'request' - you can try. if you actually get your restaurant to disappear from the site (which involves months of wrangling idiotic barely-english-speaking CS agents that don't understand your problem) it will be back within a week or two. they hire overseas workers en masse to just trawl google maps for restaurants, pull menus from online photos, websites, or even over the phone, and add them to the system.
we just cannot keep my place off ubereats and grubhub in particular. tons of reviews bleed over to yelp and google maps about "terrible delivery service" (which we expressly have not ever offered, and especially after a driver assaulted one of our servers) and demanding refunds (already underway from the delivery service but those are egregiously slow and take 2-5 business days but they're angry now). it takes a letter from our lawyer to get them removed from their sites, but then they're back within a few weeks.
I've never worked for doordash but I work for a similar app and I can understand what you're saying. I don't believe a specific chain restaurant can take our service off. I believe it has to be the corporation that requests to take every location off one by one in the entire state. I've only seen Chipotle do it because I've never once received an order there.

As for local business, I have seen at least one owner cease service because some of the drivers are retarded and place orders wrong because they don't understand what the hell they're reading, can't pronounce korean dish names correctly, then the customer calls the restaurant complaining asking for a redelivery, but the chain has no control over delivery, i've overheard a phone call like this once in a restaurant and I can understand how that would frustrate chain managers.

I've also had employees tell me I should just work for Doordash because workers on my local app are looked down upon by workers for various reasons, and there's no system for them to even get rid of drivers they dislike (for my local app). There's some truth to it being difficult to have your restaurant removed from the system. I've seen an order for a local business before and it had all capital letters in their bio stating "WE DON'T ACCEPT ORDERS FROM THIS". I canceled the order and sent a message to support about it, not sure if they took them off after that.
i was gonna call you a liar but i decided to investigate for myself and holy shit that's scummy
The door dasher isn’t different then any other customer
>Any dasher who cries has earned their fate by thinking it was a viable option and not merely a legal pyramid scheme.

No, most drivers are doing the job wrong, or they can't multitask and write stuff down with pen, markers, and paper. You have to apply for at least five apps and kind of juggle them throughout the day running two or three at the same time depending on what the app is. You have to dish out order after order and you can make some good money. It's literally just driving and walking and you're the boss. You can make the same amount of money as a trade if you juggle the apps like I said.
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>Uber Eats driver walks in
>it's another Indian
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>Remember when the West turned full communist during 2020
A flu so nefarious it could eradicate the common flu and claim those deaths for its own, even taking the form of cancer, heart attacks, traffic accidents even...
I have literally never seen a white or literate food delivery driver in my entire life
I had a white friend when i lived in the Seattle area who did some door dashing if we had a short day at work or on the weekends when they offered a bonus for deliveries in certain areas or certain hours. He would make a decent income on that back then. That was back in 2018-2019 but very rapidly the nigs and pajeets flooded the market and all the bonuses for working weekends or busy areas went away so he just stopped.
I used to work at a high end sushi restaurant as a sushi chef. The restaurant was fucking huge. When it was packed it was hard to just keep up with that. We would just deny any door dash/uber shit when it got to that point.
I do have to say though it was nice on slow days, but fucking annoying i hated making to go orders and dealing with those stupid boxes.
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did it take you ten years to learn how to make the tamago
i swear you have to somehow be a valued or special customer to get the white drivers. i had a constant slew of non-white drivers who never spoke english and could not follow simple instructions like "door code 1234" until one drove up, marked as delivered, and sped away and stole my food and came back later to scream at me in some other language for getting the order cancelled so he didn't get paid for it. police came, carted the faggot off, then i went through several customer service people before someone understood what i was pissed about and called me back and apologized profusely, gave me like $100 credit, and ever since, my drivers have all been white literate drivers i swear to god. if it wasn't such a sharp swerve in driver quality i wouldn't think it's related, but there's definitely some system they have at grubhub to rank drivers and it clearly leads to some natural discrimination kek. not that i'm complaining now
>if it wasn't such a sharp swerve in driver quality i wouldn't think it's related, but there's definitely some system they have at grubhub to rank drivers and it clearly leads to some natural discrimination

