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File: Twix-Wrapper-Small.jpg (23 KB, 509x196)
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What's "half a Twix"?
you get 2 of them in a packet.
confused me aswell since they where not joined
An Onx.
>cookie bars
a cookie is a type of biscuit. these are biscuit bars, not even close to a cookie

a marketing ploy

no one cares about your culinary terms Bong
Twix are English. And what’s that language your speaking?

I’ll call them what I fucking want you colonial gimp.
i miss raider
>And what’s that language your speaking?
the kind that understands the difference between your and you're you illiterate no cooking retard
One twick.
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I used to turn Twix back in the ghetto
Twix are just bottom barrel quality millionaire shortbread
twix, reeses, 100 grands, best halloween fun sized
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I dunno. here's half a twink tho
^ i ^
You're a cumbag
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But is half one bar or half of one bar? The two bars are intrinsically tied together, it seems wrong to look at one in a vacuum.
Stupid gay unfunny marketing shit where they pretend the two twix sticks are made by competing companies.
>it seems wrong to look at one in a vacuum
well duh, the vacuum will be full of carpet lint so that's not a place to put a chocolate bar
It's two halves of two bars
>What's "half a Twix"?
Where did you see a reference to this?
Half one bar. Anyone claiming otherwise is just a freeloader trying to goad people into sharing more by asking for "half a twix".
Half twixes are used to go into alternate universes.
Not everything is a regurgitated youtuber opinion
Either a Tw or an ix, depending on which part you took.
>bis cuit
>en actuellement, cuit une seule fois
What did anglomutts mean by this?
left twix > right twix
But which is left? Top or bottom?
Obviously, since left = best, it's always on top.
no, your a retard. faggot.
I'm a Twix enjoyer.
I hate British people
Twinx. Enjoy one in your mouth today. Slava Ukraini.

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