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Last night i made this https://nomnompaleo.com/post/150016559668/cantonese-crispy-chicken-thighs

And some roasted kohlrabi with brown rice on the side. I scooped up a little of the left over brothy stuff + vegetables from the pan and put it on the rice (not sure if this still counts as drippings cause of the broth). Everyone loved it but my mom got mad after I explained how i made it taste good. She even told me i have to use no skin no bones chicken next time. (Not to be rude or ungrateful, but her chicken is always incredibly dry). Does anyone know the nutritional value of the stuff on the bottom as well as the skin? My mom is overweight and likes to be stingy with me when i cook, but her alternative is processed packaged food and deli meat, so how does this meal compare to that?
Your mother is always right, you are wrong.
If you use deboned skinned chicken this would've been a lot better. Keep that broth shit off the rice next time.
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It's fine, ignore her.
Stop cooking for her if she's that picky and ungrateful.
this. tell her she can cook for herself if she doesn't like your food. end of story. don't simp for your parents.
>cooking for a fat ungrateful cow that wants processed slop instead of a homecooked meal from family
yeah I'd stop cooking for her altogether
>She even told me i have to use no skin no bones chicken next time
Skin would add a bit of fat but the bones would add negligible calories. Dinner sounds healthy and yummy and all she’d have to do is eat a little less if there’s concern over extra calories.
Ask her why she's such a fat fuck if she knows better, and then beat her with a claw hammer in her sleep
Just tell her she's a stupid fat whore and cow and that clearly she knows nothing about healthy eating.
only the first one, not the second. not worth it
remember, just shouting at someone isn't DV. don't lay a finger on her

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