I'm a multi-app worker. My biggest advice for your personal issue is just do not use doordash and try out new apps you've never used before. They usually give you a good promo for new users too so you can take advantage of them. The reason I say to stop using doordash is because immigrants are a big problem right now and doordash is hiring everyone at the moment. Doordash is the most popular app for delivery so that doesn't help your cause. Anytime I tell people I multi-app for an income they immediately say "Oh you work for Doordash?". Hope this helps. I also take advantage of the new user promos.
oh yeah. the "look i fixed it 2 hours later after mold started growing on it, now pay me" correction, once the app takes their money away and they realize there are consequences to their fuckups, is just the "best".
and it was literally left on the ground with cockroaches and shit wandering around.

This was odered online directly from the shop. Never again, at least menulog etc take responsibility
door dash orderers should be poisoned with cesium
Even american born drivers are retarded as well. Some are too lazy to find the numbers on the house or they think the GPS is correct which its never correct in my city. Gps will say i'm here and the house will be 3-4 houses backwards or fowards. Rarely does it stop me right in front of the house. And the driver doesn't seem to understand how doordash works. If a customer told me to keep the pizza I'm not showing back up at their house. He actually didn't have to even show up 40 minutes later, he's retarded. If the customer says keep the food i'm keeping the food and letting support deal with it lol.

Also you should delete that threat you wrote even if it's a joke, it can be taken seriously. Rephrase your post man. Checkmark the box and then hit delete on the bottom of the page for your own good.
nobody knows what place I'm talking about and besides everything posted here is a fiction for entertainment purposes :3
Not what we’re talking about really
Don't worry I've already reported his post to the internet police. They are probably on the way to his house right now to arrest him.
I made plenty of mistakes as a new driver a couple years ago. It was like the wild west with no rules. I don't order food on delivery apps anymore because I now realize most are not stable. Also terrified to get inside a Lyft car.

You had to read it twice because you don't do this job. You don't use a GPS every day to arrive everywhere you're going. Customers are retarded too because they'll have a pitch black house and I'm just standing on the front porch like an idiot in the dark. Learned eventually you need a flashlight to do this job at night, yet no app ever tells you that, they don't train drivers in anything, they don't tell you the GPS is most likely wrong, they allow orders through that will eat your gas and a new driver doesn't realize that at all, I think they're evil now that I've learned everything. I invite you to sign up for an app and just see how bizarre it all really is, you'll also get free food at times just like a walmart worker gets a little ceasers pity party at the end of the month.
You sound insane. I've been delivering for about 2 years. I don't even bother with a hotbag unless its far away. Anyway you must live in the deep south or something if you get roaches in your car
Driving in traffic constantly is actually pretty risky and annoying. Its not a unskilled job if you are behind the wheel of a vehicle 90 percent of the time
How is it insane saying having food in your car all day will make the car smell like shit? You probably are falling victim to the smell where you grow used to it. And yeah I'm not an insect expert but I'm pretty sure we don't have the same insects nor the population of them. I think it's insane my uncle even had to use raid smoke bombs in his car. It actually did surprise me before I started working myself. And dude the customer is paying you. The very least you can do is shield their food from your air condition. Even my local grocery delivery app requires me to have at least four hot bags in the car for deliveries or else they will not give me the food. Stop being a nigger, they paid for a service so stop doing it half-assed.
You're literally insane and retarded.
I mean most of these idiots don't know how to drive or follow basic nav anyways. Since they don't get paid by the hour they'll be doing reckless shit and disturbing traffic. I was a quality contractor and i spend like 80% of my time in traffic going site to site but since it was a work truck and i didn't have to pay gas and was paid by the hour i just chilled in traffic. These guys will cut you off and do all kinds of crazy shit.

