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I will be in Paris for a weekend soon.
What should I try? And where
le francoise cigarette and le fransch baguette hon hon hon
They have good good kebabs, shawarma, and tajine there.
cheese and pastries
dont spend too much on baguettes because every patisserie buys them frozen anyway
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oh yeah i forgotten to mention
dont get street crepes the street niggers selling them hide the batter in the gutters at night
No brown food, thanks


Is steak grits overrated?
how is this not a scam? literally everything is good when you soak it in butter/salt/sugar
steak grits is kinda mid and reminds me of school food so i have bad memories but if you wanna try i wont stop you
I am so conflicted, I don't want to waste money and I don't want to miss out something cool
i dont think i ever had good steak grits sorry
puree is shit tho
I am a huge DEENZ fan but on this trip deenz are a no-no for me. I might meet some cutie and have to kiss her
We need unexpected ways, like they have the anchoivie ways.
Without the chovie ways one cant get the deenz ways
Can't risk it, what if I have to kiss a girl in the mouth?
IMO, Paris is actually shit for French food or fine dining
Or at least it was when I was last there (lived in Paris over a summer 6 or 7 years ago)
First stayed in Paris with friends around 2000 and it's turned into a real hell hole since then
I don't ever want to go back

Obviously you should stay well clear of any places focus heavily toward tourists
They just serve up massively overpriced slop to you

There are obviously high end places that will serve nice food
but you pay so much it's only worth it if you're rich enough to not give a fuck about paying lots for average food

Is right
There's decent North African restaurants (e.g. Moroccan, Algerian), good falafel places, etc
That's something Paris is actually good at
Then have some fun for both, stop compaining and wonder about Godzilla
Then I will hit ĺ'as du falafel, I am not supporting terrorism.
I was hoping that I will find a white bistro to eat some white food
I am going for the olympic games not food, but I do have to eat something
Don't forget to send some to family and friends.
Not everyone gets to visit gay Paris.
Omelette du fromage; also watch out for all the scammers I've been all over the world including places where terrorists can kill you and Paris is a giant fucking piece of shit. #1 worst place I've ever visited
Don't forget the fumumda burgers with extra dripping cheese.
wow, such french delicacies as.... uh artichokes?bread loaf! and even soft cheeses!!!!
very exotic and unattainable
Don't forget snails, the french savages!
There's plenty of bistros all over
To pick one at random... I ate once in Les Deux Palais
It certainly wasn't bad and if you have a girlfriend/wife that is infected with the retarded idea that Paris is romantic then she will love a place that looks like that
It's just 'OK' that's all, like eating a meal in a hotel. Not bad, but just not a foody experience

I'm sure it'll be a nightmare getting around Paris during the games
So I'd focus on finding a couple of decent rated boulangerie/patisserie that are in the area you'll be in and go for smaller snacks
There's plenty of unusual / unique places about
(e.g. I'd unironically want to visit https://projectsausage.com/menu)

Oh, and one other reason I hate Paris
Coffee is absolutely shit in Paris. Parisians must have some sort of genetic inability to recognise how bad it is
Only decent coffee I have ever had in Paris was made by an Italian
French cuisine is literally just generic food + pretentiousness.
>quiche Lorraine is a piece of ham
Putain de mongolo
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I've got a nice thick french sausage you'd love
It can said to be "generic food" but better because all nations in the west copied it but worse.
>le baguette is unique hon hon we invented le bread
Nice try Maxmillien. By the way your gf is cheating on you.
Best Japanese cuisine in Paris?
>dont spend too much on baguettes because every patisserie buys them frozen anyway
You retarded anglonigger
It’s 2024 my dude. Either embrace multiculturalism or get left in the dust like a sad little chud nugget. The decision is up to you bitch tits.
>multicultural (adj.)
>Picked up by U.S. education writers 1980s; widespread popular use from c. 1990.

