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Where did you eat the best pastrami you ever had?

For me, it is Johnny's Pastrami on W Adams. No half sours, though, so that's kind of bullshit.
Cured pork is better than cured beef, and if you're going to have cured beef it needs to have some cheese on it.
So where did you have the best pastrami you ever ate?
I prefer black pepper bacon.
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Burger Mania in 恵比寿. Yes, I'm serious.

Leave it to the Japanese to make western food better than westerners can. That attention of detail is something else. 生きがい.
High Street deli in Pittsburgh, I think it's closed now but back in the day it was the only good food I could find in that godforsaken place.
No mustard or pickle? Grim
>Where did you eat the best pastrami you ever had?
I simply prefer the corned beef when presented with any menu that features in-house homemade pastrami. Hot or cold, in an irish dinner or a griddled reuben with cheese oozing around the rye and kraut, I won't be able to resist.

I haven't been to Manhattan since covid started, but my favorite within the city is in the Murray Hill neighborhood, called Sarge's and they have my favorite cheesecake too (not Juniors).
Apologies, it's smallman street deli and the location I went to often closed, but they have another.
Sarge's is great! I like 2nd Ave Deli even though the sandwich is smaller. Thin slices and an amount that I can eat in one sitting without needing a nap
Why are you so scared?
Scared of what?
Scared to tell us about the best pastrami you ever ate
words cannot describe how much a pathetic weeabo faggot you are anon
Wexler's in LA before i moved to the east coast. Katz's in NY is great, maybe the best (and i have some nostalgia for it, multiple gens of my family have been going) but obviously an insane tourist trap at this point with absurd pricing that's really hard to justify. lowkey think LA is where it's at for good new delis that arent just relics of the past. there's other good delis in ny but they all do the thin-sliced pastrami style, which i kinda feel you can get anywhere. for me, good pastrami is thick and juicy :)
Just realized this is different that shithole Johnnie’s right off the 405 in Culver City. That place fucking sucks. I’ll be sure to check this pace out off west Adam’s next time. Thanks op.
And it’s always gonna be Langer’s for me. With chopped liver on rye.
Yeah the one in Culver is straight garbage. The one in West Adams smokes their pastrami, which you should definitely be aware of in case you don't like a super smokey flavor. Also their knishes are fucking awesome

Have you ever noticed how when people are discussing the US it's generally about how fucked up of a country it is? How rude and desperate everyone is? How low the standard of living is for the vast majority of the population? How unhealthy and low quality the food is?

And yet, when people are talking about Japan it's none of that.

Cultures build around respect lead to healthier societies. Better interpersonal relations, stronger industries, more fulfilling lives. And in the cade of this topic, more refined arts.

That's why I mentioned 生きがい earlier. It is the concept of doing every single task in life, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may seem, with respect. The Japanese practice this and it is how even their western cooking beats western cooking in the actual west. Look into it, 生きがい is a highly fascinating concept and there is actually a lot of reading material and research on it. You might learn a thing or two.


There's mustard, just in smaller amounts to enhance rather than overpower the taste of the pastrami. You're probably used to vendors who know their product is subpar so they have to come up with ways to deceive the consumer.
>go to a restaurant to have a sandwich
why are americans like this?
Kelly's Korner in Palos Verdes. Best sandwiches in general.
>There's mustard, just in smaller amounts to enhance rather than overpower the taste of the pastrami. You're probably used to vendors who know their product is subpar so they have to come up with ways to deceive the consumer

This weeb is incapable of enjoying anything not produced by beautiful and superior Nippon hands
Just looked this up. I can't believe they gentrified Johnny's haha.
Back when I lived in LA Johnny's is where you went for a pastrami sandwich with like a whole fucking pound of thin-sliced pastrami, or a pastrami burger with a massive mount of pastrami, twice as much pastrami as burger, sticking like 5 inches out of the bun.
It was where you went for ginormous, cheap portions.
Back then the pastrami sandwiches were all like the french dip one they sell now, except significantly larger. They were like 5 bucks then - fuckin' $20 now, shit goddamn.
Now they're selling all this, and I hate to use the word like a commie, but for lack of a better word, bougie shit haha.
It's funny because the neighborhood it's in is absolute fucking ghetto.
Used to always be a dude selling bootleg DVDs out of the back of a van in front of Johnny's.
I was almost always the only non-black person there.

Wrong, I enjoy high quality craftmanship, the Japanese just happen to be really good at that. If Americans step up their game I'll happily give them a chance.


This 訓読み is considered archaic. Use 「にほん」.
Interesting. Thx anon
I feel sad because I've never really eaten it. If it's in a rueben, I've had that from arby's before but it sucked so I guess I should try pastrami again.
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Where do you live? This will determine how much time you should invest in finding good pastrami
Because unlike you, we have options here and don't have to reach into your mom's panties for deli meats.
I don't think anyone except Katz deli should be legally allowed to call their slop "pastrami"
Also for all the people in flyover states, please give some thanks to new York for creating all of this countries notable food
>he fell for the Katz Jew
south texas. like I said the only store around me that sells that shit is probably arby's only.

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