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Don't you just love a classic roadside burger and hot dog stand? Pure Americana. If you don't like them you're not a patriot.

Got any around you?
Used to be a sort of one down the street. It was a truck and I hear it was there since the 50s. But the municipality changed the rules and food trucks are no longer allowed in residential areas so they were forced to move. I no longer smell them delicious ass hotdogs but they did get a physical brick and mortar place on an arterial road by the junk yards that gets them way more traffic from all the hungry truckers and shit passing by so I guess it worked out for them but I still miss that shit.
Closest stand to me is about four or five miles away now, near a local TV studio. That truck was less than three blocks from my house
Also, why do all these stands look alike? The one by the TV station looks exactly like >>20702526
There's one down the road that some consider good, but I find it suspicious.. It does not look like the one you posted where the windows are open and you can see everything. Their windows are all covered with posters and you can't see shit inside. Like what the fuck is that about? I don't know if it's clean or who is making my food picking their nose and scratching their ass. Not sure if they're hispanic but hispanics are very much like this too, all of their windows at home are covered 24/7, like they're trying to hide shit or something.

Don't be a weirdo like that.
Wow!! So America!! You Serve Hot Dog IN Stand!!! What Unique Culture!!! In China We Put Noodle in Are Stand!!! We ARe So Two Different People!!

Culture is One Big Lie To Make False Loyalty!!! I Hate The National System!!!
soul pic

looks like 2006

this dude is gonna be a male suicide statistic LOL
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Any direction I drive I got places up the whazü all in less than 15mins
Worcester MA? Good hot dogs at George’s
Damn are you okay?
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what's this body type?
How can she possibly be happy, looking like that?
Exactly. Like, I'm upset with myself because I'm a little pudgy in my old age (6'1, 220) and can't understand how anyone could "let themselves go" to the point of looking like that honey-glazed hamplanet.
I legit don't get it. At all. How do you wind up looking like that?
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Mom bod.
I always thought this spot was interesting. Here's like the last point in time where it was serving mostly town locals:

Seemed like it was always closing and reopening with new owners growing up. Maybe like 10 years ago some younger guys bought the place and made it into one of those "comfort/diner food elevated" style places, and now it more popular with the trendier crowd + tourists. I hate most places described as x elevated, but this one really does a good job now.
truth nuke
Yay, look how happy he looks.
>Screenshot_20240726-130803_Read Chan (Paid).jpg
jesvs fvcking christvs you holy phoneposting faggot KYS
Growing up in Baltimore we had Pit Beef stands, if you've never been you need to visit md and find one.
Oooh, hungry truckers are often super horny as well and don't ask me why but some of them have massive clocks so yeah what I do you could call that a kinda roadside stall for hard ass truckers lol
>jesvs fvcking christvs you holy phoneposting faggot KYS
>only posts sitting down
kys luddite, desktop only poster
i have a standing desk
make no mistake, you are nothing but a plight
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one of them is right outside a strip club. if you're into that sort of thing
How do fat people clean themselves?
Chaps is based as FUCK. I go there almost every year after Maryland Deathfest. they have good pit beef but for me, I think their smoked ham is the best.
>The clam box

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