it's multi-irritation or multi-annoyance. Either europeans and of decent die out, or the opposite will happen. There will be no peaceful resolution, and deep down you know it.
The future is big, brown and it is beautiful my fellow chuddie. The sooner you learn to embrace it, the happier we all will be! It is for the greater good after all.
i lived in paris for 10 years fag :^)
I will buy a falafel from the Israeli shop, I stand with Israel. No brown hand is serving me food.
Sure you did, patisseries don’t make bread you retarded anglomutt
It's just illegal to call your shop a bakery if you don't BAKE your bread. A "depot de pain" isn't a bakery and only poor people buy their bread in such places.
Not Paris, but. Best Croque Monsieur I've had, at the most pleasing, was in Prague next to the touristy clock in Wenceslas square. Mind you, this was more than 30 years ago. There was a small window that was selling Croque Monsieur sandwiches for about $.03. I bought a stack and ate them while walking around the city, then stashing the leftovers in my bag to go into a place for $0.25 beers. Fuck, that was great.
you should go to a bar called l'escale, they serve tremendously overpoured mojitos in pint glasses, tons of mint, very delicious if inelegant
theres a vietnamese place called song heng, 2 items on the menu, very good pho and a beef rice noodle bowl
its worth going early/at open to both places, because they tend to be very busy
>more than 30 years ago
how did the reds let you in tho?
>so tell me where and what to eat in Paris
>see I had a great sandwich, but in Prague and 30 years ago lol
That's not exactly near Pere Lachaise, isn't it? Next I will be going to Prague for a quick lunch and back to sight seeing in Paris.
Where do you idiots sprout from?
That's it I found a place that sells sandwiches bear The Pere Lachaise Cemetery.
It's called Chez Aline. I am taking a few wiches and eat them in the cemetery.
they're both relatively close to pere lachaise but not right next to, 45-hour walking
Thanks bon ami
You think this fat fuck is going to walk 45 minutes, in thr summer? He could very well end up IN the cemetery himself
Brehs? Frerots?
I stand with occupied Palestine as well. I’m glad we see eye to eye on such a crucial issue my friend.
Nothing because you won't have the QR pass.
>button mushrooms
best from chalk quarries/caves, definitely not in Paris
Bretagne or South of France/Italy (purple ones)
depends on season, this time of year: Belgium, Germany, Netherlands
>Quiche Lorraine
in Lorraine, near the Belgian border/in Belgium
>black pudding
Belgium, Brussels in particular
in Meaux and Melun, definitely not Paris
>saucisson de Paris
Mortadella, aka Bologna, is way better. You get it in Bologna, Italy
>Coulommiers, Boursault
Just get Brie and don't waste time/money
>Macaron, millefeuille, Paris-Brest, Opéra,..
Jewish bakers, especially in Antwerp, Belgium
>Bouchée à la reine
The British isles
>Gratiné des Halles
They've been gone for half a century

Paris is a food desert just like any other big city, the Olympic Games won't change that, on the contrary. If you want to eat well go upstream (river Seine) or look for restaurants in student quarters.
Go to the Plon du Cantal and eat delicious and soulful auvergnat dishes for cheap.
Avoid most brasseries which basically just microwave shit for tourists.
eating snails is disgusting
Frogs ass. Snail slime soup. Or whatever else those degenerates can come up with
I shouldn't have to mention this but I'm already seeing some questionable posts ITT; racism is not allowed on any 4chan board except for /b/, and it is considered a bannable offense. Please cut that shit out.

When it comes to the actual topic at hand, you can't really go wrong with Paris. It is in many ways the birthplace of western cuisine and it really shows. Experiment, try new things, it might really broaden your horizons. Even escargot is a culinary experience worth trying.

I also strongly recommend learning some French. You wouldn't like it if French people showed up in America demanding everyone to speak French (which they don't), so don't do the reverse.
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>quiche lorraine
bitches love deenz
One time I was getting a blowjob and I literally just farted right in this bitches face cause I was clenching my butt cheeks trying not to fart so the fart had to escape under my balls. I’ve never told anyone about this and it feels good to let someone know
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I dont need any help avoiding brassieres
Any ate at Chez Aline? I wsnt to take some jsmbon beurres ftom there and eat them in the cemetery

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