I rear ended a door dash driver because he was about to miss the exit only lane that was backed and he couldn't merge in. So he decided to just stop his stupid little sedan in the middle of the highway when traffic was going 70 and i couldn't slam my brakes fast enough to stop so i nudged him. Well he sure as fuck didn't make that delivery on time because the cops thought he was responsible for the accident.
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I used to work at a taco bell in college.
Any time a doordash driver gave me attitude, or wouldn't shut the fuck up, I would purposely fuck with the order.
Whenever I had the chance, I snuck some of that fake ground beef shit in Indian people's food too.
I drive more carefully than the average driver and I deliver for dd and UE. Its stupid to risk an accident for the money they're paying now. I'm actually pretty fed up with it, but at the same time I can make decent money doing it and can so it when I want. My least favorite part lately is asshole reckless drivers, not the restaurant staff as much probably because its slower now so don't have to wait 20 minutes for order to be ready.
>Any time a doordash driver gave me attitude, or wouldn't shut the fuck up, I would purposely fuck with the order.

As a driver I think that's funny and I approve of it. Because well I would never act like an annoying piece of shit in someones restaurant. I would just leave if it took too long. Those drivers have bad manners and weren't raised right. And yeah some of them you messed with may have given them bad ratings but I think they deserved it personally.
here in california we are paid for our time so i dont give a shit how long an order takes
i just get paid to lurk and occasionally post here
yeah but then a mcchicken costs 6 dollars so it's just like peeing in the ocean
>tfw doordash a lot at night
>that one guy who orders a lot of food twice or three times a week
he always looks so sad and embarrassed to see me again.
i dont buy mcdicks so i dont know what you mean
how did you post this from under the sea anon
problem with wagie jobs is they demand you are there at a specific time all the time, you have to go through humiliation rituals even to get one, and you are at the bottom of the totem pole as a white man who doesn't check any kind of diversity boxes so you are the most vulnerable to being fired.
i never take the orders that are from companies that don't work directly with DD/UE, the ones where you would have to "place" an order, cause fuck having to go in and order the food and wait for them to fix it, ain't nobody got time for that. I want to go in, grab the shit off the shelf and get it to the customer. You want me to go in and sit there and wait 15-20 minutes for an order the pay for that order better be $30 or more and drive better not be more than 10 miles after picking it up.
Call him by name and he'll stop ordering.
you have to tip generously upfront to get the white drivers.

when we get an order offer we see the total we are being offered to do the order which includes the tip. the base pay (what doordash actually pays) is usually between $2 and $5 per order depending on mileage.

anyone with half a brain and can understand the concept of profitability for gas and time has to decline 90-95% of orders as unprofitable, I decline anything under $8 out of hand no matter how short the drive is, and decline anything under $1 a mile. typically I want at least $10 an order, for drives of 8 miles or less, longer drives/ known problem restaurants (five guys/ wingstop) i won't do for less than $15.
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>I work the line
Wagie wagie, always ragie!
Based golem slave
Unless you are cooking and eating the drivers, this is not a food and cooking thread
so is fucking your mom
>how much is Phizer paying you per post?
not as much as your mom is paying farmer joe to borrow his breeding hogs for her sloppy sheath hunger
actually I've been flipping houses since my teens and I'm now on passive income but keep on grinding wagie. lol. globalists aren't real, you guys are just poor because you're lazy.
eat shit and die faggot
jannies you guys can suck my dick too
That was me last year, but all my local dashers are Indian or Arab, so I don't view them as humans. Like, why would I care what an animal thinks about my eating habits? I'd only care if it was a white person delivering my food.
>fuck having to go in and order the food and wait for them to fix it, ain't nobody got time for that.

I think I have bad luck because that was my exact first gig job. Every thing was order and pay. Every single fucking order and I didn't know better. I did try to apply for doordash but they said there's too many dashers and never contacted me again. I still think I had fun though and it was decent money. If it's a drive thru it was usually very quick, and taco bell was ultimately the fastest out of them all no matter what you order.
and this is somehow the delivery drivers' fault ? are you by any chance a clinical moron ? did mommy drink while she was expecting you ?
>serf labour gets mad at someone doing slave labour
they’re keeping your wagie ass employed
Be Grateful kitchenslave
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All these faggy delivery and gig apps are a great filter for low-IQ, high time preference retards. I don't want to pay extra so dindus or pajeets with unwashed hands bringing me my food in their dog-hair infested cars while their toddlers are shitting and pissing themselves in the back seats.
Racist much
it is like that. Ive gotten door dash less than ten times because one time was a brown dude who mansplained how the texting system works and messages and shit that I didnt ask about

