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Made it /ck/
You're still grounded
Nah. I came to the Belgian Feather cheese bowling
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It’s cool looking
Only champions make this wall…
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These tables…
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The menu
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Got the pretzels
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My wife got the Reuben
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I got the fish sandwich
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Lot of fun. Let us try the cheese bowling for free. Will be back some day
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What a gem
wow, a sysco fish patty with sysco seasoned fries. amazing!
Why couldn't you make sure that your wife got a proper table instead of something where a couple of shit things of dressing and some burt fries is going to make it's table go off it's sides?
She must really love you. Good times!
Get a load of this guy >>20702752, he got the fish meal!
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Just got me a faygo…

Pure Michigan
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This place was cool
damn this is a generic as fuck menu
It was freshly battered North Atlantic Cod!
Did the painter for those have one eye? Horrible perspective.
Rent free
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I’m on the US/Canadian Border
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I fixed this for us all and Ill go for the clam chowdah and me and my girl will go for the Brussel's mussels, some of that onion soup, and some rabbit. Please make it for two, a few beers for each and leave the rest up to the chef.
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That’s a big dude
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Me when the person in front of me at Subway is taking too long
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Where's that thing gonna be pointed at next?
subway, that's your problem. going to a shithole like subway in the first place.
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Found me something to try
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Culver’s baby
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Cheese curds and pretzels
Ooo exciting, try on its own or mixed drink?
Might mix it with something I get at the party store. Question is, what should I mix it with?
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I love that Michigan allows hard liquor to be sold in Meijer. But shot this is $10 more than what I paid back home.
generous amount of pepperonis on frozen pizza
Going to go get Muslim food today
I'm surprised you your wife (mom) let you go.
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Hummus and salad
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Deboned chicken
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Swarma combo for her
Looking at this thread, I'm really glad that I already ate lunch. That shit is nasty and the OP fag went to Detroit for that? Was that some kind of drug meetup?
This is delicious. I’m not sure what you’re upset about
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So much food.
If you haven't already gotten it then you never will so it'll be waste of time trying to explain it to you. Now go protest or something.
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Not a bad price.

Detroitanons this was delicious
Dude, in seriousness, cant you change your phone settings or whatever so they come up useful looking?
Here's the best site for a lazy cunt such as you /mlp >>>/mlp/
Is sysco in the room with us right now?
>2 weeks old frying oil
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Down with the food police!
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Sorry, visited the Muslim candy store next door. Got a coffee
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Candy time
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Cherry lovers
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Never seen a jiffy brownie mix
cool stuff dude, should get lafayette coney island dogs or loui’s pizza
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I kept seeing those. Just got out of Detroit and are in western michigan now
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I love store brands
oh nice, get a fricanos pizza then
Too far. I’m in Central Michigan.

Where should we go on our way back out? Jackson, Ann Arbor, or a Detroit suggestion would work best.
rope asap
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nice! i'm the anon that suggested the cadieux cafe. it makes me so happy that you went. i hope you had a great time.
cadieux cafe anon here. vernors floats are amazing.
oh man you took all of my advice. i'm so happy. i don't miss home but i do miss all the amazing middle eastern food.
central michigan eh? watch out for white nationalist militias. lots of good food in ann arbor, but i haven't been there in ages. i bet a lot of my old haunts have closed and no one i know lives there anymore. 25 years ago i could have sent you to hang out with any number of bartender friends. i bet the fleetwood diner is still going. hippie hash. i got my nikon N80 stole there at 3am one night. sorry i don't have a better story. anyways, good place, especially late night.
Do yourself a solid
That some garlic sauce?
the beautiful garlic sauce yes its so radiant
Frita batidos , biercamp and HOMES brewpub are ok spots. If you are remotely close to lansing go to Naing Myanmar in the hood. Think it's still take out only but get garlic chicken and a pickled tea leaf salad.
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It was a great suggestion. Got a pizza for dinner.
Yeah. Toom or whatever. My wife loved it! And the pita was so light and it had a nice crust to it. She wanted to take some with us, but I reminded her that we’re on vacation and they won’t be as good cold
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So I had it with some Malibu rum that I got at the party store, then I had it with vodka. Soda on its own was definitely worth getting. Combined with alcohol was great. Will try with knob creek tomorrow

2. Frens we met here brought peach flavored Crown Royal whiskey and mixed it with Pepsi and it was awesome together.

Pizza that we got had some bananaball fans talk to us. I gave him my business card so that he can contact me about some tickets next year. Hopefully they’ll come to Detroit

I will say, I owe Detroit an apology. It’s not anything like Chicago. We did see neighborhoods that looked like a bomb went off on one house while other houses were no longer there, but in the same street we’d see houses with perfect lawns and no flaws.

It was nice seeing those styles of houses too! Where I’m at nothing is that old. Dfw is a new wealthy city whereas Detroit is old money and has definitely had a population loss, but overall it’s a very pleasant place to be. Sad to see that the Spanish language was on billboards though. If anyone goes to that Lebanese restaurant, you might see my business card there.

I saw cherry Royal Crown today, but didn’t buy. Wondering now if it’s be good with Crown Royal… RCCR is what I’d call it. Or CRRC would work too.
thank you for visiting our beautiful mitten state. you should listen to “the wreck of the edmund fitzgerald” by gordon lightfoot for more great lakes vibes

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