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I hate not being able to eat out because all meals will have pic related and other trashy, processed ingredients.

Everyone just uses the lowest quality ingredients possible and sells at the highest price people will buy. It's disgusting.
It took me a long time in life to realize this and I think it's weird to. 90% of shit on the shelf has some trace of oil, sometimes various oils. You should eat at a locally owned italian restaurant. Ask what brand of olive oil they use and research it. Usually the highest quality of restaurants are those that have been open for 20+ years.
You could just walk in front of a bus I guess..
>Everyone just uses the lowest quality ingredients possible and sells at the highest price people will buy. It's disgusting
That's a good thing, you stupid fucking Marxist. Go skydive without a parachute from a helicopter, retard.
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>That's a good thing
yeah lol restaurant food is indeed bottom tier, only retards fall for it. No man who knows cooking would ever go on his own, it's always a woman dragging him there "for the experience"
This, Ive only ever eaten out with girlfriends and it was always a waste of time. In this day and age where you can access recipes online in like 20 seconds theres no reason to not just cook stuff for yourself. Plus I can sit on my couch in my underwear and eat it while I watch a movie like a slob.
ITT: Faggots who have never cooked in their life claim they have so they can LARP as “redpilled chads” and pretend they have never eaten at a restaurant while they wait for their doordash to arrive.
Why eat underwear when you have cooked something? Does the woman eat it all?
>seed oil is bad...BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OKAY?!
Yes, it just is.
Then skip out on the ones that have the trashy ones and only get the ones that have the oil
Thank corona-chan for making it even worse, kitchens ramped up cost cutting to stay alive and most places are using the bottom tier sysco stuff.

Americans are so fragile, fucking fuck!
Picky eaters have ONE GENERATION to exist on this planet! Make it a good one!
>Bro its totally bad because /pol/ told me so!
The people that consistently eat seed oils are fat as fuck. You can prove this empirically.
Russians have been using sunflower seed oil for ages are not known for being obese.

The same for the Asians, who use soybean oil.
What about the people who do that and aren't fat as fuck? Like the majority of mankind?

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