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Places to eat at/Things to eat in 'Go.
Besides 'go 'za.
The best place to "Go in chicago is away.
3 dots and a dash and Rossi's are good bars, chiu quon is an excellent bakery
clark st dog (or maxwell st)
any of the french restaurants in the theatre district
the chicago firehouse if you're in the mood for steak
white palace diner for cheap large portions
harold's chicken
ann sather's has the best brunch in town

t. local
When I go to the 'go I always stop at 'tillos
they've been getting worse ever since they went to wall st
Au Chival - anybody who says different is smoking crack and hates food
on a stream last week Nick Fuentes says they’re awful now and no one goes there anymore. He said some other place to go to but I forget the name.
They call Chicago 'go?
That is puerile.
I have only ever eaten at the McDonalds closest to the airport exit at O'Hare, but it was the best Big Mac I have ever consumed. I would never willingly set foot in Chicago for any reason besides connecting flights.
no one cares what that gay spic has to say about anything.
Just avoid getting shot or stabbed on the head and you'll be fine.
Where to go for a deep dish casserole?
I stayed pretty much right where you are when I went to Chicago. I only ate at chick fil a and my hotel which were both very good. Didn't try anywhere else because I prioritized getting fucked up and having sex with whores. I gave a homeless guy some crack that I didn't want to take on my plane and he literally started jumping with joy. Fun times. Also had popcorn at that garrets place that was pretty good
t. finance goy who loves pissing away his inflated salary
lou malnatti's is the best

order it with extra sauce and baked an extra 5 minutes
Maybe a Rick Bayless place, or a more down to earth Mexican place. Chicago has a big hispanic population. You can prob find most types of food somewhere in the city, like Ethiopian, Jamaican, French, German, Japanese, Korean, etc. Same like NYC - the big cities always draws a wide crowd

The Portillos Chopped Salad is the best salad.
Paco's Tacos @ 4311 S Archer Ave.
Limited paid street parking, bit a trek from the L, but buses swing by regularly. They close early because the area is "mostly peaceful." Just don't be retarded. Their tacos seem overpriced until you feel the weight and girth. Their tortas are nothing special. Burritos are good but not as good as their tacos.
Okay will go there when I'm there next week.

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