one time it was a fat old woman with a little kid who was holding my food in the car. then a coworker ordered it once and a whole family + dog was in the car. grim as fuck.
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It's true. It's really true.
i'm not low IQ but I thought about this germ factor and it bothers me as well. I spray anti-bacterial spray on my seats and floorboards every couple days but good luck if you have another driver that isn't me.
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Aww poor thing, Do not work for chains or edit your menu on their site to not allow anything to be sold.
I know several local restaurants that do this.
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I'm pretty lucky. I live in a college town so most delivery drivers/Uber drivers here are college kids. It's a huge step up from ESL immigrants and destitute poorfags.
I live in a town where lots of people like to retire, so mine are usually old people and it makes me a little sad.

the proles always so eager to attack other proles for the shit their bosses are responsible for
This. I get not being able/the money too good to not do it, but it ruins restaurants. Used to go to this local bistro that has been famous for their marinade and ribs since like the 80s and its completely ruined by these somalian drivers coming in and out while you're trying to eat. Main reason, besides the inflation of portion size, why i don't go there anymore.
not Somalian immigrant person but I also felt really awkward barging in someones establishment and delivering their emergent baking supplies. i've worked for several apps and it's all super unprofessional regardless of race.
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No I just go out to eat fairly often with my gf and I see the types of unwashed plebs who doordash in my area. I also wagecuck for a big box department store on the side and it's the same types of people doing picking orders for Shipt, Instacart, etc. I draw the line at doing curbside pickup since you know it's the actual store employees who go through a real hiring process and are held to at least some sort of standard of professionalism doing the picking, and even then I never have them pick groceries for me aside from energy drinks or something prepackaged and nonperishable. Nothing against the doordashers ITT, but I don't trust anyone in my area who works for an app.
i always tip well for fast acceptance despite most drivers being fucking idiots, and haven't changed my tipping habits since the incident that suddenly weirdly made all my drivers white and very literate.

this "u only get bad drivers if u don't tip" narrative is tired and wrong. you get bad drivers anyway, until the platform flags you as a flight risk or something
Most of you need to realise what us humble humans mean .
>Most of you need to realise what us humble.... seriously, ....
The door dash driver might have more reason to be butthurt, but being butthurt that your job sucks doesn't entitle you to better service than physical customers.

OP is working in a restaurant, if someone ordered a meal at 9:00 and that is being made, there is no reason for the cook or the restaurant owner to set the first order on delay because someone from doordash who placed their order at 9:15 wants it fast because they aren't being paid to wait. If the doordash model isn't sustainable with how restaurants operate with their real customers then doordash needs to change or go out of business.
So what? Have them put on the website that they don't work with doordash. If someone comes in with a doordash order just say you don't do that. They can have a fit or wait for the food like a regular order. Who cares if some idiot doordash customer or driver gets mad because they couldn't read?
It doesn't help, you're in the poor >>20704968
>Who cares if some idiot doordash customer or driver gets mad because they couldn't read?
The people that get mad about about that are indeed those that can't read.
Yeah, so who gives a shit? Some tool shows up at the restaurant "hi I have a big door dash order to pick up" tell them your restraunt doesn't deal with door dash. Tell them they can cry about it or place the order like a normal customer. Whatever they choose it's their problem.
>Who cares if some idiot doordash customer or driver gets mad
i do, because doordash and other services make the customer wait like 2 hours before they'll cancel the order and they'll just keep sending drivers over and over in the meanwhile to demand the order and finally cancel telling the customer "contact the restaurant for support". they then will call and scream at you (or even better when they come in themselves and disrupt real diners by yelling and shouting!) and pile on to yelp and google maps reviews and tank your review score with bullshit reviews about "being refused service" (especially if they think they can pull a discrimination card) or us "stealing their money" (because doordash and stuff takes several days to refund and they tell the customers that it's all the restaurant's fault)
That all just sounds like an excuse to laugh at idiots who choose to work for doordash. A prominent sign that says "no doordash ever" is plenty.
How does that have any effect on what the disgruntled customers do?
wow you can't read for shit can you buddy? it's not the drivers who suffer, it's us, the restaurant. we already reject delivery drivers and try to remove our restaurant from the delivery apps, but the consequence of that is that customers flood us with bad reviews and waste our time calling and screaming at us constantly because the delivery apps add us anyway against our wishes then point their customers at us when they don't get their food. the drivers just shrug and leave most of the time
If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen
Meh. I still think if you make it prominent it's the customer's fault amy anyone screaming about it would seem comical to me. If you have good local word of mouth from your restaurant selling good food, it shouldn't matter if yelp has people bitching about door dash. You don't want those orders anyways.

