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please give me a pizza recipe
>in oven
wa la
Sure. Just lie down here and put your teeth on the kerb.
Flour, salt, yeast, water.
that makes a snowman
;) ;) ;)
;) ;)

;) ;) ;) ;)
>aldis pizza dough, let it thaw in the fridge for a few days
>gently spread out over the entirety of a lightly oiled cast iron baking sheet
>raos sauce, not much, you should still be able to see most of the dough
>smoked mozzarella, torn up and scattered around
>scatter remaining toppings which will be cup pepperoni, cento anchovies, green pepper diced and lightly charred in olive oil
>dust with a layer of shredded cheese, your blend of choice but mozz is safe
>brush the edges with olive oil
>season with basil, oregano, parsley and trader joes pizza sprinkle
>bake that sucka at whatever temp the bag of dough from aldis said
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- 1 +3/4 C water microwave 1 minute
Pour in bowl with
- 1-2TBSP yeast, (buy the large package not the individual; should last a year)
- 1TBSP sugar
Leave 10 minutes, should foam some but doesn't matter if it doesn't seem to.
- 4TBSP of oil
- 1-2 TBSP basil/oregano
- 1 tsp garlic powder/onion powder
- 1/2 C whole milk
Stir in 1C flour.
Stir in 2nd 1C flour.
Stir in 3rd 1C flour.
- Stir in flour until you can reasonably handle dough without it all sticking to you more than itself, should be around another 1C +- 1/2. I don't actually measure any of these ingredients when I do it.
- Fold dough from outsides into center going around in circles until you get rid of all the floury feel and lumps.
- Drizzle small amount of oil over dough, roll around bowl to coat it, cover with damp hand towel.
- Come back in an hour and punch it all down to get rid of air bubbles.
- After at least 1/2 an hour preheat oven to 480F.
- Cut dough in half, store half in closed container in fridge. (I usually use it a week later)
- Put dough ball into 14" round baking sheet and spread to edges. (This is difficult to fuck up with a baking sheet)
- Poke with fork just enough to prevent large air pockets ballooning and displacing ingredients
- Add sauce.
- Slice pepperoni thin and cover entire surface.
- Grate 1/2 lb pizza mozzarella over the pizza, spread out to sides (should be easy with pepperoni layer and it not all stuck in sauce). Keep it thinner toward the middle as it will tend to concentrate there when melting.
- Bake for 13 minutes.
- Remove from baking sheet onto paper towels or cardboard to prevent becoming soggy. I use a metal spatula to get it off the baking sheet as it may stick a bit. If you do not put oil in the dough it will stick a lot and be a huge pain in the ass.

Absolutely do not under any circumstances use pre-grated cheese. Pre-cut pepperoni is also garbage but I understand people are lazy. Dry out overly wet ingredients before use, like pineapple.
He said a recipe not your doctoral thesis statement in astrophysics, numbnuts.
i used the pizza dough recipe from sally’s baking addiction before being able to eyeball it.
I’m not OP but I appreciated the detailed recipe, please don’t be so mean insensitivescrotum
Point out one piece if the recipe that deals with celestial bodies. I will wait
>Using football field measurements
>Blooming yeast
>Not refrigerating dough for at least three days


Lolno, this is NOT a doctoral thesis. This is an amateur.
>buffalo sauce

If you want a pizza recipe that has already been perfected, then I direct you towards the pepperoni pizza.
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No it doesn't
Make a dough with 66% water, 1%salt, 1%yeast. Knead and then cold ferment for 3 days. cheese should be 60-70% mozz, 30-25% pecorino, 10-5% parm. Use strained marzano tomato sauce and partly cook down with some onion powder, garlic powder, pepper, dried basil and dried oregano. Cook down sliced mushrooms, pork belly, some type of cured sausagea and red onion.
I use a no-knead dough.

3 3/4 c. bread flour
1 1/2 t. sea salt
1 t. bread machine yeast
2 T. olive oil
1 3/4 c. water (preferably filtered)

Mix it all up in a big bowl until combined.
Cover it and leave it on the counter overnight.
The next day, you have perfect pizza dough.

For sauce, I blend 1 can of tomato sauce with two garlic cloves, a 1/4 c. olive oil and 1 t. seas salt until smooth.

Shape, sauce, top & bake in a 500F oven for about 14 minutes.

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