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>not filling at all
>zero taste
>lowest protein among carb staples
>not even cheaper than flour

Only retards and heritage rice farmers should be eating this shit crop
>zero taste
go see a doctor, you might have tumor in your brain
didn't read
>not filling
>zero taste
literal retard
>i learned that spouting shit takes gets me attention!
>zero taste
>go see a doctor, you might have tumor in your brain
Keep coping retard, drenching something in salt and fat to make it good means the food is inherently shit. Bread and corn have an intrinsic flavor profile which is far superior.
If you actually sit on your ass at a computer to brose /ck/ to call you a pathetic retard baboon would be an understatement.
Cope and Seethe

Rice fags are hilarious
Plain white rice has a wonderful aroma and taste. I would say it has an equal amount of flavor to bread or corn.
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>talks shit about rice in one thread
>gets put in his fucking place
>makes another thread to seethe-in about rice
delusional or youve never had good bread
Try something besides basmati rice, jasmine is my favorite. Very nutty, smells like popcorn
phone posters are cancer
you have to go back
I'm not a fan of boiled rice, but risotto tastes awesome
I've had very high quality bread in France and Germany. I've also had high quality rice, and my opinion stands.
>something made with salt and yeast has more flavor than a grain alone
Bread doesn't need salt, even then salted fresh bread tastes 1000x better than salted fresh rice. Rice really is just gruel slave food.
And you dont need a computer, but you have one. Miss me with your hypothetical nonsense
>even then salted fresh bread tastes 1000x better than salted fresh rice
That's literally what he just said
gay quads
anyways, now im in the mood for rice, thanks anon
i can only eat this shit if it's fresh out of the pot cooked. I only need salt to enjoy it. similarly I enjoy popcorn this way also eating it straight out of the microwave shoveling it into my mouth
>not filling wrong
Rice is so bland and disgusting it's hard to eat a lot of it and when you've eaten one plate of rice you're ready to kill yourself
>And you dont need a computer, but you have one. Miss me with your hypothetical nonsense
Are you retarded? Bread just needs flour, water, and some leavener. The salt is completely for taste. What did you think salt did? Man you retardation actually annoyed me lmao
>missed entire point of post
>calls others retarded
>Man you retardation actually annoyed me lmao

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