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Last thread was well received, so let's do this again.

Ask an anon that works at a candy store anything.
Why are you a fucking faggot who spams repeated threads?
This is the second. The last one had over ninety replies and consistent engagement. Calm down.
How fat are your customers?
Do you like trail running?
Range from obese to skinny and everything in between. Really all over the place. I would say most are average size.
I can't run, I have extremely flat feet. Even long shifts at my job make my feet sore.
do you give children free candy
Sometimes a piece of taffy if they want to try it, but that's it. The kids aren't coming in alone, they have parents, and the parents have money.
Ninety replies is nowhere near the bump limit. If it was getting consistent engagement it wouldn't have fallen off page 10 from lack of replies.
foiled again, huh
I like piano even though i can't play.
Do you guys make candy in house, or is it all pre packed stuff. Also...take a pic of your haribo selection.
man i LUH dese goobuhs
>take a pic of your haribo selection
This, please. How many types do you have?
Candy is not made in house. I'm not at the store to take a picture of the Haribo, but we have gummy bears in multiple flavors, Fizzy Cola, Happy Cola, and cherry gummies.
Lmao. Fun fact about me, I once shook hands with the great Samuel Hydenski after his comedy show in Austin, Texas.
can i get a clark?
We have Clarks yes. I luh dis Clark.
why is there different qualities of circus peanut candy
That is a good question which I do not have the answer to.
How is your licorice selection? Do you carry salt licorice? What’s the typically licorice consumer in your store like?
Do you carry a good selection of dark chocolates? Its the only "candy" I like, I consider chocolate more of a food really..
We have black licorice, red licorice, sugar free licorice, and hard candy licorice in multiple varieties. The usual licorice customer is older, typically seniors.

We have some but I wish we would carry more. We have dark chocolate Hammond's, dark chocolate Mallo Cups, and dark chocolate Charleston Chews.
You ever had a customer pay with their ass/pussy?
Do you have real licorice or just that anise stuff?
I used to fugg a fatty who worked at a candy shop called Mr Bulky (my friends used to call her Mrs Bulky) who would being me candy. So it's like I paid for candy with pen0r

The real thing.
How much of overall profit is from gas?
>The real thing.
Sugar sweetened or natural? Hard to find real licorice in America and I hate ordering it online.
How do you feel about selling obesity and diabetes?
We're I OP, I'd feel pretty good about it.
Where can I find these Charm's sweet & sours without buying a whole case, and are they legit?
Have you tried inserts? I had feet so flat the doctor said I could walk on water, after just a year or so using them I had a nice arch.
The candy stores I've been to sell some wacky flavored stuff that seems to me like pure gimmick.
Is any of it actually worth trying?
fellow flat footed faggot here. orthopedic inserts are a must if you are a fatass like me, or you need to buy better quality work shoes. since your feet are already sore go see a doc before it gets too late and you can barely stand
hey man, euro countries have real nice sweets too but arent as fat
hey man, euro countries have real nice sweets too but arent as fat.
Very funny.

I'm not sure, I'm not a licorice person.

You again? Go away, you shat up the last thread.

Come to our store :)

I have, as well as custom sneakers. They didn't do anything for me.

Yes, especially the taffy. The gimmick taffy (bacon, pickle, buttered popcorn, and chili pepper flavors) are actually really good. Especially pickle
>Especially pickle
Is it really easy to take candy from a baby?
Nice, appreciate your insights.

Anything new that you really recommend? Also anything that’s really good but relatively unknown?
you need to do those tennis ball exercises with your feet i bought a cork ball off amazon and use it whenever i feet hurt it works like a charm
No, they cry and fuss when you so much as ask them to put a piece of candy on the counter so the adults can pay for it.

I really like Abba Zabba, it's not new but it's delicious. White taffy bar with peanut butter in the middle.

Nice, I'll try that!
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Does your store import candy? and if they do, does it sell well? I've always wondered what happens to stuff like imported Japanese candy being sold for like 5~10 bucks go, assuming stores don't discount them and they reach the expiration date. I was surprised to find out a lot of common Japanese candy at my asian grocery store that sells for a minimum of 5 bucks for a tiny bag of candy, is like 100~200 yen in Japan. I know import costs tend to be tacked on but it just doesn't seem worth it.
I wasn’t in the last thread, but it’s a question I would expect to come up. I imagine it’s like running a liquor store or a 7-11. Or selling street drugs.
Where can I get Now-and-Laters without banana flavor?
Aside, what are your favorite Jolly Rancher flavors: hard mode, they can't be standard flavors
I lived in the US in the early 90s and I only knew black kids to eat those. And the way they said it with their Ooga Booga speech, it sounded like they called them 'Annihilators' so I thought that was just a nickname for Warheads rather than its own sweet because they're so sour, they'd "annihilate" your tongue. But I guess preteen Ameriblacks aren't clever enough to know what "annihilate" means.
Shit, there used to be a pick and mix type of shop I liked in Chinatown (Manhattan) that had delicious Chinese snack foods sold at $x.xx/lb (don't remember the price). They had these delicious ass whole candied hibiscus flowers as well as fish jerky and these weird Chinese chocolates that I'm sure are poison but tasty, tasty poison so totally worth it. They closed. : (
Yes, it costs a lot, and still sells well. Japanese candies and snacks especially. We also have a small European section.

We sell individual Now-and-Laters in our store so you can choose what flavors you want. My favorite Jolly Rancher is watermelon, I haven't tried the weird ones
How sanitary are those bulk containers of candy?
We rotate out the candy daily and all the candies are individually wrapped. I think it's fine.
Lemon and orange are S-tier and Mountainberry is as good as fruit punch
What's your 5 year plan?
So you just sell factory-made slop then? I thought you might have made candy for a second there.

How are you different from any other retail worker then?
Marry my boyfriend, settle down, have a family, and buy my dream watch.

I'm not. I'm a retail worker.
>Marry my boyfriend
Are you >>20702681's Mrs Bulky?
>>>20702839 (You)
>Come to our store :)
How am I or is anyone supposed to do that?
What's the address?
What's your dream watch?
The world burn.
Rocket Fizz? Only place I can find Bawls anymore.
What's the top 3 best sellers? And has Halloween stuff already shown up?
Hey man i love these goobas
>Went to Omaha in 2017 for a trip with my mom and sister.
>Went to the Zoo, Art Museum, and did other things.
>An Art festival or something was going on, can't remember.
>Went downtown to the Hollywood Candy store.
>That place has lollipops the size of a fucking dinner plate.
>To this day no one entirely believes me.

Miss you, mom.
Haha, no.

A Breitling Navitimer. Picrel.


Taffy, freeze dried, and random hard candies like Napoleon. And no.

We have those.
I could go for some CLARK
>And has Halloween stuff already shown up?
My local Circle K already has Reese's Pumpkins for sale.
I mean I don't really care about where you actually work or your thread just want to discuss the energy drink that is ribbed for your pleasure :)
>bro straight up can't afford a 5k USD watch
I do not understand the point of freeze dried candy
>My local Circle K already has Reese's Pumpkins for sale
Front end manager spent this week getting out first shipment of candy set up in seasonal.
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>>20702370 >>20702865
nice goobuhs, mane.

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