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I made this a while ago but forgot to make an OC thread for it
Hang out with me
Or don't
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>4 cups flour of flour
>250-300 ml of half water half milk
>small amount of yeast (half tea spoon, really really tiny amount(spoiler, I fugged this up))
>1-2 egg depending on size
>1 tesp sugar
>1 tesp of salt
>2 tbsp of butter
>3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
>3-4 tbsp of olive oil
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I'm mixed it up in the machine for like 10m
You hand hand kneed it if you want if you're feelin woah feelin crazy haha!
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watching. luv this stuff
How often do you use your dough mixer, would you say? Whether for this or anything.
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After about 7-10 min of kneeding in the machine it should all come together. You want it to be on the softer side and very malleable, but tight enough so it doesnt stick to your hands. (It should be pretty easy to achieve this due to the oil, don't worry)
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Just a warning...
I might have to RAEP this...
looks like a good start.
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Pretty often honestly. Various doughs for savory dishes like this one, mixing batter for cakes. My mom is a lifelong baker and I've learned from her, so we probably use this thing once a week on average. It's kinda a necessity if you want to bake long term. Kneeding especially can get pretty tiring. I do occasionally kneed by hand for fun, though. Sometimes the whole time, but usually just for a couple minutes after it's out of the machine to bring it all together
>pic rel
Enjoy anon :3
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Hello again, foodrapist fren
Good to see you :>
This is the "consistency" you want. Can't think of another word for it. Pretty soft and squishy, but dry
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>inb4 fathands
Set this to the side to rise for about half an hour
This is an EXCELLENT Thread bro...
I APPRECIATE your Effortpoasting.
Gotta do some shit, but keeping this Tab open.
NEVER trust a cook without a bit of a gut...
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Before all of this, I boiled some spinach for a couple minutes until it was soft
I dont remember the exact amount, but it was one large bag worth, so probably around 400g?
I also left some goat feta cheese to soak in water the day before for a few hours to get out some of the saltiness. You might not need to do that with your cheese, if it's already not too salty
would knead/10
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How did you get this picture of me??
Again, I don't remeber the exact amount of cheese I used, so just look at these pics and try to figure it out
The thing about this type of food is that it doesn't REALLY matter how much or how little you use as filling, since it's all personal prefrence anyways.
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I divided my cheese into 8 parts, as I will have 8 little balls to work with in a minute. I also used a bit of riccotta to supplement it. It just gives a little bit of variety in flavor. I used about half a tablespoon per "part" (you'll see what I mean in a minute
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I squeezed my spinach of excess water, (and also made sure that the cheese was not wet, I took it out of the aforementioned water and left it to dry a bit. You do NOT want overly wet ingredients for this thing, it's very easy to make soggy
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Infact, after cutting up my spinach, I even sprinkled a little bit of cornmeal onto it to absorb some of the moisture. This doesn't affect the taste since it's so little, but it helps

Now I guess I can say that I'm calling this "spanakopita" since it's what my cousin called it when I made it for him. I don't know it by that name, I call it
>plăcintă rotunda cu ____
The space is because you can put whatever the heck you want in here. This specific one had spinach and feta cheese. You can make this with "farmer's cheese" that you mixed with sugar for a sweet twist. You can make this with MEAT. You can make it with apples. hell, my mom even made it with fucking pumpkin
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Anyways. Last time I posted something like this and called it spanakopita someone told me it wasn't that
I don't care
Back to the dough
It's been about half an hour. It shouldn't rise too much, there should be very little yeast here. Actually it doesn't need yeast at all, but I figured why not add a little (I added too much and will reap the consequences later)
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Quick tuck and roll
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Divide into 8
They don't have to be perfectly even, just do your best :D
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Take a look at this texture
Ain't she pretty?
Fold her up into a cute lil' ball of yumminess
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This part was a bit tricky for me to learn and I still don't think I'm that good at it. You kinda drag the dough together and pinch it as you turn it so you end up with a smooth ball like it was before you cut it
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Roll around a bit to finish it off
Then repeat till you've got 8 balls
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Here's another gif of the folding, maybe you can get a better understanding from this one, it's a bit more deliberate
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Note that my hands are NOT always that oily I PROMISE :F
It's because the dough has quite alot of oil in it (and it's about to get a whole lot more)
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Set these to the side under a towel and let them rise for about 10m
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It's ten minutes later!
