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>Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled Thursday, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat
Well? Will you risk your boneless wings (the superior version) having bones in it?
tendie bros, are we in danger?
typical government overreach
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just like you can soo a restaurant for serving you shelled shrimps just because you found a little piece of shell.
Sounds like a fatfuck who doesn't chew their food and just swallows the food whole like a pig
>In a 4-3 ruling
The only way I'd be in favor of the majority's logic is on the predicate that boneless wings can have bones because they are distinct from chicken nuggets. Which would therefore mean that they would no longer be able to sell recombined ground/shredded chicken meat amalgamations as boneless wings. Minor gluing of relatively whole pieces would be the most they're allowed to do.
but anon at what point does minor glooing become mild or moderate glooing? where does one draw the line? is there a tensile test that must be performed?
Guess they're bonelittleless.
Guess they're bonemore.
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>semi-boneless wings
On that note I cannot fucking stand the term "pitted olives".

does pitted mean it's with the pit or without the pit? if my diaper is shitted does that mean it has no shit in it? FUCK that annoys my dick
Shitted olives
Pitted diapers
Lol it's impossible to keep every micro bone fragment out of factor cut chicken. Aren't hot dogs made of bone? Who cares.
Should have gotten chicken nuggets.
Pigs actually chew. You're thinking he eats more like a duck
Shelled nuts
>where does one draw the line?
Beyond the line is shredded, ground, machine separated.
As long as it's in the gray area of toeing the line then that's good enough.
It's bone-less
Not bone-none
There's a difference between "micro bone fragment" and a long, 1.5 inch-wide piece of bone
>boneless can be advertised as wings
>bone-in can be advertised as boneless
How long until you can order a plate of bone-in boneless wings and the waiter brings out regular fucking chicken wings?
What will happen to boneless pizza
>[Mr Berkheimer] followed his normal practice of cutting each boneless wing into two or three pieces before eating it. He testified that after he cut the second boneless wing into three pieces and was eating the third piece, “[i]t felt like something went down, a piece of meat went down the wrong pipe.”
>Medical records referred to the object as a “5cm-long chicken bone.”
Dude inhales his food.
A friend of mine was once eating chicken wings (granted, bone-in) and choked a small screw, like the kind you'd find on a motherboard. At first I started laughing because it was kind of cartoonish, his mannerisms, but once he fished it out and found out it was a legitimate screw, it wasn't funny and he admonished me.
>he admonished me
I know ur mom is not boneless for sure
I put the screw in the chicken wing!
>order trashed wings
>receive wings tossed with actual trash
And you'll have the gall to complain?
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This wouldn't happen if it was whole meat and not just a bunch of scraps held together with meat glue.
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>boneless wings
>not actually boneless
>not actually wings either
Because she has a skeleton! Haha!
olives come with pits already, so an olive with pits would not be "pitted"
So what? That's for freaks living in Ohio and doesn't mean jack shit for the rest of the nation. Given the freaks living in Ohio I suspect that they wont notice.
You sound poor.
If you want quality natural foods, you must be open to some forseeable imperfections.
>inb4 boneless wings aren't natural
It's just breaded chicken breast with sauce.
>inb4 boneless wings are just nuggets
No they aren't. They are small chunks of breast meat. Nuggets are ground and mechanically separated chicken. Also kill yourself.
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Compared to the way that life typically ends in Ohio, suicide or alcoholism, choking on a chicken bone doesn't sound so bad.
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What a wonderful post
How do you not feel a bone large enough to span your esophagus while chewing?

is this some landwhale who literally doesn't chew food?
right so when you saddle your horse you are removing the saddle
If you're a legalnigger read the opinion. It's actually really bad. The court basically decided the facts of the case before letting it go to a jury. If you care about the seventh amendment or like jury trials at all then it's a bad opinion, even setting aside the whole "boneless" debacle.
Fuck you cite that, you brought it up.
It's a Friday night and we should all get along about arguing about deenz v. chovies
I was eating chicken earlier and decided to chew on some bones deliberately to see if it was dangerous or not
I started choking and did, infact, die
Needless to say I'll only be eating tendies from now on
horses arent born with saddles
>he still thinks the court system isnt FUBAR in the year of our Lord 2000+20+4
Read the opinion
Stfu kel.
Why is my state so stupid
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You must live in Williamsburg don’t you. You’re gay.
Both are culled nuggets here.
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Are you guys going to throw a fit over seedless watermelon too?
You got me anon. I'm a late 00s era stereotype of a yuppie hipsters because I correctly identified Ohio as a shithole that you'd have to be constantly drunk in order to tolerate. I'm going to split a kombucha with my crossfit instructor later and talk more shit about a state that neatly divides the rankings between completely unliveable and the merely awful states.
>the only place outside of Ohio is Williamsburg
Is that what they teach you in Ohio? No wonder your lives are so shitty
Government will never act in the best interests of the people, expecting a beneficial outcome at this point is utter insanity.
boneless wings are for people who can't cope with cold, harsh, messy reality
face it, kid, most foods aren't mindless and you have to pay attention to what you're eating. The amalgamed chicken-meatloaf forced into a misshapen oblong sphere and sold in a 10-pound bag at Sysco is a greater affront to god than any amount of blasphemy
What's the matter, life too full of dull and tedious foods that you can't just sword-swallow in their entirety? Dissapointed you can't just bypass the acts of biting and chewing and just go straight through your soft palate like a BPD goth chick? Get real, kid.
It's not even chicken either
In what part of this worldview do sausages fall
Cope bro I will eat my boneless wings with a fork and knife and use 0 napkins and you will seethe
This is why KFC stopped being Kentucky Fried Chicken.
I still find black seeds in my seedless watermelons. I guess the white-ish ones aren't fully developed seeds.
Seedless watermelon just means that you can eat the seeds
people who order boneless wings deserve what they get
fuck you, bitch
they're just tendies or nuggies with a gimmick name anon. calm your flabby little tits.
not going to read a chicken decision
we know chicken fingers aren't made of fingers
we know boneless wings aren't made of wing meat
just like pork butt is from the shoulder
seedless watermelon often contains seeds
deboned salmon often contains bones

chew your food, look at it and savor it
you never know when it will be your last, so you might as well enjoy it
It is not reasonable to expect "chicken fingers" to be made of a chicken's fingers, as such a thing is not possible
It is reasonable to expect "boneless chicken" to have no bones, as such a thing is possible.
Justice was not done
It's pretty funny, just fuck everything words mean nothing.
>regarding the food item’s being called a “boneless wing,” it is common sense that that label was merely a description of the cooking style. A diner reading “boneless wings” on a menu would no more believe that the restaurant was warranting the absence of bones

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