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I find the weird apprehension towards generic brands to be a sign that food prices aren't actually that big a deal and people are just retarded.

>Oh but they're worse
They're really not.
I agree with this, fucking Kroger spreadable butter is made of actual fucking ingredients and not a chemistry set like the big brands that want to push sneed oils
>>Oh but they're worse
>They're really not.
Hit or miss, actually.

I notice that sometimes the Publix brand is the same thing minus the MSG, such as their Au Jus gravy mix packet. Their cereals are great dupes, but their version of Kraft mac is not as cheesy. I don't bother them, but if you ever did find something inferior, they are a no-questions-asked refund kind of store. Aldi has a "twice as nice" guarantee for their generics, but they surely count on no much making good on that. I think Aldi cheese is absolutely great for random entertaining spreads but their sort of store brand shreds, ehh, only the gouda is alright.
People who only buy name brand everything tend to be profligate spenders who are also bad at managing priorities elsewhere in life. They will always be strapped for cash. I'm not even that cheap, I've just noticed the generic pinto beans are the exact same thing as bushes best.
Like with clothing or home goods or anything else, you need to actually pay attention and use your own reasoning and senses to determine what is worth buying brand-name or generic. If you buy all brand name, you will sometimes overpay for the name. If you buy all generic, you will sometimes get what you pay for (straight up inferior product). Because - and this is a shocker - quality goods take more time and money to produce than inferior goods.
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You're really gonna sit here and tell me that as a kid you were fine with your mom buying Marshmallow Mateys instead of Lucky Charms just to save $1.59 at the supermarket all because your dad exposed himself to an underage girl and went to jail and they had to get a divorce?

They have a pirate-themed cereal and their mascot is a kangaroo with sunglasses. Does that sit right with you? If your friend stayed over at your house and had to eat this dogshit in the morning he was gonna tell all the kids at school and you'd get bullied for at least three weeks for being such a poor and stupid yokel with shitty parents.
I mostly buy and eat produce so maybe it's because I'm not as tongueblasted by processed foods as others are but I absolutely do notice a difference between name brands and store brands. Sometimes, I do actually like the store brand better. Whole Foods raisin bran is the best raisin bran, for example.
I didn't like marshmallow cereal or really most kids cereals as a kid. My parents bullied me for it lmao
Like, my dad said I was an old-ass man because I liked the free box of Total we got in the mail once and my mother said it tasted like medicine. They wouldn't buy it. None of the details I like ever go on sale. : (
I have not observed any weird apprehension towards generic brands
generic brands are literal poison lmao
the malt o meal s'mores cereal is unironically one of the best cereals in existance and afaik it isnt even knocking anything off, just an original malt o meal product
I buy generics whenever possible. About the only exception comes to soda chips and cereal, because the off brand doesn't come in the flavours I like
kroger store brand is well known as being good though, same with costco. nobody bitches about the trader joes "store brands". generally when people wage this complaint they are talking specifically about walmart's great value brand, which is in fact frequently awful.
>walmart's great value brand
They had banana split I've cream sandwiches where they were strawberry, vanilla and banana ice creams like a tub of Neapolitan in between two chocolate cookies. So. Fucking. Good.
I think that's the only GV thing I've ever bought and I did so because they actually looked good and were.
Just invest in leveraged etfs
>I think that's the only GV thing I've ever bought and I did so because they actually looked good and were.
then you have no standing to speak. the complaints about walmart/great value isn't that they don't have high highs, its that they have zero consistency and overnight you can a whole bag of shit product from back up supplier. you only notice this by buying great value over time and opening a new bag right as you're famished, tired from work and imagining how good the last bag was (which is actually worse than consistently shitty, because consistently shitty never gets your hopes up)
Some people must have poor taste. Like if there were really people who can't differentiate coke and pepsi.
I can't think of any products where I can't tell them apart. Lots of the shitty version are fine though. I go out of my way to another store just to not get walmart quality milk products though.
I was just saying that that one product, and I bought a few boxes of them at the time, was delicious. And I was mistaken. I had some GV spicy ketchup and it tastes awful. It's sour. The texture is bad, too. Very liquidy. I also had GV some jelly. Just tastes sweet with little-to-no apple flavour to it at all. I completely forgot about them because they were recent purchases and it was the missus who bought them.
People don't read labels. I know a shitload of people who have the one brand they like and sometimes they will buy the cheapest thing that is on a discount. One guy bought a shitload of mayo and it was all vegan ''mayo.'' Mayo is literally just eggs and oil, and you buy mayo with no eggs. Tasted so fucking disgusting and all of it had to be dumped. Seen people buy drinks and syrups and when you look at the label it's zero sugar dogshit with artificial sweeteners, literally undrinkable. Seen people buy seasoning and it has a big stamp on it saying ''NO MSG'' and it tastes nowhere near as good as the usual brand.
People buy something outside of their comfort zone, get fucked by their inability to read and/or no comprehension of what they're buying and they never trust another brand ever again.
People don't realize that the reason something is really cheap and discounted on top of that is that it's probably low quality and no one is buying it even with a discount.
>They're not worse

There are some things that are as good (sometimes better) than brand name goods, often this applies to "they were factory runoff from the same brand" or specialty flavors only the store brand has, however a lot of generic stuff is really fucking shitty. Most of my cooking I over-time try replacing one of the ingredients with a brand name ingredient every time I cook it from then on and I've noticed a massive difference. Some things I wasn't even going to ever cook again, randomly decided to try with real branded ingredients, and they are my favorite things to cook now and some of my favorite foods. I have tried off brand again for the same thing to double check and it doesn't come out right. I do care about price and I am on a fairly strict budget, but it's worth the extra spend.