Take them one at a time and roll them out with a rolling pin till theyre about the size of a small plate
It's about to get repetitive, so I'm not going to be showing every single thing or else I'll be posting for years
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Here is the CORE of this build
>put dough onto a plate
>plastic wrap or an equivalent will help with clean up later
>lay avocado oil ontop and spread it around
>a HEALTHY and HEARTY amount, roughly two table spoons or more PER dough peice
>you want to almost drown this bitch in oil at this point. This is extremely necessary for the next part to be easy
you can use vegtable oil, I'm trying to move away from using that since it isn't healthy I've heard. I would advise against olive for 2 reason. 1) the sheer amount that you'll need will make this a really expensive dish. 2) the sheer amount you need will significantly alter the taste profile of the final product. If you like that, more power to you, but I don't like being overwhelmed by olive oil flavor. avacado is a good middleground for health, price, and taste
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Keep rollin rollin out the dough and stack them atop eachother. Smush them together a bit, then layer more oil. If you don't use enough oil, the next step will be almost impossible
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For convinence, I'm doing this in two stacks, 4 and 4, even though it's a bigger clean up later
The stack of dough pancakes should be drenched, soaked, FUCKED in oil. Fold over the plastic so you can try to contain the mess in the future
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I put another plate ontop of each stack to press it down. Now I'm going to leave these to soak for about ONE WHOLE HOUR
it may need to stay for longer honestly, and if I remember when I made this, I did have some trouble with the next step because I didn't wait long enough. Maybe an extra 15m would have helped. You need to dough to absorb as much oil as it can
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Prepare your tray!
I'm just using a pidzer tray with baking sheet ontop. It's the perfect size for me (though I don't remember what size it actually is.)
Are you faggots ready?
This is where the real fun begins
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FLIP your plate of dough upside down so you take the first one you made first
CLEAR your countertop and make sure its clean
KEEP a cup of AvoOil with a spoon off to the side
DRIZZLE a little onto your workspace and begin stretching out your dough
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Also note that my phone started recording upside down here so my hands are on the wrong side for the rest of the gifs
Be gentle, be passionate
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If you oil this bitch up enough, she'll do anything you want
I want her PAPER thin
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First one took longer than it should have. I should have either used more oil last step AND/OR waited a bit longer before starting
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I'm using a 'zah cutter here to get rid of excess dough along the edges
I stretched it out basically as far as my workspace allowed. When I started to have tearing along the edges, I stopped in that area. You want a paper thin evenness everywhere.
This part takes quite a long time to learn and practice. Must be very dexterous with your hands and fingers
This is a sensitive beast
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Crumble the feta cheese onto the sheet
Don't worry too much about rips or tears, it's not the end of the world when it happens
looks like burek
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Toss on your spinach. Also spread a bit of the riccotta on here, too, carefully to not tear the sheet
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Perchance it is
Who knows, really?
Fold the edges in just a smidge to keep the filling from coming out, then gently roll the sheet up
Hold me with those strong hands daddy
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Bring her back to the middle, stretch her out longways just a bit, then twist that bitch
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Look at that sexy air pocket bros
Holy fuck that is a GOOD sign
Repeat this whole thing until it's done. Keep in mind, while working on one portion, I have the other doughs still covered with their plastic wrap, and I have more baking sheets and a towel ontop of the "finished" roll. Basically don't let the dough be exposed to air for long or else it'll dry out. This is common practice for any kind of doughwork, really. Anywho, I've got another set of gifs of this stage because it's honestly really fun to do, even though it's tiring. Hopefully you'll get a better idea of how it's done
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When you first pick up the next dough, you can kinda 'zah dough it, if that makes sense. If you left it to soak long enough, it should stretch out super easy, almost effortless. It's more like guiding the dough to where you want to to end up than physically stretching it. I don't know how else to describe it. It's a very gentle process
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A whisper rather than a shout
A call of
>don't you want to be thin, darling? Don't you want to be paper thin for me?
If you know what I mean
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One of the best ways is to get your hand underneath and gently flap it out, moving your way around
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Anyways eventually you'll get the hang of it
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Fillings again, the riccotta and the feta
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Roll me up a fat one, brah
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Keep spiraling them
We're nearing the end, here, bros. Out of gifs but I've got a few pic remaining
good OC. thanks nonna
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Wide angle of a sheet
Btw, all that extra dough I've been cutting off the edges, kneed that up a bit and save it in the fridge, you can fry that up in a couple days as a little snack or side for a meal :D dont let anything yummy go to waste!
