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>t. chinaman
better than potatoes
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I don't. It's bad for you. Just like pasta, bread and potatos etc. Eat more meat, seafood and dairy.

Stop being fat.
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>stop being fat
>eat meat and dairy instead of low calorie rice
>retard hat
bro have you seen asians?
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>amerimutt telling people to stop being fat
Carbs are good for you. Meat is good for you. Fruit and vegetables are good for you.
Fried food is not good for you. Sugary drinks are not good for you. Alcohol is not good for you.
If you're active, you don't eat French fries or potato chips, you don't eat cupcakes or drink soda or whiskey, you're going to be fine eating bread, rice or potatoes. (as long as the meal contains vegetables and protein).
I just had a bowl of thai sticky rice with a fried egg and furikake, then went back for another bowl of rice with lao gan ma.
>reddit phrase
>looking down on anybody else
>reddit phrase
Why are you such a homosexual that you not only know about reddit phrases but need to bring them here?
>knowing reddit parlance
>Fried food is not good for you
shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!
It's really bad for you because there's not much difference between a bowl of rice and a can of soda.
The duality of anon.
It's great if you're really hungry and want to eat 2,000 of something.
see >>20704492
I tried snorting coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

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