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I mixed a can of tuna with an equal amount of grated cheddar cheese and cracked 2 eggs into the bowl. I then added salt, pepper, chilli flakes, ground onion and garlic.
I stirred the mixture and then formed them into small nuggets and chucked it into the air fryer for 8 minutes at 200 degrees Celcius.
It obviously looks a bit shit compared to real chicken nuggets but it's great if you're on keto - tastes just like it too.
I was apprehensive about using tuna but the flavour of it is mellowed out - tastes slightly like chicken.
If anyone else has any other keto recipes that were delish, please share. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
>"air" fryer

Lol what a loser buying such trash.
They're literally fish cakes anon, and they look delicious.
also isn't chicken keto?
Chicken is keto, I was referring to the coating that is on fried chicken - that is not keto friendly.
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Go away
Pls be be understanding anon, I have pcos which is why I am on keto, it makes me feel a lot better :((
I haven't lost any hair either?
Not keto so no recipes from me, but I agree this looks great, the beet color is a nice counterpoint.
so they're tuna croquettes
not bad
You made tuna nuggets
Ironic because you’re posting this like a schizophrenic, while OP is calmly talking about a meal he made
Looks great anon, making me wanna try that! I'm a ketofag as well. It's winter in aus so atm I'm making a lot of stew type stuff like boeuf bourguignon, you can easily swap out the mash for a cauliflower bake and instead of thickening with flour/roux, I use xantham gum - works a treat, just gotta use a fat like melted butter to disperse it without clumping.

As for a recipe, here's what my last week's meal prep was:
6x chicken thighs, skin on and bone in for 6 days portions (i'm also OMAD lad atm)
2x punnet shrooms halved / quartered / sixth'd depending on size
2x bunch asparagus, cut into thirds
18 brussell sprouts, halved
1x large white onyo, brunoi'd
1x large spoonful crushed garlic
~300 ml thickened cream
~200 ml white wine (i used sauv blanc)
~600 ml chicken/veg stock
asparagus and sprouts get coated in oil, seasoning and into air fryer at 190C for 15 mins, toss every 4 or 5 mins. Reunite at end.
In bigpot, sear chicken in batches, brown a lil and set aside.
Cook off shrooms a bit, start working the fond
Add onyo and sweat them out, get rest of fond
Add garlic, wait for the aromas then hit it with some white wine (some mixed herbs?), reduce a bit then add cream, reduce a bit more then add stock then reduce that a lil.
Season to taste then thicken with some xantham slurry then return chicken to party, bring to simmer and get the internal temp up to 80c or whatever you're into and VALA!
I eat it with low carb bread, shit's cash. Next iteration I might tweak the veg, get some brocc and zucc action in there.
try it with mackerel
>pepper, chilli flakes, ground onion and garlic.
lot of carbs in spices
You can substitute pork rinds for breadcrumbs
Just run them through a food processor

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