But also this is why I didn't take a job in the service industry where I am beholden to the whims of entitled retards.
>Meh. I still think
>... why I didn't take a job in the service industry
>If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen
sounds like you never entered the kitchen so you have no authority on which to speak
I worked in a kitchen for one afternoon and quit because the job was clearly bullshit for the pay. I worked about two weeks at a cafe that mostly made it's own muffins, cookies and soups. I quit over food safety concerns and the pay being pathetic compared to the work required. I cook 95% of what we eat as a family and I love it, but food service is bullshit in my experience. So you are basically in the same tier to me as the door dash drivers. Crying to me that you picked a shitty job that leads to a shitty quality of life doesn't give me sympathy for you. It just makes you another idiot deserving of ridicule. And if you can't handle a customer who doesn't bother to check that your restaurant doesn't do door dash that's even more proof you picked the wrong profession.

Either way, enjoy your tears and impotent rage. I'll be over here enjoying the drama unfolding.
holy reddit, damn lol
I've worked in restaurants. You just deal with the shit until it slows down or its time to close. The owner of the place you work is profiting off delivery apps so deal with it or get out the kitchen
>more poor reading comprehension
jesus are you all ESL dishwashers or something.
>The owner of the place
me, amongst others
>profiting off delivery apps
no, we have been aggressively "opting out". they don't care and add us to the apps and send people anyway, then they direct their own angry customers at us and have them review bomb us.
restaurants either have the option to officially support delivery apps, wherein drivers come in and demand special treatment and rush processing and sometimes get violent or harass real guests, or we have the option to not officially support delivery apps, which is what we're doing now, wherein delivery app customers are then directed by the apps to harass you by leaving negative reviews and calling constantly to demand refunds (from the delivery app) or demand delivery because "we offered it" (we don't).
there is no option in which delivery apps do not jam themselves into your restaurant and demand special treatment for free.
I've never posted on reddit but the impression you're putting forth is that a rdditard is smart enough to know not to get into a shitty profession. I still don't see the problem here, you and the door dash driver are in the same boat making the same mistakes. Am I really supposed to feel bad for you?
fpbp, his boss wants him unhappy so he can make a few extra bucks from low class pieces of shit
>works at a restaraunt
>tells them to get a real job
lmaoing at your life
His boss pretends there's nothing he can do so the workers are the ones that are stressed. If the owner gave two shits he'd spend half a day calling his local representatives and threatening lawsuits but he knows doordash is easy revenue and OP is replaceable if he gets too pissy
Not necessarily his boss, definitely his employer.
That's how it goes, sell it as a side gig for the middle class, buy it back as a full time job for poor people, profit on the difference until you die.
yep, typical struggles of a j word business owner lel
You can make a living doing delivery apps. You just have to multi app and and do it during the weekend and at night. People don't call it a real job, but the money is real and I don't have to listen to a psycho boss and deal with lazy incompetent coworkers. No stoned idiot coworkers or gossipy dumb female coworkers. Just do it when I want and can choose the orders I take. It can suck but definitely better than working in a kitchen
how many of those are from VaxAids
line cooks get paid in emotional turmoil and drug addiction lol

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