I've noticed this is especially true of cheese for some reason, but even something as basic as pasta or rice comes out poorly with generic compared to branded. Of course this is even more true with pre-made things, i.e. potato chips which if you buy store brand (especially GV like I'm about to get to) the bag is half burnt and hard-stale chips of weird thick textures, making them extremely unpleasant to eat.

I agree with >>20703316 too - almost anytime people bitch about generics they are talking about great value which is typically pretty shit. I'm far more willing to buy kroger's products which are much closer to brands.
I can barely tell the difference between vegan mayo and the real stuff. It's there, but barely and certainly not to the point of disgust.
it depends on what you're buying. A lot of time you're paying more to get slightly less poisoned. Take pasta for example, at surface value a box of barilla is pretty similar to a bag of real imported italian pasta in appearance and sometimes even taste but with the good brands you're not getting nearly as much glyphosate and you wont feel nearly as bloated and disgusting after eating it. I am not poor but even if I was I still would spend the extra $3 for a nice bag of pasta.

And really this should be applied to all areas of grocery shopping. Trying to use fewer ingredients but of a higher quality is always going to be worth the money in terms of health and how you feel after eating
>some jelly
Apple jelly
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not really, I bought a bag at market basket to prove it even
both have marshmellows, but that smorz thing just has puffs while the maltomeal has more like a cinnamon toast crunch set up as well as chocaltey balls similar to coco puffs

also this whole bag was $1.99!

similar concept, but malt o meal is it's own thing and way better, gonna enjoy this big bowl for luch
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where? this shit isn't much cheaper than name brands here.
>market basket
How do I do this?
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sounds like youve ruined either your sense of taste or sense of smell, or possibly both. My sister is a poor waggie like you, her husband is a tweaker. They grab free offbrand food from the food shelter and sometimes try to trick our boomer parents into letting her back into their good graces by 'sharing' it with them. They of course, then 'pass it on' by off loading it to me because 'your kids like this kind of stuff, right?'.

It's garbage. Utter garbage. Some of it is straight up inedible trash. Even if I was starving, I'd use it as barter rather than consume it my self. And you know what? Not only is there a difference between brands, there is a difference in quality within the SAME BRAND for the SAME ITEM depending on when and where you buy it. The same brand at the grocery outlet is significantly worse than the same food at winco, which is even worse than the same item from the higher priced restraunt supply store. Even the packaging is slightly different, because the manufacturers know exactly what they are doing.

I am tired of you mindless automatons dragging the average down for the rest of us with your willful acceptance of this low quality slop. You are lowering my standard of living by refusing to raise your own. Stop eatting the slop, and stop gas lighting others into doing so as well.
Negro, a half gallon of cream is about $7 and only makes just under 2lbs. Butter is $3/lb. It's not worth it making your own.. At all.
We did this when I was fifth grade: every kid got a mason jar half full of cream with a marble in it. We lidded it and shook that shit up forever and wa-motherfucking-la; butter. We did it as part of our year end party. We studied native Americans that whole year so the year end party was native themed. Since we couldn't get buffalo burgers, we got buffalo wings for the class and we made hot water cornbread to eat with it and butter for the cornbread.
You are not very smart.
I thought they'd be similar, sorry. I don't really buy cereal much (I say after coming in from the supermarket with boxes and boxes of Kellogg's Extra I got for 50¢ each, 93% off because Safeway's digital coupon shit gives me weird coupons all the time), especially not marshmallow cereals. Too sweet. To go on with >>20703018's theme of products that seem like they'd be knockoffs but aren't, idk if they still have it but Aldi used to have an own brand peanut butter and jelly cereal. It was like the berries from Berry Berry Kix with the peanut butter puffs from Reese's cereal. It was pretty good but, again, I didn't buy cereal much so idk if it's still sold.
some can be absolute shite, others not. you need to read the ingredients. ketchup for example, its almost always less sugar, less salt, bigger bottles and (imo) tastier than main brand ketchups if i buy non-main brands
>You are not very smart
Extreme newfag spotted.
Incorrect, Ingrid but congratulations on your shiny new vagina
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>doesn't recognize tourettes guy
>unhinged tranny projection out of nowhere
First day as a woman and already that time of the month, Monica?
kys oldtroon
they've gone up 30% in the past year. you're just fucking retarded.
Colleagues of mine who only buy RedBull instead of store brands all tend to have Sky, Netflix, sports channels, Prime, brand new phones, leased cars and buying €80+ games on day 1....crying about not earning enough.
From the brief time I worked in a milk product factory, we did high brand products and store-brand ones as well. It came down to the sommelier and quality tolerances as to what went where as mixed with whatever else.
Could make a difference between 80 cent carton of milk and "bio grass-fed cow" milk going for more than twice the price.
Same for butter.

Sidenote: unsold fluid products beyond their best-before date, even mango flavored whey was all filled into one giant tank, ran through pasterization and was then sold as cow feed.
So has everything else
>dude the Biden economy is fine just buy trashy generic brand GMO nutrient deficient food and eat the bugs
>if you don't want to eat the bugs yet you aren't really poor
Thats because you're a tastelet. Did your parents drop you on the head when you were a child or did you lose your sense of smell from smoking crack?
You are not very smart.
No, you just like to make things up, is all. Mayonnaise is 95% oil. While the taste difference between the real stuff and the vegan bullshit exists, it's not anywhere near as pronounced and you and all the other unladylike ladies in your Moms For Liberty chapter try to make it out to be, Betty.

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