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You're welcome bubba
Glad you liked it :)
Chuck that cheese ontop
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This one burst a little, but we just have happy accidents here :0
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Look at how snug this bitch is
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As a last step, beat an egg and brush it on top to help give it a crisp and golden color when it cooks
Sprinkle sesame seeds in abundance
(Oh yeah, and make sure to leave a little bit of room between the lines so they can grow properly)
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First keep it at 400f for around 10-12m, then lower it to 350 for another half an hour. Roughly 40m total or until it's golden brown
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And the reveal!
Smells absolutely delicious
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And it looks pretty good, too
Now, I will admit that it doesn't look as good as it could. It grew a little bit TOO much, as you can see on the ends of each line, this was because I used too much yeast, to be quite desu with you
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Still, minor mistakes are no reason to be upset when you are
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It takes a lot of work, the whole process was like 5h if you including waiting time, but it's very very yummy
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Thank you all for coming to my thread
Enjoy yourselves and feel free to take over from now and post your own OCs of similar types
Hell, why not give this recipe a go if you have got the time and energy?
I may post some more of my stuff later on, but for now, that's all from me!
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Looks amazing anon. Ya done good.
Nice job and quality thread
Lot of effort but maybe I’ll try this someday
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TY anon...
Just got back and am catching up with a nice ice cסld cuppa GROG.
>Just the TIP
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Sorry for the MASS REPLY///but these are GR8.
How do you do it?
I'll bet there would be MOAR anons making these if they knew how.
Do you just film it and use a converter site?
t. this thread's so good, I burn't my Teriyaki chix...
10 minutes can make ALL the difference.
I'm STILL gonna eat it.
At this point, I'd just steam it for the Chinese steamed buns.

Either as standalone or by filling it with your own fillings (meat/potatoes/veggies/etc).
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This is so far the ONLY pic that SUX.
...But it is kinda cool before expanded..
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This bread was Excellent.
I hope to see moar of these, and although I wished there was more spinach, I unnerstann what it is, what it is...

>Verification NOT required ' ' ' ' ' ;;; ; ;;;
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And HERE anon... since this is the BEST thread on /ck/ right nao...hav 'va 'nother
This looks great, very nice work on getting the dough so thin.
My phone has a gif maker built into the video player app. I just hit a button at that point in the video and it gives me between 4-6 second range to make a gif. Sometimes I have to crop them or shorten them to get them under 4mb
I am HONORED foodrapist-sama
Truly and verily
Ty anoens :3
I'm all hands bby
Serb diaspora here, i'm glad you made this thread. Spanakopita is wonderful and i hope you loved it.
No NEED...
Good bread...
I only RAEP good foods...
Holy shit that's fucking hot.
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You got very good technique, I'm trying to learn to fast slap out a super thin dough. I'm watching videos of how hawkers make Roti Chennai with fast slap-turn technique to get super thin pastry. Looks like something you need to practice a lot.
There are a lot of Greeks here and they sell Spanakopita in delis but it usually looks like picrel. The dish you made looks more like burek? I guess it's just cheese spinach pie in different shapes, so the name don't matter. Unless you're Greek (they are very opinionated on things)
Thanks for your excellent thread!
It's making me hungry and scheming on what to cook next. Which is why we come here.
Well done op. Thank you for being so kind as to share your cooking adventures with all of us. I hope it tasted as good as it looks!
What you learn quickly is that all food from any place is just the same ingredients put together in different ways. Italian, for example, is all just a bunch of different shapes of pasta and different colors of sauce. I'm not greek, so I'm free to not give a shit at all about the specifics and technicalities
I'll have to look into fastslappimg myself, I've not heard of it. My method now is pretty slow
It was delicious yes I look forward to making it again in the near future
oh my gosh its so cute!! this thread is really good, i love how much effort you put into this!!!
so beautiful
ughhhh yessss sesame seeds!!!! i would love to eat one o_o
im not sure why i feel like baking with pastry is so daunting but this made it look way more fun and less complicated as i thought!!! thank you for showing me this thread! you did a really good job and it looks like youd find this in a cute bakery
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Hi ki :D
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it
You should give savorybaking a try some time, it's super fun
one literally cannot fatho eating that good it seems
I certainly cannot
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>letting your wife purchase a grandma tier butter dish
I'm a lazy retard and always buy the frozen version, to chuck in the oven.
This handmade version has better dough, and isn't drenched in half a gallon of grease.

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